next number of the JOURNAL

4. Chemistry in the Pmservation of Art Treasures. 5. How Chemistry Has Helped Make Good Music Available to the Masses. THE RELATION OF CHEMISTRY...
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THE RELATION OF CHEMISTRY TO THE ENRICHMENT OF LIFE 1. Chemistry as a n Aid t o Cultural Enjoyment 2. Chemistry and the Artist 3. The RAle of Chemistry in Visual Instruction and Entertainment 4. Chemistry in the Pmservation of Art Treasures 5. How Chemistry Has Helped Make Good Music Available to the Masses TO THE HOME THE RELATION OF CHEMISTRY

1. The Relation of Chemistry to Cleanliness and Sanitation in the Home Chemistry and Esthetics in the Home Chemistry and Cooking Chemistry and Household Conveniences Chemistry as a Factor in the Economics of the Homc

2. 3. 4. 5.

Further d e t a i l s c o n c e r n i n g the rules of the contest will appear i n t h e next number of the JOURNAL. All i n q u i r i e s and requests f o r hihliogr a p h i e s should be addressed t o : Paul S m i t h , 654 M a d i s o n Avenue, New York City. U n t i l t h e n e w bibliographies become available, w e r e f e r those w h o w o u l d like to begin w o r k i m m e d i a t e l y to t h e r e a d i n g l i s t p u b l i s h e d i n t h e S e p t e m b e r , 1928, JOURNAL, p p . 1172-i.

Qualities Used for Grading Students. Students are graded an moral and civic qualities in Flathead County (Mont.) Hifi School. Each student is graded by all his teachers in sportsmanship, school spirit, honest%,and trustworthiness, openmindedness, consideration for the rights and opinions of others, coCipperation, initiative, leadership, industry, application, courtesy, manners, and mental and moral cleanliness. The records are permanently filed. Science alone can give us a true conception of ourselves and our relation t o the mysteries of existen'ce. Only the sincere man of ~ i e n e e a n dby this title we do not mean the mere calculator of distances, or analyzer of compounds, or labeler of species; hut him who through lower seeks higher and eventually the highest-nly the genuine man of science, we say, can truly know how utterly beyond not only human knowledge hut human conception is the universal power of which nature, and life, and thought are manifestations.-Hsneenr SPENCER

Simplification of Science. The sciences, says Paul Valery of the French Academy, instead of being further complicated, are becoming simplified through the discovery of central principles; physics is merging into chemistry and chemistry into biology; the artists are studying the conclusions of physicists, mathematicians, psychologists; and i t is not impossible that a new Leonardo will arise t o include the whole field of intellectual activity in his scope-leaving his theories t o guide the methods of every science, and his works as a model for every art.-Business Chemistry