Nitrogen-14 and oxygen-17 hyperfine interactions in perturbed

Publication Date: June 1974. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Phys. Chem. 1974, 78, 13, 1313-1321. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's...
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I4N and I 7 Q Hyperfine Interactions in Perturbed Nitroxides (6) M .Falk and T. A Ford. Can. J. Chem., 44, 1699 (1966). (7) J. R. Scherer, M. K. Go, and S. Kint, J. Phys. Chem., 77, 2108 (1973). (8) G. F. Bailey, S. Kint, and J. R. Scherer, Anal. Chem., 39, 1040 (1967). (9) Reference to a company and/or product name by the Department is oniy for purposes of information and does not imply approval or recommendation of the product to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable. (10) la) J. R . Scherer and S. Kint, Appl. Opt., 9, 16?5 (1970); (b) J. R. Scherer, S. Grit, arid G . F. Bailey, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 39, 146 (1971). (11) See paragrap!i at end of text regarding supplementary material. (12) These points in Raninn spectra should be labeled "isoskedastic points." (G.F. Bailey and R. J. Horvat, J. Amer. Oil Chem. SOC., 49, 494 (197'23.) However, in view of current usage, we will continue to'use the prevalent terminology to avoid confusion. (13) G. E. Walrafen, J. Chcam. Phys., 47, 114 (1967). (14) G. E. Walraferr, Chapter 5 of ref 2. (15) H. Lindner, Ph.0. Dissertation, University of Karisruhe, 1970. (16) H S. Frank, Chapter 14 of ref 2. There is a question whether this is a hydrogen bond or an interstitial OH bond perturbed by its surroundings. (17) G. E. Walrafei, J. Chem. Phys., 50, 567 (1969).

6313 (18) J. A. Pople, Proc. Roy. SOC.,Ser. A, 205, 163 (1951) (19) D. F. Smith and J. Overend, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A , 28, 471 (1972). (20) J. Overend, private communication. (21) J. W. Nibler and G. C. Pimentel, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 26, 294 (1968). (22) A . Burneau and J. Corset, J. Chim. Phys., 1, 153 (1972). (23) A computer program was written for the IBM 1800 that aliows calculation of band shapes from input parameters of a product function and graphic comparison on a CRT of the calculated and input bands. Parameters are changed until a best visual fit is obtained. This is not a least-squares fit however it is sufficiently good to make an analysis of the component band shapes. (24) E. U. Frank, PureAppl. Chem., 24, 13 (1970). (25) R. E. Weston, Jr., Spectrochirn. Acta, 18, 1257 (1962). (26) K. M. Cunningham, Thesis, Yale University, 1972. (27) D. A. Long, Proc. Roy. SOC.,Ser. A, 217,203 (19533, (28) R. G . Snyder, Viinana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika, 14, No. 3-4, 139 (1971). (29) 8.L. Crawford, Jr., J. Chem. Phys., 20,977 (1952). (30) D. H. Rank, K. D. Larsen, and E. R. Bordner, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 464 (1934). (31) E. F. Barkerand W. W.Sieator,J. Chem. Phys., 3, 680 (1935). (32) H. S.Frank, Chapter 14of ref 2, p 523. (33) G. E. Walrafen and L. A. Blatz, J. Chem. Phys., 69, 2646 (1973)

xygen-17 Hyperfine Interactions in Perturbed Nitroxides Allan H. Gahen' and Brian M. Hoffman" Department of Chemistry and the Materials Research Center, Northwestern University, Evansfon, liiinois 60201 (Noceived February 20, 1974) Pi~hlicelioncosts assisted by the Petroleum Research Fund

We have measured the isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine splittings for di-tert-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine N-oxy1 (TMPN) perturbed by molecular complex formation, by hydrogen bonding, and by solvent effects in aprotic solvents. We use these measurements to obtain the CT--;T interaction parameters for a Karplus-Fraenkel equation (ai = Qii1pI" -k Qjj*pj")which relates the 14M and I 7 0 isotropic hyperfine splittings to the spin density in the nitroxide N-0 r-electron system; QN# = 23.9 1.0 G, QooN = 3.6 i 0.4 G, QooO = 31.7 f 0.7 G, and Q N N O = 4.7 f 0.5 G. In addition for protonated nitroxides QooN = 13.2 i 0.3 G. The values of Q"N for TMPN and DTBN are identical and discussion of the angle dependence of the parameter suggests that the radicals in solution do not differ with respect to planarity at nitrogen.


I~tro~~ctio~ The stability of aliphatic nitroxides, the simplicity of their epr spectra. and, in particular, the sensitivity of their epr spectra to environmental perturbations have made them objects of considerable interest and wide app l i c a t i ~ n .In~ this work we have measured the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for di-tert-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) and 2,2,6,6-tetram&hiylpiperidine N-oxy1 (TMPN) perturbed by molecular complex formation, by hydrogen bonding, and by soXveint effects in aprotic solvents. We use these measurements to obtain the a-r interaction parameters which relate the 14N and I7O isotropic hyperfine splittings (hfs), UN and ao, to a-electron spin densities, p ~ and * PO". This approach is possible because linear relations between 1'%Nand 1 7 0 hfs indicate that environrnentally induced changes in the epr spectra result from a redistribution of n-electron spin density within the N-0 moiety without significant changes in structure4 and be-

cause the perturbations do not affect the g - ~parameters themselves. As has been previously disc~ssed,5-~ the various perturbations can be viewed as favoring resonance structure I1 over structure I

1 I1 causing a shift of charge density toward oxygen but of spin density toward nitrogen. A similar result is obtained by consideration of a simple MO scheme in which the three electrons of the nitroxide bond are in orbitals derived from linear combinations of the nitrogen and oxygen 2pa orbitals. Two of the electrons occupy the bonding r orbital and the unpaired electron is in the antibonding K* orbital. The effective electronegativity of oxygen is enhanced by u interactions with an electronwithdrawing agent, increasing the oxygen character of the K The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 73, 1974

