NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State

poly(l, 1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropylene-co-1,1 -difluoroethylene) (PVH) micro- structure with l H/1 3 C/1 9 F triple resonance, multidimensional NMR are...
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Chapter 9 1



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Triple Resonance H/ C/ F Multidimensional Solution NMR of Fluoropolymers: Experimental Aspects Olivier Assemat and Peter L. Rinaldi Department of Chemistry, Knight Chemical Laboratory, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3601




In this work the use of 1D and multidimensional H/ C/ F triple resonance 750 M H z N M R techniques for characterizing fluoropolymers are illustrated. When characterizing fluoropolymers, it is possible to take advantage of the large spectral dispersion, the high natural abundance, and the large gyromagnetic ratios of the H and F nuclei. However, the enormous F chemical shift range creates some practical difficulties. The indirect detection pulse sequences had to be modified to introduce composite pulses on the transmitter channel to reduce offset problems, and W U R S T adiabatic decoupling was used to reduce problems associated with decoupling over the large frequency range. Vinylidene fluoride - hexafluoropropene copolymer was studied. High field, H/ C/ F triple resonance, and multidimensional N M R provides enormous spectral simplification, permitting the extraction of structural information. Experimental conditions for collecting high quality spectra are outlined and complete resonance assignments for the most abundant structures in the polymer are given. 1






© 2003 American Chemical Society

In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.



Introduction Fluoropolymers have many applications because of their unique properties. They exhibit very good stability when exposed to high temperatures, organic solvents, reactive chemicals, and oxidative environments. Fluoroelastomers are a significant part of this family; they are widely used for sealing applications i n hostile environments. In using F N M R to study fluoropolymers, it is possible to take advantage of the large chemical shift range (over ten times that of Ή) the high natural abundance, and the high resonance frequency of the fluorine nucleus. Consequently, F N M R is an extremely usefiil and sensitive technique for characterizing these materials. When combined with high field, triple resonance, and multidimensional methods, enormous spectral dispersion is achieved, permitting the extraction of detailed structural information. But these factors also entail complications, especially at very high field. Here we describe some of the complications associated with the performance of H / C / F triple resonance, multidimensional N M R of fluoropolymers on a 750 M H z spectrometer. Experimental methods are illustrated to circumvent problems with uniform excitation, multiple quantum interferences, and decoupling over wide spectral windows. Results from the characterization of poly(l, 1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropylene-co-1,1 -difluoroethylene) (PVH) microstructure with H / C / F triple resonance, multidimensional N M R are used to illustrate the applications of these techniques. 1 9



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Materials. Poly( 1,1 -difluoroethylene-co-1,1,2,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropylene), a comercially available material, was supplied by Atofina and was used as received. For H and F detected experiments, 20-30 mg of material was dissolved i n 1 m L acetone-do contained i i i a 5mm N M R tube. For C detected experiments 80lOOmg of polymer was dissolved in l m L acetone-ck contained i n a 5mm N M R tube. !

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In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

125 N M R Measurements. A l l the N M R spectra were obtained with a Varian UnityPlus-750 M H z spectrometer equipped with a pulsed field gradient accessory (PFG); four R F channels, two of them full band ( H to N ) ; and a 5 mm W C / F / H fourchannel P F G probe (optimized for F detection). The temperature was regulated at 25.0°C. A l l data processing was performed on a Sun Ultrasparc-10 using Varian's Vnmr software. Acetone was used as an external reference for the *H and C chemical shifts, and CFC1 was used as an external reference for the F chemical shifts. J



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1D-NMR. 1 9

The F spectrum was acquired at 705 M H z with *H decoupling using a 0.7s acquisition time, 3μβ (20°) pulse width, 16 transients, and a 3s relaxation delay. The " C i ' H } spectrum was acquired at 188.6 M H z with W A L T Z - 1 6 modulated *H decoupling, a 0.5s acquisition time, 5μβ (45°) pulse width, 34000 transients, and a 1.5s relaxation delay. The ^ C ^ H ^ F } spectrum was acquired at 188.6 M H z with WALTZ-16 modulated *H decoupling and W U R S T modulated F decoupling, using a 0.2s acquisition time, 14μβ pulse width (45°), 42000 transients, and a Is delay. 1 9


F Detected 2D-PFG-HSQC 1 9


1 3

The F / C 2D spectra were obtained using a modified version of a pulsed field gradient heteronuclear single quantum coherence (PFG-HSQC) sequence (1). This sequence was modified to include 180° composite pulses on the F channel and 180° *H decoupling pulses centered in the evolution and polarization transfer delays. These spectra were obtained using the States (2) method of phase-sensitive detection in the evolution time dimensions, using 90° pulses for F and C of \6.5\xs and 27μ5, respectively, and a 2s relaxation delay. The Δ delays for one-bond experiments were 0.89ms, 1ms, and 1.25ms for the C F , C F , and C F regions, respectively (based on JCF = 280 Hz, J F = 1 9

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250 H z , and J f = 200 Hz). The Δ delays for 2 bond correlation experiments were 6.25 ms, based on JCF = 40Hz. A 0.5s acquisition time was used with W A L T Z - 1 6 modulated *H decoupling and G A R P modulated C decoupling; 64 transients were averaged for each of 512 increments during ti. The two P F G pulses were 2.0 ms and 0.5ms in duration and had amplitudes of 0.1 and 0.106 1



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In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

126 T/m, respectively. Data were zero filled to an 8k χ 2k matrix and weighted with a sine bell function before Fourier transformation.

