Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses: Structural Basis of

Naoki Asano, Taku Yamauchi, Koichi Kagamifuchi, Naoko Shimizu, Sachiko ... Isolated from Mulberry Trees (Morus alba L.) and Silkworms (Bombyx mori L.)...
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J . Med. Chem. 1994,37, 3701-3706


Nitrogen-in-the-RingPyranoses and Furanoses: Structural Basis of Inhibition of Mammalian Glycosidases Naoki Asano,* Kengo Oseki, Haruhisa Kizu, and Katsuhiko Matsui Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokuriku University, Kanagawa-machi, Kanazawa 920-11, Japan Received June 13, 1994@

Seven pyranoses and three furanoses with a nitrogen in the ring were prepared by chemical synthesis, microbial conversion, and isolation from plants to investigate the contribution of epimerization, deoxygenation, and conformation to the potency of inhibition and specificity of Z O mammalian glycosidases. The seven pyranoses are l-deoxynojirimycin (11,the D - ~ U ~ T (21, D-UZZO (31, and D-gUlUCtO (4) isomers of 1,fagomine (1,2-dideoxynojirimycin,51, and the D-ullo (6)and D-gUlUCtO (7) isomers of 5, while the three furanoses are 2,5-dideoxy-2,5-imino-~-man~tol (8),1,4-dideoxy-l,4-imino-~-arabinito1(9), and 1,6dideoxy-l,4-imino-~-ribitol(10). The 2-deoxygenation and/or 3-epimerization of 1 enhanced the potency for r a t intestinal lactase and bovine liver cytosolic /?-galactosidase. Especially compound 6 showed a potent inhibitory activity against both enzymes, and compound 8, a mimic of p-D-hctofuranose, was a potent inhibitor of both /?-galactosidases as well. Compound 4, which has been known a s a powerful a-galactosidase inhibitor, exhibited no significant inhibitory activity for most of mammalian /?-galactosidases. In addition, compound 6 fairly retained a potency of 1 toward rat intestinal isomaltase. In this study, compound 8, known as a processing a-glucosidase I inhibitor in cell culture, has been found to have no effect on processing a-glucosidase 11, whereas 9 has been shown to be a good nonspecific inhibitor of intestinal isomaltase, processing a-glucosidase 11, Golgi a-mannosidases I and 11, and porcine kidney trehalase. It has been speculated t h a t glycosidase inhibitors have structures which resemble those of the respective glycosyl cations. This broad inhibitory activity of 9 toward various glycosidases suggests that it superimposes well on the various glycosyl cations.

