NEWS-MAKERS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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NEWS-MAKERS Fieldner a n d M c C a b e to Direct Fuels Research

rado atomic energy project. T h e y a r e William H . B e a m e r , L e w i s R. D r a k e , Burchard P . S h e p h e r d , Wilfred M . Bean, and John W . Stram. Arthur T . Bennett, former vice president and m a n a g e r of t h e Baltimore operations for Mathieson Chemical Corp., h a s joined the H . K. Ferguson Co., N e w York. He will be m a n a g e r of operations for t h e Betania alkali plant in Colombia which the company is engineering a n d constructing for Instituto d e F o m e n t o Industrial.

MacKenzie Announced As H e r t y Medalist

Arno C. Fieldner

Louis C. M c C a b e

Arno C. Fieldner, chief of t h e Fuels and Explosives Division of t h e Bureau of Mines, has been n a m e d Chief Fuels T e c h nologist on the staff of t h e director of t h e b u r e a u . Louis C . M c C a b e , assistant chief of t h e division, succeeds D r . Fieldner as chief. Dr. Fieldner has been with t h e b u r e a u for over 40 years a n d is internationally known as an inventor a n d t h e

developer of techniques for testing a n d analyzing coal, coke, a n d gas. D r . M c Cabe, w h o was also chief of air a n d stream pollution prevention research for t h e bureau, will advise the director in t h e planning and execution of the bureau's broad program of research and experimentation in fuels utilization, petroleum and natural gas, helium, coal, and explosives.

IfeaVtRINIIMElSlTi J. Richard A d a m s , director of technical services for Spencer Chemical Co., Kansas City, Mo., has resigned to take u p duties with t h e Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, a n d Agricultural Engineering, division of fertilizer and agricultural lime, in W a s h ington, D. C. YV. E . Caldwell, professor of inorganic a n d metallurgical chemistry a t Oregon State College, h a s left for a 75-day assignment to Japan as visiting expert a n d consultant on mineral industry for t h e Natural Resources Section of G e n . MacArthur's headquarters. J a c k V. F e n n e r , w h o comes from Victor Chemical Works, h a s been called to active duty in t h e U. S. Air Force as a second lieutenant and is stationed in Lockland, Tex.

J a m e s J. Morris has been appointed chief of plasticizers and amines in t h e aromatic section, chemicals division, N a tional Production Authority, Washington. He comes from Carbide a n d Carbon. Emil E . Palmquist a n d Frederick F . Aldridge have left for Iran to join t h e Point F o u r mission i n t h a t country. Both are U. S. Public Health Service officers of Seattle. Dr. Palmquist will serve as deputy technical assistance director of t h e p r o gram in Iran a n d director of its health activities, and M r . Aldridge will serve as chief sanitary engineer of t h e mission a n d adviser to Dr. Palmquist. E m a n u e l R. Piore has been appointed d e p u t y chief of research a n d chief scientist of t h e Office of Naval Research, W a s h ington, D . C, replacing Alan T . W a t e r m a n , n o w director of the National Science Foundation. H e is succeeded as d e p u t y for natural sciences a t O N R b y R a n d a l M . Robertson.

G e r a l d J . Fleming, assistant chief engineer of t h e Chemical Corps chemical a n d radiological laboratories protective division, h a s been n a m e d to serve for six months as assistant to t h e scientific director.

D o w Chemical C o . h a s a n n o u n c e d t h e appointment of five divisional m a n a g e r s in connection with t h e company's Colo-



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James T u c k e r M a c K e n z i e , technical director of t h e American Cast Iron Pipe Co. y Birmingham, Ala., . has been selected as the Herty medalist for 1941. T h e Herty medal is sponsored by t h e Chemistry Club of t h e Georgia State College for W o m e n a n d actual award is administered by t h e Georgia Section of t h e AC'S. It is designed to give public recognition to worthy workers in the laboratories of colleges a n d industries tor service in t h e field of chemistry. Dr. MacKenzie has been with the American Cast Iron Pipe C o . since 1912.

