NEWSMAKERS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - ARTHUR E. BEARSE, formerly associated with Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., has joined the staff of the Battelle Memorial Insti...
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a t M o n t a n a S t a t e , accomplishing much, making life-long friends. Honors, well-deserved, have been given him. H e is a member of t h e Society of Sigma X i , P h i K a p p a P h i , Alpha Chi Sigma, a n d T a u B e t a P i . T h e College of M o n t a n a conferred upon h i m t h e degree of doctor of science in 1910. H e is a member of several scientific societies, including




CIETY, American Association for t h e Advancement of Science (of which h e is a Fellow), t h e American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Society for t h e P r o motion of Engineering Education, a n d t h e M o n t a n a Society of Engineers. M r . a n d M r s . Cobleigh maintain a lovely home in Bozeman n o t far from t h e S t a t e College c a m p u s . They have t w o daughters, Winifred a n d Lois, both of w h o m a r e married, t h e former now M r s . Robert K . C u r r y of Homer, Mich., t h e latter M r s . William H . McCall, J r . , of Evanston, 111. Undoubtedly h e h a s derived immense satisfaction from watching t h e progress of his former s t u d e n t s . This is a reward which can come only t o a teacher who h a s devoted t h e best p a r t of h i s life t o t h e training of young people. T h e people of M o n t a n a , a n d particularly t h e S t a t e College, owe much t o Dean Cobleigh's fine attainments a n d his excellent leadership. H e h a s a host of friends scattered far a n d wide, who a r e sincerely interested in his continued health and happiness.

Frary Awarded A e h e s o n Medal H E announcement of t h e sixth award T of t h e Edward Goodrich Aeheson medal a n d $1000 prize t o Francis Cowles F r a r y w a s m a d e a t t h e Electrochemical Society meeting a t Columbus, Ohio, April 26. Previous recipients of t h i s highest recognition in electrochemistry a r e : E d w a r d Goodrich Aeheson, for his work on artificial graphite; Edwin F . N o r t h r u p , for t h e invention of t h e high-frequency electric furnace; Colin G . Fink, for his contributions t o electrochemistry; F r a n k J . Tone, for his work on Carborundum; a n d Frederick M . Becket, for his contributions t o electrometallurgy. Dr. F r a r y is the director of t h e Research Laboratories of t h e Aluminum Company of America a n d is well known for his achievements in t h e metallurgy of alumin u m . T h e so-called F r a r y metal is a tinfree bearing metal used extensively in place of b a b b i t t .

A T T H E annual meeting of t h e National J\. Academy of Sciences, Charles A . K r a u s . President of t h e AMERICAN C H E M I -

CAL SOCIETY, w a s o n e of those chosen members of t h e council. Among t h e fifteen new members chosen, chemistry is represented b y F . G. Cottreil, Research Associates, I n c . ; V. N . Xpatieff, Universal Oil Products C o . ; a n d G. B . Kistiakowsky, H a r v a r d University. Herty Medal Awarded t o Frank K. Cameron H E H e r t y Medal for 1939 was p r e T sented t o F r a n k K . Cameron, of t h e University of N o r t h Carolina, on M a y 6 b y t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry of t h e Georgia State College for Women a t Milledgeville, G a . T h e program included afternoon t e a a t Westover, t h e home of D r . a n d M r s . Lindsley, a dinner a t which President a n d M r s . G u y H . Wells acted as hosts, a n d presentation of t h e medal in t h e Richard B . Russell Auditorium, followed b y a n address by D r . Cameron. T h e medal was awarded as a recognition of D r . Cameron's research on cellulose in cotton.

OHN P A U L S N Y D E E , chief chemist for t h e

practice in Washington, D . C . H e will be a general consultant t o t h e pharmaceutical industry in matters pertaining t o t h e Food, D r u g , a n d Cosmetic Act and in advertising questions. DUNCAN

M . C O P L E Y , who joined


staff of t h e Norwich Pharmacal Co. in 1919 h a s been appointed chief chemist for t h a t organization t o succeed M r . Snyder.

