NEWS-MAKERS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

American and British Biochemists Share Nobel Prize ... unit for research in cell metabolism of the Medical Research Council in England, have been name...
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Washington, D. C. H a s been manager of the government plant at Louisville o p erated by t h e Kentucky Synthetic P-bber C o r p . He succeeds J. Ernest Mill DW returned to private employment.


NEWS-MAKERS American and British Biochemists Share Nobel Prize Fritz A. Lipmann, director of biochemical research at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and H a n s Adolf Krebs, professor of biochemistry at Sheffield Uni-

Fritz A. Lipmann

Hans A. Krebs

versity and director of t h e unit for research in cell metabolism of the Medical Research Council in England, have been named joint winners of t h e 1953 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their research on t h e h u m a n cell. This a w a r d marks t h e fifth time in the past few years that chemists have received t h e Nobel Prize in Medicine. In 1947, winners were Carl and Gerty Cori; 1948, Paul Mueller; 1950, Tadeus Reichstein a n d E d w a r d C. Kendall (shared with Philip S. Hench, a physician); and 1952, Selman A. Waksman. Dr. Linrnann is honored for his work

position with American Medical Association, Chicago.

EDUCATION Albert C. Antoine receives Ph.D. at Ohio State University and is now associate professor of chemistry at Clark College, Atlanta. Dorothy M . Aten from Ohio Stale begins research in organic fluorine chemistry at University of Cambridge, England. Daniel H. Basinski joins department of laboratories of Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, as associate biochemist. Alfred Burger, professor of chemistry at the University of Virginia, was awarded t h e Louis Pasteur Medal for 1953 in Paris in June. T h e subject of his lecture at the time was "Recent Studies of Pharmacodynamically Active Compounds." Lawrence Dyer leaves metallurgy division of Oak Ridge Naticnal Laboratory to begin g r a d u a t e work at University of Virginia. Joseph F . Gross appointed assistant at P u r d u e .


John J. Hefferren receives doctorate from University of Wisconsin and takes


in isolating coenzyme A, which helped solve many problems connected with t h e fat and carbohydrate metabolism of t h e body. He did much to formulate laws of metabolic generation a n d utilization of phosphate b o n d energy. Me has also elaborated the metabolic function of pantothenic acid. Dr. Krebs collected m a n y scattered findings concerning what occurs in t h e h u man cell and formed t h e m into a single theory. Lipmarm's work on t h e isolation and investigation of coenzyme A from pork liver combined with Krebs' work on t h e combustion processes of the body have led to t h e solution of many metabolism problems. Krebs is also known as the developer of the Krebs cycle, or citric acid cycle. He has been able t o show that 10 vegetable a c i d s were active in t h e intermediary 7 metabolism a n d t h a t ail cornplicated transformation processes i n this connection occurred in a certain cycle. Both m e n a r e natives of Germany who became citizens of their a d o p t e d countries, the United States and G r e a t Britain. They have been invited to Stockholm, Sweden, w h e r e on Dec. 10 they will receive their shares of the $33,840 prize, diplomas, and other insignia of the award from King Gustaf Adolf o f Sweden.

James Hillier will give the second annual Edsel B. F o r d Lecture at the Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Dec. 8. His subject will be "Some Results of the Application of Electron Microscopy t o Medicine."

Eli M. Pearse stationed at Army Medical Research Laboratories, Fort Knox, Ky., as research assistant. From NYU. A. M. Rawn, chief engineer and g e n eral manager of Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, California, elected chairm a n of the State Water Pollution Control Board succeeding Gen. Warren T . IIannum.

V. A. Spoehr

Victor A. Spoehr, vice president a n d general manager of the H. M. harper Co., Morton Grove, < 111., has been named director o f the g e n eral comr lents d i vision o J National Production Authority, Washington.

Joseph J. Strobel transfers from t h e Naval Ordnance Laboratory to the D e p a r t m e n t of the Interior to engage in t h e administration of research a n d developm e n t under the saline water conversion program.

INDUSTRY Russell M . Anderson n a m e d chairman of the beard of Coast Pro-Seal a n d Mfg. C o . (formerly Coast Paint a n d Chemical Co., merged with Aircraft Metal Forming C o . and Aero-Cal Engineers). R, EM e a d e named president and general manager. Verle N. Fry, formerly president of t h e combined companies, resigns to r e s u m e duties as trustee a n d general counsel to the companies in the Anderson interests. W a l t e r W. Smith, president of Coast Paint a n d Chemical Co., appointed vp and a s sistant general manager of t h e new comp a n y . R. F. Baird n a m e d vp-manufacturing and Ben F . W a r m e r vp-salcs.