Introduction that ranged from 0.16 t o 12.5 pM. Fagomine (1,2dideoxynojirimycin, 5) has been shown t o have some Many alkaloidal sugar mimics with a nitrogen in the activity against mammalian gut a-glucosidase, but no ring have been isolated from plants and microorganisms other glycosidase inhibitory activity has been reporand inhibit various glycosidases in a reversible and ted.15-17 2,5-Dideoxy-2,5-imino-~-mannitol ( 8 ) known competitive manner. 1-3 Glycosidases are involved in as DMDP, an analogue of B-D-fructofuranse with a several important biological processes, such as digestion, nitrogen in the ring, is a potent inhibitor of mouse the biosynthesis of glycoproteins, and the catabolism of intestinal a-glucosidases, @-glucosidase,and @-galacglycoconjugates. Since glycosidase inhibitors have been t 0 ~ i d a s e . l In ~ cell culture, compound 8 inhibited proproved to have the potential to produce antiviral, insect cessing a-glucosidase I to accumulate Glc3Man7-9antifeedant, antidiabetic, and anticancer effects, as well (G1cNAc)z types of N-linked oligosaccharides.l8 1,4as immune modulatory properties, they have attracted Dideoxy-l,4-imino-~-arabinitol (9), which lacks one of a lot of attention. l-Deoxynojirimycin (l),which is a the hydroxymethyl groups of 8 , is a potent inhibitor of D-glucose analogue with an NH group substituting for yeast a - g l u c o s i d a ~ e . ~ 1,4-Dideoxy-l,4-imino-~-ribitol ~ the oxygen atom in the pyranose ring, has been shown to inhibit intestinal a-glucosidases and pancreatic a-amy(DRB) has been enantiospecifically synthesized and lase both in vitro and in v ~ u o and ~ - ~a-glucosidases I proven to be a weaker competitive inhibitor than 9 of and I1 involved in N-linked oligosaccharide proces~ing.~,~ yeast a-glucosidase.20-21 Compound 1 inhibits more strongly a-glucosidase I1 Compounds 1 and 2 have been investigated in detail than a-glucosidase I, but N-alkylation of 1 resulted in on the inhibition for processing glycosidases and other analogues with increased potency and specificity for mammalian enzymes.'~~However, as to other pyranoses a-glucosidases I.9-12 l-Deoxymannojirimycin (2) is an and furanoses with a nitrogen in the ring, the detailed inhibitor of rat liver Golgi a-mannosidase I but not an and systematic study on the mammalian glycosidase inhibitor of soluble (or endoplasmic reticulum, ER) inhibition has not been reported. ~~ a-mannosidase and Golgi a-mannosidase 1 1 . 8 ~ The D-galacto isomer of 1 (1,5-dideoxy-1,5-imino-~-galactitol, Having prepared nitrogen-in-the-ring pyranoses (1, 2,4,5) and furanoses (8-10)described above and three 4) has been chemically synthesized and shown to be a more pyranose analogues (the D-ullo isomer 3 of 1 and powerful competitive inhibitor of coffee bean a-galacthe ~ - a l l oisomer 6 and D-galacto isomer 7 of 5) by tosidase (Ki= 0.0016 pM).I4 This compound inhibited isolation from plants, microbial conversion, and chemi@-galactosidasesof the microbial origin with Ki values cal synthesis, we have systematically investigated their potency and specificity toward the various forms of * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Dr. Naoki Asano, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokuriku University, Kanagawaglycosidases which were purified or partially purified machi, Kanazawa 920-11,Japan. Tel: (0762)29-1165. Fax: (0762) from mammalian tissues. In this paper, we attempt to 29-2781. Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, September 15,1994. find which functional groups are essential for inhibitory @


0 1994 American Chemical Society

3702 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994, Vol. 37, No. 22

Chart 1

Asano et al.

