no end in sight... - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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no end in sight... Photomicrograph of a synthesized chemical made from petroleum

L i m i t l e s s . . . T h e flow of new ideas from Conoco's petrochemical research as we tailor the petroleum molecule to new uses and applications. Outstanding examples of the flexibility inherent in petroleum hydrocarbons are Conoco's new ALFOL® alcohols. In the past, products of this kind have been known as fatty alcohols because of their natural origin. After many years of intensive research and development, these important chemical building blocks will soon be commercially available for the For chemicals


first time from p e t r o l e u m . . .assuring you a stable and economical source of supply. Other products in Continental's growing line of petrochemicals include anionic and cationic detergent intermediates; oil-soluble sulfonates; sulfonic acids; secondary plasticizers for vinyls; a plastisol viscosity depressant, pigment dispersant and vinyl foam additive; cyclohexane; fluid loss additives; a bactericide and corrosion inhibitor for waterflooding operations.

with a head start on the future...


count on



12TO Avenue of the Americas, New York 2 0 , New York · JUdson 6 - 3 4 3 0 ©1961, Continental Oil Company