No business for kids. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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No business for kids.

We've seen vinyl applications expand from toys to major industrial, construction and consumer products. Products like electrical insulation, rigid pipe, and extruded gutters, downspouts and siding. Each advance in vinyl technology has demanded new and better stabilizers. The source for many of these stabilizers has been National Lead. Going all the way back to the pioneer lead chemical stabilizers. Some recent National Lead developments: Lectro 60®XL,the stabilizer that realizes a new concept in 105° wire insulation. Tribase AG, the only all-purpose, total-performance lead stabilizer VINYL STABILIZERS

National Lead Pigments and Chemicals Div.

88 C&EN

for rigid PVC products. And Plastiflow LPC, a fasteraction co-stabilizer for better heat stability, one that lubricates without affecting fusion. And while you're working on tomorrow's vinyls, we're working on tomorrow's stabilizers. So when you think of a better vinyl, think of National Lead. Forthe grown-up approach to your needs. Write National Lead Company, Room 4245, 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006. In Canada: Enelchem Products, Division of Canadian Titanium Pigments Ltd., 1401 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, Quebec.