NIKON INCORPORATED - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 18, 2012 - NIKON INCORPORATED. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (1), pp 91A–91A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60194a792. Publication Date: January 1963. Copyright ...
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UNEXCELLED OPTICS, MECHANICAL RUGGEDNESS AND A VERSATILITY AS FLEXIBLE AS YOUR NEEDS These things will impress you about the Nikon S: First, as you look at it, its physical appearance; its rugged, substantial construction; its rigidity; and its obvious ability to stand up to constant use and handling. Second, as you try the controls, the smooth responsive 'feel'; the positive action; the complete absence of vibration or chatter — not the slightest trace of 'play' or 'back-lash'. And third, as you look through the eyepiece, the clear delinea­ tion of field; the brightness and definition of image; the visual ease; and the almost incredible resolution characteristic of Nikon optical quality. The Nikon S Microscope is a basic, practical instrument whose capabilities are as varied as your changing needs. A veritable 'workhorse' for routine applications, you can rely on the same Nikon S to qualify as a 'specialist' whenever special needs arise. The Nikon S handles dark-field as well as bright-field microscopy — phase-contrast, polarizing, inci­ dent light, and transmitted light interference microscopy. And with the Nikon Microflex, the S is equipped for high quality photomicrographs using famous Nikon 35mm cameras.

Note that the various component parts of the Nikon S micro­ scope are freely interchangeable to suit virtually any prefer­ ence or need. There are plain, circular floating and .rec­ tangular mechanical stages; 45° eyepiece tubes: monocular, binocular and trinocular; fixed substage lamp and external adjustable illuminator; and a variety of measuring accessories. The rectangular mechanical stage provides cross-wise slide movement, and is equipped with calibrated coaxial controls. One of its unique features is that it can be rotated 180° for either right-hand or left-hand operation. The standard Abbe (n.a. 1.25) condenser, supplied with the Nikon S, is equipped with a variable aperture diaphragm which can be easily centered for normal work, or decentered for oblique illumination. This consenser is also readily inter­ changeable for dark-field and other special types. Available optics include Huygenian and compensating eye­ pieces, and a full range of dry and oil-immersion objectives., including a 'no-cover-glass-corrected' 40x (n.a. 0.65). Write for complete details to Dept. AC-1.

NIKON INCORPORATED · Instrument Division · 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, Ν. Υ. · Subsidiary of Ehrenreich Photo-Optical Industries, Inc. optical inspection instruments, scientific and industrial microscopes, surveying instruments, cameras, telescopes, binoculars and other precision optical equipment.

NIKON LABORATORY MICROSCOPE Series S Circle No. 118 on Readers' Service Card V O L . 3 5 , N O . 1 , JANUARY 1 9 6 3
