Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Why let precision and accuracy go up in smoke? This is exactly what can happen if you're using a conventional graphite atomizer system. Eliminating background is a necessity for obtaining precision and accuracy. This can mean many hours of sample preparation. Hitachi has solved this problem. Our Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer eliminates most, if not all, sample preparation while greatly increasing both precision and accuracy.
• Precise background correction to 1.7A—up to 5 times better than conventional deuterium lamp techniques. • Direct analysis of most samples including blood, urine, organic material, sea water, acids, etc. • 10 times better accuracy and precision. • Simple, easy operation—few controls, no alignment. Don't let your samples get lost in the smoke. Contact your Hitachi Distributor for more information, specifications and notes on your particular requirements.
Nissei S a n g y o Instruments, Inc.
392 Fotrero A v e n u e • S u n n y v a l e , California 94U86 • (408) 737-2522 CIRCLE 150 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 49, NO. 14, DECEMBER 1977 • 1271 A