NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates

allows the C-2, C-3, C-4 and C-5 substituents to be pseudo-equatorial whereas the 3 H 4 ... for 0-2 to be pseudo-equatorial with a very approximate st...
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Chapter 17

Two Unexpected Effects Found with 2,3,4,6-Tetra-Omethyl-D-Gluco- and Mannopyranosyl Oxacarbenium Ions An O-2 Pseudoequatorial Preference and a Large H-2C-2--O-2-CH syn Preference 3





Andrei Ionescu , LiJie Wang , Marek Z. Zgierski , Tomoo Nukada , and Dennis M. Whitfield 3,*



Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada The Institute for Physical and Chemcial Research ( R I K E N ) , Wako-shi, 351-01 Saitama, Japan Institute for Biological Sciences, National Research Council Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K 1 A 0R6, Canada 3

Analysis of two of the stable conformations (B0 and B1) of a number of differently configured glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations found two unexpected phenomena. Firstly, a marked preference for 0-2 to be pseudo-equatorial that most dramatically leads to the B1 conformation of D-gluco configured cations taking a S conformation. The second phenomenon is that the H - 2 - C - 2 - O - 2 - C H torsion angle is found to prefer syn conformations over anti conformations by more than 10 kJ mol . Preliminary analysis of these two effects by examining the geometric consequences, the L U M O ' s and by Natural Bond Order (NBO) analysis are presented. 5





Published 2006 American Chemical Society In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Introduction The glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ion is central to the chemistry of the formation and degradation of complex oligosaccharides, see Figure 1 (/). The formation of the ketal or acetal bond of the glycosidic linkage ( R C O - C R - 0 C R ) is typically formulated as nucleophilic attack by an alcohol (R C-OH) on a oxacarbenium ion ( R C - 0 - C R - ) (2). Similarly, glycosidic bond cleavage is usually formulated as exocyclic protonation followed by dissociation to an alcohol and an oxacarbenium ion. A variety of experimental and theoretical studies of the enzymes notably glycosidases which break glycosidic linkages and glycosyltransferases which form glycosidic linkages suggest the importance of such ions as intermediates or transition states (TS). For example, the standard 2



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Figure 1. Formation or cleavage of glycosidic bonds is thought to proceed through oxacarbenium ion intermediates or TS in many cases. For enzyme catalysed bondformation X= OPhosphate-Y where Y is usually either a nucleoside or a polyisoprene derivative. For enzyme reactions P = H where the OH'S are usually bound to the protein andfor chemical reactions the Ρ = protecting groups in most cases. The example is for formation of a fi-l,4-linked disaccharide formedfrom two monosaccharides but could apply to any glycosidic linkage.

In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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304 mechanism of retaining glycosidases is thought to proceed through two TS's with appreciable oxacarbenium ion character (3). Similarly inverting glycosidases are believed to use a mechanism with considerable oxacarbenium ion character in the TS (4). The case with glyeosyltransferases is much less studied but most current models invoke oxacarbenium ion intermediates or TS (5). For organic chemical reactions there is also considerable evidence that acid catalysed hydrolysis of glycosides go through oxacarbenium ion intermediates or TS (6). For "traditional" glycosylation reactions involving a donor with a leaving group at the anomeric carbon activated by electrophilic promoters reacting with alcohols are also believed to proceed through oxacarbenium ion intermediates or TS (7). For the special case of neighboring group participation where such ions are additionally stabilized by a second electronegative atom (usually the oxygen of a carbonyl) in the absence of nucleophiles there is unequivocal evidence for the formation of dioxolenium ions (S). The importance of the conformation of glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions has been suggested many times (9). A historical example from the work of R. Lemieux concerns the experimental observation that the epimeric chlorides of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucopyranosyl chloride exhibit a high degree of stereoselectivity under solvolysis conditions (α-Cl to β-OR and β-Cl to a-OR) yet exhibit S 1 kinetics, see Figure 2 (10). In other words, although product analysis suggests a S 2 reaction, kinetic analysis suggests a S 1 reaction with an oxacarbenium ion intermediate. Prof. Lemieux's hypothesis was that each epimeric chloride ionized to a glycosyl oxacarbenium ion with different ring conformations, in this case a H and H p a i r . Furthermore, he hypothesized that these different ring conformations should exhibit facial selectivity leading to the observed solvolysis products. For a number of years we have been studying the conformations of glycosyl oxacarbenium ions using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations (//) with the aim of assisting synthetic carbohydrate chemists like ourselves to develop better glycosylation reactions. Notably, we are interested in optimizing stereoselectivity and minimizing side reactions (72). To this end we have now studied a number of configurational isomers with different protecting groups. In the absence of trans fused rings all glycosyl oxacarbenium ions studied to date have been calculated to have at least two stable conformations. We call these conformations BO and B l where the conformation closest to that of the donor A is BO. In the Lemieux example above BO corresponds to the H conformation and B l to the H conformation. In many cases (see below) other conformations may be populated too but for simplicities sake we confine the discussion to two conformations. We call this idea the two conformer of glycosyl oxacarbenium ion hypothesis. Furthermore, by calculating the structures and energetics of complexes with the model nucleophile methanol by D F T of these pairs of N