toward intestinal isomaltase (IC50 values of 34 and 6.4 pM, respectively), while only the D-manno isomer 2 of 1 fairly retained a potency toward rat and bovine liver lysosomal a-glucosidases (IC50 values of 25 and 21 pM, respectively). Compound 9, which loses one hydroxymHO ethyl group from 8 and is a potent inhibitor of yeast bH OH OH bH a-glucosidase,lg was an about 10-fold more effective 1 2 3 4 inhibitor of isomaltase than of maltase. Compounds 1 and 9 were potent competitive inhibitors of ER a-gluCHzOH CH,OH CHzOH cosidase I1 involved in N-linked oligosaccharide processing, with Ki values of 1.3 and 9.7 pM, respectively (summarized in Table 5). Compound 1 has been reported to be a better inhibitor of a-glucosidase I1 than of a-glucosidase I, as concentrations of 20 pM are OH required to inhibit a-glucosidase I whereas concentra6 6 7 tions of only 2 pM are needed for a-glucosidase II.8 DMDP (8) inhibits a-glucosidase I in cell culture t o accumulate glycoproteins with high-mannose structures that were mostly Glc3Man.r-g(GlcNAc)2types,18 but in the present work, it has no effect on a-glucosidase I1 at 1 mM. Thus, DMDP has proved to be a very specific HO HO HO OH inhibitor of a-glucosidase I. 8 9 10 Inhibition of Mammalian a-Mannosidases and a-L-Fucosidase. 1-Deoxymannojirimycin (2) inhibits activity and specificity or what a common binding in vivo conversion of high-mannose oligosaccharides to topography for the active glycosidase inhibitors is. complex type oligosaccharides by blocking Golgi a-mannosidase I activity to form glycoproteins mostly consistResults and Discussion ing of high-mannose structures of Mans(G1cNAc)z Preparation of Sugars with a Nitrogen in the types.13s30 As shown in Table 2, only compounds 2 and Ring. 1-Deoxynojirimycin (1) was first found in mul9 were good inhibitors of Golgi a-mannosidase I with berry tree, Morus sp.22 We recently have isolated many IC50 values of 25 and 53 pM, respectively, and inhibited nitrogen-in-the-ring sugars containing 1,5,6,9, and 10 Golgi a-mannosidase I1 in a competitive manner, with from Morus alba.23 2,5-Dideoxy-2,5-imino-~-mannitol Ki values of 410 and 35 pM, respectively (Table 5). ( 8 )was first isolated from the leaves of Derris elliptica These compounds were further weak inhibitors of ( L e g u m i n o ~ a e )and ~ ~ later isolated from the seeds of lysosomal and epididymal a-mannosidases but not Lonchocarpus sericeus ( L e g u m i n o ~ a eand ) ~ ~the leaves inhibitors of soluble (or ER) a-mannosidases, which are of Omphalea diandra (Euphorbiaceae).26 We isolated presumed to be involved in the early steps of oligosac1-deoxymannojirimycin (2) and 8 from the leaves of charide p r o c e ~ s i n g .In ~ ~contrast, compound 8 was a Derris malaccensis collected in the greenhouse of The weak inhibitor of soluble a-mannosidases, but it exhibMedicinal Plants Garden of Hokuriku University. The ited no appreciable inhibition for other a-mannosidases. D-all0 isomer of 1 (1,5-dideoxy-l,5-imino-~-allitol, 3)was Compound 2 is also a good inhibitor of a-L-fucosidase prepared by the microbial conversion with Flavobactein addition to a - m a n n o s i d a ~ e . A ~ ~weak inhibitory rium saccharophilum from N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-1activity against a-L-fucosidase was observed in fagomine deoxynojirimycin (11). F. saccharophilum has glucoside (5) which is the 2-deoxy derivative of 1. 3-dehydrogenase [EC, which oxidizes the Inhibition of Mammalian j?-Galactosidases. As 3-OH group of D-glucose, D-galactose, 1,5-anhydro-~shown in Table 3, the deoxygenation a t C-2 and/or the glucosides and glucitol, 1,5-anhydro-~-galactitol, epimerization at C-3 of 1 enhanced its inhibition toward galactosides, and the carba-oligosaccharides such as rat intestinal lactase and bovine liver cytosolic P-galacvalidamycins to give the corresponding 3-keto derivatosidase. The D-all0 isomer 6 of 5 potently inhibited rat tive.27*2sWe found that the incubation of a F. sacchaintestinal lactase and bovine liver cytosolic P-galactosirophilum cell suspension containing 11 forms the dase in a competitive manner, with Ki values of 1.9 and N-benzyloxycarbonyl derivative of 3 by a redox reaction 1.5 pM, respectively (Table 5). Compound 8 was also a a t C-3, as shown in Scheme 1. The preparation of the potent inhibitor of these two enzymes, but both 6 and 8 D-galacto isomers of 1 and 5 (4 and 7,respectively) was exhibited no significant inhibition toward lysosomal and achieved by the chemical epimerization of the 4-OH group according to the method of Heiker and S ~ h e l l e r . ~ ~ epididymal enzymes, which are optimally active in acidic conditions. 1,5-Dideoxy-l,5-imino-~-galactitol(4), Inhibition of Mammalian a-Glucosidases. The which is an extremely powerful inhibitor of coffee bean IC50 values of nitrogen-in-the-ring pyranoses and furaa-galactosidase with a Ki value of 0.0016 pM,14 showed noses against various mammalian a-glucosidases are a weak or no inhibitory activity toward mammalian shown in Table 1. P-galactosidases. Thus, 5-amino-5-deoxy-D-galactopy1-Deoxynojirimycin (1)has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of all types of mammalian a - g l u c o s i d a ~ e s . ~ - ~ ranose (D-galacto-nojirimycin) is a potent inhibitor of mammalian P - g a l a c t o ~ i d a s e swhereas , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~its 1-deoxy The epimerization and/or deoxygenation of 1 markedly derivative (4) has been proven to be an extremely lowered or abolished its inhibition toward a-glucosispecific inhibitor of a-galactosidases in this study. dases. However, the D-all0 isomers of 1 and fagomine (5) (3 and 6, respectively) fairly retained a potency Inhibition of Mammalian Trehalases and P-GluCH20H





Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994, Vol. 37,No. 22 3703

Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses

Scheme 1 CH,OH

F. saccharophilum

Flavobacterium ~cchuophilum Glucoside 3-Dehydrogenase (EC



Unidentified Reductase






1 R=H 11 R L -CO-O-CH2C6H,

3 R=H 12 R = -CO-O-CH,C,H,

Table 1. Concentration of Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses @M) Giving 50% Inhibition of Mammalian a-Glucosidases" a-glucosidase

Table 3. Concentration of Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses @M)Giving 50% Inhibition of Mammalian @-Galactosidases" ,&galactosidase bovine liver rat intestine rat liver rat compd lactase lysosomal epididymis cytosolic lysosomal NI NI NI 1 26 NI NI NI NI 2 NIb NI 300 NI NI NI 3 27 500 NI NI 4 30 390 NI 38 NI 5 15 NI 3.1 NI NI NI 6 4 NI NI NI NI 7 NI NI 3.3 NI 8 3.6 NI NI 1000 NI 9 260 NI 10 17 NI NI 580 NI a Lactase activity was colorimetrically assayed by the D-glucose oxidase-peroxidase method using lactose as substrate. Other enzyme activities were colorimetrically determined using p nitrophenyl B-D-galactopyranosideas substrate. NI = less than 50% inhibition at 1000 pM.

rat intestine rat liver bovine isomalERb liver compd maltase tase glucosidase I1 lysosomal lysosomal 1 0.36 0.3 4.6 0.4 0.4 NI NI 25 21 2 150 NI NI 560 3 34 NI 1000 NI NIc 4 940 NI 460 840 NI 520 5 820 6.4 NI NI NI 500 6 NI NI NI NI NI 7 92 170 91 NI NI 8 100 89 55 9 5.8 20 610 540 17 470 10 NI a Maltase and isomaltase were colorimetrically assayed by the D-glucose oxidase-peroxidase method using maltose and isomaltose, respectively, as substrate. Other enzyme activities were colorimetrically determined using p-nitrophenyl a-D-glUCOpyranOside as substrates. ER = endoplasmic reticulum. NI = less than 50% inhibition at 1000 pM.

Table 2. Concentration of Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses @M)Giving 50% Inhibition of Mammalian a-Mannosidases" a-mannosidase _ _ _ _ ~ rat liver a-L-fucosidase Golgi Golgi lyserat bovine compd I I1 soma1 soluble epididymis epididymis NI 320 NI 1 NIb NI 1000 NI 210 26 2 25 500 570 NI NI NI NI NI 3 NI NI NI NI NI NI 4 NI NI NI 140 5 NI I-000 NI 1000 NI NI NI NI 6 NI NI NI NI NI NI 7 NI 260 NI NI NI NI 8 NI NI 46 110 NI 84 9 53 NI NI NI 10 NI 800 1000 Golgi a-mannosidase I activity was assayed using HPLC and Man6(GlcNAc)z-PA as substrate, measuring the decrease of the substrate. Other a-mannosidase and a-L-fucosidaseactivities were colorimetrically determined using p-nitrophenyl a-D-mannopyranoside and p-nitrophenyl a-L-fucopyranoside, respectively, as substrate. NI = less than 50% inhibition a t 1000 pM. ~

Table 4 Concentration of Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses @MI Giving 50% Inhibition of Mammalian Trehalases and B-Glucosidases" trehalase B-glucosidase rat porcine rat intestine rat liver compd intestine kidney cellobiase lysosomal 1 42 41 520 NI 2 NIb NI NI NI NI 460 NI 3 NI NI NI NI 4 NI NI NI 5 NI NI 6 NI NI 100 NI NI NI 7 NI NI 200 34 NI 8 360 4.8 NI NI 9 25 10 NI NI 230 NI a Trehalase and cellobiase activities were assayed colorimetrically by the D-glUCOSe oxidase-peroxidase method using trehalose and cellobiose, respectively, as substrate. Lysosomal B-glucosidase activity was determined colorimetrically using p-nitrophenyl p-Dglucopyranoside as substrate. NI = less than 50% inhibition a t 1000 pM.

