May 18, 2012 - NIKON INCORPORATED INSTRUMENT DIVISION. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (8), pp 48A–48A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60214a745. Publication Date: ...
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NIKON SMZ STEREOSCOPIC ZOOM MICROSCOPE matched 0.8x to 4x zoom objectives provide wide magnification range with precise parfocality The Nikon SMZ is equipped with matched 5-to-l zoom objectives. Used with a pair of lOx oculars it provides a continuously variable range of magnifications from 8x to 40x without any change in focus or working distance. Magnification ranges from 4x to 120x are also obtainable with other eyepieces and by adding supplementary meniscus objective lenses. The following table gives complete details: SUPPLEOBJEC- MENTARY TIVES OBJECTIVE LENSES

20X mag.

field «lia. 29,7mm


8X to 5.6mm to40X 1.17 m.


4X to 9.4mm to20X 1.79 in.


5.6X to 7.3mm to28X 1.50 in.


12X to 4.1mm toBOX .83 in.

to .22 in. 45.5mm

0.8X to4X zoom

to .37 in. 38.0mm

to .29 in. 21.0mm

to .16 in.

EYEPIECES 1SX field die. ..,•?*·.„ 15.3mm 12X to 2.9mm to60X .60 in. to .11 «n. 24.8mm 6X to 5.1mm to30X .98 in. to .2 in. 19.8mm 8.4X to 3.9mm to42X .78 in. to .15 in. 11.0mm 18X to 2.1mm to 90X .43 in. to .08 in.

tOX WORKING field 01STANCE; dia. 14.2mm 16X to 2.7mm 77.5mm .56 in. 3.05 in. to 8QX to .11 in. 22.2mm 8X to 4.5mm 103mm .87 in. 4.06 in. to40X to .18 in. 18.2mm 11.2X to 3.5mm 95.5mm in. 3.76 in. to56X to.72 .14 ift. 9.0mm 24X to 1.8mm 45mm to 120X .35 in. 1.77 m. to .07 in. mag.

One of the advantages of the SMZ is the precise infocus tracking of the right and left images over the entire zoom range. This is due to meticulously

matched optics, and to the fact that the eyepiece tubes are both adjustable for dioptric power. There is a distinct sense of visual ease and comfort even with prolonged use. Equally evident is the pronounced 3-dimensional effect, brightness of field, and almost incredible image definition. These, too, are traceable to the quality of the optics, their precise collimation and alignment, and to the use of high quality, coated prisms rather than mirrors. In fact, all glass-to-air optical surfaces are anti-reflection hard-coated for increased light transmission and reduced glare. Standard equipment supplied with the Nikon SMZ includes stand, base, reversible white-and-black disc insert and clips, as shown in illustration. Optional equipment includes: substage base for transmitted light observation, illuminators, micrometer stages, reticles, polarizing attachment, half-reflecting mirror attachment for on-axis surface illumination, and a variety of other accessories for numerous applications. Free demonstration provided on request. For detailed catalog, write Dept. AC-7.

NIKON INCORPORATED I N S T R U M E N T DIVISION 111 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK 3, N.Y. Subsidiary of Ehrenreich Photo-Optical Industries, Inc., In Canada: Anglophoto Ltd. Instrument Division Rexdale, Ontario

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