Allan H. Cohen and Brian M. Hoffman


A **

above, but with the TMPN(170) reaction mixture replacing the pure TMPN. The two component samples of TMPN(I70) contained 5% by volume of the reaction mixture. A gas-phase DTBN sample was prepared by filling an evacuated 11-mm quartz sample tube with DTBN vapor orbital. Consequently, the nitrogen character of the R* orbiin equilibrium with the liquid at 14" (vapor pressure = tal and thus p ~ is* increased. 0.17 mm17). The redistribution of spin density within the N-0 'IT Epr spectra were recorded at X-band on a Varian Assosystem changes the nuclear hfs. We obtain +'IT interaction ciates Model E-4 spectrometer equipped with a Hewlettparameters for 14N and 170from correlations between isoPackard Model X532-B wave meter or a Model V-4502 tropic hfs and the electron-nuclear dipolar splittings (Ti; spectrometer equipped with the same wave meter and a i = 14N, l 7 O ) as determined from combined measureV-4532 dual cavity. Magnetic field calibration employed ments of isotropic and anisotropic hfs. This is equivalent an aqueous solution of peroxylamine disulfonate saturated t o correlating isotropic hfs with ?r-electron spin densities, with potassium carbonate (aN = 13.091 G).18 When hysince perfine splittings were obtained on the V-4502 spectromePI= = T,/(TJO (1) ter, the incremental field control was used as described by Libertini and Griffith.l9 These values were completely where for a second row element, (Ti)0 is the electron-nuconsistent with those measured on the E-4. Differential clear dipolar hfs constant for a single electron in a 2pr ordetermination of g values on the V-4502 was accomplished bital on atom i.9 The availability of TN and TO for perusing the incremental field control and peroxylamine diturbed nitroxides further permits an experimental verifisulfonate as the reference (g = 2.00550).20The mechanical cation of a b initio calculations of (T0)oand (TN)o. wave meter is not sufficiently accurate to allow direct g For both 1 7 0 and 14N a Karplus-Fraenkel equationlo of value measurements on the E-4 Spectrometer. It was nevthe form ertheless possible to perform differential g value measurements by overlapping spectra of sample and peroxylamine reference obtained at the same microwave frequency. This gives a satisfactory representation oE the experimental is accomplished by replacing the sample with the referdata. Because results from the molecular complexesll are ence without changing the Klystron frequency, and retunincluded, this relationship covers a much wider range of ing the cavity to its original frequency (AFC error voltage splitting constants than i s ordinarily accessible. However, = 0) by appropriate placement of the reference. The proas we discuss, this fit does not necessarily rule out a concedure is equivalent to using a tunable cavity and gives g tribution to a, proportional to the overlap spin density, values reproducible to =k0.00003. PO"^ All values reported are the average of two or more meaThese empirical 170and 14N C-T polarization paramesurements and are corrected for second-order effects. Unters are compared to previously reported values, in particless explicitly indicated in the figures errors are zk0.04 G ular, those recently calculated by Hayat and Si1verl2 for for the isotropic coupling constants, AQ.1 G for the anisothe CzNO nitroxyl fragment. The discussion of &N" tropic coupling constants, and ~b0.00003for the g values, leads to the suggestion that, in solution, DTBN and TMPN Isotropic epr spectra were recorded a t room temperature do not differ in their degree of nonplanarity at nitrogen. We for the stable two component samples. Due to instability also report the C - R parameter relating PO" to the isotropic at room temperature the TMPN(l70); SnC14 and hfs of a proton bonded to oxygen for a protonated nitroxide TMPN(170)H+ isotropic spectra were recorded a t - 20". (&NOH+). At higher temperatures these samples ecomposed rapidly xgerimental ~ e ~ t i ~ n and at a much lower temperature the 17Qlines were too broad to be measured. Spectra recorded at -20" used a DTBN was synthesized by the method of Hoffmann13 or conventional variable temperature apparatus employing purchased from Eastman-Kodak Co. and purified by vaccold nitrogen gas. Frozen solution spectra were taken with uum distillation. TMPN was synthesized by the method the sample immersed in liquid nitrogen. of Brierel* and purified by vacuum sublimation. TMPN Optical spectra were recorded on a Beckman Acta 111 was prepared by oxidation enriched in I7O (TMPN (170)) spectrophotometer. of the parent inmine with gaseous oxygen of 11 atom '70 170 in the presence of cup'-azobisisobutylnitrile. The resulting M in total TMPN(I70 Results reaction mixture was ca. 5 x Epr Spectra. The fluid solution epr spectra of both -11%) and was used without purification. The procedure TMPN and DTBN consist of three main lines due to hfs is similar to that used by Baird for synthesizing. di-secfrom 14N. In addition, splitting can usually be observed butyl nitroxide enriched in 170.15 from 13C, 15N, and, for DTBN under ideal conditions, Samples were prepared in a preparative high vacuum from 170,21 all in natural abundance. l7O hfs are easily system. In a typical two component sample containing niobserved in solution spectra of TMPN("O), Figure 1. Free troxide pius organic solvent, a measured volume of the niradical molecular complexes between nitroxides and Lewis troxide vapor, in equilibrium with condensed nitroxide at acids (MX,) may exhibit additional splitting from the a known temperature, was transferred into a quartz epr metal (M) nucleus.6J1 sample tube and then the solvent was distilled in, under In frozen nitroxide solutions the breadth of the epr vacuum, to give a ca. 5 x IO-* M solution. Preparation of spectrum is usually dominated by the anisotropic 14N hfs; the nitroxide Lewis acid molecular complexes and protohowever, coupling with M of MX, and with I 7 0 in nat ed nitroxide is described elsewhere.6,11 ,I6 TMPN(OI7) may be important (Figure 2A). TOa good apSamples with TMPN enriched in 170were prepared as The Journai of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 13, 1974