ship between 8 and 9 has been found to be very similar to that between nojirimycin and l-deoxynojirimycin ( 1).4p35 Structure-Activity Relationship and Design of cosidases. Compound 8 has been shown to be a good New Inhibitors. The way to the design of new glyinhibitor of insect trehalase and almond #?-glucosidase, cosidase inhibitors would be to know the mechanism of with IC50values of 55 and 78 pM,r e s p e c t i ~ e l ybut ,~~~~~ action of glycosidases and the mode of binding of the it was a much weaker inhibitor than 9 of mammalian inhibitors with the active site of glycosidases. Most trehalases. The epimerization a t C-2 and/or deoxygenwork on these problems has focused on glucosidase ation a t C-3 of 1 tend to enhance its inhibitory activity inhibition. Reversible a-glucosidase inhibitors often toward intestinal @-glucosidase(cellobiase), as seen in have structures closely resembling glucose, that is, they #?-galactosidases. Although 8 was a good inhibitor of have a common topographical property. intestinal #?-glucosidase,9 exhibited no appreciable l-Deoxynojirimycin (11,a pyranose analogue with a inhibition. nitrogen in the ring, superimposes well on castanosperFrom the inhibitory activities toward a- and /3-glu(9), mine,36!37while 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-~-arabinitol a furanose analogue with a nitrogen in the ring, cosidases, trehalases, and #?-galactosidases,the relation-

3704 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994, Vol. 37, No. 22

Table 5. inhibitor 1 2 6 9

Measured Ki Values and Modes of Inhibition enzyme Ki @MP inhibitionb ER a-glucosidase I1 1.3 competitive Golgi a-mannosidase I1 410 competitive rat intestinal lactase 1.9 competitive bovine liver B-galactosidase 1.5 competitive ER a-glucosidase I1 9.7 competitive Golgi a-mannosidase I1 35 competitive

a,b Inhibition constant (Ki) and mode of inhibition were determined by the Lineweaver-Burk plot.

Asano et al.

various a-glucosidases, a-mannosidases, and trehalase suggest that it superimposes well on the various glycosyl cations. There are marked differences in the inhibition by sugar analogues of the various forms of a glycosidase in different species and even within the same cell. The molecular modeling studies, having taken this differential inhibition into consideration, will provide useful information for the design of new classes of inhibitors and the modifications to existing glycosidase inhibitors which will enhance their activity.

