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CHEMICAL SOCIETY met in Room A of the Chemists' Club, New York, N. Y., ... Robert T. Baldwin, Edward Bartow, Erle M. Billings, G. J. Esselen, Arth...
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Society News of the Society Directors' Minutes

T Chemists' Club, New York, Ν . Υ., at 9:40 HE Directors of t h e AMERICAN CHEMI­

CAL SOCIETY met in Room A of the

who certify that it is purchased from personal funds for their own library or use and not intended for sale or transfer. (6) Firms and corporations which have donated $100 or more to make publication possible may purchase one set, for each $100 so donated, at 50 per cent discount from list price. (c) Educational institutions and public libraries in the United States of America. Delivery charges additional.

the necessary regulations for its adminis­ tration and present them for action by t h e Board of Directors.

October 30, 1936 Dear Mr. Midgley: Confirming the conference Dr. L. W. Bass had with you in Pittsburgh in Septem­ ber, the Borden Co. is inaugurating a series of awards in various scientific fields. The purpose of these awards is twofold: to give some measure of concrete recognition to the Those purchasing the Third Decennial debt the dairy industry, of which the Borden Index mav, prior to June 1, 1939, purchase Co. is* a part, owes to scientific research, and also the Second Decennial Index for $25 to encourage the continuance of such re­ net additional. Copies of the First De­ search. cennial Index are no longer available ex­ Accordingly, we are offering an award of cept with full sets of Chemical Abstracts, of S1000 for meritorious research relating to which the SOCIETY has but thirteen in milk products in each of the following fields: stock. chemistry, dairy processing, dairy production, nutrition, public health, and home economics. It was moved, seconded, and carried It is understood that a suitable medal or that the Secretary be authorized to cancel engrossed certificate would accompany the or return the donations of those giving less prize. than $ 100 to the project. It is our thought that each of these It was unanimously voted to transfer that t h e Editor of t h e N E W S EDITION be awards should be administered independently the income of the Permanent Endowment authorized to increase his allotment of by an appropriate national scientific society, Fund for 1936 to the Chemical Abstracts pages b y ten for the 1936> volume. but it is, of course, desirable to avoid, in so far Fund. It w a s moved, seconded, and carried as possible, overlapping between the respec­ It was moved, seconded, and carried that Harrison E . Howe, Editor of INDUS­ tive fields. that the following three regulations be TRIAL A N D ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, be We are pleased to offer to the AMERICAN printed in the preliminary and final pro­ given leave of absence for such time as may CHEMICAL SOCIETY the administration of the grams of the SOCIETY'S general meetings : be necessary for a trip t o England and the proposed award for notable contributions to Continent in June and July, 1937. The AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY is not the chemistry of dairy products (exclusive It was moved, seconded, and carried— responsible for statements and opinions ad­ of nutritional aspects). We do not suggest vanced by individuals in papers or discus­ a fixed detailed scheme. Similar procedure (a) That the acts of the Secretary for sions before its meetings. to that used in the case of other awards now and on behalf of the SOCTBTY in having the Although meetings are normally open to administered by your SOCIETY would be Third Decennial Index begun, and i n solicit­ all registrants, any session may be closed to acceptable to us. ing fundi as set forth in the SOCIETY pam­ non-members of the SOCIETY by order of It is a privilege for the Borden Co. t o phlet, r ititled "Proposal by the American the President. cooperate with the AMERICAN· CHEMICAL Chemi à Society to the Chemical Industry Any paper, although announced in the SOCIETY in encouraging research of this for a Ί en-Year Index to Chemical Abstracts," final program, may be excluded at any time character. dated October 26, 1936, fee and are hereby prior to delivery by order of the President. A. W. MILBURN approved and ratified. President (6) That the Treasurer for and o n behalf It was moved, seconded, and carried of the SOCIETY be and is liereby empowered that, in order to ensure the character of It was moved, seconded, and carried and instructed to receive funds derived by publicity of biochemical papers, or papers that the Secretary be instructed to reply t o solicitation as elsewhere provided in this dealing with chemotherapy, A. A. Backus, chairman of the Special resolution and t o earmark said funds for Committee of the Committee on Unem­ (a) The'News Service shall issue no pub­ the purposes of said Third Decennial Index ployment and Relief for Chemists and licity on papers dealing with the treatment in Decennial Index Fund, and t o expend Chemical Engineers, that inasmuch as the of human disease unless personally approved said funds and other monies appropriated as AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY is not one of elsewhere provided in this resolution for the by the Director of the Service. the sponsors of the "Committee on Unem­ (6) The Division of Biological Chemistry purposes of said Third Decennial Index. ployment and Relief," whose work w a s and the Division of Medicinal Chemistry are (c) That the TreasureE- for and o n behalf undertaken specifically for the Metropoli­ requested to guard carefully their programs, of the SOCIETY be and is liereby empowered tan District of New York, the AMBBICAN and especially any abstracts issued, from and instructed to receive "the monies derived CHEMICAL SOCIETY does not feel that it statements recommending procedure for the from the sale of said Third Decennial Index should itself take any action in t h e treatment of human disease or the announce­ and to earmark said monies in Decennial premises or offer any suggestions as to how ment of any *'cures" not confirmed by com­ Index Fund. the American Institute of Chemists, if petent medical authority. it takes over the work, should arrange It w a s moved, seconded, and carried its procedure. It was moved, seconded, and carried that t h e Third Decennial Index be sold After careful deliberation, it was voted that the following proposed Bv-Law be under the following conditions: to recommend to the Council at Chapel submitted in due form to the Council at The Author Index and Subject Index shall Hill that By-Law 14, the first phrase of its meeting in Cbapel Hill, N . C. : be sold only as a unit with anticipated which now reads: delivery of the two volumes of Author The President, President-elect, Secretary, "Membership dues shall be nine dollars Index in December, 1937, and t h e three Treasurer, and the Chairman of the Board ($9.00) per year." volumes of the Subject Index in December, of Directors alone among the officers of the 1938. SOCIETY shall have authority to bind the be amended so that it shall read: Eighty dollars shall be· the price for ad· SOCIETY in contractual relations; provided, "Membership dues shall be eight dollars vance orders received on or before July 1, however, that the Board of Directors may 1937. Order to be accompanied by one- from time to time designate by specific vote ($8.00) per year," half cash, balance to be paid when Subject other officers to make specific contracts as this By-Law, if adopted, t o be legalized b y Index i s ready for delivery. Not subject to may appear proper and necessary. the Directors in the fall of 1937 and to be­ cancellation. come effective on January 1, 1938. It was moved, seconded, and carried One hundred dollars shall be the price In view of the fact that the advertise­ that the Directors accept in principle on after July 1. 1937. Same» conditions. ments in the N E W S EDITION for those behalf of the SOCIETY the offer of the 1 seeking positions are now approximately Borden Co. outlined 'in its letter of Fifty per cent discount from above 70 per cent employed individuals seeking October 30, 1936, which is herewith prices t o : a change of position, the Directors voted spread on the record, and that the Chair­ (a) Individual members of the SOCIETY that, since the pages are intended primarily man of the Board of Directors appoint a in good standing, but for a single set only, for the use of unemployed members, free committee of three, with the incoming * This discount, approximately one-half cost, insertions for the unemployed be limited t o President-elect as Chairman, to formulate is made possible by subsidy from the American an agreement with the Borden Co. and three in any one year and that employed chemical and related industries.

