wired arithmetic and logic functions; real-time, ... features. Phone or write today to describe your ... CIRCLE 152 ON READER SERVICE CARD. ANALYTICAL...
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Improve Raman Spectroscopy with a Nicolet NIC-1180 Data System

Now you can remove experimental artifacts using a combination of digital filtering and convolution difference spectroscopy. Here's how:

Figure 1 Spectrum as measured includes fluorescence background. Toluene on Hydrated Zeolite 200-3800 c m " 1

Figure 2 Figure 1 spectrum after a FFT and digital filtering which effectively removes all the resolution in the time spectrum except the baseline.

This is just one application of the versatile NIC-1180 Data Acquisition and Processing System. The NIC-1180 includes complete, supported software for Laser Raman, NMR, EPR, and FT-IR spectroscopy as well, in addition to software for general data collection and processing. This includes software for signal averaging, integration and differentiation, scale calibration, smoothing, depolarization ratio, logarithms and peak picking. Twenty-bit-word, solid state memory; direct memory access; seven-level, vectored priority interrupts for a multitask environment; many hardwired arithmetic and logic functions; real-time, alphanumeric displays and built-in peripheral interfaces are a few of the other NIC-1180 features.

Filtered Time Spectrum

Figure 3 This spectrum is the result of subtracting the Figure 2 spectrum from the original spectrum. Original Spectrum Minus "Background"

Phone or write today to describe your application and to receive more information on the NIC-1180.

NICOLET INSTRUMENT CORPORATION 5225 Verona Road M a d i s o n , W i s c o n s i n 53711 Telephone: 608/271-3333


V O L . 4 8 , N O . 8, JULY



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