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Decoupling. The WURST decoupling sequence was implemented with the Pbox in Varian's VNMR software, using a constant adiabaticity modulated frequency, a 0.92 ms pulsewidth, and a 1.2 adiabaticity factor (Q). The constant radiofrequency level YB (rms) was 4.3 kHz. In order to compensate for residual imperfections in spin inversion, thefive-stepphase cycle (0°, 60°, 150°, 60°, 0°) of Tycko et al (3) was used. 2

Results and Discussion

Polymer Structure. The PVH used in this work is typically prepared by radical emulsion polymerization of 1,1-difluoroÊihylene (V) and 1,1,2,2,3,3,3hexafluoropropylene (H),


C H — CF 2






R y

H and therefore a statistical distribution of monomer units might be expected. Under the reaction conditions, both monomers can add in either a head-to-tail or a head-to-head fashion. Since the units resulting from H monomer produce an unsymmetrical structure in the polymer chain, a variety of stereosequences are also formed. The most straightforward way to represent monomer units from reverse addition is to treat these as if they are derived from separate monomer units (V* and H') for the purpose of describing microstructure. The number of possible triads from co-polymerization of 4 monomer units is 4 = 3

In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

127 64. In reality, reverse addition occurs in less than 5% of the additions of V and H units, so that the probability of a triad containing two monomer units derived from reverse addition is very small. Furthermore, H units do not add to H units (4,5) at the end of a growing radical chain-end. These factors greatly reduce the number of possible triad structures in the polymer; however, there are still 20 possible triad sequences to be considered. Some of the most prevalent structures are summarized in Figure 1. The number of possible structures is increased if we consider that with the HVH type of structures (HVH, HV'H, H'VH, HVH'....), it is possible to have several stereosequences. The one-dimensional (ID) F NMR spectrum of PVH is shown in Figure 2. In this spectrum, three main regions can be distinguished; from CF , C F and CF groups. One easy way to test for uniform excitation is to integrate both C F and CF regions and to make sure that the I CF :I CF ratio is 3:1, since

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these two groups of signals come from the same monomer. Despite the enormous chemical shift range (over 90 kHz) there is still considerable signal overlap within each region, even on a 750 MHz spectrometer. The complicated spectrum results from the large number of structures present, and the large number of F - F homonuclear couplings present. Triple resonance and multidimensional NMR techniques offer solutions to these problems; however, the use of these experiments is complicated by the large spectral windows involved. 19


Decoupling. l 3


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In C detected NMR experiments, simultaneous H and F decoupling provides enormous spectral simplification, however, at high field, the spectral window is enormous (90 kHz in this work). To solve this problem, F WURST (6,7,8) decoupler modulation was used. The main advantage of adiabatic decoupling such as WURST is that the effective bandwidth is proportional to the square of decoupler field strength, γΒ ; while in WALTZ and GARP decoupling the bandwidth has a linear dependence on γΒ . The decoupler profile in WURST also has a relatively flat top and very sharp edges. Additionally, adiabatic decoupling is not very sensitive to RF field strength and inhomogeneity as long as the adiabatic condition is satisfied (9). Unfortunately, adiabatic decoupling suffers from the introduction of significant decoupler modulation sidebands (10,11), especially at very highfieldwhere wide effective decoupling bandwidths are needed. Modern high field spectrometers provide very good dynamic range and permit the achievement of tremendous signal to noise ratios so that very weak peaks (1:10 ) can be easily observed. In such cases, sidebands can produce severe problems. Different solutions to the sidebands problems have been proposed, such as: bilevel decoupling (12), ECHO-WURST (13), adiabatic defocusing (14), and recently an analytical 1 9




In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

























^* 2








/CH, /CF, ^ XF CH





X ^ c ^ V







F 2


.CH, CF,"







\ < % Ρ






% Η Γ '


^c\ -I cos(7iJiKti) cos(nsti) + 2I K sin(7rfKti)cos(Q,ti) P] The expression in [3] shows that the signal contains four-multiplet components, composed of in phase absorptive and antiphase dispersive contributions. In the case of the fluoropolymers of interest in this work, numerous fluorine homonuclear couplings exist. Since these couplings can be very large ( JFF 50 Hz and JFF = 10-20 Hz), they contribute to the production of spectra with extremely complex coupling patterns leading to loss of signal intensity and uninterpretable cross-peak patterns. The HSQC pulse sequence is normally used with simple pulses on the transmitter (observe) channel because this sequence is normally used with *H detection, and requires relatively narrow f spectral windows. Reasonably uniform excitation of the large F chemical shift window, especially at high field, requires the use of composite 180° pulses on the F (transmitter) channel. In this work, F{ C}-HSQC spectra were collected with gated H decoupling (using WALTZ-16 modulation only during the acquisition time); and 180° refocusing pulses on the Η channel are used to remove C-H couplings during the evolution period (180° pulses were replaced with 180V 180° 90-180 Θ composite pulses). The modified HSQC sequence of Keeler and Laue (1) shown in Figure 6 was used to accomplish these objectives. Representative results from this experiment are shown in Figure 7. z