A I C Honor ScroIBs To Schlesinger and Kirk T h e Honor Scroll of t h e American I n stitute of Chemists, a w a r d e d annually b y the Chicago chapter of t h e institute for distinguished service to t h e science a n d profession of chemistry, will go this year to H . I. Schlesinger, professor emeritus of chemistry at t h e University of Chicago. He is being honored for his research in the field of inorganic chemistry, particularly on h y d r i d e s of boron a n d related compounds; tor his outstanding influence as a teacher; a n d for his contributions t o the work of the Atomic E n e r g y Commission and t h e Office of Scientific Research and Development. Award will b e m a d e next fall. R a y m o n d E . Kirk, h e a d of t h e chemistry d e p a r t m e n t at t h e Polytechnic Institute


Raymond E . Kirk

of Brooklyn, h a s been chosen to receive t h e 1951 H o n o r Scroll of t h e N e w York chapter of A I C . It is b e s t o w e d annually to t h e chemist considered b y t h e award committee t o h a v e contributed most to h i s profession. A w a r d will b e in N e w York May 2 4 . 1669

NEWS-MAKERS J o h n R. B i e d e r m a n has been appointed assistant director of pharmaceuticals for C o m m e r c i a l Solvents Corp., New York. H e was previously assistant manager. George ΛΥ. Blum of Standard Oil Co.. W h i t i n g , Ind., was a w a r d e d first prize in t h e national contest of the Society of Plastics Kngineers for his p a p e r on "Ap­ plication of Pol> ethylene in the Chemical Industry." O. A. Blum h a s joined Halocarbon Products C o r p , as* chemist in charge of Halocarbon oil production. He comes from M. W . Kellogg Co. William H. B o w m a n , Max X e u h a u s , a n d L . P. Scoville have been elected vice presidents of Jefferson Chemical Co., Inc., N e w York City. Ralph W . B r a u e r has been appointed h e a d of t h e metabolism section of the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory in San Francisco. He has been assistant professor at the Louisiana State I'niversity Medical School. M. F . B r o w n e h a s joined the research d e p a r t m e n t of the Plaskon division, Libb e y - O w e n s - F o r d Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio. H e comes from Urbana, 111. Walter M . Burgess has been appointed m a n a g e r of the N e w York chemical d e ­ p a r t m e n t of the chemical division of McKesson & Robbins, Inc. H e has been assistant m a n a g e r of the d e p a r t m e n t , and succeeds G. W e b s t e r Rice who has re­ signed. D o n a l d P. C a m p has been assigned to t h e St. Louis sales office of t h e Dow Chemical C o . to specialize in heavy chemi­ cals. He has been a m e m b e r of t h e tech­ nical service a n d development division. M o g e n s E. Christiansen has been ap­ pointed eastern m a n a g e r of General Dry Batteries, Inc., N e w York City. H e will have c h a r g e of E a s t Coast sales. Albert H . C l e m , assistant to t h e vice president in c h a r g e of sales of the Penn­ sylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, has been a p p o i n t e d to head the newly formed industrial chemicals d e p a r t m e n t of the c o m p a n y , which combines the former heavy chemicals and special chemicals departments. W a y n e H. C l u m has b e e n appointed technical representative in the western sales division of Falk & Co., Chicago. H e comes from Hilton Davis Chemical Co. J. K e n n e t h C r a v e r has b e e n appointed m a n a g e r of t h e resin materials and func­ tional fluids section of t h e development d e p a r t m e n t , organic chemicals division of Monsanto C h e m i c a l Co., St. Louis. H e has b e e n coordinator of plasticizer a n d h y d r a u l i c fluid developments. R o l a n d S. S h u m a r d , w h o h a s b e e n coordinator of disinfectants a n d industrial preservatives, has b e e n a p p o i n t e d m a n a g e r of t h e fine chemicals section.


D a n i e l S. Dinsmoor has been a p p o i n t e d vice president in charge of research a n d development and will direct the newlyexpanded research and development program of Ameri­ can Potash & C h e m i ­ cal Corp. He will direct a new r e ­ search group at t h e Los Angeles h e a d ­ quarters of the c o m ­ pany a n d also t h e laboratorv staff at T r o n a , Calif. Karl Ellingson has been appointed m a n ­ ager of the Monsanto Chemical Co. p l a n t at Norfolk, Va. H e succeeds J a m e s H . Zwemer, w h o lias been n a m e d to represent Monsanto at a government operation a t Muscle Shoals, Ala. Stella R. Ellis has been named chief chemist for Hunt-Spiller Mfg. Corp., Bos­ ton. She has been a technician.

Austin M . H a n s o n has joined t h e Grain Processing Corp., Muscatine, Iowa, as technical director. H e comes from West­ ern Condensing Co., where h e was head of the microbiological section in the re­ search laboratories. Kenneth Keich, an hourly worker at American C y a n a m i d ' s Calco C h e m i c a l Di­ vision in Bound Brook, N. J., has been awarded $3380 for his suggestion to keep a steam valve t u r n e d off for 30 minutes d u r i n g a process. Robert L. Kidd, vice president and manager of t h e l a n d and geological divi­ sion of Cities Service Oil Co., Bartlesville, Okla., has been a p p o i n t e d assistant to the president of the company. Gordon Kiddoo has been a p p o i n t e d as­ sistant director of t h e petrochemical re­ search d e p a r t m e n t of t h e National Re­ search Corp., C a m b r i d g e , Mass. He has b e e n director of research and development for Continental C a r b o n Co.

Innis, Speiden & Co., N e w York, r e ­ cently presented gold watches to C . C . W i c k s t e a d a n d T . G. Flavelle on the· occasion of their retirement from active» service with t h e company. Mr. W i c k s t e a d joined the firm in 1906 as manager of t h e aniline color d e p a r t m e n t and rose t o vice president, treasurer, a n d a director of the company. Mr. Flavelle joined t h e company in 1909 and rose to assistant secretary and director.

N o r m a n A. K l e m p has resigned as research director at the Rot ι Rubber Co. to become research director i n t h e rubber division of t h e S t a n d a r d Products Co., Cleveland.

John V. F r e e m a n , recently retired d i ­ rector of the coal chemical sales division of the U. S. Steel Co., has established a n office in N e w York City w h e r e h e will maintain a consultant organization d e v o t e d to t h e technological phases of carboniza­ tion of coal a n d coal chemicals.

Robert A. L a r s e n , for t h e past four years director of research on the applica­ tion of chemicals to foods a t D u Pont's food laboratory, poly chemicals department, has joined the staff of the Quartermaster Food a n d C o n t a i n e r Institute for the Armed Forces, C h i c a g o , as chief of the cereal and b a k e d products division.

Stanley F. F r e e m a n has heen e l e c t e d vice president and a director of W i t c o Chemical Co. to be in charge of t h e Pacific Coast division. He has been sales manager of t h e Los Angeles office. Stephen L. Galvin has b e e n appointed director of research of t h e Pepsi-Cola Co., New York, Ν. Υ. H e will equip and staff a research laboratory at the company's L o n g Is­ land City plant. He comes from Huron Milling C o . Richard Stephen L. G a l v i n J. Ritchie, w h o has retired as director of the c o m p a n y ' s chemical d e p a r t m e n t , h a s been retained to continue contributing h i s services in an advisory capacity. R o b e r t C. Grass has left the U. S. B u ­ reau of M i n e s , Pittsburgh, to assume n e w responsibilities as technical writer a n d editor with t h e Kellex Corp., N e w York Citv.


Raymond C. Klussendorf, formerly edi­ tor of the Journal of the American Veteri­ nary Medical Association, h a s b e e n ap­ pointed director of veterinary medical services at C o m m e r c i a l Solvents Corp., with headquarters in Terre H a u t e , Ind.

Wilbur A. L a z i e r , director of chemical research and d e v e l o p m e n t of Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Brooklyn, h a s been elected to the board of directors of that company. Jan L e o n Lilienstern, w h o comes from the Chicago R a w h i d e Mfg. Co., is now an analytical chemist in the research labo­ ratory of the Monarch Machine Tool Co., Sidney. Ohio. Clinton O. M c N e e r , Chicago district sales manager for the chemical division of the Goodyear T i r e & R u b b e r Co., has heen named sales m a n a g e r of t h e division with headquarters at Akron. E d w a r d J. M a t s o n has b e e n promoted to assistant director of research at Abbott Laboratories research d e p a r t m e n t , North Chicago, 111. L a u r e n c e W . Roth has been promoted to assistant h e a d of the phar­ macological d e p a r t m e n t a n d Robert Berg to assistant h e a d of t h e micro analytical department. Brig. G e n . E d w a r d M o n t g o m e r y , U. S. Army ( r e t . ) , has b e e n a p p o i n t e d assistant





