NEWS-MAKERS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Towne Research Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, and grants from the American Philosophical Society and the Sheffield Scientific Schoo...
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Costa Akerlof, associate professor of physical chemistry at Sterling Chemical Laboratory, Yale University, has resigned to engage in research with Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories, Division of Monsanto Chemical Co., Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Akerlof has been the recipient of the Liljevalch Traveling Fellowship from the University of Stockholm, Towne Research Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, and grants from the American Philosophical Society and the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale. Robert K. Asplund, formerly research chemist at the Cherokee Laboratory of the International Shoe Co., St. Louis, Mo., is now in active charge of sales development with the Industrial Byproducts Division, Sealtest, Inc., Hesearch Laboratories, Baltimore, Md. John Butler, formerly with Bakelite, Inc., Bloomfield, N. J., is How employed as a research chemist at Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories, Division of Monsanto Chemical Co., Dayton, Ohio. A. T. Carter, 36 Richmond St., Rochester, N. Y., has been appointed representative in upper New York State for the Keystone Carbon Co., St. Marys, Penna. Recent additions to the staff of Foster D. Snell, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y., include John A. Casey, R. Neil Dalton, John Mandel, and William A. Rassiga. J. Clarke Cassidy has been elected president of Niagara Alkali Co., New York, which by a recent union includes the Electro Bleaching Gas Co. Mr. Cassidy was works manager for both companies for many years. £. D . Kingsley was elected chairman of the board, and S. W. Jacobs and S. J. White continue as vice presidents. Personnel changes in the staff at the Oregon State College for next year include the promotion of B. £ . Christensen from assistant to associate professor, L. £ . West and J. G. Roof from instructor to assistant professor, and the appointment of Max B. Williams and Allen B. Scott as instructors in general

chemistry. William £ . Caldwell, head of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry, has been called for a year's active duty in the Chemical Warfare Service, Edgewood, Md., with the rank of major. James Bryant Conant, president of Harvard and famed for research in organic chemistry, and Karl Landsteiner, distinguished for work in immunochemistry, have been elected to the Foreign Membership of the Royal Society, London. Under a statute which provides for election of persons who would b e of signal benefit to the society, Winston S. Churchill was elected a fellow. C. C. Concannon, chemical specialist, will represent the U. S. Department of Commerce on the advisory committees to the Commodity Sections, OPM, whenever the sections take action affecting industries using large amounts of chemicals. Donald W. Davis, formerly with E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Rayon Division, has accepted a position with the Marathon Paper Mills Co., Technical Division, Rothschild, Wis. Ralph I. Dorfman, formerly research assistant with the rank of assistant professor in the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Yale University, has been appointed assistant professor of biochemistry at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, where he will be affiliated with the Brush Foundation and Department of Medicine of Lakeside Hospital. Harry L. Fisher, U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc., Stamford, Conn., gave the Sixteenth Edgar Marburg Lecture on '•Natural and Synthetic Rubbers" at the annual meeting of the American Society for Testing Materials June 25, a t Chicago. Hermann C. Froelich has recently resigned his position with the Harshaw Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio, and joined the research staff of the Lamp Development Laboratory, General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. Charles F. Goldthwait, who has been engaged in research on the chemical processing of cotton for a number of years at Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, has recently joined the staff of the Southern Regional Research Laboratory, New Orleans, La. He is i n charge of the Modified Finishing Section of the Cotton Chemical Finishing Division. Paul T. Graff has joined the staff of the Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass., as a sales engineer, specializing in the promotion


of the company's control instrumentation. Walter H. Gruendl has for the past three months been a private in H. Q. Co., 13th Infantry, Fort Jackson, S. C. Edward S. Hopkins, Bureau of Water Supply, Baltimore, Md., has been promoted from captain to major, Sanitary Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. When in active service, Major Hopkins is stationed in the Surgeon's Office, Third Corps Area. Julius F. Kaplan, Ph.D. University of Illinois 1941, has joined the staff of the Edwal Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, 111., where he will have charge of manufacture of special chemicals to order. Vincent C. Kelley is serving as professor of chemistry for the summer session at Emory and Henry College, Emory, Va. Herman P. Kraybill, who received the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in June, has taken a position as research chemist in the Dairy Department, Research Laboratories, Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. For the past three years he has been employed by the U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Fishery Industries, on a graduate research fellowship. Paul Linz has resigned as a partner in Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co., New York, where he managed the commodity department, to join the Price Division of OPACS as commodity specialist for lead. For 17 years Mr. Linz was employed by American Metal Co., Ltd., as manager of the Berlin and London offices and later as manager of the tin department. Robert M. Macintosh has been appointed head of the division of analytical chemistry at the Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Macintosh was associated for 15 years with the Guggenheim Brothers Research Laboratories, New York, N. Y., as chief chemist since 1932. Calvin H. Mohr, formerly chemical engineer for the R. & H. Chemicals Division of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., has joined the staff of the Ringwood Chemical Corp., Ringwood, HI. William A. Pardee has been transferred from pilot-plant work in the Gulf Refinery in Philadelphia to the Gulf Research and Development Co. laboratories in Harmarville, Penna. Paul K. Smith, formerly assistant professor of pharmacology at the Yale University School of Medicine, is now captain, Air Corps, Aero-Medical Research Laboratories, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio.