NMR chemical shifts in carcinogenic polynuclear ... - ACS Publications

ranga of vai'cin-igvnic aclivit i;1'. the relation between molecular orbital calculations and recently measured chemical shifts, derived from analysis...
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Sovember 1969 TABLE I C.\KCINOOESIC POTESCY O F HYDKOC L K B O S ~S T C ~ J I E i xDTHI:? Isvss~ic;.~~ricis potency (or activity)'I------Ref 1 i

--------Carcinogenic Ref 16


R e f 18


S m r aliiits repurteti in rei

Beiiz[a]aiithraceiie ( I ) Iiiactive 1-ticertairi 14 S I: 14 7-l1ethylbeiiz [u]aiithracaeiie (I1 I SI: 14 7,12-I>imethylbeiiz[alanthraceiie (111) t+++ ~)-J\leth?.l-i,X-ethaiiobeiiz [a]arithracetie XI: (20-niethylcholaiithi.eiie) (1\ ' ) 14 I)ibeiiz[ci,h]arithraceiie (\'j 14 Benz [a]pyreiie i\.I) 14, 1.5 t+++ t+tt +t+ sIt Heiizo[c]pheiiaiithreiie (\-II) b t I)ibeiizo[c,y]pheiiarithreiie I\'III) Iliac1 ive Iiiactive N 1: c Activity: vel'? marked: vel'. weak: XI? meail.. r i o t repoi,ted. * K. I ) . Bartle aild I). K. Jories, J . Chrm. Soc., d, 4x7 (1969). c K. I>. Bai,tle, I). by, Joties, aiid I < . S . l l a t t h e m , ibid., X i 6 (1969).


+++ ++++ ++++ ++

++++ ++




Calcd Ilipule approxmrn (Paulinrr

~n ,,,,,,,




H i1c lie1 L C.\O-------

Rei 38

I'ople inetliud Rei 11

-----;\lc\\.eeny Ret 3 i

I ,48 1.16

1.44 1.22

1.31 1.17

no deli

tIc 11 H(2)



rnetliutl---Ret 39 Re1 :16

1.31 I 17

I ,2x IL . 1.i


SCF Ret 39

Ret 40

1.2s 1 . 1.5

1.24 1.OI4

Refined LC.\O----p indeInclusion pendence u i uverlap Re1 4 1 Ref :36

1, 3 9 1.21

1.20 1.11

1:xptl Ref 11

1.28 I . 10

suggest that ring-current hhifts for some shifts that they lie 011 ii subsidiary (brokeii) line protons deviate sigiiificarlt.ly from "simple" 1,CAO (E'igures 1-3) displaced -0.35 shielding unit (0.54 values. Compari on of c a l c ~ l a t e d ~and ~ ~ experi~ ~ - ~ ~ ppm) from the main line. mental proton-sh elding constarits. U~ u ~ ~ ,(with ~ ~ ~ ~ Several ~ , , ~explanations of this pheiiaiithreiiic protori respect to benzene), for naphthalene (Table 11) s h o w that LCAO-calculated shifth correlate ~ w l with l experi0 e mental values. It is coricluded that M comparison of / calculated mid experimental shifts in polynuclear / / carciriogeris should afford a measure of the applicability 2.0 / t o these compounds of LCdO theory or1 which the l'ullman theory1ij21,22 of carciriogeriesis depends. Low symmetry and or poor solubility rerider the / / measurement of chemical shift>siri many polyriuclear / carcinogens difficult from iimr spectra recorded a t moderate frequencies; recent Iy, spectra for :I number of beiiz [a]aiit,hraceiies (of carciiiogenic potency given in Table I) have heeri a ~ i a l y z e dat ~ ~220 * ~ JIHz. ~ The f i r correlatioiis (I'igilres 1-3) betweer1 calculated3fl~37~42 shielding parameters, u 7 /uailellaelle, and values derived from the experimental shifts corifirm earlier valuations4' of ring-current calculations in the approximate solutiori of parent hydrocarbon spectra in terms of relative chemical shifts. with arialogous polynuclear hydrocarhoiis, bond anisotropies for peripheral protoris :ire small enough to be rieglected,r',12,"7,4" but ha,v protoris cxperieiice here such anomalously large dowiifield





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