ί intermediate

Jefferson's new chemioal I stabilizer

Wrià From recent literature

( plasticizer

mu mm &ê P r o p e r t i e s of Jefferson Alkyl P h e n o l C-9 i n d i c a t e a wide r a n g e of a p p l i c a t i o n as - « 1. an intermediate for non-ionic detergents 2. a stabilizer for ethyl cellulose 3 . a plasticizer for cellulose esters 4. an intermediate for other· plasticizers _ 5. a starting material for production o£ lubricating oil additives and rubber chemicals * 6. an antioxidant^

A typical description of" Jefferson Alkyl Phenol

0,949 255 * 200 1.5140 300

^SpecificGravitv, 2 0 / 4 C Hydroxy! Number ~ Color, Pt-Co Scale Refractive Index, 20° C Flash Point (TOC), °F Distillation Range, °C '(Modified ASTM) IBP

290.0 •293.0 295.0 296.5 298.0

50 ml, 95 ml. EP

You may secure technical information and experimen­ tal samples for research and product development hy writing (on your company letterhead, please) to our Market Development Di\ îsion, Dept. C. A JvJJerson cthylnu

unit (purijictitioii

section), Port Nfchrs,


Jefferson Chemical Compay; Inc.

Dichlorobutadiene resins can he

stabilized against discoloration and other deterioration hy using as little as 0.5% by weight of a 4-aIkylphenyl salicylate prepared from nom lphenol.

Polyethylene's surface characteristics can be improved by water s o l u b l e a l k y l aryl poly g l y c o l ethers. These arc made from alkyl phenol and ethylene oxide and applied as an aqueous solution containing from 0.25% to 10% by weight of the ether. Deposition should amount to two to fifty milligrams of alkyl aryl polyglycol ether* per square vard of film surface. Deposition temperatures should be maintained within the range 0° to 15°C.

Long chain compounds of the alkyl heterocyclic type can be made by condensing 2-nitro- or 2-amino~1~ alkyl phenols with suitable substances to affect ring closure. Resulting products show properties not demonstrated by their un· substituted or short-chain homologues.

An addition agent for mineral oil lubricants is produced by causing a long chain phenol to react with sulfur monochloride and phosphorus sesquisulfide. This additive confers excellent pressurecarrying, corrosion-inhibiting and detergent properties on the oils. Corrosion-inhibiting properties may be increased by adding a condensation product of the aluminum salt of the alkyl phenol derivative and formaldehyde or a formaldehyde-yielding product.




2 9,






2 3,



These developments are abstracted from recent publications of If. S. patents. The uses may suggest other applications of Jefferson Alkyl Phenol C-9 in your products or processes.


NEWS-MAKERS to the executive vice president of Chemi­ cal Construction Corp·, New York. James W. Moore, supervisor of refined oil sales, has been named assistant man­ ager of the oil sales department of A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111. Lloyd J. Smith, oil sales manager in Chicago, re­ places Mr. Moore, and Stanley F. Dejanes is now oil department manager in Chi­ cago. Alfredo S. Onrubia has been appointed production manager ot the new Sharp & Dolnne (Philippines;, Inc., plant now under construction at Manila. He is at present in the U. S. for orientation at the Philadelphia, Clcnolclen, and West Point plants of the company. Wilfred E. Osberg, Jr., has joined the staff of the Hercules Powder Co. experi­ ment station as a research chemist in the papermakers chemical division. William A. Flynn has joined the pilot plant divi­ sion as a chemical engineer. Douglas G. Parizeau has been appointed sales representative "for the Baker Castor Oil Co., Chicago, to cover Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. Irene L. Pigman has been appointed to the research and development division of Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., Pitts­ burgh, as a chemist. She conies from Washington State College.

