500 Series FT-IR. Compact, cost-effective instruments providing reliable; trouble-free operation. The Nicolet 500 Series is Nicolet's. “workhorse”...
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FT-IR instruments to meet all your applications needs now and in thefuture.

FT Infrared Spectroscopy Visit Nicolet at Pittcon booths 4953-5054





New System 800 Shaping the future of FT-IR spectroscopy The Nicolet System 800 sets new standards for performance and adaptability. This new system provides the excellent stability resolution, repeatability, signal-to-noise performance, and high-speed data collection and processing capabilities required in the demanding research environment. Advanced System 8 0 0 capabilities and features i n c l u d e a new ultra-stable interferometer design and sophisticated dynamic alignment system for superior stability and data quality; highest throughput optical design, ultra-high-output sources, and ultra-quiet electronics train for superior S/N performance; optical bench communications, on-screen optical bench configuration status, and an on-board optical bench computer for complete instrument control; and a fully expandable optical path for experimental versatility. System 8 0 0 s u p p o r t s t h e full r a n g e o f e x p e r i m e n t s , i n c l u d i n g FT-Raman, Emission, Microspectroscopy, GC/FTIR, SFC/FT-IR, a n d m o r e . Multiple beam paths allow several different experiments or applications to be simultaneously configured. System 800 offers the superior problemsolving capabilities and adaptability required in today's research laboratories.

700 Series FT-IR Systems The Nicolet 700 Series instruments provide exceptional stability, sensitivity, and spectral processing capabilities for demanding applications. Advanced integrated system design and automation provide rapid and accurate spectral measurements and configuration flexibility, regardless of operator experience.


System 800 FT-IR

Users can select from an extensive range of beamsplitters and detectors to optimize coverage for near-IR, mid-IR, or far-IR. The System 740 model also includes automatic system optimization using advanced chemometric techniques. 700 Series instruments have been designed to work with Nicolet's proven accessories and auxiliary modules, including those for GC/FT-IR, SFC/FT-IR, TGA/FT-IR, IR microspectroscopy, and microbeam analytical techniques. CIRCLE 162 ON READER SERVICE CARD





500 Series FT-IR Compact, cost-effective instruments providing reliable, trouble-free operation. The Nicolet 500 Series is Nicolet's "workhorse" family, providing excellent performance and value, along with the versatility to be configured to fit particular needs. These instruments incorporate many of the technical innovations of Nicolet's research systems while providing economy and ease-of-use for industrial QA/QC, academic, and multi-user laboratories. Excellent performance is achieved through advanced optical design and signal processing electronics. The 500 Series optical bench is available in several versions, with sampling and resolution options available to allow a wide variety of experiments. C h o i c e o f data s y s t e m s . The 500 Series instruments can be configured with a choice of popular computers, each with powerful yet easy-to-use FT-IR system software. 500 FT-IR


T h e 5 0 0 c o n f i g u r a t i o n features the Nicolet 620 Spectroscopy Workstation with the Nicolet Advantage™ software package, offering proven versatility, performance, and ease-of-use. 5 0 0 P s y s t e m w i t h IBM P S / 2 . For users desiring IBM compatibility, the 500 Series instruments can be configured with an IBM PS/2 MicroChannel ™ system using either the Model 50 or Model 80 and Nicolet's PC/IR software, providing elegant operational simplicity and advanced chemometric tools. 500M configuration with Apple M a c i n t o s h II C o m p u t e r , featuring the revolutionary n e w Nicolet software that makes FT-IR easier than ever. CIRCLE 163 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Model 205 Low-cost FT-IR spectrometer

the environmental laboratory, and the teaching laboratory. This n e w instrument provides all the essential features of a m o d e r n analytical instrument within a single compact, integrated package. Emphasis is o n ease-of-use, without compromise of key capabilities that are important to the user. The Model 205 incorporates a sealed, desiccated optical bench with a rugged, field-proven interferometer; a high-performance computer with fast, high-resolution graphics displayed o n a built-in monitor; a touch-sensitive pushbutton control panel with full-function keyboard; and a flexible sample compartment featuring a unique sample mounting system that permits the use of plug-in, pre-aligned accessories. All spectroscopic functions are simple pushbutton control operations. CIRCLE 164 ON READER SERVICE CARD

The n e w Model 205 FT-infrared spectrometer is designed to meet the practical needs of the routine analytical laboratory, Nicolet FT-IR Data Systems Nicolet 620 IBM PS/2

Macintosh II





82ΙΟ Oil

FT-IR Analyzers A family of of rugged, compact FT-IR analyzers featuring integrated sample handling and soflivare tailored to meet the needs of specific analyses. 82 ΙΟ Oil Analyzer: The simplest, most reliable, most efficient way to analyze oil samples. The 8210 features simple one-button operation, and requires no operator interpretation. CIRCLE 165 ON READER SERVICE CARD