superimposes well on DMDP (81, australine,15and 7-epi1 and castanospermine were a ~ s t r a l i n e Compound .~~ Experimental Section potent inhibitors of all types of mammalian a-glucosiGeneral Methods. Sugars with a nitrogen in the ring were dases. Australine and 7-epi-australine are ER a-gluchromatographed by HPTLC silica gel-60F2~4(E. Merck) using cosidase I inhibitors but not ER a-glucosidase I1 inhibisolvent system n-PrOH-AcOH-HzO (4:1:1),with detection by t o r ~ . In ~ this ~ , ~study, ~ 8 has been proven to be not an spraying with the chlorine+-tolidine reagent. Optical rotations were measured with a Jasco DIP-370 digital polarimeter. inhibitor of ER a-glucosidase 11. Compound 9 was a IH NMR (400 MHz) and I3C NMR (100 MHz) spectra were good inhibitor of ER a-glucosidase 11, but it is unlikely recorded on a Jeol JNM-GX 400 spectrometer as indicated in to be an ER a-glucosidase I inhibitor. It has been D2O using sodium 3-(trimethylsily1)propionate (TSP) as an known that an anti-HIV activity correlates well with internal standard. Mass spectrometry data were measured an inhibitory effect against ER a-glucosidase I.40941 on a Jeol JMX-DX 300 JMA-DA 5000 spectrometer. ~ ~ Analysis. Waters M-600E multisolvent delivery Compound 9 has no significant anti-HIV a ~ t i v i t y . ~ ~ ~HPLC system equipped with a Hitachi Model F-1050 fluorescence whereas ER a-glucosidase I inhibitors (such as N-methspectrophotometer was used. HPLC anlaysis was performed yl-1-deoxynojirimycin, N-butyl-1-deoxynojirimycin,8, 5 pm C18 column (0.46 x 15 cm) from and 7-epi-australine) show an anti-HIV a ~ t i v i t y . ~ ~ using ~ ~ ~a ?pBondasphere ~~ On the other hand, any structural similarity of a-mannosidase inhibitors to a-D-mannose is not immediately obvious. Winkler and H 0 1 a n ~have ~ reported a computer graphics-based structure-activity study of the activities of various a-mannosidase inhibitors on jack bean a-mannosidase, based on the results of molecular orbital calculations of the geometries and relative stabilities of the two half-chair forms of the mannopyranosyl cation. Their modeling studies attempted to find a common binding topography for the active mannosidase inhibitors that would also be inaccessible to the inactive mannose analogues. Although this model still presents some problems as pointed out by Elbein,8 it is a vary attractive model. Compound 9 is a weak inhibitor of jack bean a-mannosidase with IC50 values of320 (our data) and 100 p M in ref 19. Although 9 superimposes well on their binding model on the basis of the mannosyl cation geometry, it is cited as an inactive inhibitor because of its low activity toward jack bean a-mannosidase. However, in our present work, 9 was a good inhibitor of rat liver Golgi a-mannosidase I with an IC50 value of 53 p M , which is comparable to that of 1-deoxymannojirimycin (2) (IC50 = 25 p M ) . Furthermore 9 was also a good competitive inhibitor Golgi a-mannosidase 11, with a Ki value of 35 p M , as shown in Table 5. Thus, compound 9 should be regarded as an active inhibitor with the superimposition on the mannosyl cation. It is of much interest that 1,2,5-trideoxy-l,5iminoD-allo-hexitol (6) showed a potent inhibitory activity toward intestinal lactase and bovine liver P-galactosidase. The deoxygenation at C-2 and/or epimerization at C-3 of 1 definitely enhance its inhibition toward P-galactosidase and P-glucosidase, as does the epimerization a t C-2 (10) of 9. Compound 10 has two ring hydroxyl groups lying in the same region of space as C-3 and C-4 of 6, with the hydroxymethyl groups also being topographically equivalent. However, any structural similarity of 6 or 10 to P-D-galactosehas not been obvious yet. Broad inhibitory activities of 9 toward

