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This episode, we're told, took place during the Dallas meeting, although we'll necessarily have to camouflage the names to protect the reputations of those involved. A. young chemist had just been introduced to a fellow chem ist by t h e name of Rowlands, and the young man asked: "Oh, are you the Rowlands of the Rowlands-Wigglesworth foam test?" "Oh, no," replied Rowlands firmly. "That's good. Yon know, I've always thought that t e s t was absolutely terrible. Horribly involved and totally unre liable." "That's interesting. Actually, I'm afraid I must confess that I am the Rowlands of the Rowlands-Wigglesworth foam test, I always deny it at first so people will tell m e what they really think of it." Overheard in t h e corridor near the registration desk: "Say, look at old Doc over there. Have you noticed how every year h e seems to get more youthful and vigorous than ever?" "Great Scot, d o you suppose he's discovered something h e hasn't an nounced yet!" A gentleman who attended the ACS News Service breakfast was understand ably miffed when the waiter came around to collect tickets and found that he lacked o n e of those all-important items. "What happened was that when our ACS friend b a d bought his ticket for the event, which was number 8, he had b y mistake been given a ticket for event number 7—a women's hospitality
tea. Not only was the event compli mentary but (of all things! ) it had been held the day before. After some fast talking, however, everything was finally straightened out. At 7 A.M. on the Sunday the meeting began five intrepid ACS members motored out to White Rock Lake in Dallas for a morning of bird watching. Heading the group was Carl S. Marvel, winner of the 1956 Priestley Medal, who regularly leads bird watching expeditions during ACS national meet ings. By the time noon rolled around, the group had observed no less tban 67 different varieties of birds—a better than average score for such jaunts. Quite appropriately, the Dallas Morn ing News observed editorially that the ACS group was "possibly the brainiest bunch of bird watchers ever assembled on the shores of White Rock." One of the neatest tricks of the week was turned in by H . L . C. Eyraud of t h e Université d e Lyon, in France. Although h e doesn't speak English, he read a paper on thermogravimetry in English at the Analytical Division's meeting. One would-be employer registering at the ACS Employment Clearing House was able to uncover only one person looking for a job in his specialty. Deciding that h e might not be alone in looking for people in this field, he switched tactics and registered as a potential employee. And then there is the story, perhaps apocryphal, making the rounds of the Employment Clearing House: one company sent three recruiters to Dallas, got only one back.
Report on the Chemical Front Concluding the two-part report by C&EN editors on the 129th ACS meeting in Dallas, with highlights of the 10 remaining divisions
Responsibilities of Chemists Today Trends in teaching chemistry as viewed by Priestley Medalist, Carl S. Marvel