A. M., December 12, 1936, with Thomas Midgley, Jr., in the chair and Roger Adams, Robert T. Baldwin, Edward Bar­ tow, Erie M. Billings, G. J. Esselen, Arthur J. Hill, Charles L- Parsons, E. Em­ met Reid, Walter A. Schmidt, E. R . Weidlein, H. H. Willard, and itobert E. Wilson, present. F. C. Whitmore was unavoidably detained and M. C. Whitaker was unable to be present until the afternoon session at 2:00 o'clock. The minutes of the previous meeting, having been sent to every Director, were approved without reading. The Directors voted unanimously to aprove By-Laws 8 and 2 4 as passed at the Pittsburgh meeting, thtus giving them legal status as by-laws of the SOCIETY. It w a s moved, seconded, and carried





members be charged for insertions at regular rates less a discount of 50 per cent. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the bid of the Mack Printing Co., contingent as usual on the number of pages and copies required, for printing the Third Decennial Index t o Chemical Abstracts be accepted and that the President and Secretary be instructed to sign the necessary contract therefor. It was moved, seconded, and carried that additional compensation to the extent of 10 per cent of the amount received, but not to exceed $100, be given to every employee of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL S O -

CIETY regularly employed throughout the year 1936 and receiving less than $3000 for such services, and that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make the necessary expenditure from any funds not otherwise appropriated. The long-term contracts with the Reinhold Publishing Corp. covering the printing of Monographs and the agency for handling the SOCIETY'S advertising having been redrawn and brought up t o date b y counsel and having received the approval of the special committee consisting of the Chairman of the Board, the Treasurer, and the Business Manager, as well a s the a p proval of the Reinhold Publishing Corp., the






Chemical Abstracts Subject Index HE December 20 issue of Chemical Abstracts, which will contain the subject, formula, and numerical patent indexes, will appear on or about February 20 as in past years. Those who expect the index are reminded that claims for nonreceipt cannot be honored unless received by the Secretary of the SOCIETY within 60 days after that date.


Awards of t h e American Institute HE American Institute of the City of New York has announced two awards for 1937—a gold medal t o the Bell Telephone Laboratories "for researches in electrical science which, applied to communication, have promoted understanding, security, and commerce among peoples by transmitting human thought instantly throughout the world," and a fellowship


that the Editor of INDUSTRIAL AND E N G I NEERING CHEMISTRY be authorized t o expand the ANALYTICAL EDITION to twelve

Two of the fellowships will be known as the Arthur D . Little Post-Doctorate Fellowships, carrying stipends of $1500 issues a year in 1937 and provide therein each, with facilities for research in the means for emphasizing microchemical institute's laboratories. These fellowships analysis as an added service to the mem- are in chemistry and chemical engineering. bership. The other t w o honors are to be known The report of the Finance Committee a s the Arthur D . Little Fellowships and was received, approved, and ordered filed. entitle their holders to stipends of $1000. The Secretary and the Treasurer having They are open t o graduate students purleft the room, Director Esselen was ap- suing studies for the doctor's degree in pointed Secretary pro tern during their abthe fields of chemistry and chemical sence. engineering, respectively. Charles L. Parsons was unanimously reDr. Goodwin made the announcement elected Secretary and Business Manager. in connection with the dedication of the Robert T. Baldwin was unanimously reindustrial museum which was established elected Treasurer. at the headquarters of Arthur D . Little, The following budget, after careful conInc., on the occasion of the fiftieth ansideration in detail, was then unanimously niversary of this research organization. adopted. ESTIMATED INCOME

