News-Makers - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

S. I. Anderson has been appointed assistant to the general sales manager of the Hooker Electrochemical Co. with resonsibilities in both eastern and we...
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Richard S. Kittila has completed work for a Ph.D. at Duke, University and is now a research chemist in the biological laboratories of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., New Brunswick, N. J.

News Makers Division of Food Machinery and Chemical Corp., New York, in the phosphate sales division. W. N. Wyatt, division sales manager at Westvaco, is now divisional sales manager in charge of alkalies and chlorine and D. C. Oskin is in charge of phosphates. A. F. Smith will supervise sales of solvents and Magnesol in addition to being in charge of barium and mis­ cellaneous chemicals. A. L. Crane, pre­ viously in charge of the Detroit district sales office, has been appointed district sales manager at Chicago. J M. Rousmaniere is newly appointed sales manager at Cincinnati.

S. I. Anderson has been appointed as­ sistant to the general sales manager of the Hooker Electrochemical Co. with rcsonsibilit ies in both eastern and western sales activities. He will have head­ quarters at Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ. G. J. Coli, jr., has resigned from the teaching staff of the department of chemi­ cal engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and has accepted a position as chemical engineer in the research and de­ velopment laboratories of Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Paulsboro, N. J. Hurley D. Cook has accepted employ­ ment with the Standard Oil Co. (Ind.) as a research chemist in the new Whiting, Ind., research laboratories. He comes from the Agriculture Experiment Station at Kansas State College, Manhattan.

George M. Hartley has been named materials engineer for the chemicals division of the General Electric Co.'s chemical department, PittsfielJ, Mass. He has been supervisor of community relations and planning for the chemical department's employee relations division.

Bruce L. Corey, employed as chief corro­ sion engineer for the Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. at Wichita for the past 14 years, has transferred to Topeka as superintendent in charge of products pipeline operations.

Richard J. Ketterer, from Union Process Co., Akron, Ohio, has joined the Edmont Mfg. Co. in Coshocton, Ohio, for de­ velopment work in the field of coated fabric gloves.

James R. Harris, Jr., from EaglePicher Co., has joined Westvaco Chemical

2 BIN-DICATORS Often Replace 1 M a n

William H. Lycan has been appointed director of research of John­ son and Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J., succeeding David F. Smith, who recently re­ signed. Dr. Lycan has been executive W. H. Lycan director of research for the. paint division of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Russell L. McKnight has been appointed industrial engineering manager of the Grasselli, N. J., plant of General Aniline cfe Film Corp. He comes from Albert Ramond & Associates.

I. T. Meyer has been appointed plant manager of the Covington, Va., plant of Industrial Rayon Corp. He succeeds Lester R. Carrier, who is retiring after 23 years as plant manager with the company. Mr. Meyer has headed production.


Aerating Units ν K e e p ThingTs M o v i n g % •


John Z. Linsenmeyer has been made manager of mining, petroleum, and chemi­ cal engineering for the Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh. He succeeds Phelan McShane, appointed consulting mining engineer for the company.

Robert T. Mashbum, chief chemist at the Hercules Powder Co. paper chemical plant in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been named supervisor in the paper makers chemical division of the Hercules Experi­ ment^ Station in Wilmington, Del. An­ other Kalamazoo chemist, J. Wilson Smith, will transfer to the experiment station to work on paper coating adhesives. Fred­ erick L. Schuker has been named chief chemist at Kalamazoo.



H. Z. Lecher, associate director of re­ search, has been named director of re­ search of the Calco Chemical Division of American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N.J.


John J. Morrisroe has been ap­ pointed research director of Purex Corp., Ltd., South Gate, Calif. He comes from Oronite Chemical Co., and was technical serv­ ice manager.

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Robert N. Roberts, who comes from Southern Research Institute, has joined the staff of the chemistry and metallurgy division of Los Alamos Scientific Labora­ tory, Los Alamos, Ν. Μ.









Leonard Schaeflfer has been made senior chemist in the products development labo­ ratory at the Arco Co., Cleveland. He comes from the Baltimore Paint & Color Works.


Robert W. Schramm has been added to the market research staff of Spencer Chemical Co. in Kansas City, Mo. He comes from Carbide & Carbon Chei-iicals Corp. P. W. Selwood, professor of chemistry at Northwestern University, is in Paris as a guest of the Centre National de la Re­ cherche Scientifique and will remain abroad until the end of May. Paul F. Sharp» who was previously di­ rector of research at the Golden State Co. of California, has been appointed director of the California Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley. He succeeds C. B. Hutchison, who continues as professor of agriculture and vice president of the University of California. Harold Soloway, who comes from the research division of American Home Foods, Inc., is now with the organic chem­ istry division of the* Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute at Rensselaer, Ν. Υ., as research assistant. Leon A. Sweet has been appointed direc­ tor of research and products development


L. A. Suoeet

Geo. Rieveschl,


at Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. George Rieveschl, Jr., has been named director of chemical research and Oliver Kamm, research consultant.


