pleteelution history preserved. ... bring FT-IR into your laboratory. Please phone or write for complete details. NICOLET ... Telephone: 608/271-3333...
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Unmatched Infrared Performance. Nicolet's 7199 is the most advanced of the Fourier transform infrared instruments that have made Nicolet the established leader in FT-IR. The 7199 performs best by any aiterion, whether sensitivity, speed, resolution, spectral range, reliability, or adaptability to varied applications. Highest sensitivity. Nicolet offers a wide range of highly-sensitive IR detectors and beamsplitters, with variable mirror control to optimize detector performance.

Best resolution, better than 0.06 c m - 1 throughout the infrared. Widest spectral r a n g e . The standard mid-IR range of 4000-400 c m - 1 can be extended to 25,000-10 cm" 1 . Unequalled data system capabilities. The high-speed, diskinteractive Nicolet data system performs simultaneous data acquisition, processing, and plotting for optimized throughput. Non-chemical s e p a r a t i o n s . Solvent or background features can be automatically subtracted, allowing trace compounds to be measured without chemical extraction.

Automated execut i o n , at the touch of a button, of pre-programmed experiments. CHEMIGRAM o n - l i n e GC-IR a n d LC-IR c a p a b i l i t i e s provide real-time spectrally-separated chromatograms. · True "on-the-fly" operation • Automatic storage of spectra · Complete elution history preserved. Fully-developed l i b r a r y s e a r c h for automatic identification of GC-IR peaks. Nicolet, the m o s t comprehensive FT-IR p r o d u c t l i n e . In addition to the 7199, Nicolet offers the 8000 evaculable system and


the 7100RS for emission studies of remote sources; two intermediate-priced systems for research as well as routine needs; and the low-priced, easy-tooperate MX-1 for routine analyses. Only Nicolet offers such a selection, and only Nicolet makes it this easy for you to bring FT-IR into your laboratory. Please phone or write for complete details. NICOLET INSTRUMENT CORPORATION

5225 Verona Road Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Telephone: 608/271-3333 Telex: 910-286-2736