Nihon Waters, Ltd. The elution buffer was 0.1 M acetic acid adjusted to pH 4.0 with triethylamine. The flow rate was 0.4 mumin, and the column temperature was room temperature. For detection of PA-sugar chains, an excitation wavelength of 320 nm and an emission wavelength of 400 nm were used. Materials. Porcine kidney trehalase (EC, bovine liver cytosolic /?-galactosidase (EC, jack bean a-mannosidase (EC, and bovine epididymis a-L-fucosidase (EC were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. Various p-nitrophenyl glycosides and palatinose were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. Other disaccharides were purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Industries. Pyridylamino (PA)-sugar chain "018" (Man6(GlcNAc)z-PA) was purchased from Takara Biochemicals. Preparation and Isolation of Sugars with a Nitrogen in the Ring. 1-Deoxynojirimycin (11,fagomine (5),3-epifagomine (6),1,4-dideoxy-l,4-imino-~-arabinitol(9), and 1,4dideoxy-l,4-imino-~-ribitol (10) were isolated from the roots of M. alba.= 2,5-Dideoxy-2,5-imino-~-mannitol(S) and l-deoxymannojirimycin (2) were isolated from the leaves of D. malaccensis as follows. The leaves of D. malaccensis (150g, dry weight) collected in the greenhouse of The Medicinal Plants Garden of Hokuriku University were extracted with hot water. The extract was applied to an Amberlite IR-12OB column (200 mL, H+ form) and eluted with 0.5 M NH40H. The concentrated eluate was applied to a Dowex 1-X2 column (1.8 x 95 cm, OH- form) and eluted with water to give 8 (1.1g) and 2 (24 mg), respectively. The 13CNMR data and optical rotation of 8 were identical to those previously d e s ~ r i b e d . The ~~ absolute structure of 2 was confirmed as 1,5-dideoxy-l,Ci-iminoD-mannitol (1-deoxymannojirimycin) by comparison with an authentic sample microbially converted from l.46 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-imino-~-glucitol(1): RF 0.37; [ a l +42.1" ~ (C 1, HzO); 13CNMR (100 MHz, D2O) 6 51.5 (C-l), 63.3 (C-5), 64.2 (C-6),73.6 (C-2), 74.4 (C-4), 81.3 (C-3);EIMS mlz 163 (M+, 11, 132 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (CeH13N04) C, H, N. 1,5-Dideoxy-l,S-imino-~-mannitol(2): RF 0.33; [ a l ~ -41.4" (c 0.74, H2O) (lit.46[ a l -39"); ~ 13CNMR (100 MHz, DzO) 6 51.5 (C-l), 63.4 (C-5), 63.7 (C-6), 71.3 (C-4), 72.1 (C-2), 77.5 ((2-3); EIMS mlz 163 (M+, 11,132 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (C6H13N04) C, H, N. 1,2,5-Trideoxy-1,5-imino-~arubino-hexito1(5): RF0.36; [ah +19.5" (c 1,H2O); 13CNMR (100 MHz, DzO) 6 35.6 (C-21, 45.4 (C-11, 63.7 (C-51, 64.5 ((2-61, 76.1 (C-3,4); EIMS mlz 147 (M+, 21,116 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (CsH13N03) C, H, N. 1~,5-Trideoxy-1,5-imino-~-allo-hexitol(6): RF0.36; [ a l ~ $69.0" (C 0.5, HzO); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DzO) 6 33.8 (C-2),

Nitrogen-in-the-Ring Pyranoses and Furanoses 41.2 (C-l), 58.6 (C-5), 64.9 (C-6), 70.7 (C-3), 72.4 ((2-4); EIMS mlz 147 (M+, 5), 116 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (CsH13N03) C, H, N. 2,5-Dideoxy-2,5-imino-~-mdtd (8): RF 0.55; ID +56.9" (c 0.54, HzO); (lit.24[ a h $56.4"); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DzO) 6 64.4 (C-2,5), 64.9 (C-1,6), 80.7 (C-3,4); EIMS mlz 163 (M+, 2), 132 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (C6H13N04) C, H, N. 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-iminono-~-arabhitol (9): Rf 0.45; [ a ] +6.3" ~ (C 1, HzO); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DzO) 6 53.4 (C-l), 64.8 (C-51, 68.0 (C-4), 80.2 (C-2), 81.8 ((2-3);FABMS (glycerol matrix) mlz 134 (M 1, 30). 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-~-arabhitol Hydrochloride (4HCl). The free base (10 mg) was dissolved in HzO (3 mL) and acidified t o pH 4 with dilute aqueous HC1. The solution was then freeze-dried to give 11.7 mg (92% yield) of a colorless solid: [ a ] +34.9" ~ (c 1, HzO); 13CNMR (100 MHz, D2O) 6 52.8 (C-I), 61.8 (C-5), 69.4 (C-4), 77.1 (C-2), 78.5 (C-3); EIMS mlz 133 (M+, 21, 102 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (CSHIINO~*HCI) C, H, N. 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-~-ribito1(10): RF 0.36; [ a ] +42.0" ~ (C 0.53, HzO); 13C NMR (100 MHz, D2O) 6 52.8 (C-l), 64.4 (C5), 65.2 (C-4), 73.9 (C-2), 75.8 (C-3); FABMS (glycerol matrix) mlz 134 (M 1, 25). 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-~-ribit~l Hydrochloride (10.HCl). The free base (10 mg) was dissolved in HzO (3 mL) and acidified to pH 4 with dilute aqueous HC1. The solution was then freeze-dried to give 11.0 mg (87% yield) of a colorless solid: [ a ] +52.7" ~ (c 0.72, HzO); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DzO) 6 52.5 (C-l), 60.8 (C-5), 64.6 (C-4), 72.3 (C-2), 74.0 ((2-3);EIMS mlz 133 (M+, 3), 102 (M - CHzOH, 100). Anal. (C5HllN03.HCl) C, H, N. 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-i-~-~tol(3). 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-iminoD-allitOl(3)was prepared from N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-1-deoxyjirimycin (11)by microbial conversion with F. saccharophilum. The washed cells (22 g, wet weight) of F. saccharophilum were suspended in 200 mL of 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). The cell suspensions containing 1g of 11 were incubated at 30 "C for 2 days. The incubation mixture was centrifuged, and the supernatant was applied t o an Amberlite XAD-4 column (20 mL), eluted with methanol, and concentrated. The concentrate was then applied to a Toyopearl HW-40s column (3 x 100 cm) and eluted with 20% methanol (vlv) to give the D-allo isomer of 11 (85 mg; 12). A solution of 12 (80 mg) in 50% ethanol (vlv, 10 mL) and acetic acid (2 mL) was hydrogenated in the presence of 5% palladium on carbon (200 mg) for 8 h at room temperature. The reaction mixture was processed conventionally and purified by a Dowex 1-X2column (20 mL, OH- form) t o give 3 (34 mg): RF 0.46 (1, 0.44); ID $25.7" (C 0.65, HzO); 'H NMR (400 MHz, DzO) 6 2.78 (lH, dd,



Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994, Vol. 37, No. 22 3705

Preparation and Assay Method of Glycosidasesin Rat Liver: ER a-glucosidase I1 was purified 197-fold from miactivity was crosomes as previously d e s ~ r i b e d . ~Enzyme ~ assayed at pH 6.8 by measuring the hydrolysis ofp-nitrophenyl (PNP) a-D-glucopyranoside, the released p-nitrophenol being determined by its absorbance a t 400 nm. a-Mannosidases I and I1 were partialy purified 1.7- and 4.2fold from Golgi membranes according to the methods of Tulsiani et a1.49)50Soluble a-mannosidase was purified 1130fold from the soluble fraction of liver homogenates according to the method of Bishoff and K ~ r n f e l d ,and ~ ~ lysosomal a-mannosidase was purified 705-fold from liver homogenates according to the method of Opheim and T o ~ s t e r . Golgi ~~ a-mannosidase I activity was assayed a t pH 5.5 using HPLC and Man6(GlcNAc)z-PAas substrate, measuring the decrease of the substrate. a-Mannosidase I1 (pH 5.5) and soluble (pH 6.5) and lysosomal (pH 4.5) a-mannosidase activities were determined colorimetrically using PNP a-D-mannopyranoside as substrate. The partially purified lysosomal fraction prepared by the procedures of Tsuji et al.52was used as a source of lysosomal a- and P-glucosidases and ,9-galactosidase. These lysosomal enzyme activities were colorimetrically assayed at pH 4.0 using the corresponding PNP glycoside. Preparation of Rat Epididymal Fluid. The epididymal fluid was purified from epididymis according t o the method of Skudlarek et al.53 The purified epididymal fluid was assayed at pH 5.2 for a-mannosidase and at pH 3.5 for ,%galactosidase using the corresponding PNP glycoside. Preparation of Bovine Liver Lysosome. The lysosome fraction partially purified by the same procedures as those used to prepare rat liver lysosome was assayed at pH 4.0 for bovine liver lysosomal /I-galactosidase using PNP P-D-galaCtopyranoside. Preparation of Brush Border Membranes from Rat Intestine. Brush border membranes prepared from rat small intestine according to the method of Kessler et aLM were assayed at pH 5.8 for rat digestive glycosidases using the appropriate disaccharide as substrate. The released D-glucose was determined colorimetrically using the commercially available glucose B-test Wako (Wako Pure Chemical Ind.). Kinetics of Inhibition. The nature of the inhibition against enzymes and the K, values were determined from the Lineweaver -Burk plot.

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