Hyperfine interactions in Perturbed Nitroxides

1. Solution speckrum of T M P N ( 1 7 0 ) in 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine The signal amplitude of t h e low-field portion of t h e spectrum is 50 tiisies that of the remainder


proximation, nitroxides have axial hfs and the powder spectra can be interpreted on the basis of the spin Hamiltonianlv X PS.g.H -I-C[A,S,I,, + &(SzI,x S,I,,)] (3)



using appropriate spectral features and computer simulations (Figure 2R). The A, for i = I4N, and 170when observed (Figure 2Aj, gives rise to well-resolved splittings and are obtained with good accuracy, but the splittings due to B, are riot resolved. For the molecular complexes where M = AI or Sn, both Ai and Bi are observed.11.22 For the weaker perturbing agents accidental degeneracy of the parallel anisotrolpic I7O lines give stronger signals than could be expected from the extent of labeling (Figure 2A). Larger uncertainties in A0 for some of the more strongly perturhed nitroxides arise where there is no longer such degeneracy. Anisotropic I7O hfs could not be observed for the iSnC14 complex because of the presence of the anisotropic 11’f-119Sn splittings in the region where the l 7 0 lines are expected to appear. The anisotropic I7O hfs for TMPN(lrO)H+ were unobservable in dilute frozen solution, in part because the expected value of A0 gives no increased sensitivity from degenerate lines; increasing the concentration produces spin exchange and poor spectral resolution. Signs of Isotropic I&. The signs of ai can be obtained from combined measurements of ai and Ai. To an excellent first approximation, nonlocal dipolar interactions can be neglected so that the anistropic hfs determined from powder spectra rnay be writtenz3 (however see Appendix A) A, = a, c T, (4) B, = a, - T,/2 (5) Since, for both I 7 Q and I4Ny lA,l > Iqi, (Figure 2), then T, and a, are of the same sign. Since (T,)ohas the sign of y,, the gyromagnetic ratio for nucleus i,23 than a0 and a N have the signs of 70 and Y N , respectively. The sign of a0 as directly determined here for TMPN(170) is the same as that determined for uo in Fremy’s salt by an analysis of line width variation^.^^ Indeed, although measurement of line width variations for the perturbed nitroxides is unfavorable because of line overlap, the obsmmtion that for the pair of lines with mN = 0, mo = *5h the low field line is narrower than that a t high field can tiPso be shown to require that a0 and 70 have the same sign. We have followed Broze and L u z and ~ ~ for convenience use [ y o / in the definition of (T0)0,thus changing the sign of TO, a0, and of :he 0- r interaction parameters reported.

Figure 2. (A) Powder spectrum of TMPN(l7O) in 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine The signal amplitude of the I7O parallel region is 1.6 X 10’ times that of the central 14N portion o i the spectrum: T = 77’K. (8)Computer simulation, with A N = 34 45 G , 0 0054 and 72.0 G , BO = 7.2 G ,g J - - g B N = 6.26 G,A 0 line width = 10 G .

A line width analysis for R2NOH+ shows that, as expected, aH+< 0.26 Empirical Correlations between Hfs. We wish to correlate experimental values of isotropic hfs constants, a,, with experimentally determined electron-nuclear dipolar interaction parameters, Ti, as well as to correlate the T, among themselves. From eq 4 and 5, T, can be Calculated from the parameters (Ai, Bij or from (ai, AI). Since neither BN nor Bo are resolved in frozen solution, the latter procedure was used and then verified by simulating the powder spectra using the measured values for A N and A. and the calculated values of BN and Bo (Figure 2B). As described in Appendix A, minor corrections to A, due to nonlocal dipolar interactions have been included in the calculations of Ti. Figures 3 and 4 are, respectively, plots of ah’ us. TN and us. TNfor DTBN and TMPN perturbed by a variety of interactions. Results for newly prepared free-radical molecular complexes are included (A-G).6J1 Excluding the points for protonated nitroxides (H-J), the figures show that both a0 and uN are linearly related to TN.These linear variations include perturbation by the “simple” solvent effects of non-hydrogen-bonding solvents (points a-c, E), perturbation by hydrogen-bond formation (points 1-71? and also perturbation by actual molecular complex forrnation (points A-6). These results are similar to observations in which variations of isotropic hfs constants for different sites on a radical are linearly related when the spin density distribution is perturbed by intermolecular interactions without structural changes in the radical or change in total spin d e n ~ i t y . ~ The straight lines in Figures 3 and 4 are determined by the method of linear least squares with excliusion of The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo! 73, No. 13, 1974

Allan H . Cohen and Brian M . Hoffman



Figure 3. Plot of a~ VS. TN for DTBN(@) and T M P N ( 0 ) in the aprotic solvents (a) n-hexane, (b) toluene, (c) 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine, and ( f ) nitromethane; in the hydrogen bonding solvents (1) decyl alchohol, (2) methanol, (3) phenol, (4) 4-fluorophenol, (5) 3-fluorophenol, (6) 1,1,1,3.3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP), and (7)pentafluorophenol; complexed with (A) Ti(OPin)d, (6)GeG14, (C) SiCI4, (D) pentacarbonylchromium difert-butyl stannylene, (E) SnC14, (F) TiC14, and (G) AICh (error in TN is (k0.7G);*' protonated by ( H ) H2Q:TiCI4, ( I ) ti~O:TiBr4. and (J) H2O:BF3


Figure 5. Plot of 8~ VS. To for TMPN('?O) in t h e aprotic solvents (a) n-hexane, (c) 2,2,6,64etramethylpiperidine, and ( f ) nitromethane; in the hydrogen bonding solvents (2) methanoi, (5)3-fluorophenol, and (6) HFIP.

Figure 6. Plot of a0 vs. To for T M P N ( 1 7 0 ) in the aprotic solvents (a) n-hexane, (c) 2,2,6,64etramethyIpiperidine, and (f) nitromethane; in the hydrogen bonding solvents (2) methanol, (5) 3-fluorophenol, and (6) HFIP.