State University, a n d formerly control chemist with Basic Dolomite, I n c . , Maple Grove, Ohio, h a s joined t h e staff of Battelle Memorial Institute, industrial research organization of C o lumbus, Ohio. M r . C u r t i s h a s been assigned t o the analytical laboratory which, besides acting a s a service d e partment t o the other institute divisions, carries on research in methods of chemical analysis. "Oil Industry Going C a t a l y t i c " is t h e subject of a paper presented b y GUSTAV E G L O F F , director of research, Universal Oil Products Co., o n April 28, a t t h e International Oil Exposition a t Houston. O n t h e following d a y D r . Egloff addressed t h e Wichita, K a s s . , Section of




on "Catalytic Reactions in Petroleum Refining."

NORMAN W. KRASE, professor of chemical

At t h e M a r c h meeting of t h e Northwest Section of t h e American Association of Cereal Chemists a testimonial plaque was


t o C. H . B A I L E Y in

appreciation of his services a s immediate p a s t president of t h e association. LORENZ S. B A U R h a s resigned his position

a s research chemist with t h e General Foods Corp. laboratory in Battle Creek, Mich., a n d has become associated with t h e M & R Dietetic Laboratories, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, as research chemist. A R T H U R E . B E A R S E , formerly associated

with A r t h u r D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., has joined t h e staff of t h e Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, and h a s been assigned t o t h e industrial chemistry division.


formerly with t h e Central Indiana Gas Co., is t o carry o n research in nonferrous metallurgy a t t h e institute. DONALD





Universal Oil Products Co.. w a s a speaker in t h e program of t h e International Oil Exposition a t Houston, April 26. His subject w a s "Modern Instrumentation for Topping, Cracking, a n d Polymerization P l a n t s . " tion with t h e Airtemp Corp., Dayton, Ohio, t o become sales engineer for t h e Sheffler-Gross Co., Philadelphia, Penna.

JN . Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, Y . , h a s resigned t o engage in private

J . A U P R E B CURTIS, a graduate of T h e Ohio

Bureau of Standards, h a s been a p pointed official consultant t o t h e staff of the Sheppard-Enoch P r a t t Hospital, Towson, M a . H e is now collaborating with t h e medical staff in studies in barbiturism.

F R A N K B . CONLON h a s resigned his posi-

John Paul Snyder Enters Consulting Field

Creighton is the newly elected president of t h e Electrochemical Society.

F R E D E R I C K G. GERMUTH, of t h e Baltimore

R. C . S H E R W O O D

President Kraus o n Council of National Academy of Sciences

V O L . 17, N O . 9







position a s chemist in t h e Insulation Research Section, General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. H . JERMAXN CREIGHTON, since 1928 head

of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry a t Swarthmore College, h a s just been awarded t h e Howard N . P o t t s gold medal " i n consideration of h i s distinguished work in developing a process for t h e electrolytic reduction of simple sugars o n a commercial scale." D r .

engineering a t the University of Pennsylvania, is to join t h e staff of t h e Ammonia Department, E . I . d u P o n t de Nemours & Co., Inc., a t t h e end of t h e present academic year. D r . Krase will nave charge of all semiworks operations a n d will be located a t t h e Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. E . M . M C C O L M has left t h e Plantation Research Department of t h e United States Rubber Plantations i n Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, after eleven years' service in t h e Chemical Division. H i s connection with the company continues, as he will now be located in t h e United States as chemist. T h e Electrochemical Society has awarded t o NATHANIEL B . N I C H O L S , A n n Arbor,

Mich., t h e society's prize t o young authors for his paper published jointly with L». A. Matheson entitled " T h e Cathode R a y Oscillograph Applied t o t h e Dropping Mercury Electrode." I A N D . PATTERSON h a s been transferred from t h e position of development manager a n d chief chemist, t h e Goodyear T y r e & Eubber Co., Wolverhampton, England, t o special work in t h e Development Department of t h e Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Fellowship in E l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y HE Electrochemical Society h a s j u s t T awarded the eleventh Weston Fellowship of $1000 to Waldemar P . Ruemmler of St. Louis, Mo. M r . Ruemmler will continue his research a t Columbia University, investigating t h e electrodeposition of antimony under t h e direction of Colin G . Fink. Previous holders of t h e fellowship a r e Edward B . Sanigar, Karl Soilner, Marlin E . Fogle, Robert D . Blue, Pierre A. J a c quet, Myron A. Coler, Henry B . Linford, Garth L . Putnam, and Vittorio d e N o r a .