Jones, reader in organic chemUniversity of Bristol, England, Chown research professor of Queen's University, Kingston,

Ely Balgley named supervisor of n e w product development for Heyden Chemical's market development department.

Allen B. H. L a u w z e c h a leaves Stanford University to join St. Lawrence University, Canton, N . Y., as assistant professor of analytical chemistry.

Howard W . Boynton honored by Handy & Harman o n his 50th anniversary with t h e company by a company dinner and a 14-karat gold tray inscribed with appropriate sentiments.

J. K. N. istry at the appointed chemistry, Out.

Walter J. M u r p h y , editor of four ACS publications, Advances in Chemistry Series, and director of ACS News Service, appointed to Notre D a m e ' s advisory council for science a n d engineering.

GOVERNMENT Howard R. Ervvin appointed deputy director of the Office of Synthetic Rubber,


Adam P. Banner joins Dow Chemical, Midland, as chemist.

Charles A. Campbell transfers T i d e Water Associated Oil C o . in water, N. J., to Tokyo, Japan, to w i t h Mitsubishi Oil Co., affiliate of water, as technical adviser.

from Tidework Tide-

Myron A. Coler, technical director of t h e Markite Co. and adjunct professor in technical studies at N Y U , leaves for E u r o p e to visit companies in England, France, W e s t Gennany, and Italy in connection




with processes developed by the Markite Co. I . J. Eggert from Naval Research Laboratory now research chemist in maintenance coatings, United Chromium, Inc., Carteret, N. J.


Ralph L . Erricsson has been elected executive vice presid e n t of Sumner Chemical Co., New York. He has been vice i 3 r e s iclent and has been a member of the board of directors since 1952. H a r r y S. Ferguson, v p of Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., n a m e d chairman of the public relations advisory committee of Manufacturing Chemists Association. H e succeeds Harold Brayman of Du Pont. Other new members n a m e d were D . C. Carrnichael, D i a m o n d Alkali; Montgomery R. Budd, Hercules Powder; Robert L. Taylor, Mathieson Chemical; Theodore Marvin, Michigan Chemical; and C. Stuart Hoagiand, taking t h e place of Kenry Young, Interchemical Corp. R. M . L. Francis, managing director of National Adhesives, Ltd., has been elected president of t h e newly formed Adhesives Manufacturers Association of Hingianu. Association formerly known as t h e Manufacturers of Vegetable Adhesives.

R. M. L . Francis

Reed A. Gray from Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii, n a m e d to the organic a n d biological chemical research division of Merck & Co., Inc., Rah way, N. J. Walter A. H e n s o n named head of a n e w development and service section in coatings technical service, plastics d e partment, D o w Chemical Co. F r e d K. Quigiey, Jr., succeeds him as head of the paint section a n d Manson C. Carpenter succeeds Quigiey as head of the textile section.

C. W . H u m p h r e y s

Cecil W. Humphreys has been appointed vice president in charge of manufacturing for Shell Chemical Corp., New York. Has been general manager and manager of development in manufacturing.

Winford J a m e s , Jr., named plant engineer at Hercules Powder's Savannah plant. Robert L . Johnson named to t h e field technical service staff of the Marco products department, plastics division Cela-


3 1,




Polybutenes are 'widely used for quality improvement and cost reduction of calking and sealing compounds, adhesives, surgical and industrial tapes, tracing paper, rubber products, tree bands and in electrical insulation. INDOPOL

Low carbon residue, due to depolymerization instead of cracking at high temperatures, has led to important applications in greases and lubricants for high temperature service and in rolling or drawing oils for aluminum, etc., where annealing is the only aftertreatment. Dependable supply in seven viscosity grades from 100 S.S.U. at 100° F . to 3000 S.S.U. at 210° F.






Chicago 80, Illinois 4609

NEWS-MAKERS nese Corp., Chicago. Richard N . C a m p e n added to Cleveland office of t h e division. Otto Kardos appointed chief electroeheinist for Hanson-Van M u n n i n g Co., Matawan, N. J. H a r t named field electroeheinist,

research WinkleJohn S. Detroit.