Figure 4. Plot of a0 VS, TN for D T B N ( 0 ) and T M P N ( l 7 O ) ( 0 ) in the aprotic soivents (a) n-hexane, (b) toluene, (c) 2,2,6,6tetramethylpiperidine and (f) nitromethane; in the hydrogen bonding solvents (2) methanol, (5) 3-fluorophenol, and (6) HFIP; complexed with (E) SnC14; protonated by (J) H 2 0 : B F 3 .

points H, I, and 9 and the errors given are the probable ax(G>


40 TO


+ (3.8 st 0.4) G f 0.04)TN + (34.5 F 0.8) G

(0.61 f 0.02)TN


ao(G> (-0.81 (7) errors in the slope and intercept.27 Because of the inclusion of results from the molecular complexes, these relationships cover a much wider range of splitting constants than is ordinarily accessible. Results for a series of nitroxides oriented in host single crystals are in agreement with eq 6.28 Isotropic hfs can also be fit to a linear relationship with To (Figures 5 and 6) although the fewer available values for 'To have n substantially greater experimental error than for TN aN = (-0.26 f 0.02)To (29.4 'f 1.2) G (8) a. = (0.30 f 0.U2)T0 (3.3 f 1.2) G (9) The I4N hfs for DTBNHc do not fit eq 6 (Figure 5), al-

+ +

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, NO. 73, 7974

though the 170 hfs of TMPN(I70)N+ obey eq 7 reasonably well (Figure 4). A possible explanation for these observations is that for the protonated species, RzNOH+, there is in addition to a redistribution of charge and spin density, also a change in the geometry and, therefore, hybridization of the nitrogen atom with only a minimal effect at oxygen. (See Discussion for the effect of hybridization changes.) Figure 7 plots To us. TN. The result of a linear leastsquares fit of the experimental data is To = (-3.07 f 0.49)T, (111.8 3F 9.8) G (10)


Dipolar Interaction Constants. The matrix elements of the spin density in the nitroxide N-O r-electron system may be calculated from measurements of TI (eq 1).These matrix elements, poT, p ~ and ~ ON*, , and thus the Ti are related through the normalization condition PNn

+ Po" + Pea"




where PON" = -2S(p0=pN7r)1/2;29 S = ( 2 p r N 1 2 p ~ 0 )N 0.153O for an N-0 bond distance of 1.29 A. A nonzero value of t would represent loss of spin density from the nitroxide N-0 A system to the nitroxide alkyl groups or to the perturbing agent.

I4N and


Hyperfine Interactions in Perturbed Nitroxides


TABLE I: E I~.-_-e--~ ~ ~ { ~ ~ - Dipolar , l ~ u c Interaction ~ear Constants (G)a






96.4 4 8.5b

29.6 i. 4 . 7 b

* 9.0"

31.4 i 3.2c



Experhen tal

3.07 i 0.49

102.2 Theoretical Hartrse-Fa& orbitals Slater orbitals

3.05 2.87

This work

102 80.5






= -0.16 and assuming E = 0.0. Using P O N ~= -0.16 and assuming 6 = 0.07. calculated using effective nu(T,)o = 4/sgpg,,& (1/r3)2pk.J3 Using clear;Z,y = 3.90 and Zo = 4.55. (See F. L. Pilar, "Elementary Quantum Chemistry," McGraw-Hill, New York,N. Y., 1968, p 194.) 6

QooN, which relate, respectively, the nitroxide I4N isotropic hfs to p ~ and * PO" GN



+ QooNpoR


A similar equation can be written for isotropic l7O hfs, with N and 0 interchanged. Using the definition of spin densities in terms of the dipolar hfs, eq 1, and the spin density normalization, eq 11,eq 13 can be written as

for 14Nand similarly for 170 'N

Figure 7. Plot of 7-0 vs. TO for TMPN(170) in the aprotic solvents (a) n-hexane, ( c ) 2,2,fi,6-tetramethylpiperidine. and (f) nitromethane; in the hydrogen bonding solvents (2) methanol, (5) 3-flurophenol, and (6) tiFIP.

Using the experimental range of 18.46 5 T N 5 26.56 G and (TN)o33.5 G3I (see below), eq 1 gives 0.55 5 pN" -< 0.79. Then from the normalization equation and considering 0 < e 5 0.1, PON" is found to be a constant ON* = -0.16 rt 0.01) for the entire range of spin densities, independent of both t and of any reasonable choice of (TN)o. Thus, in this work the term PON" may be replaced everywhere by -0.16. Equation 11 can be rewritten as a linear relationship between TO and T N . The definition of spin densities in terms of dipolar hfs (eq 1) including the overlap term as a constant gives

Equating t e r m of eq 10 and 12 gives an experimental value for the ratio (TO)o/(TN)o without assumption about E. Table I shows that this ratio is in remarkably good agreement with that calculated using Hartree-Fock orbitals, with Slater orbitals giving a smaller value. Given that the experimental and Hartree-Fock ratios are the same, then using Hartree-Fock values for the individual ( 7 ; ) 0 , ~ pl q 10 and 12 give the quite reasonable value of e = 0.0'7 f 0.01. On the other hand, taking e = 0.0 eq 10 and 12 give values for (TJo slightly smaller than the Hartree-Fock values. These results are consistent with the idea that we can tireat a perturbed nitroxide as a two atom *-electron system with the sum of the spin density on the N-0 moiety, a constant. a--a Interaction Parameters. As we have previously shownY5the empirical linear relationships between isotropic and anisotropic hfs can be used to evaluate the Karand plus-Fraenkel u -rr interaction parameters, Q"N

