News-scripts Intrigue tit Kansas City Ο ÊPOXY RESINS *jr Λ τ ί * * Séeistm O a r l y deacrlb* Swat versatile n#w materials «s csstiiig euad twtting tlttffH, pUstlrtm-t*. and · » · plalns both the "how"· am! 'wfay** of *!»«? «*"*» G h * tb# reason* behind «acfe formuUtloe to cqnti» the reader t o choose f i t » t h e mare of available tnfwtMaften. IS5S. $&.&* C X V I N Y i RESINS *y 8 * . Mmyo Sm/fA.Thaarochly m r . « 5 1 * ttoe application» of rtnyl restes aesBlnst tiack ground informât!*» «·» thrtr trpm. properTi·**. « * * « · few» manufactory ami fahrlratlnn. Ï2mr attempt is made to e m w all i w m t a