In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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Figure 2. Under solvolysis conditions 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-fi-D~glucopyranosyl chloride gives an α-acetate whereas the epimeric α-chloride gives a β-acetate. One hypothesis to account for these observations is that the β-chloride ionizes to a H oxacarbenium ion whereas the α-chloride ionizes to a H oxacarbenium ion. Furthermore, each conformation is hypothesized to show opposite facial selectivity. Structures scannedfrom the original publication with permission, see Reference 10. 3




cations we find facial selectivity. One example is shown in Scheme 1 for the case of 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-methyl-D-mannopyranosyl cations with methanol (13). Our analysis suggests that the key variables are the possibilities of intra­ molecular hydrogen bonding especially once the complexes obtain appreciable hydronium ion character and the consequences of changes of the τ ( C - 5 - 0 - 5 C-l-C-2) ring torsion angle from the isolated cation to the respective a- or βcomplexes. For the D-sugars considered so far this angle becomes more positive for β-attack and more negative for α-attack. These changes can be favorable or unfavorable depending on the starting conformation. These and other details are discussed in published reports and will not be elaborated on further here. 5

In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


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Glycosyl Donor A I o n i z a t i o n ^

BO + βΜθΟΗ -51.3 (-23.3)


BO + a M e O H -21.3

B1 + p M e O H -49.5 (-21.5)


B1 + a M e O H -30.9

Scheme 1. DFT (ADF) calculatedfacial selectivity of methanol complexes with 2 in its BO and Bl conformations. Relative energies in kJ moF' with BO + MeOH set -to 0.0 and numbers in parentheses are correctedfor H-bonding.

Background - the Two Observations In this communication we wish to concentrate on two unexpected observations that have arisen from our studies. The first concerns the orientation of 0-2 with respect to the ring in these glycosyl oxacarbenium ions i.e. pseudoaxial or pseudo-equatorial, see Scheme 2 for the structures considered. The second observation concerns the rotational preferences about C - 2 - 0 - 2 in some of these ions. As in the example above the two conformers most often considered for glycosyl oxacarbenium ions are the half chairs -I-I3 and H since these 3


In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

307 MeO

MeO-^^^JwD ΜβοΛ^-'^Λψ


MeO-nrAJi-Q ΜβθΧ--^Λ


MeO-^Λ^? ΜΘθΛ^γΛ






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Scheme 2. Structures of glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions 1 to 3.

conformations allow τ to be almost planar with the C - l - O - 5 bond exhibiting considerable double bond character and the positive charge largely localized on these two atoms. For Ό-gluco configured compounds the H conformation allows the C-2, C-3, C-4 and C-5 substituents to be pseudo-equatorial whereas the H conformation forces these substituents to be pseudo-axial. Conventional conformational wisdom penalizes such conformations by about 4x4 = 16 kJ mol" (14). The exact values depend on the electronegativity and the steric size of the substituents as well as other factors. For Ό-manno configured compounds the configuration at C-2 is inverted and the déstabilisation should be smaller but still significant. Thus, it was quite surprising to us that the calculated energy difference between the BO ( H ) and B l ( H ) conformations of 2,3,4-tri-Omethyl-D-lyxopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions, 1, was 12.6 kJ mol" in favour of B l , see Figure 3. Note that this H conformation of 1 allows 0-2 to be pseudoequatorial. 5













Figure 3. The DFT (ADF) calculated conformations of BO (H ) andBl fH ) oxacarbenium ions of2,3,4-tri-0-methyl-D-lyxopyranosyl cation, 1. z


Subsequent calculations on 2,3,4,6-tetra-Omethyl-D-manno (2) and glucopyranosyl (3) oxacarbenium ions also found BO and B l pairs of conformations (13). For 2 the BO conformation was found to be H with 0-2 pseudo-axial and for B l the E envelope conformation which is adjacent in conformational space to H with 0-2 pseudo-equatorial, see Figure 4. Again 4





In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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Figure 4. The DFT (ADF) calculated conformations ofBO (*H ) an oxacarbenium ions of 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-mannopyranosyl c 3

the energy difference was surprising and was found to be effectively 0. For 3 the BO conformation was indeed H as expected but the B l conformation was found to be a twist boat S i far in conformational space from H , see Figure 5. This conformation allows 0-2 to be pseudo-equatorial. It is also adjacent in conformational space to the b o a t B conformation that has been considered a possible conformation for the oxacarbenium ion TS of some glycosidase catalysed reactions (75). In this case BO is calculated to be 4.8 kJ mol' more stable than B l . Our conclusion from these and some related results is that glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions have a special preference for 0-2 to be pseudo-equatorial with a very approximate stabilization of about 10 kJ mol" for this effect. The origin of this effect is not clear but could be related to the relative orientation of 0-2 to the 0 - 5 - C - l bond in these cations. For pseudoequatorial orientations this puts 0-2 in the same plane as 0-5--C-1 whereas pseudo-axial orientations put 0-2 approximately perpendicular to this plane. 3