The 8210 is pre-programmed for simultaneous quantitative analysis of oxidation (carbonyls), sulfation, nitration, water content, soot, coolant, and fuel dilution. 8 2 2 0 Gas Analyzer: Routine gas analysis for industrial process monitor­ ing, ambient air monitoring, and quality control. • Excellent sensitivity: ppb to % levels • Multicomponent analysis • Powerful quantitative software • Simple one-button operation The 8220 is versatile enough for wide-ranging applications, yet dedicated in design for easy operation by inexper­ ienced operators. The 8220 is designed specifically for repetitive gas analysis applications, where the speed, sensitivity, and specificity of FT-IR are required. CIRCLE 166 ON READER SERVICE CARD

ECO-8S FT-IR for S e m i c o n d u c t o r Wafer Analysis. The ECO-8S provides efficiency and versatility in performing semiconductor wafer analytical measurements, including quantitative carbon and oxygen determination, boron and phosphorus in silicate glass (BPSG) analysis, and epitaxial thickness measurement. The ECO-8S can be equipped with microspectroscopy capabilities for wafer contaminant measurements. CIRCLE 167 ON READER SERVICE C A R D

8220 Gas Analyzer




Nicolet FT-Raman The Nicolet FT-Raman Spectroscopy System incorporates innovative design features and significant performance advantages over other available instrumentation. FT-Raman spectroscopy is now a viable technique that offers important advantages over the traditional dispersive technique, making Raman spectroscopy applicable to a wider range of sample types. Two important advantages include the profound decreases in fluorescence and thermal decomposition effects. Further advantages include the inherent throughput, multiplex, and wavenumber accuracy advantages, and the ability to collect high-resolution Raman spectra in a short time. Nicolet has optimized all design aspects of this FT-Raman system in order to fully realize these intrinsic FT spectroscopy advantages. Features of the Nicolet FT-Raman system include: • The proprietary Nic-Notch™ filter system performs very efficient Rayleigh line supression, allowing measurement of Raman shifts very close to the Rayleigh line. • Simultaneous collection of Stokes data and anti-Stokes data. • Excellent sensitivity. • Sampling versatility and convenience. • Both FT-Infrared and FT-Raman spectra can be acquired on the same sample with the same Nicolet system in only a few minutes. Since these two techniques give complementary information, this is one of the principle advantages of the Nicolet FT-Raman instrument. The Nicolet FT-Raman system provides the highest quality data, while offering experimental versatility, convenience, and ease-of-use. This system offers the vibrational spectroscopistformidable capabilities for solving challenging research problems.

FT-Raman spectrum of l,4-Bis(2-methylstyryl) benzene, both Stokes and anti-Stokes regions, shows excellent Rayleigh line rejection and signal-to-noise performance, and Raman shifts within 75 cm ' ' of the Rayleigh line.



Nicolet IR Microspectroscopy Nicolet offers a complete line of IR microscope products, from the most advanced research level to routine IR microsampling. The range of microscope offerings includes the Research IR-Plan®, the Analytical Microscope with redundant aperturing®, and the Laboratory Microscope for routine single-aperture operation. Nicolet's microspectroscopy advantages include the patented 20-hour MCT-A detector, 18-bit signal digitization, optimal hardware configuration, unique multi-dimensional mapping software, and extensive applications and service support. These features place the Nicolet IR Microspectroscopy system in the forefront of the industry. In the example below, an x,y motorized stage controlled by the FT-IR was used to automatically collect the data necessary to delineate the distribution of a coating on a metal substrate. The mapping software shows how a component of the coating varies in concentration with x,y position as the spectroscopist rotates the displayed image on the FT-IR monitor.

spectroscopic absorbances. Comprehensive Nicolet SID™ (Specific Infrared Detection) software performs an extensive range of interactive data manipulation functions. Applications. SFC/FT-IR is especially well-suited for the analysis of samples that are non-volatile, temperaturesensitive, or of high molecular weight. Thus, the Nicolet SFC/FT-IR system is of particular interest in such applications as polymers, fuels, foods, pharmaceuticals, flavors and fragrances, petrochemicals, biomolecules, and natural products.

Multi-window SFC/FT-IR display.


Integrated GC/FT-IR System for routine separation and indentification.

Axonometric profile of coating distribution on steel, produced with the Nicolet Multidimensional Analysis software. CIRCLE 169 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Nicolet SFC/FT-IR System This system combines the unique separation capabilities of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) -with the specificity and sensitivity of FT-IR spectroscopy. SFC is a rapidly growing technique for separating samples that are difficult to analyze by gas or liquid chromatography. The Nicolet SFC/FT-IR interface provides the capability to instantly analyze separated components in real time as they elute from the SFC column. This interface maintains chromatographic performance and allows eluents to be analyzed by both the FT-IR spectrometer and the FID detector in the SFC instrument. Supercritical fluid C 0 2 , which has excellent infrared transparency, is used as the mobile phase to limit interfering

Excellent sensitivity and resolution without compromising chromatographic quality. Nicolet SID™ (Specific Infrared Detector) software p r o v i d e s simplified, automatic, real-time o p e r a t i o n designed for the chromatographer as well as the spectroscopist. Exclusive Aldrich-Nicolet on-line gas-phase library for effective search and identification. Integrated control of GC autosamplers and chromatographic functions such as temperature programming. Easy, fast switching bet-ween GC-IR and other experiments. CIRCLE 171 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Multi-window GC/FT-IR display.