Since the overlap spin density is effectively constant for the perturbed nitroxides and the o-K parameters are invariant to perturbation (see Discussion), these equations have the same form as eq 6 and 7 . Equating terms in eq 6 and 14 and in eq 7 and 15 with (TN)o = 33.5 G31 and then using [poN" = -0.16; e = 0.071 or [t = PON* = 0.01, we obtain the 14N and 1 7 0 Karplus-Fraenkel u--r interaction parameters listed in Table 11. It is equally possible to rewrite eq 13 and its I7O equivalent in terms of To rather than T N . Comparing such equations with the empirical relationships, eq 8 and 9, using (TO)o= 10231 gives values for the I4N and 1 7 0 6-1 parameters (Table 11) in good agreement with values obtained using eq 14 and 15. The polarization parameters for the proton bonded to oxygen in RzNOH+ and for the hydrogen bonding proton in RzNO-methanol can also be determined. The proton hfs of RzNOHf is expected to obey a I M ~ C o n n e l lequa~~ tion aH+ = QOO~PO" (16) For TMPNH+ and DTBNH+, a H + = -3.8 & 0.1 and -4.1 f 0.1 G, respectively. From the observed T N (Figure 3) and eq 1 with (TN)o= 33.5 G,31 choosing [PON" = -0.16; e = 0.071, eq 11 gives PO" = 0.29 (TMPNH+), 0.31 (DTBNH+), and thus Q m H = -13.2 f. 0.3 G for these protonated nitroxides. From the nmr contact shift, aH+ for the hydroxyl proton of methanol hydrogen bonded to DTBN i s -0.49 (2.33 Assuming that this coupling also obeys eq 16 and using p ~ " = 0.47 for DTBN-methanol, determined as above, the effective value of QooH is -1.06 G, more than a factor of 10 smaller than for full proton transfer to oxygen and in order of magnitude agreement with a theoretically calculated value, QOO" = -3.26 G.34 g Values. Figure 8 plots giso us. aN for nitroxides perturbed by aprotic (points a-f) and protic (points 1-7) solvents. All of the data in Figure 8 can be included in a single least-squares relationship The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo/. 78, No. 13, 1974

Allan H. Cohen and Brian M. Hoffman


TABLE 11: Nitroxlide __


C2N0 fragment


Interaction Parameters for Eq 2 (G) Source

Figures 3 and 4, eq 6 and 7 Figures5 and 6, eq 8 and 9 U




124.2 i 1.0 3 . 8 f 0 . 4 123.9 f 1.0 3 . 6 4 0 . 4 27.0 P 1 . 0 0 . 3 i 1 . 3 41.2


34.5 i 0 . 8 7 . 5 i 0 . 6 31.7 4 0 . 7 4 . 7 i 0 . 5 33.7 i 3.0 3 . 0 i 1 . 0





= POX" = 0 . 0 = 0.07; PON" = - 0 . 1 6 = 0.07; PON" = -0.16


= 0.07;

t E




Calculated, as described. in the text, from pararnetersls for a three term-equation (eq 19).

g,,, = -(2.67 & O M ) X 1 0 - 4 ~ ,-I-2.01014 f 0.00026 (17) A previous suggestion based on fewer data points, that different linear relationships are required for protic and aprotic solvents,35 appears to be unnecessary. The arrow in Figure 8 indicates giso for gaseous DTBN. Even a t low pressure (0.71 mm) hfs were not revolved. From the measured, gas-phase g,,,, eq 17 predicts a N = 15.0 G and, using eq 6 and 1 with (TN)o= 33.E1,~lP N = ~ 0.57. FOPnitroxide molecular complexes giso is greater than the value that would be calculated from a N and eq 17, and these results are not included in Figure 8. This positive deviation has been attributed to spin-orbit coupling with atoms of the Lewis acid and can be used to estimate spin densities on MX,.6J1 The results for RzNOHf are in reasonable agreement with eq 17. However when DTBNH+ is prepared by protonation with HzO:MX,, a N = 21.7 f 0.1 G inldependent of MXn, but gt, differs significantly according to the identity of MX, with TiBr4 having the largest value (2.00466) and SbCl5 the smallest (2.00405), and WF3 (2.00437) and Tic14 (2.00422) intermediate. This influence of the protonating species suggests that the zNOH+ in methylene chloride exists as a tight ion pair with a small but finite spin-orbit interaction with atoms of the counter ion. Small, partially resolved hfs, observed when TMFN is protonated by HzO:AlC13, are also evidencs for ion pairing.26

Discussion ave shown that for aliphatic nitroxides the dependence of both and 170on *-electron spin densities can be successfully described by equations of the Karplus -Fraenkel type (eq 2). From the linear relations between a, and T N , eq 6 and 7, Q o o N and QooO are obtained without assumption as to the magnitude of any a-T parameter and without using valence-theory calculations of ?r-elecobtained tron wave functions; values of Q N N O and Q"N from these equations do depend on the value of (TN)o. The value of Qoo" for RzNOHI- is also dependent only on


The linear relationships between ai and TO,eq 8 and 9, e values of and Q"N directly and values of oolq and QooQ dependent only on (T&. Although based on fewer and less accurate data, the agreement of these parameters with those derived from eq 6 and 7 is reasonable. Prom Table 11, Q J J 1 / Q l l l = 0.15 for both 14N and l40. Since for the systems studied here, 0.55 5 p ~ 5* 0.79 and 0.53 5 po 5 0.30, then ai for both nuclei depend primarily, but not exclusively, on the local spin density. This result corrects earlier suggestions that a N for aliphatic nitroxides follows a simple McConnell relationship with &N" = 18 G;7,36, as well as earlier estimates of p N T . 3 7 Furthermore, theoretically calculated spin densities for DTRN should probably be compared with the estimated as-phase value, p N == 0.57. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Val. 78, No. 73, 1974


I7 aN

Plot of g vs. a N for DTBN(0) and IMPN(O) in the aprotic solvents (a) n-hexane, (b) toluene, (d) dimethyl sulfoxide, (e) methylene chloride, and ( f ) nitromethane; in the hydrogen bonding solvents (1) decyl alcohol, (2) methanol, (3) phenol, (4) 4-fluorophenol, (5) 3-fluorophenol, (6) HFIP, and (7) pentafluorophenol. The arrow indicates the g value of gas-phase

Figure 8.


