News of the Week - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

News of the Week. Alabama phenol plant to be operated by new corporation; Diamond and Reichhold agree on joint venture for improving and modifying ...
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News of the Week Alabama phenol plant to be operated by n e w c o r p o r a t i o n ; D i a m o n d and Reichhold agree o n joint venture for improving a n d modifying process . . . $200,000-allocation f o r water pollution control recomm e n d e d for u s e o n o n e o r a f e w river basins f o r s e w a g e control Chemicals, Inc., of Detroit, RKUiiHOLi) and D i a m o n d Alkali Co., of Cleveland, have announced a cooperative venture for t h e further development of Reichhold's phenol operation in Tuscaloosa, Ala. T h e plant involved, which utilizes t h e sulfonation process, was built b y Reichhold in 1943 at a cost of $3.5 million in order to alleviate t h e w a r t i m e shortage of phenol a n d since h a s been continuously operated b y t h e D e t r o i t firm. Under t h e cooperative plan of t h e two chemical concerns, it is contemplated t h a t t h e physical assets a n d operation of t h e Tuscaloosa plant will b e transferred t o a n e w A l a b a m a corporation. P . J . R y a n , Reichhold vice presid e n t a n d general m a n a g e r a t Tuscaloosa, will continue t o direct t h e operation of t h a t plant. D i a m o n d Alkali has entered into a financial arrangement with Reichhold

which will provide funds for t h e extensive modification a n d i m p r o v e m e n t of t h e processes principally employed there. D i a m o n d has also acquired an option t o purchase a one-half interest in t h e new Alabama c o m p a n y . I n announcing this alliance, H e n r y H . Reichhold, chairman of t h e board of Reichhold, a n d R a y m o n d F . Evans, president of D i a m o n d , explained t h a t t h e research facilities of b o t h concerns would be combined t o p r o m o t e developments and new processes in t h e field of phenol and derivative chemical products in which t h e t w o companies h a v e a broad c o m m u n i t y of interests. T h e Reichhold c o m p a n y , a manufacturer of synthetic resins, chemical colors and phenolic plastics, uses phenol in its processes; D i a m o n d produces alkalies and other basic chemicals used in t h e manufacture of b o t h p h e n o l a n d chemical colors.

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