Frank M. Porter, president of the American Petroleum Institute, has been named t h e American vice president of the Third World Petroleum Congress to be held at T h e Hague, The Netherlands, next month. Sherman K- Reed has joined the tech­ nical department at the South Charleston, W. Va., plant ot the Westvaco Chemical Division of Kood Machinery and Chemical Corp. H e comes from Bucknell Univer­ sity, where he was assistant professor of chemistry. John C . Van Horn has been appointed assistant manager of the technical service and development division of the Dow Chemical Co.. Midland, Mich. He has been with the company since 1946. James F . W n Kennen has been named president and a director of Spickelmier Products Co., Indianapolis, Ind. He was previously executive vice president of the Chicago Aluminum Co. and assistant to the president of Reynolds Metals Co. Thomas II. Way, manager of the Taun­ ton, Mass., plant of General Electric Co., has been named to the chemical depart­ ment's manufacturing division staff at Pittsfield, Mass. Richard L. W e b b has joined the re­ search division of the American Cyanamid Co. at Stamford, Conn., as a research

ιm i eι

Maybe it all does look pretty much the same at first glance. But when a firm has been mak­ ing wire mesh for 70 years man and boy, there's hound to be a little more to it than meets the eye — a little more know-how in engineering and weaving, a little more quality in the product, a little more service and satisfaction for the user. JELUFF WIRE MESH is woven in all ductile metals JELLIFF WIRE MESH is woven in all commercial weaves JELLLFF WIRE MESH is woven in widths up t o 12 inches JELLIFF WIRE MESH is economical. Every foot runs true to the specifications.


JELLIFF WIRE MESH is a quality product and has been for 70 years. You can depend on it. W r i t e t o d a y f o r f u l l d e t a i l s about: JELLIFF W I R E M E S H , J E L L I F F W I R E MESH P R O D U C T S , a n d JELLIFFS C O N S U L T A T I O N SERVICE o n w i r e - m e s h engineering. Address Department 19.

chemist. Corp.

He comes from General Foods

Russell C. Weigel, manager of an in­ dustrial sales sections at t h e polychemicals department of the D u Pont Co., Wilming­ ton, has been promoted to assistant man­ ager of the department's planning divi­ sion. Jerry D . Shaw succeeds Mr. Weigel, a n d Arthur M . Cole, assistant m a n a g e r of refrigerant, food, and petroleum industries sales replaces Mr. Shaw as m a n a g e r of wood, adhesives, and rubber industries sales. Victor E. Wellman has been n a m e d di­ rector of process engineering d e p a r t m e n t of Calco Chemical Division of American Cyanamid Co., B o u n d Brook, N . J. He has been associate director of process de­ velopment.

ERl)C*TMiiili O. P. Bergelin, associate professor of chemical engineering at t h e University of Delaware, will go on leave of absence to do research at a volcanological observa­ tory in N e w Zealand u n d e r a Fulbright scholarship. l i e will sail from Vancouver, B. C , on July 15, and in N e w Zealand will be attached t o the Dominion Physical Laboratory of the Department of Scien­ tific Research. E d w a r d Bollinger, who recently com­ pleted work for a master's degree in chemical engineering at t h e University of Illinois, is now employed as a research engineer at Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, where h e is e n g a g e d in chemical engineering industrial research. Graduate fellowships have been a w a r d e d by Tau Beta Pi Association, national engi­ neering honor society, to D o u g l a s R. Briggs from Northeastern University to do advanced work in chemical engineer­ ing at M I T ; to Robert G. Rinker from Rose Polytechnic Institute for work in nuclear engineering at C a l T e c h ; a n d to Arthur A. W a s s e r m a n from M I T to con­ tinue chemical engineering practice there. Theodore Gates B r o w n , Jr., has been appointed a research assistant on tKe pharmacology staff of t h e Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute, Rensselaer, Ν. Υ. H e recently received an M.S. from t h e University of Tennessee. Floyd W . Preston has accepted a posi­ tion on t h e faculty of t h e Pennsylvania State College school of mineral industries as research associate in petroleum engi­ neering. H e comes from the California Research Corp. Helen K. Sherwood has joined t h e re­ search center staff of t h e Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory at Silver Spring, Md. She comes from t h e National Electronics Laboratories in W a s h ­ ington, D. C.