1937 Dues Subscriptions Back Numbers Postage Interest Interest from Endowment Fund.. . Royalties Advertising

$168,000.00 180,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 135,000.00




structed to sign on behalf of the SOCIETY. I t was moved, seconded, and carried that the sum of $50,000 derived from any available surplus and/or from funds not otherwise appropriated be and is hereby added to the reserve against declines in values of securities in SOCIETY investments. It was moved, seconded, and carried that a sum not t o exceed $100,000 be and is hereby appropriated from the Decennial Index Fund and funds not otherwise appropriated for the calendar year 1937 for the general purpose of preparation, printing, selling, and mailing of the Third Decennial Index, and that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make the necessary expenditures. I t was voted to authorize from funds not otherwise appropriated, or from Incidentals, a continuation of 1936 expenditures, and to the same amount in 1937, for the editors of Chemical Reviews and the Journal of Physical Chemistry, and the Treasurer was instructed to make payments in accord therewith. I t was moved, seconded, and carried that $1500 be added to the budget for the Secretary's expense for 1936. I t was moved, seconded, and carried

VOL. 15, NO. 1


1937 Journal of the American Chemical Society Chemical Abstracts Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, including Analytical Edition News Edition News Service Secretary and Business Manager's Office: Secretarial Business Management Treasurer's Office President's Office Printing Advertising Advertising Development Scientific Monographs Technologic Monographs Back Numbers Local Sections Incidentals General Meetings TOTAL

$ 57,700.00 177,500.00 124.116.00 26.900.00 8,866.00 18,072.00 27,108.00 9,500.00 1,200.00 33,700.00 7.400.00 1.000.00 1.025.00 2,000.00 21.000.00 3.000.00 2.000.00 $522,087.00


Expenses 1937


The meeting then adjourned at 3:15 p. M. CHARLES L. PARSONS, Secretary

to Watson Davis, director of Science Service, "for interpreting to the people of the nation the rapid progress of science upon which modern civilization depends and for the organized dissemination of research findings as news." The awards will be presented at a meeting of the institute to be held February 4, 1937. The gold medal has previously been awarded to the General Electric Co. (1933); Oscar Riddle (1934); Elmer Verner McCollum (1934); and Carl D. Anderson, Julius A. Nieuwland, and John C. Merriam (1935). Fellowships have previously been awarded to Harrison E. Howe and Howard W. Blakeslee. Arthur D . Little Fellowships


T^OUB fellowships named in memory of . the late Arthur D . Little, for many years a member of the corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are announced by Harry M. Goodwin, dean of the Graduate school of the institute.

Protein Cause o f Virus Disease ESEARCHES of W. M. Stanley. 32-vearold chemist of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and a member







since 1928, for which he received the $1000 prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at its Atlantic City meeting, demonstrate that what have been called virus diseases are due t o infection with a few molecules of protein. Dr. Stanley and his associates have worked with tobacco, tomato, spinach, and phlox plants with mosaic disease, but there is every expectation that when some of the virus diseases that cause human ills are studied they will he found of the same nature. If this is true, science will have another method of attacking such ills as infantile paralysis, encephalitis, measles, etc. Dr. Stanley suggests that the virus protein molecule is a missing link between chemistry and biology, on the borderline between the living and the nonliving. The tobacco mosaic virus is an extremely large molecule, weighing 17,000,000 times the basic hydrogen atom and having a diameter of about 35 millimicrons. Many kinds of virus protein exist, of different weight molecules, but capable of turning from one kind into another. Congratulations o n Scheele's Birthday N THE occasion of the one hundred and ninety-fourth birthday of Karl Wilhelm Scheele, discoverer of glycerol, a number of American organizations joined in cabling congratulations to the Swedish Academy of Sciences on Sweden's significant contribution to modern life through this discovery. These organizations in-



American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Pharmaceutical Association, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Chemists' Club, Chlorine Institute, Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians (Chemists' Section), Glycerine Producers Association, Lithographers National Association, New York Pharmaceutical Council, Proprietary Association, Smithsonian Institution, Society of Arts and Sciences, United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, and Reid Hunt, of the Harvard Medical School. Clyde E. Williams, director, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, has announced the appointments of C.




TOM BARLOW to the technical staff. Mr. Pilcher and Dr. Barnes have been assigned to the Fuels Division and Mr. Barlow to the Division of Process Metallurgy.

Members Elected as of January 1, 1 9 3 7 A K R O N SECTION

H a n d , James F . H e y m a n n , Karl H o l t , Philetus H a v e n s Lones, George W . 1 Loughborough, Dwight Schmitt, R . O. 1 Zimmerman, Paul J. 1 ALABAMA SECTION

Harris, Morton Hoeman, Erwin C. Jones, Otha Clyde A M E S SECTION

Apperson, Lester D . 1 Brown, Ellis Vincent Ford, Grover M. 1 Nelson, Joseph F. 1 Reid, J. David


Boultbee, Arthur H. Byrne, John NT.1 Davies, Newell A. Ettling, Arthur C l Fitzmaurice, Gene W. H a v e n , Edward Joseph 1 Hill, T h o m a s Kearney 1 Jackling, Daniel Cowan Lehnhardt, Emil H. M. Love, C. F . M a n o v , George G. 1 Mebine, Leland B. 1 Morteneen, R. A. Pitzer, Kenneth S. 1 Richert, Walter S. Williams, Paul D . 1 C E N T R A L P E N N S Y L V A N I A SECTION