In evaluating the nitroxide a-A parameters we have assumed they are not significantly altered by environmental perturbations, although these perturbations do cause a redistribution of the a-electron spin density.38 To examine this assumption we consider the general equation for elements of the A-x polarization matrix as given by Henning39d

(18) where gi is the nuclear g value for nucleus i,Pn the nuclear Bohr magneton, aJ and up* occupied and unoccupied a MO's, oj(ri) is the value of the orbital oJ at nucleus i, (pz)r(s)is the 2pr orbital on atom r(s), and AE(j - p) is the singlet-triplet transition energy for an excitation from the a] to the up* orbital (As seen below, qrsi and the Karplus-Fraenkel parameter, Q,,', are not necessarily identical.) An environmental effect on qrsl would come through changes in AE(j - p). For a dialkyi nitroxide the excitations which need to be considered are the O(n)-NO( u*), CN(o)-CN(g*), CN(a)-NC(a*), CN(g)-NO( a*), NC( (I)NC( a*). However, strong hydrogen bonding or molecular complexation primarily involves interaction with the n orbitals on oxygen.6.8 Therefore, it is ex ected that the O(n) -NO(a*) excitation energy (AE(n--a )) will exhibit the largest change upon environmental perturbation, with other excitation energies exhibiting smaller changes. A rough estimate of the variation in the a-x parameters caused by changes in AE(n-a*) i ble from consideration of the optical spectrum of The n-+ transi21,500 tion40 shifts 2900 cm-I going from n-hexane (A,,, UN = 15.20 G) to HFIF (A, 24,400, CZN = 17.35 ~

I 4 N and 170Hyperfine In:eractions in

Perturbed Nttroxides


G), while Haynt and Silver12 estimate AE(n-a*) = 1.15 au (252,500 cm -I). If in first approximation all variation in the n-r* (and in the n-u* transition is attributed to effects on the nonbonding orbital, then both transitions would undergo similar shifts in wavelength and AE(n-u*) would thus change b;y only =l%. Since the other excitation energies were also estimated to be 1.15 au or greater12 their variation would be even less. Thus, these order of magnitude e3timates show that any variations in the u-A parameters will be substantially smaller than the reported probable errors 1 Table TI) Comparison with Other Karplus-Fraenkel Parameters. Previous, mostly semiempirical, correlations of a N with *-electron spin densities using an equation of the form of eq 2 have been made for 14N in N-heterocyclic ion radicals. The repameed values for Q”N (19-31 G)39 range around the present result for DTBN and TMPN while a 36 G for diphenyl nisemiempirical estimate of Q N N N troxided2 is considerably larger than our result. Only one of these previous detiarrninations of the 9”’ was indeusually pendent of ~ s s ~ ~ m about p ~u-A ~ ~parameters, ~ ~ s Qce”, or of s e m i e m ~ ~ i r ~spin c a ~density calculations: Q”N = 27.3 G for hetcrocyclic radical anions.39 The value of Qoo*qis small but it is positive outside of experimental eIror. This is contrary to simple considerations of spin ~ ) o ~ ~ r ~ which ~ a t ~take o n into account only L-shell orbiteids on hi and 8.Values of the comparable parameter for hetxocyclic anions, QCcN, have ranged from these determinations, only three were umptions +about u-A parameters or of semiempirical spin densxty calculations; QCCN = 2.6 G39 for protonated dfazines, “- 1.7 G for nitrogen heterocyclic a n i 0 1 ~ , 3and ~ - 1.56 G for the pyrazine and 3,5-lutidine ani0ns.3~ Previous semiempiriiral determinations of 170KarplusFraenkel parameters have been made for 170 enriched semiquinone and hvdi~oquinoneradicals and for nitroaromatic anions. For the former QooO 40-45 G25,43 and for the latter Q O o o -- 4 .7 G44have been reported, noticeably larger (-30%) than for l32NO (Table 11). The nitroxrde &”” is positive (Table II), again consimple considorations of spin polarization. In con= -2 92 C: is reported for nitroaromatics. The comparable parameter in the quinone radicals is given the range Qcco = 5-16.9 G 3 2 6 3 4 3 of the same sign as Q”0 for ni troxd es In general, when fitting hfs and spin density data to a Karplus-Fraenkd relationship, overlap terms in the spin density normalization (eq l l ) , proportional to overlap integrals, have been omitted, but as shown above, it is relatively easy to irclride {he overlap spin density as a constant in the norrnalizatjon equation. Values of u-7r parameters depend In i i systematic way on the treatment of both overlap spin density and of e (eq 14 and 15). For example, Table IT includes values of u-A parameters calculated withpoNS = -0.16, c .- 0.07, and also with PON” = c = 0. Inclusion of qicroJs. Examination of eq 18 shows that completeness would relquire an additional term in the u-A polarization equation, one directly involving the overlap spin density. ‘The resulting three-term equation for nitroxides can be writtEn12 (i, j 14NN, l70) ~





= cl I’P,.‘ 4-





Although eq 2 gives n satisfactory description of the I4N and l 7 0 isotropic. hfs for DTBN and TMPN, the product,