The second effect was discovered during our studies of 2 and 3. We had chosen O-methyl substituents for two reasons. One was to prevent intra­ molecular hydrogen bonding from obscuring other stereoelectronic effects on reactivity (16) and the second was that it was a prototype for our ultimate goal of studying the effects of protecting groups on reactivity. Previous studies of Omethyl substituted sugars had found that at least for secondary substituents conformations with the O-methyl groups syn to the corresponding sugar methines were the most stable (77). A similar syn preference has been noted for 1,2,3-trisubstituted 2-0-methyl cyclohexanes and was attributed to subtle steric effects (18). Examination of our minimum energy conformations for 1 to 3 shows that all secondary 0-methyl substituents are syn. Calculations of other Omethyl conformations at positions other than 0-2 showed that these were indeed the minima but the effects were small, typically 1-2 kJ mol' . Consequently when our initial studies of 3 B l found an anti conformation for H-2-C-2-0-2C H we were not concerned since frequency calculations showed this to indeed be a minimum on the Potential Energy Surface, PES. Our first interpretation was that this different conformation was caused by the S i conformation. 1



In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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Figure 5. The DFT(ADF) calculated conformations of BO (*H ) andBl ( Sj) oxacarbenium ions of2,3,4,6-tetra-0-methyl-D-glucopyranosyl cation, 3. Also shown is the Cj hemisphere of the spherical representation ofpyranose conformations. The extension on the upper right shows a portion of the C hemisphere. The labels BO and Bl show the locations in conformational space of these conformations. S




In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

310 Our attention was drawn back to this question when we embarked on a study of the PES for interconversion between the BO and B l conformations of 2 and 3. Conventional for quantum mechanics studies using linear transit methods where a proposed TS is first found and then using the vibrational modes of the single negative frequency to find the minima forwards and backwards from the TS were performed. The results for 2 are shown in Figure 6. A pathway starting from Ε (Bl) passes through a first TS a H half chair to a third minimum conformation ° S followed by a second TS at S and eventually to H (BO). The barriers are about 19 kJ mol' between minima which is considerably lower than 34 kJ mol" calculated for a more rigid D-galactopyranosyl analogue (79). These barriers are low enough to allow equilibration i f the species have sufficient lifetimes at normal reaction temperatures (20). One problem with this data is that the BO conformation is calculated to be higher in energy than B l by 9.2 kJ mol" . Part of this discrepancy is the different rotamers about C-5--C-6 for the BO and B l conformations which as shown by the dotted lines on the left of the Figure 6 accounts for 3.8 kJ mol' of the energy difference. The remaining energy difference is due to the orientation of 0-2 as it is anti in the anomalous case. 3



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Figure 6. The DFT (Gaussian) calculated pathway for interconversion of 2 BO to BL The dotted line is the pathway which is traced over the C\ hemisphere of the spherical representation of pyranose conformations. The extension on the upper right shows a portion of the C hemisphere. The bar graph at the top shows the relative energies. The dotted line on the left shows the correction for the C-5—C-6 torsion change, gg to gt. 4



In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

311 This observation and similar observations with 3 prompted us to examine the 0-2 orientation for all 4 cases with 2 and 3 i.e. BO and B l . The first result was that the syn conformation about 0-2 for 3 B l was much lower in energy. In fact as can be seen in Table 1 the syn anti energy difference is about 15 kJ moE' without the ring conformations changing appreciably for all four pairs. Thus, our original interpretation that the anti conformation was stabilized by the S i ring conformation was wrong and what we now consider the "normal" syn preference applies in this case too. This syn preference is much larger than the effect for "normal" O-methyl substituents on sugar or cyclohexane rings. The origin of this effect is not known but as is readily apparent from Newman projections about 0 - 2 - C - 2 different lone pairs on 0-2 are antiperiplanar to the p-type orbital on C - l in the syn and anti conformations, see Figure 7. The exact values of the dihedral angles ( C - l - C - 2 - 0 - 2 - C H ) are given in the last row of Table 2.

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Table 1 Relative Energies of syn and anti Conformers of 2 and 3. Species

DFT0) Ε kJ mol" 1

2 BO syn 2B1 syn 3 BO syn 3B1 syn

DFT(2) Ε kJ mol












DFT(l) Ε kJ mol' 1


2 BO anti 2B1 anti 3 BO anti 3B1 anti

DFT(2) Ε kJ mor 1










a, b These energies set to 0.0 kJ mol" for convenience.

Figure 7. Schematic Newman projections about the 0-2--C-2 bond showing the different orientations of lone electron pairs relative to the vacant p-type orbital on C-L

In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

312 Table 2. Geometric Variables for syn and anti 2 and 3 from D F T (ADF).

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2 BO

2 BO



3 BO

3 BO
























































5 A apart. Methods to test these hypotheses are under current investigation.

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Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the use of the V P P 7 7 0 Fujitsu parallel computer situated in the R I K E N Computer Center. This work was partly supported by the iHPC multiscale modeling initiative of the N R C . This is N R C paper #42501.

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In NMR Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates; Vliegenthar, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.