New Generation FT-IRfrom the World Leaders*
Buying mid-priced FT-IR today without routine GC capability is like buying dispersive IR tomorrow. The new Nicolet 20DXB and 20SXB FT-IR spectrometers are the culmination of Nicolet's unmatched expertise in building high-performance FT-IR systems. Whether you need a workhorse FT-IR for everyday QC analysis, a routine easy-to-use GC-IR system for identifying GC components, or an instrument for advanced research studies -
you'll find the new Nicolet 20B-Series perfectly suited to your application needs and to your budget. Engineered for superb performance and reliable, stable operation. Based on field-proven Nicolet FT-IR technology, the 20B-Series optical bench incorporates new refinements and advanced manufacturing
techniques that make it clearly the best performing, most reliable in its class. For versatility and convenience, 2OB optical functions are computercontrolled and implemented by simple keyboard commands. Thus you can precisely match the spectrometer to your experiment for optimized system performance.
Standard 20SXB FT-IR system.
High performance superm i n i c o m p u t e r p o w e r and s p e e d . The 20B- Series data system delivers far greater signal processing speed and computation power than any comparably price FT-IR. Nicoiet is the only manufacturer to incorporate a high-performance superminicomputer into an intermediate-priced FT-IR. Extensive 20B-Series applications software and n e w NICOS o p e r a t i n g s y s t e m offers unparalled analytical capability, versatility, and c o n v e n i e n c e . The 20DXB features a new, easy-to-use menu-driven software package that gives you easy access to the full problem-solving power of FT-IR. The 20SXB provides extended software capabilities, including automated real-time software for GC-IR analyses and kinetics studies. * In the world of FT-IR, there is only one number one: Nicolet. Nicolet's FT-IR systems are the world's best sellers for one reason: They are the world's best FT-lR's.
Make your FT-IR investment cost-effective. Buy Nicoiet. The 20SXB GC-IR was designed up-front to provide uncompromising GC-IR separation, analysis, and identification. A software selectable collimated beam from the main optics is precisely matched to the compact, self-contained GC interface with high-efficiency collection optics. The GC-IR interface is precisely aligned, so you can switch from GC-IR to standard IR measurements and back to GC-IR with a simple keyboard command, without any tedious alignment and without physically disrupting the GC-IR accessory. Nicolet Analytical Division 5225-1 Verona Road Madison, WI 53711 608-273-5004
D e s i g n e d for the chromatographer, the n e w 20SXB GC-IR s o f t w a r e p r o v i d e s simplified, a u t o m a t e d o p e r a t i o n , from real-time data collection and display to identification of components. From injection to identification, the Nicoiet realtime GC-IR software package is fully automated for simple one-button operation. Attractively priced, the new 20B-series provides superb performance and comprehensive problemsolving capabilities. Contact the FT-IR world leaders for more information.
The FT Spectroscopy People