Fry, J a m e s H. 1 Jones, Eldon Melton 1 Kline, M a x M. 1 Laucius, Joseph F. 1 Laughlin, Henry F. Lipkin, M . R.* S m i t h , Howard S. 1 Stoertz, Robert W. 1 Teague. P e y t o n C 1 Zech, John D.» Zerbey, Margaret E . 1

Radlove, Sel B . Richardson, Η . Η . Ricketts, Walter C. Schuetz, Clyde C. Sill, George H . Smith, M. Harold Soliday, R a y C. Spaulding, David C. 1 Tatar, John E . Templin, Vera M. Thomson, C. E . Geddes Thrift, Robert J. Trubell, O. R. Vango, Stephen P. Werrouth, William C. 1 Weyant. Richard K. 1 White, Claron N. 1 Woerner, Arthur C. Wrisley, George A. Yablunky, Harry Louis 1 Yee, Edward G. C I N C I N N A T I SECTION

Andersen, Svend E. Baumann, Lewis A. Berry, Steven Bowden, Garfield Arthur Dewar, David L. Haefele, John W. 1 McBride, Gordon W Manas, Leo 1 Swadesh, Sam C L E V E L A N D SECTION

Ahrens, Edgar Carter, Donald E. 1 Drake, Wray Vernon Glidden Co., The Hickman, Vernon Roy Knox, Alfred Eugene 1 Lovett, Louis E. McKinley, John M. Mooney, James Boylan 1 R o t h , Raymond A. 1 Tomecek, Henry Treadway, Robert H. V a n Dusen, Charles H . , Jr. Weinland, Louis Α., Jr. Wilson, Howard R.

ESmison, S a m S. Walker, J. L. 1 Werkenthin, Theodore A. CHICAGO SECTION

Allport, Hamilton Baldwin, Paul M . Benjamin, H. A. Bliss, Henry H. B o y d , George 1 Burket, Alfred W. 1 Chewning, James W. Cooper, Joseph H. 1 Creager, J. E. Darlington, Harry De!prat D a v i e , H u g h Leslie E m m o n s , Lilyan Marie 1 Fries, Homer S. Gladstone, Martell M. Glotfelty, F. E. Gray, Lyman P. 1 Grinstead, John L. N. Guest. H. P. Gunther, J. K. Hildebrandt, F. Dean 1 Hoskins, William, Jr. Hubbard, Bruce Komarik, Stephan L. 1 Kopecky, Leonard J. Koranda, Frank L. Kubicek, Naci F. La η drum, Robert James Loffler, Charles L. Lutz, Garson A. 1 Lynn, Alger M. Nelson, James W. 1 Pritchard, Clarence M.'


Beck, Koller & Co., Inc. Bird, Orson D . Heusel, Robert Jule* Honigman, Louis Edward 1 Her, Ralph K. Roderick, Howard Franklin Shapiro, Hymin 1 Walas, Stanley M. E A S T T E N N E S S E E SECTION

Deebel, George F. 1 Griffitts, Fred Albert


Cline, James Edward 1 Denison, Walter A. 1 Rochow, Eugene G. Watkins, Katherine B.


BardweU, R. A. 1 Calmes, Ted E. 1 Feinberg, Irving 1 Hodnett, Ernest Μ Λ Loyless, Elliott B., Jr. 1 Meer, Abe 1 Stearns, T. W. 1 Stokes, Charles A. 1 Westbrook, George F., Jr. 1


LeConte, Joseph Nisbet Stephens, Charles Preston Williams, George S., Jr.1 H A W A I I SECTION


Hoppe, M. R. I N D I A N A SECTION


Clare, Irwin Charles Combs, Lloyd N . Goebel, Max T. Harvey, Wildon T . Putnam, George C. 1 Rose, Henry Schultz. Raymond Frederick Stager, Stanley R. Zabel, Herman W. 1


Gibbon, Helen Schoder. William P. C O L U M B U S SECTION

Brod, John S. 1 Burke, William J. 1 Clary, Joe D . 1 Curtis, J. Alfred 1 D a v i s , William Lee 1 Herdie, Lloyd E. 1 Hess, William W. 1 Howe, John P. Η us ted, Donald Robert 1 Kirchner, Frederick K. 1 Kraus, Philip B. 1 Long, John R. 1 McKinney, John W. 1 Petti John, Glenn 1 Reid, Robert J. 1 Ryznar, John W. 1 Schultz. Arthur C

Fischer, Hans M. F. Hartman, Robert J. Harvey, Ora A. Hodson, Hollis C.» Johnson, Herbert Halston 1 Kanning, Eugene W. Nevius, Walter I. Read, Davis, Jr. 1 Sprinkle, Howard B. IOWA SECTION

Bjork, Carold F. 1 Dudley, James R. l King, Edward J. 1 Lamb, Vernon A. 1 Moreland, Ferrin B. Myers, Clovis D . 1 Neros, Clifford A. 1 Rupp, Eldor G. Stahl, Lucy H. West, Philip W. 1


Face, W. Huston Haynes, Chester W. C O R N E L L SECTION

Ellis, Gordon H. Price, Donna 1 D A Y T O N SECTION

Holt, Frederick \V., Jr. Leiserson, Lee 1 Myers, Mary B. Slager, William H. D E L A W A R E SECTION

Blyth, Howard A.

