NMR chemical shift index (Sadtler Research Laboratories) - Journal of

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BOOK REVIEWS to a rather sketchy discussion of "photometry" (the quantitative messltrement of substances on the plate). The rest. of the book is devoted to "special applications." The following topics sre competently reviewed: alkaktslnids, amines, and other basic compounds; amino acids, amino acid derivatives, peptides, and proteins; steroids; lipids; eamtenoids and chlorophylls; vitamins and biologically active quinones; drugs and poisons; antibiotics and related compounds; phenols and phenolic nstural p~nducts; nwleic acid constituents and nucleotide coenzymes; carbohydrates; insecticides; dyes; miscelIsneous ol.ganic eompoundu; and inorganic ions. This section is well-docw meoted with important references and sho~ddhe useful for workers interested in investigating thin-layer methods for possible application to their particular prohlems. In conclusion, this book should prove to be a valmhle library addition and a rewarding reference for both faculty and stndents.

C . MALINS DONALD U S . Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Food Science Pioneer Research Labomlory Seallie, Washington

NMR Chemical Shifl Index

Sadtier Research Lahoralories, Ine., Philadelphia, 1Y6i. xvi 92 pp. Tables. 27 X 29.5 em. Looseleaf binding.


The "NMR Chemical Shift Index" rewrds chen~ieal shift dat,a for over 2000 wmpounds. hleaa~rement,~ were made on aVarian A60A instrument. Act,ually there are three indexes which present, the data in dilferent usehd ways. From the indexes the user can locate spectra. which exhibit the chemical shift characteristics of a certain proton grouping or he can extract a particular chemical shift from an experimental spectrum and deternine the type of proton which can generate such a shift. The solvent in which the chemical shift was observed is also listed. An interesting and useful syst,em of coding the proton groups and their environmentd gmups has been used. The code is s tctoslation from atom symbols to an alpha, numeric code. This code allows the use of computer techniques to arrmge, print, or search the voluminous data. However, computer techniques are not essent,ial. Anyone who is willing to spend a M l e time learning the code can use the index. Although chemical shift data will not give as much information as can be obtained fmm an actoal spectrum, there are many applications where the chemical shill is an important paremeter. For (.hex applications this index can be useful.

JOSEPH D. DANFORTH Grinnell College Grianell, Iowa (Continued n page A914) Volume 44, Number 10, October 1967


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