NIAGARA BLOWER COMPANY - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - NIAGARA BLOWER COMPANY. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1961, 53 (12), pp 85A–85A. DOI: 10.1021/i650624a756. Publication Date: December 1961...
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be suppressed. A new version of such a controller, known as a phototransistorized proportional con­ troller, has been placed on the mar­ ket. It operates on the principle of a light beam being interrupted when a set point is reached. This controller is adaptable to regula­ tion of temperature as well as other functions. Proportional action of the NIEAF controller is based on the system of switching modula­ tion. Prices on request. Dept. IEC, Commercial Div., Netherland Consulate General, 10 Rocke­ feller Plaza, New York 20, Ν. Υ.


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Use CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CATALOG often . .. it's published for process men, by process men, to serve you.



Solid state electric rotameter transmitters which operate on an induction principle have been an­ nounced. Units are capable of measuring and transmitting flow rates up to 200 gallons per minute in pipelines up to 3 inches at pres-

REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION 4 3 0 Park Avenue, New York 2 2 , Ν. Υ. Circle No. 47 on Readers' Service Card

How to get drier or cooler AIR or GASES at low cost N I A G A R A AERO® AFTER COOLER

c o o l s a compressed gas, or air, below t h e temperature of the surrounding a t m o s p h e r e , t h u s p r e v e n t i n g the c o n d e n s a t i o n of moisture in your lines. T h e gas will contain only half o f t h e moisture left in it by conven­ t i o n a l methods. Even drier gas can b e p r o d u c e d if you require it. In working -with controlled at­ mospheres of inert gases to prevent undesired reactions, this dryness of the gas at low cost is a great ad­ vantage. The cost of the Niagara method is low because it uses evap­ orative cooling, saving 9 5 % of the cost of cooling water (and its pip­ ing and pumping). This direct sav­ ing of cost pays for the N i a g a r a cooler in less than t w o years.

If you use compressed air to operate instruments or pneumatic equipment you will get better re­ sults by using the Niagara Aero After Cooler. W r i t e for Bulletin 130, or ask nearest Niagara Engineer if you have a problem involving the in­ dustrial use of air.

N I A G A R A BLOWER C O M P A N Y (Continued

on page 86 A)

Dept. EC-12, 4 0 5 Lexington A v e . , N e w York 1 7 , N . Y . Niagara District Engineers in Principal Cities of U. S. and Canada Circle No. 30 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 53, NO. 12 ·


85 A