Leighton, William B . 1 Wickert, Jacob Nelson Williams, Dwight Young, Donald M. Zerbe, Richard O. 1


Bergstresser, Karl S. Breon & Co., Inc., George A. Kanoky, J. P. Luebbers, Ralph H. L E H I G H V A L L E Y SECTION

Billington, Douglas S. 1 Drake, H. Wells, II Hoffman, Mark



Kleinhans. John A. 1 Sperry, S. Merkel Taylor, Norman W. 1



Hall, W. Knowlton Huffman, Eugene H. Matthews, Jason E . , Jr. 1 Roswell, C. A. 1 Spears, Howell D a v i s LOUISIANA SECTION


Bourdreaux, L·. Grace Brodtmann, Aumist J., Jr. 1 ! General Carbon & Chemical Corp. Grueber, Elsie D . Landry, Arthur F. 1 McLellan, Ernest Leigh Pollet. Dal ton» Trotter. P. W. 1 Virtue, Robert W. LOUISVILLE SECTION

Frankfort Distilleries, Inc. Roderick, Sister Scott, L. Thomas 1 Uhrmacher, Ralph R. M A I N E SECTION

Hooper, Henry S. M A R Y L A N D SECTION

Bauer, John C. Dunker, Mel vin F. W. 1 Kossiakoff, Alexander I. 1 Miller, Theodore M. 1 Mitchell, John Jacob 1 Voris, John Wiehe, Theodore B. MICHIGAN STATE C O L L E G E SECTION

Fehlberg, Ellis R. M I D L A N D SECTION

Adams, Ε. Μ. Huscher, Myron E. Rauner, Lawrence A. 1 Reinhardt, Robert C. 1 M I L W A U K E E SECTION

Goppelt, Helen M. M I N N E S O T A SECTION

Carlson, Walter A. Gibbons, Sister Marie James Gross, Roland A. Herman, Philip B. 1 Jacobs, Sigmund James 1 Kaiser, Edward W. 1 Kirchen, Charles P. 1 Kreighbaum, Wallace F. Laitinen, Herbert A. 1 McCool, John C. 1 Michaelsen, George S. Piret, Edgar L. 1 Prill, Erhard J. 1 Scheiderbauer, Robert 1 Schuster, J. W. Sullivan, Betty Thompson, William C. Van Hoven, Henry D., Jr. 1 Viault, Thomas A.» West, Frank B. 1 Wiest, Emil 1 N E B R A S K A SECTION

Bare, Paul O. 1 Beck, William W. 1 Noyce, William K. 1 Weitkamp, Alfred W. 1


Amick, Erwin H., Jr. 1 Brinkley, Stuart Robert, Jr. 1 Kelsey, Elias L Mel nick, Daniel Waters, George Wm. 1


Allen, Ε. Μ. Apex Chemical Co., Inc. Augner. Charles E. Bader, Joseph P.

Bassett. W. H., Jr. Bertsche, Edwin Carl 1 Bingham, Christopher F. Bishop, Corbett Brockett, William H. 1 Burgess, Louis But toi ph, Leroy James Cassaday, Jack T . 1 Coles, James Stacy 1 Columbian Carbon Co. Conner, Robert T . Contaxis, James 1 Davison, Cyril R. FitzGerald. Margaret E. Fox, H. Herbert 1 Fries, George G. Gerapostolou, Basil G. Gertzenberg, I. Glinsmann, Walter F. Gomory, Paul Louis 1 Grabowski, Edward 1 Handelman, Isidore Morton, Ralph E . Jordon, William C. Kite, Robert Paul Knapp, William A. Lawler, William P. 1 Lee, Harry W. 1 Luskin, Michael M. Lustbader, Mel vin H. 1 McManus, James H. Manfredo, Theodore Margolie, Asher J. 1 Mark, Egbert Walter Meyrowitz, Robert 1 Minton, D . M., & Co. Morgan, Charles E. Nolan, Frank M. Poshkus, Algerdis C. 1 Prager, S. F. Preston, William M. 1 Ramsperger, Robert Earie 1 Richter, Fred William Rill, Carroll N. Rose, William Rosenblum, Harold ' Schaul, Jerome, Jr. 1 Schubert, Marcelle Semancik, Joseph T. 1 Strom, Frank I. Urquhart, K. Young, Jacob B. N O R T H C A R O L I N A SECTION

Clevenger, C B. Furchgott, Robert F.> Giles, H. Derrick 1 Jacokes, J. W. Randolph, Ε . Ε . Yarbrough, Mary Elizabeth NORTH JERSEY SECTION

Adams, J. Rivers Andrews, Herbert Widener Benson, Frederic R. 1 Boden, Victor H . Brandenberg, Walter Burkey, Margaret M . Corey, Winthrop R. 1 Crutchfield, Jack B.i Cullimore, Allan R. Dow, Benjamin C. 1 Fiore, Alphonse T . Frederick, Michael Gardner, John W . Health Products Corp. Holmgren, Axel V. Houpt, Alfred Gordon Imbert, A. A. 1 McKean, Walter A. McRoberts, D . C. Migrdichian, Vartkes Murdichian, M. K. Nawiaeky, Paul Payne, Henry Fleming Peer, E u g e n e L. 1 Pelphrey, Joseph G. Sadler, Craig Slotter, Charles F . Stewart, Robert R. Sumner, Richard E .

