Nicolet Analytical Instruments

Specify your spectral range. You can choose from a comprehensive selection of beamsplitters and detectors ranging from 15,250 to 50 cm1 and optimize y...
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Gain the Full FT-IRAdvantage... The performance of any FT-IR spectroscopy system relies on the interrelationship of optical quality, advanced electronics, data processing capability, and a systems approach that increases its versatility as your needs grow. That's the Nicolet Advantage. The highly acclaimed 700 Series expresses that advantage to its fullest. New System 730 Benchtop Spectroscopy™: A research-quality system that delivers exceptional performance and value. The new System 730 provides the same superb stability, sensitivity, and spectral processing capabilities as the highly successful System 740 in a compact, economical benchtop form. . The Nicolet 700 Series incorporates the latest innovations to provide exceptional sensitivity and stability. System 730's quiet signal processing electronics and high dynamic range achieve excellent signal-to-noise performance for all of your applications. Specify your spectral range. You can choose from a comprehensive selection of beamsplitters and detectors ranging from 15,250 to 50 c m 1 and optimize your System 730 to cover near-IR, mid-IR, or far-IR. Interchangeable modules allow you to quickly and conveniently change detectors for different experimental requirements. Mainframe computer speed and versatility from a compact benchtop data system. Nicolet's dual-bus architecture gives you uncompromising real-time data acquisition and processing performance, as well as industry-standard interfacing to the latest data system peripherals including the new high-performance DMA SCSI storage devices. The most comprehensive, field-proven software in the industry gives you full access to the complete problem-solving power of FT-IR, whether you are a novice user or an experienced spectroscopist. You also have full access to Nicolet's extensive on-line spectral search libraries, industry-standard communication and networking capabilities, and advanced PLS multicomponent quantitative software. System 730 gives you the versatility to handle a wide range of applications, including rapid-scan kinetics studies, real-time GC-IR separation and identification, TGA-IR for materials characterization, SFC-IR, and microspectroscopy. The Nicolet 700 Series enables you to fully achieve the problem-solving power of FT-IR. Contact us for the full story. Nicolet International Offices Belgium Canada

02-762-2511 416-625-8302


France Germany

13-055-8300 069-837001

Japan Netherlands

06-863-1550 03403-74754

Nicolet Analytical Instruments / 5225-1 Verona Rd. / Madison, WI 53711 / 608/271-3333 / Telex: 910-286-2736


Switzerland United Kingdom

01-251-6133 0926-494111

...the Nicolet Advantage!