News from Journal House - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

News from Journal House. J. Chem. Educ. , 1996, 73 (10), p A222. DOI: 10.1021/ed073pA222. Publication Date (Web): October 1, 1996 ...
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Chemical Education Today

News from Journal House




New Journal Logo Expect to see the new Journal logo popping up everywhere. We think it reflects the spirit, enthusiasm, and breadth of the Journal and its staff at Journal House. Since you are reading it, the Print portion of the Journal should be obvious. However, you may not know that we began JCE: Software in 1988. Since then, we have published more than 80 computer programs for Macintosh, Windows and PC compatibles as well as 6 video discs, 4 CD-ROMs and a videotape on HIV-1 Protease. Online describes a multifaceted presence at our World Wide Web site: The column on page A244 lists the major areas of JCE: Online . Books vary widely in their message and in their size. Our newest is the recently revised Handbook for Teaching Assistants (See IBC). Others are the Chemistry of Art Series, Cumulative Indexes, and Modern Experiments for Introductory College Chemistry.

Criteria for Submissions The criteria for Journal manuscripts have been revised as reflected in the new “Guide to Submissions” (see page 1006 of this issue). These criteria are summarized below: • Chemical Education Today (news, commentary, reports) • Chemistry Every Day for Everyone (applications, history, interdisciplinary activities, public understanding) • In the Classroom (teaching tips, methods, demonstrations, content/principles) • In the Laboratory (experiments, microscale, safety) • Information/Textbooks/Media/Resources (reviews, information technology) • Research: Science and Education (pedagogical reviews, science education research) We expect that you have not published this manuscript in another journal and do not plan to publish, that



you have done a thorough literature search to determine duplication of effort. and that you have included a general overview at the beginning describing how the manuscript is relevant to the classroom, laboratory, or curriculum.

Call for Reviewers We are revising and updating our database of reviewers. If you are a regular Journal reviewer, we hope that you want to continue. For updating, we need to know if your interests have changed or if you now have an email address. We would also like to add reviewers to our database. You may be a subscriber who has not participated in this phase of Journal operation or you may be reading a colleague’s copy or the one in your library. This makes you a likely candidate for being a reviewer, and we encourage you to do so. To volunteer or to update your present reviewer file, go to page A230 where you will find a list of our newly revised keywords. Circle all the keywords that apply to you. Send this to us by U.S. mail or fax, or email your list of keywords. Be sure to also include:

name: institution: mailing address: phone number, fax number: email address: Please indicate your preferred method of communication. We will get your information into our database and we promise to send you manuscripts for review.

Search for Business Manager The Journal has reopened its search for a Publications Coordinator. This is essentially the position of business manager, a post held by Kenneth Emerson for the past few years and by Jim DeRose before him. The position is approximately half-time and does not require relocation. If you are interested—or if you know someone who might be—see page A246 for more information.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 73 No. 10 October 1996