VOL. 15. NO. 1 1

Sundberg, Oliver E . Termant, C . Frederick 1 Van Duyne, S. W. Whiting, L e o Robert WiHauer, Earl E d w i n NOBTHBASl T E N N E 8 8 E E SECTION

Meyer. Lester W. A . NORTHEAST W I S C O N S I N S E C T I O N

Brauns, Fritz E . Gay, William W. Kahlenberg, Herman Heald Kuettel, N . S. Rusch, Robert D . Schmitt, Milton George 1 NORTHEASTERN S E C T I O N

Arundale, Erving 1 Ayres, Erie B.» Babcoek, Chester Ira, Jr. 1 Bailey, Irving W. Baker, James G. 1 Ben Burk, Inc. Black. N. Henry Brill, S. T h o m a s 1 Brown, John R., Jr. 1 Carlson, Gustaf Harry Carton, Frederick H . 1 Claflin, Francis M. Cohen, Moses George 1 Collins, S. C. Connolly, Eugene L. Dewolfe, Richard S. 1 Dorey, Robert James 1 Fredrickson, Charles J., Jr. Gasch, Dale J. 1 Gould, John M . 1 Gregg, Donald Crowther 1 Hay, Kenneth D . 1 Hinds, Wadsworth L. 1 Kulberg, Harry O. Michel, Charles Robert 1 Millman, Sarah R. 1 Mitchell, E d w i n Thomas 1 Monroe, L. A. Moos, Gilbert E . 1 Naistat, Samuel S. 1 Peckham, Warren Francis 1 Petty, Michael J. Reynolds, Frank P. Roberts, Arthur W. Russia Cement Co. Soutter, J a m e s C , Jr. Steele, Eisa Louise 1 Thomas, D e a n e S., Jr. 1 Tompkins, N o r m a n G. 1 Toyster, Jacob 1 Tukey, John W. 1 Twombly, William Fletcher Vigo, Samuel Walling, C h e v e s 1 Yost, Francis E . Young, Hobart P., Jr.


Neff, Charles Thompson, Jr. Pollock, D o r o t h y 1 OKLAHOMA S E C T I O N

Edwards, Beatrice Osborn, Harold G. Spessard, Frank P. Steiner, W a l d o L. OMAHA SECTION

Holmberg, C. O. Lundteigen, Andrew, Jr. Speacer, Howard C . OREGON SECTION

Andrews, R o y C. Callaway, Edward C. McLeod, Kenneth N . 1 Todd, Samuel S. Ware. Glen C. PHILADELPHIA S E C T I O N

American Chemical Paint Co. Andrews, Harry L., Jr. Baker, L. C.



Barton, Katherine Berberich, Leo J. B o y e e , H . L. 1 Brandt, Leo H . Britt, K e n n e t h W. Brown, William B. Coblentz, Leonard 1 Conrad, John E . Continental Distilling Corp. Corbin, J a m e s Ross 1 D a v i s , Russell DeBenneville, Peter L. 1 Delbridge, T h o m a s G. D i c k m a n , Albert Eckfeldt, Edgar L.» Ellendman, Merrill 1 Elliott, John Habersham 1 Foster, N o r m a n E . 1 Garverich, E d w i n S. Gaskill. E d w i n Α., Jr. 1 Geho, C. H. Hachik Bleach Co. Harper, J a m e s I. Heiligman, H . A. Hermansdorfer, Elmer E . Hersberger, A. B . Insinger, T h o m a s Harold, Jr. 1 Jordan, M a h l o n Kline 1 K e y s t o n e Lubricating C o . King, W. A. Kobernick, Sergius T . 1 Lackman, D a v i d B. Landau, Israel Ralph 1 Langman, Albert 1 Laporta, X a v i e r Vincent Logan, Bruce G. McCalraont, James McClellan. William R. 1 M c C o n o m y , Henry F. Marie, Sister Eleanor Metzler, John P. Meyer, John F. 1 Morgan, Harold S. 1 Murphy, R o s s F. N e vison, John A. Powers, Paul O. Ren wick, Eric H. Rowland, James Wallace, Jr. Russell, Alfred Schwalm, Bruce F. Seger, Francis M. 1 Senior, K e n n e t h L. Shibe, William J. 1 Stearns, Walter V. Superior Zinc Corp. Waldo. P. G. Weinberg, Sidney 1 Wenger, R a y m o n d PITTSBURGH SECTION

American Cyanamid & Chemical Corp. Aidtman, Paul M. Galbreath, Richard M . 1 Gayley, Howard E . Green, Robert Lester 1 Gulf Research & D e v e l o p m e n t C o . Keltz, Arthur R. Kiebler, M y r o n Wilson, Jr. 1 Lytle. W. O. Peden, Edgar A. R y a n , John T . , Jr. 1 Schar, R. S. Shuykys, Julius G. 1 SigaJ, Alex 1 Sloss, James C. Strader, Κ. Η. Welsh, Paul J. 1 PRINCETON SECTION

Condon, Edward Uhler Smith, Elgene Arthur 1 Stevenson, D a v i d P. 1 P U O E T SOUND SECTION

Breitenbach, W. E . H e m m e n , G. H . 1 Kniseley, John M. Lozier, Elmer W m . 1 Markham, Aaron E . 1 Quense, John A. 1

White, D o n a l d J. Wright, K e n n e t h Arlin 1 P U R D U E SECTION

Bittenbender, William A. 1 Bourland, J a m e s F . 1 Boyd, Thomas1 Chao, T s a i Heiang 1 Christensen, H . N . 1 Gross. George C . 1 H a t c h , Lewis F . 1 Larson, R. G. 1 Mulder, John G. 1 Snyder, Fred H.» Swank, Howard W . 1