( p o * p ~ ~ ) is l / ~essentially a constant over the range of our experiments. Under this condition a, will still be linearly dependent on TN or TOeven if q*uross# 0. This fact underlies previous observations25~45 that semiempirical correlations between hfs and spin density are often insufficiently accurate to determine the parameters in an equation of the form of eq 19. It is possible to equate the empirical correlations between isotropic and anisotropic hfs (eq 6-9) to the complete u-A polarization equation (eq 19) with a reinterpretation of terms. (The intercept in eq 6, becomes [(l+ PON* - e)qooo ( p o ~ p N “ ) ~qNcross] /~ and the intercept of eq 7 becomes [(I + PON“ - c)qooo + ~ O ~ ~ N V % ~ C ~ Thus, Qlll and Q,jl as determined here are directly comparable to (q12 + [(PO”PN”)1’2q100ss/(1 -+ PON* - t)11 and’ (qJJ’+ [(p0*p~*)’”qlo,,,/(1-- pON* - T I ] ] ,respectively.) Recently Hayat and Silver12 have calculated the u--A polarization parameters of eq 19 for the nitroxide CzNO fragment using a theoretical treatment due to M e l ~ h o i r ~ ~ which employs localized u bonds. Their results, recalculated as indicated above for comparison purposes, are summarized in Table 11. The calculated value of QooO is of the same sign, but larger (-30%) than OUT directly determined value. However, the theoretically calculated QJJ%for both 14N and 170are opposite in sign to our experimental values. Direct comparison between an emiprical Q”N and a theoretical q N N N from eq 18 is not possible because of the consequences of the possibility of nonplanarity at nitrogen. However, Hayat and Silver12 arrive at (but do not explicitly write) a semiempirical value q N N N = 40.6 G by combining calculated qooN, qooo, and q N N 0 with observed a N , a0 for 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidoneN-oxyl. The calculated from their result (Table 11) difvalue for Q”N fers considerably from that reported here. Geometry at Nitrogen. Consideration of Q”’ can also give information about the degree of nonplanarity for a nitroxide. Theoretical expressions based on eq 18 assume CzNO to be planar,. but the elements of the polarization matrix will not be significantly affected by bending.lZ Bending does introduce an additional contribution to CZN by introducing some s character in the nitrogen orbital containing the odd electron. An empirically measured Q”N or q N N N is then the sum of two terms: QN“ = Q”N (d, -- 0) f(4), where d, is the angle between the N-0 bond and the (C-N-C) plane. Wayat and Silver write f(d,) as the product of the hfs for one electron in a 14N 2s orbital and the fraction of s character of t taining the odd ePect1-011.~~






550(2 tan2 [@(+)I)

Symmetry about nitrogen is approximated to be CW, 0 is the angle between the N-0 bond and the plane defined by oxygen and the two carbons bonded to nitrogen, and B and $ are related by the identity48


= 0 -i- sin-’[2 sin 8/(3 sin2 8 -1-




For six-membered ring nitroxides X-ray structure determinations show $ 16-21”,49 which gives f(d,) = lQ.116.7 G. However, DTBN was considered to be planar in an electron diffraction study.50 Thus 4 = B = 0, and f(6) = 0. If the hfs data for TMPN and DTBN are separately fit to linear relationships of the form of eq 6, the derived The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 13, 1974




Allan H. Cohen and Brian M. Hoffman

1320 QiV" are essentially identical: Q"N(TMPN) = 23.8 f 1.6 G and Q"N(DTBN) = 24.1 f 1.2 G. This result suggests that the out of plane angle, 4, is similar for the two radicals in solution.

@onclusion Through the measurement of isotropic and anisotropic hfs we have directly determined the 14N and 170a-a polarization parameters for DTBN and TMPN as well as QwH for protonated nitroxide. The 14N and l7O neighboring atom a-x parameter are positive, contrary to simple considerations. We have also shown that at least in solution DTBN and TMPN do not differ in their degree of nonplanarity. Melchior's theory for elements of the U--A polarization matrix predicts that Qlif elements should be relatively insensitive to the 0 bonding a t i whereas Q J J i elements should be much more dependent on bonding a t i.46,51 Thus our QooO and possibly QN" should be transferable to aromatic nitroxides and possibly other N or 0 a system such as N hetercyclics, semiquinones, the C-CHNH2 ?r fragment, and nitroaromatic ions. Appendix A complete description of the magnetic dipolar interaction in the nitroxide -A-electron system must include dipolar interactions between nucleus i and spin density on its and with the overlap spin density, TI,', neighbor j, TJji, giving for 14W AN =: aN 4- T N Tooy TOW' and B similar equation for I 7 0 with the N and the 0 interchanged. The last two terms are opposite in sign and, because of the r-3 dependence of the dipolar interaction, are small, but for completeness have been included. These terms are obtained using T,Jf = (Tjj')o with the (TjJi)o and (TIJ1)oreferring to the appropriate dipolar hfs due to one electron. The calculation of (Till)* is straightforward, using the equations of McConnell and Strathdee52 as modified by To calculate (TIJl)~, we assumed that the overEb~field.5~ lap spin density could be represented as a p orbital located midway between N arid 0 and experiencing a nuclear forcefield with Siater Z, the average of ZN and 20 (arithmetic and geometric means give indistinguishable results); these calculations gave (TooN)o = -0.66 G, (7'O")o -1.30 G, ( T N N o ) o = +1.12 G, and (TNo0)o = C2.47 G. Because the nonlocal terms are small the spin densities can be iteratively calculated by neglecting nonlocal contributions, in the initial value for Ti, and then adjusting T, by reintroducing these terms. These minor corrections to T I are insensitive to the choice of (TI)*from among reported values as well as to the (T,,)o. Thus the TN may still he considered experimental quantities, derived from (a,) AI), and effectively independent of any theoretically calculated ( T,)o.



Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. George P. Lozos for assistance with epr spectral simulations, Dr. James C. Baird for a detailed description of the preparation of 170 enriched di-sec-butyl nitroxide, and Dr. Tobin J. Marks for a gift of the pentacarbonylchrornium di-tert-butyl stannylene. We acknowledge the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 13, 1974

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B. L. Silver, private communication. (a) A. Carrington and J. dos Santos-Veiga, Mol. Phys., 5, 21 (1962); (b) R. L. Ward, J. Amer. Chem. Scc.. 83, 3623 (1961); (c) N. M. Atherton, F. Gerson. and J . N. Murrell, Mol. Phys.. 5, 509 (1962); (d) J. C. M. Henning, J . Chem. Phys.. 44, 2139 (1966); (e) E, W, Stone and A. H. Maki, ibid.. 39, 1635 (1963); (f) D. H. Geske and G, R. Padmanabhan, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 87, 1651 (1965); (9) C. L. Talcott and R. J. Myers, Mol. Phys.. 12, 549 (1967); (h) P. T. Cottrell and P. H. Reiger, ibid.. 12, 149 (1967); (i) P. J. Black and C. A. McDowell, ibid.. 12, 233 (1967); ( j ) 8. L. Barton and G. K. Fraenkel, J. Chem. Phys.. 41, 1455 (1964). R. Briere, H. Lemaire, and A. Rassat, Bull. Soc. Chin. Fr.. 3273 (1965). A. K. Hoffmann and A. T. Henderson, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 83, 4671 (1961). P. B. Ayscough and F. P. Sargent, J. Chem. SOC.13. 907 (1966). (a) W . M. Gulick, Jr., and D. H. Geske, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 4119 (1966); (b) M. Broze, Z. Luz, and B. I. Silver, J. Chern. Phys.. 46, 4891 (1967); (c) V. K. Dimroth, A. Berndt, F. Bar. R. Volland, and A. Scweig, Angew. Chem.. 79, 69 (1967); (d) P. D. Sullivan, J. R. Bolton, and W, E. Geiger, Jr,. J. Amer. Chem. SOC.. 92, 4176 (1970). W. M. Guilick, Jr., W. E. Geiger, Jr., and D. H. Geske. J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 90,4218 (1968). T. Yonezawa, T. Kawamura, and H. Kato, J. Chem. Phys.. 5 0 , 3482 (1969). M. T. Melchior, J. Chem. Phys,. 50, 511 (1969). R. W. Fessenden, J. Phys. Chem.. 71, 74 (1967).