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In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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48 46 44 42 40 58 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22



48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22





Figure 5. 188.6 MHz C NMR spectrum of PVH, CH regio:. (a) with H decoupling, and (b) with both H and F decoupling. 2



-f 1*IH Π LJL±J(C π



I 1








Ç z



Figure 6. Pulse sequence diagram for the F{ C}-PFG-HSQC experiment. Solid and open pulses are 90°and 180°respectively. Phase cycling is that used by the standard HSQC sequence provided by Varian.

In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


M S2 SI F1 (ppm)







V1 ,

1 «

iU J



CH 2






115 113 F1 (ppm)







111 37 38 35 34 33 32 31 Fl (ppm)

Μ' "|" Ι""!""Ι·" Ι""Ι"'




Figure 7. Expansions from the Ff Q-PFG-HSQC spectra of PVH obtained with H WALTZ-16 decoupling: a) one bond PFG-HSQC, C-F correlations; b) two bond PFG-HSQC, CF-CF correlations; andc) two bond PFG-HSQC, CF-CH correlations

-114.0 i

-184Λ i

-18C4 i

-184.8 \

-184.8 -j

-185U \

-1SU -j


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134 The HSQC experiment can be performed in the usual manner (using delays Δ = 1/2 JCF) to provide information regarding two directly attached C-F atoms. Figure 7a shows a section from the CF region of the spectrum from such an experiment performed on PVH. Two one-bond C-F correlations are observed. Rather than using HMBC, which suffers from the same problems encountered with HMQC, better results were obtained using HSQC with Δ delays set to 1/(2 x °JCF) based on the desired η-bond correlations. Typical coupling values are 20-50 Hz for JCF, 5-15 Hz for JCF, and 0-5 Hz for JCF. A series of HSQC spectra were collected with Δ delays optimized to produce 2-bond correlations from cross peaks. In these spectra, residual 1-bond correlations are usually observed. It is possible to introduce a J-filter (19) in the pulse sequence to selectively remove cross peaks from one-bond correlation, which might appear in presence of correlations from smaller couplings, but the spectral dispersion is large enough so that this simplification is not required. Furthermore, the added complexity of the pulse sequence with J-filters is not advantageous for producing good quality spectra, and provides the opportunity for relaxation processes to diminish peak intensities. Figures 7b and 7c show expansions from the C F and C H carbon regions, respectively, of the F{ C} HSQC spectrum of PVH obtained with Δ = 10ms ( JCF-CF = 50 Hz) and Δ = 14ms (^CF-OL, = 35 Hz). The correlations in Figure 7b is a triplet from the coupling between the carbon and the two directly attached fluorines of the C F group. The presence of this coupling is explained by the fact that the transmitter on the fluorine channel is centered on the CF region, approximately 50 kHz from the C F region, so the 180° decoupling pulse (33μβ) on the F channel during the C evolution time is ineffective for inverting the C F fluorines. In Figure 7c, two cross-peaks are observed, resulting from two bonds correlations between CF and C H resonances. The combination of A , B, and C correlations permits identification of the resonancesfroma CF -CF(CF )-CH structure fragment. 1

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When performing multidimensional NMR on fluoropolymers, it is usually more efficient to detect F during the acquisition time because the F chemical shift range is so large. In this way, a two-fold improvement in the F chemical shift dimension digital resolution can be obtained with minimal effect on the total experiment time. If F chemical shifts were encoded during an evolution time (for example in a H-detected W C/ F triple resonance chemical shift correlated 3D-NMR experiment), a two-fold improvement in the F chemical shift dimension digital resolution would require twice the experiment time. 1 9

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Conclusions ]



Combined use of high field, H / C / F triple resonance and multidimensional NMR methods provides enormous spectral dispersion and

In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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simplification, permitting the extraction of detailed structural information aboutfluoropolymers.It is possible to use new experimental techniques to surmount the difficulties encountered, especially when the work is performed on spectrometers with resonance frequencies above 500 MHz. Complete resonance assignments for the most abundant structures of many fluoropolymers can be obtained. We also have outlined here the experimental conditions required for the collection of high quality spectra.

Acknowledgements We wish to thank the Kresge Foundation and donors to the Kresge Challenge at The University of Akron for funds used to acquire the 750 MHz NMR instrument used in this work, The National Science Foundation (DMR9617477 and DMR-0073346) for research support, and the Ministère Français des Affaires Etrangères for a fellowship (to OA).

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