9 California Consumers Corp. Cline, GEen E . Cossairt, George W . 1 Donaldson, Wm. E. Franklin, Philip Jozefowski, Irene 1 McCawley, E . L.1 Martin, George 1 O'Brien, P. J. O'Brien. R. G. Shawger, W . E . 1 T e n E y c k , C . F. Walker, C. K e n n e y 1 W a l s h . Michael J. SYRACUSE SECTION


A t well, E v e r e t t C. Brodeky, M a x D u n c a n , A. B . F. McColley, Earl S. N a t ha neon, Joseph George Rothrock, D a v i d Α., Jr. Schmelzer, Carl Christoph ROCHESTER SECTION

Ailing, Harold L. E a t o n , Wentworth C. Gendreau, Austin A. Gould, Austin J. H a h n . Paul F. Hunter, Walker F., Jr. Kakinuma, Harper 1 Lauter, Werner M . Muehler, Lowell E . Pearce, George Whitenack Pool, Stephen C. Stauffer, Robert Eliot

Bent h a m , L. C. Brooker, Charles Edward E s s e x , Harry Hecklinger, Clarence F. 1 H o d g e , E d w i n S. 1 IsacofT, Harry Jack, Eugene L. Kratzer, Carl R. McDonald, Glen E.1 Port, Ε. Β. Powers, R a y m o n d T O L E D O SECTION

Boeddeker, H e r m a n Bowes, Urban E . Bright, Willard M.« Kammermeyer, Karl Kosolapoff, G e n n a d y M. Krieger, Firmin J. 1 Levi, Ormonde S. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SECTION


Pancoast, Harry M. W y a t t , Jack H. S T . J O S E P H VALLEY SECTION

Felger, Maurice M. Laure, George R. 1 O'Connor, Michael J. 1 Treneer, J. M .

American Distilling Co., T h e Cook, Fred 1 Foster, R. N . Largent, R a y m o n d 1 Price, Charles C . R o s s . William E . 1 U p t o n , W. V. Westerberg, Carl 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SECTION


Auer, Oliver Barton, R. K., Jr. 1 Blatter, A. Oscar Blue Line Chemical Co., T h e Chinn, H . W. Cooper, Stancil S. Cottrell, Samuel Curran, M . D . Erskine, Frank G. Jeskey, Harold A. 1 Laclede G a s Light Co., T h e Ling, Howard G. Pearl stein, Harold L. 1 Russe, Frederick W . , Jr. 1 Ryberg, Carl G., Jr. 1 Scheer, Fred 1 SOUTH CAROLINA SECTION

Armstrong, Marvin D . t Jr. 1


C a t t o n , Neil L. Meschter, Albert F . SOUTHEAST K A N S A S SECTION


Horvitz, Leo Keating, P. J-, Jr. Rosenthal, J. L. 1 Smith, P. L. Sperling, C. C. Wilson, Armin 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SECTION

Allison, J. R. Bacon, E l d o n K y l e 1 Brockway, Lawrence

C h o w , Chiang-Shiang 1 D a w e , Harold J. 1 Edgerton, Richard O. 1 Fajans, Kasimir H i g h . L e R o y B.» Karle, E d m u n d J.» Lord. R. C , Jr. Oeborn, Gerald Riches, Wesley W. 1 Stewart, D a v i d W. 1 Sullivan, William H. 1 Underwood, J a m e s W., II 1 W h i t e . Julius


B a r t o n , Charles J. 1 Braliey, J a m e s A. 1 C o t y , Ο. Ν . Crockford, W . H . D a v i s , Loyal H. Disque, Frederick Charles, Jr. · Ellis. Earl T h a y e r Fink. Carl K. Frierson. W . Joe Hall, M. E . 1 Hill, Frederick B . , Jr. 1 Kniskern, Walter H. M a s o n , J o h n Y., Jr. 1 P i t t s . Frank P. P o n d , William F. Quarles, Richard W. Robinson, J a m e s B. 1 S m i t h , Donald Foss 1 Stuart, Alfred H . 1 T u r n bull. S t o c k t o n Graeme, Jr. 1 T u t t l e , Howell Alfred


B o w e r s , Russell V . 1 H a m m e r s i e y , Howard, Jr. 1 Pownall, Lawrence H .


Beak», Edward B. Book. David Randall 1 Clark, Nancy Griswold Horner, C. Kenneth Howard, Frank L.* Johnson, James M. Jukkola, Waino H.1 Kinser. Charles A. Lohr, Edwin W. McCollum, Frank L. 1 Mawhinney, Robert J. O'Brien, Thomas D. 1 Swope, R. B. Webster, Stewart H. Wells, Percy A. WASHINGTON-IDAHO BORDER SECTION


Bunk, Anthony 1 Clever. S. Kelso Jenkins Bros. Klipstein, August Marshall, Ernest Mackenzie Resnik, William H. Seeley, Louise Talbot


Β οwen, A. H. Β ran iff, George H. Bristol, John E. Dougherty, Isaac Dye, Charles G. 1 Eberhardt, J. E. Exolon Co., The Grey, James T., Jr. 1 Lutz, William H. McPhail, Howard A. Murray, Robert Lindley National Gypsum Co. Nowicki, Edmund S. O'Connor, Charles Travers Sievenpiper, Frederic U. S. Rubber Reclaiming Co., Inc. ""Watkins, William Way WICHITA SECTION

Enberg, L. A. 1 Holt, Thomas T. 1 Leatherock, L. E.

INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Hershberger, A. R. Hibbins, B. R.» Hillier, Donald E.* Holmes, E. Leighton Jackson, E. D. Joseph, Dale Russell 1 Kirk, Lawrence H . Kitchen, H. Dean Krznarich, Paul1 William 1 Lady, Leroy G. Lewis, Watson S. Lindfors, Curtis C. Lohse, H. W. 1 Love, William Sylvan MacAleavy, Ch. 1 M ache boeuf, Michel Martin, Frank A. 11 Mestier, L. J., Jr. 1 Meyer, C. Theodore Montgomery, Howard 1 Myers, Delraar Knosley Olmedo, Agustin Otero, Andres G. 1 Pearce, Finley C. Persell, Ralph Mount joy Picard, Robert F. Riffle, J. P. 1 Robertson, J. A. Rohrbough, K. S. Rovira-Fernandez, Jose 1 Salinas, J. G. Siegert, Robert Wallace 1 Skerritt, Harry TV Smith, G. IÏ. Sohlman, S. 1 Stroehmann, Carl F. Tillotson, Luther Allen Timm, Edgar W. 1 Tomlinson, George H., II Van Oss, J. F. Welch, Arthur1 R. Wells, Forest Wibaut, Johan Pieter Wilbur, Oliver C. Williams, F. N. Wilson, John S. l Yen, Don Y. 1

Barnes, Harry M.11 Durland, John R. Grindrod, John 1 Jones, Giffin D. 1 Reeve, E. Wilkins Sauer, John C. Schroeder, Wm. F. 1 Sheel, Sigurd W. Watson, Charles C. Weiner, Samuel Woessner, Warren W.»


Ames, Marion A. Banner, Carl Tabb Bailey. William D. Barnett, Robert S. Barrow, D. N . Beekley, N. S., Jr.» Bookman, P. W. K. Breare, Arnold Clough, Lyle A. Coolidge, Dexter K. Creech, Hugh J . Danskin, Kenneth A. Dinwiddie, Joseph Gray Easton, Russell P. Edlin, Frank E. Fearnley, George Fletcher, George A. Forbes, Franklin Rutherford Gale, Robert Cecil Glasstone, Samuel Golemb, Alois Joseph Griffith, Laurence Harrod, J. R. Hartley, William Tomlins Hatfield, Gordon W.

Peiui State Revives Research Division t o Aid Industries EVIVAL of t h e division of industrial R research in t h e School of Chemistry a n d Physics a t t h e Pennsylvania State College has been approved b y t h e executive committee of the board of trustees of the college a n d Merrell R . Fenske, professor of chemical engineering, has been appointed t o head t h e division.


Junior member.

What They S a y -


VOL. 15, NO. 1

Reprinted from the Hexagon NE of the most human and also most dangerous of all human failings is the tendency t o get into a rut. Probably chemists are a little more prone t o this failing than the average. The duties of t h e laboratory are so exacting and so interesting to most of us t h a t our natural tendency is t o draw away from our fellows more than is good for us o r for them. If we do this, we are embarking on a lone fight instead of taking advantage of t h e knowledge and experience of t h e other chemists and chemical engineers in America. The best antidote for these tendencies is membership in the AMERI-


T h e division, revived after being inactive since 1929, will carry on research under cooperative agreements between the college a n d industrial groups in Pennsylvania, such work having increased considerably recently. Dr. Fenske went t o t h e Pennsylvania State College in 1929 under a special appropriation from t h e state for r e searches on Pennsylvania petroleum a n d has h a d charge of petroleum refining research since t h a t time. I n t h e intervening years he has h a d wide experience in a p plying the methods of physical chemistry, chemical engineering, a n d organic chemistry t o problems of industrial importance. I t is not planned t o make a n y sudden expansion of existing cooperative projects, in view of t h e limited physical facilities and t h e increase in s t u d e n t enrollment in chemistry a n d chemical engineering. Neither will t h e division include all such research being conducted in t h e School of Chemistry a n d Physics, for various members of t h e physics a n d chemistry d e partments a r e conducting cooperative projects with industrial groups. Only two laboratories are attacking t h e problem of petroleum composition—the National Bureau of Standards a n d D r . Fenske's laboratory. W I L L I A M G R O C B H A R R I S O N , professor of

ist a t t h e present time can afford not t o belong to his professional society. Not only should he belong, but he should be a faithful follower

medical history a t Vanderbilt Medical School, delivered a lecture on "Some Significant American Contributions t o Medicine" o n November 30 a t t h e University of Alabama. T h e lecture was sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta, honorary pre-mèdical fraternity.

of t h e publications of t h e SOCIETY

FREDERIC SWARTS, honorary member of


N O chem-

and a faithful attendant a t all its meetings which are within a reasonable distance of him. He will find that contacts with his fellow chemists in various lines of work and occasional glances into the publications of the SOCIETY will effectively shake him loose from the rut which is otherwise almost sure t o get him. FRANK C. WHITMORE PENNSYLVANIA STATS COLLSOSJ STATE COLLEGE, P A .


well known for his classical researches on organic fluorine compounds, having reached t h e age of seventy, has become professor emeritus of t h e University of Ghent, Belgium, where he h a s Seen carrying on his work since 1885. A dinner and festivity in his honor were organized b y his colleagues a n d former students in Ghent on November 22. T o commemorate t h e occasion a special medal was struck in honor of Professor Swarts.