Nicolet TGA/FT-IR The Nicolet TGA/FT-IR system couples FT-IR -with thermogravimetric analysis, and is designed and optimized for the Du Pont TGA instruments. The resulting system combines the positive identification power of FT-IR with the qualitative and quantitative weight-loss information from TGA. Used with Nicolet's Specific Infrared Detection (SID™ ) software, this system provides a remarkably sensitive and selective means for analyzing evolved gases from the TGA instrument. T h e TGA/FT-IR package includes a unique heated flow cell and the SID software with communication of temperature, time, and derivative data from the TGA system. TGA/FT-IR has been found to be beneficial in solving a wide variety of complex chemical analysis problems such as determining decomposition pathways and studying the thermal stability of materials. In the example here the Contour Display of the SID™ software is used to elucidate otherwise undetectable IR species. CIRCLE 172 ON READER SERVICE CARD

TGA/FT-IR contour display.

Nicolet FT-IR Spectral Libraries and Search Software for Rapid Identification

The Nicolet Vapor Phase Library, particularly useful for GC-IR work; and the Nicolet-Sigma Biochemical Library. These are complemented by specialty libraries, including surfactants, industrial coatings, forensics libraries including drugs and paint chips, the Nicolet-Sigma steroids collection, and several polymer libraries. Search software includes easy-to-use routines that perform rapid and accurate identification using sophisticated match algorithms. The combination of these features gives Nicolet users the best problemsolving tools for confidently identifying unknowns and verifying suspected chemicals.

Nicolet offers the largest commercially available on-line data base of high-quality FT-IR spectra, along with easy-to-use software for rapid and accurate spectral search, comparison, and identification. Many FT-IR spectrometer users benefit from using Nicolet's large, general-purpose libraries include the Nicolet-Aldrich Condensed Phase Library' of solids and liquids;

Library search display. Unknown (top, green) overlaps best matches for direct comparison.

Nicolet Worldwide Sales and Support Centers U.S.A. C o r p o r a t e H e a d q u a r t e r s : 5225-1 Verona Road / Madison, WI 53711 / TEL: 608/271-3333 / FAX: 608/273-5046 U.S.A. Eastern R e g i o n : 4720-F Boston Way / Lanham, MD 20706 / TEL: 301/459-2940 / FAX: 301/731-5761 U.S.A. S o u t h e r n R e g i o n : 5251 Westheimer / Suite 470 / Houston, TX 77056 / TEL: 713/622-0982 / FAX: 713/622-0987 U.S.A. Central R e g i o n : 1834 Walden Office Square / Suite 100 / Schaumburg, IL 60173 / TEL: 312/397-5200 / FAX: 312/397-6519 U.S.A. W e s t e r n R e g i o n : 215 Fourier Avenue / Fremont, CA 94539 / TEL: 415/490-8870 / FAX: 415/490-8063 Canada: 1-1200 Aerowood Drive / Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2S7 / Canada / TEL: 416/625-8302 / FAX: 416/625-3670 United K i n g d o m : Budbrooke Road / Warwick CV34 5XH / United Kingdom / TEL: 0926-494111 / FAX: 0926-494452 France: Z.I. Les Gatines / 44, Rue Pierre Curie / B.P. 40 / 78370 Plaisir, France / TEL: 1-30-81-30-81 / FAX: 1-30-55-95-63 West G e r m a n y : Senefelderstrasse 162 / D-6050 Offenbach am Main / West Germany / TEL: 069-837001 / FAX: 069-844411 B e l g i u m a n d N e t h e r l a n d s : Avenue Paul Hymanslaan 105 Bte.22 / 1200 Brussels / Belgium / TEL: 02-762-2511 / FAX: 02-763-2180 J a p a n (Osaka): Ryokuchi-Eki, Bldg. 6F / 4-1, 2-Chôme, Terauchi / Toyonaka, Osaka-PRF. / 560-Japan / TEL: 06-863-1550 / FAX: 06-863-1096 Japan (Tokyo): 1-2, 1-Chrome, Higashiyama / Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153 / TEL: 03-715-2551 / FAX: 03-791-2580 N i c o l e t Analytical I n s t r u m e n t s I n t e r n a t i o n a l Sales: 5225-1 Verona Road / Madison, WI 53711 / TEL: 608/271-3333 / TWX: 910-286-2736 (Nicolet MDS B) / FAX: 608/273-5046 / TLX: 170326 (NICOLET ANALYT) To complement these direct Nicolet subsidiaries, Nicolet maintains a network of representative organizations in countries throughout the world.

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