H e r b e r t G. Krane, Kenneth E. Kolb, and Doris K. Kolb from Ohio State University, Warner J. G. Cudmore from the University of Saskatchewan, William D. Kenny and James R. Simonsen from the University of Michigan have joined the research staff of Standard Oil C o . ( I n d . ) at Whiting, Ind. George W. L a n d appointed industrial consultant for Peabodv Coal Co., Chicago. From West Kentucky Coal Co. Fredric R. Lloyd, who has been assistant manager of tin* chemical manufacturing department at Eli Lilly cc Co., Indianapolis, has been named manager of that department succeeding H a r o l d K. Leamon, recently reF. R. Lloyd tired from Lilly. Nelson R. Easton joins Eli Lilly as an organic chemist in the organic chemical division, to do research on new chemotherapeutic agents. Gordon E. Lowe named assistant plant superintendent at Hercules Powder Co.'s plant in Brunswick, Ga. John M , Eagan appointed assistant superintendent at the plant in Gihhstown, N. j . John M. Manypenny from Har*Ju»w Chemical Co. named eastern district manager for Beckman Instruments. W a l t e r T. Meinert appointed assistant director of the development and service d e p a r t m e n t of Emery Industries.

Joseph E . F i e r c e leaves Ft, Lewis A&M College, H e s p e r u s , Colo., where h e was instructor in chemistry to take a position in t h e D u r a n g o , Colo., plant of the Vanad i u m Corp. of America as a chemist in t h e u r a n i u m assay laboratory.

R o y a l E . Rostenbaeh appointed t o the radiological sciences department, biophysics section, as chemical engineer at the H a n f o r d atomic products operation of G e n e r a l Electric. F r o m R F C , Washington.

Richard Proops joins m a n a g e m e n t services division of Ernst & Ernst, public accountants, Dallas, Tex.

Blaine O. Schoepfle assigned to plastics and resins group of t h e research and. development staff of Hooker ElectrochemicalL e o p o l d A. Robillard assigned to pilot plant group and Samuel Gelfance assigned to fluorine chemicals.

Robert H . F u g h joins research a n d development d e p a r t m e n t , General Dry Batteries and Co., Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. J. K. R a e r , production superintendent at Upjohn, n a m e d assistant director oi production. S. V. Wilsey, head of sterile products, a p p o i n t e d production superintendent, a n d HL E . E b e r h a r d succeeds him. D e s m o n d M . C. Reilly becomes technical writer with Westvaco Chemical Division. Formerly associate research chemist at Midwest Research Institute. M. E. R e i n e r n a m e d division manager to direct r>o\vcr chemicals division of K. F. Drew & Co. C. O. Reiser, formerly head of the chemical e n g i n e e r i n g d e p a r t m e n t at the University of Idaho, joins chemical research section, Food Machinery and Chemical C o r p . , San Jose, Calif.

Robert Siegel elected a director and executive in charge of Middle East affairs of Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., succeeding t h e late Charles L. H a r d i n g . I r v i n g Swartz leaves Koppers Co. to accept position with Barrett division of Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., Philadelphia. J o h n R. Plant F o o d ager of the of D e e r e &

Taylor, Jr., leaves American Council to b e c o m e sales m a n G r a n d River chemical division Co., Tulsa, Okla.

W i l l i a m F . W a l d e c k has b e e n promoted to director of research and development

S. Jack Rini from Kraft Foods becomes director of research at H u m K o Co., Memphis. H . N e w m a n Roberts, formerly district manager a t Charlotte, N. C , for U. S. R u b b e r C o . , p r o m o t e d to southern division m a n a g e r in Atlanta. W a l t e r F . Brown n a m e d manager of t h e revised north central division, Detroit. H a r r y R. Mack moves from southern division manager to central division m a n a g e r in Chicago. Edwin W . M e a n s replaces Mr. Roberts and Robert R. W a l k e r becomes Philadelphia district manager succeeding E . J. Bassine, now a U. S. Royal distributor in Philadelphia.

W . F . Waldeck

T. H . V a u g h n

at W y a n d o t t e Chemicals Corp., Wyandotte, Mich. He succeeds Thomas H. V a u g h n , w h o joins Colgate-Palmolive-Peet. Dr. W a l d e c k has b e e n assistant director of research and director of chemical research. Shirley M . W a l d e n accepts position with D u P o n t Co., Wilmington, as analytical

Franklin Institute A w a r d s Medals to Chemists a n d Other Scientists At the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia 12 scientists w e r e recently honored. S. W . Rolph ( l e f t ) , president of the I n s t i t u t e , a w a r d e d the Elliott Cresson M e d a l to William Blum, f o r m e r chief of t h e electro-deposition section of t h e B u r e a u of Standards. (Left to right) the F r a n c i s J. Clamer M e d a l w a s p r e -


sented t o Robert F . M e h l of C a r n e g i e T e c h ; t h e Longstreth M e d a l t o Chester P . C a r l s o n , p a t e n t attorney a n d physicist, for his p a r t in the d e v e l o p m e n t of x e r o g r a p h y ; a n d S. Donald Stookey a n d Robert H . D a l t o n of C o r n i n g Glass Works w e r e given Wetherill m e d a l s for w o r k on photosensitive glass