Ronald Paul Mason and Jack H . Freed


Figure 1. Superposition of computed rigid limit nitroxide spectrum with a computed slow-tumbling spectrum at TR = 5.0 X

sec demonstrating the measurements required for the parameters S := A,'/A,, W L = &/&., and Wh = &/Ahr. In an actual experiment it is often necessary to estimate the A p r in place of the A,]' as described in the text. The magnetic parameters utilized for this figure are 6 = 3.0 G,g, = g, = 2.0075,g, = 2 0027, A,: = A,, 6.0G,A , = 32.0 G,Bo = 3300 G. C

over the range 1.0 5 6 5 4.0 G and virtually independent of A, over the range 27 5 A , 5 40 G. It is, of course, essentially independent of variations in the other nitroxide rigid limit parameters. It is a result obtained for the assumption of Lorentzian inhomogeneous broadening. In the slow-motional region, near the rigid limit, the line width A, for Lorentzian line shapes, can be decomposed into two contributions.1° (1)the Lorentzian inhomogeneous comyronent given by eq l a and l b and (2) the excess motional width (of order of magnitude T R - ~ ) . (It is convenient to think in terms of this decomposition even though it is not necessary for the method below.) A useful dimensionless parameter for describing these spectra is then

W , 3 AJA;

Figure 2. Graph of ( W - 1): curves A-H; and (1 - S): curves a-d vs T R for nitroxide isotropic rotational reorientation from computer simulations of Brownian diffusion and approximate free diffusion. Curves a and b are for approximate free diffusion and derivative widths 6 = 3.0 and 1.0 G , respectively, and curves c and d arc? for Brownian diffusion where 6 = 3.0 and 1.O, respectively. Curves a through d may be approximated by T R = a ( l S ) b to a high degree of accuracy with ( b j a = 5.90 X b = -1.68. The equasee, b = -1.24; (d) a = 2.95 X tions for a and c are given in l . Curves A and B are for approximate free diffusion, 6 = 3.0 G , and the low- and high-field extrema, respectively, and curves C and D are the same as A and 6 , respectively, except 6 equals 1.0 G. Curves E and F are for Brownian diffusion, 6 = 3.0 G , and the low- and high-field extrema, respectively, and curves G and H are the same as E and F, respectively, except 6 = 1 .O G.See also Table I.

(2) TABLE I: Parameters for Relating


W - I == (A, - AIr)/Alr where i = I, h. WE have found that, in general (W - 1) is about an order of magnitude larger than (1 - 8 ) for a particular value of T R (cf Figure 2 ) , and furthermore it could be measured to at least comparable accuracy (-170 cf. Figure l),but note that the ( W - 1) parameter would be quite sensitim. to distortion of the true line width by over modulation and/or power saturation. Our results in Figure 2 have been calculated from the rigorous theory of Freed, Bruno, and Polnaszek, as was done in I. We have studied how Wl is affected by changes in (1)the spin parameters, (2) line width, and ( 3 ) rotational diffusion model. We have found that W,, like S, is insensitive to deviations from axial A and g tensors used in I, as well as to variations in A 1 , I:,, and g L , typical of a nitroxide. However, in contrast to S, which is dependent on the product of T R A ~W1 , is virtually independent of A, over the range 27 9 A, 2 4Cl G (we have used A, = 32 G in obtaining the results in Figure 2 ) . However, W , - 1 is found to depend upon 6. Genedly. a smaller 6 implies a larger (A, - Air) for a given TR. In particular, a 6 = 1 G yields values of (A, - A,'") ranging from 1.3-2.5 times greater than those for 6 = 3 6 . A qualitative explanation of this observation is as follows. The rigid limit extrema of finite width A,r arise from those niwoxide radicals whose 2p T , N atom orbitals lie within ii c m e of angle Q about the applied field direction, and the si76 of the cone increases rapidly with an inI

The Journalof Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78,

No. 13, 1974






a X 108, sec

1.31 1.94 5.16 8.33 1.16 2.07 5,28 10.11


to (.W - 1)a Max deviation,



1.033 1.062 1.076 1.125 0.943

6 18 18

0.778 0.999



5 18 30 55

Table is based on approximate fit of Figure 2 data to eq 3 for (W 0.01. Based on comparing values in Figure 2 with eq 3. a


1) >

crease in the Tigid limit If we roughly identify the excess width (A, - AIr) with the rate that radicals reorient out of the cone, then extrema from the larger cones (which result from greater values of 6 ) will be less broadened, since it takes longer for the radicals to leave the c0ne.l' Another observation, viz. (Ah - Ahr) is always significantly larger than ( A L - Air), at a given T R is explained in a similar manner. It is known that the highfield resonance for a single-crystal spectrum changes with angle more rapidly than the low-field resonance; thus the range of D contained in the observed cone (from a polycrystalline sample) must be smaller for the high-field line.8 Reorientations out of the high-field cone thus occur at a more rapid rate, and, in general, Wh is a more sensitive function of T R than WLas may be seen from Figure 2.