No Time for Dullness - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

No Time for Dullness. Ind. Eng. Chem. .... India Road Shows. Keeping true to our promise of empowering young researchers, ACS on Campus, the American ...
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through corporation membership. Let him know t h a t t h e SOCIETYis not an organization for t h e mere selfish interest of its individual-chemist-members, b u t t h a t i t seeks t o serve t h e nation b y creating a sound public appreciation of t h e value of chemistry in every line of industrial endeavor; t h a t its activities are directed t o utilizing every legitimate agency t o increase t h e efficiency of t h e American chemist; t h a t t h e interest shown b y this corporation membership is retroflexive through t h e quickened spirit of fellow-membership; and t h a t there are certain direct perquisites accruing t o corporation members. These are given in Section 7 of t h e Constitution of the SOCIETY. Section 7. Any firm, corporation or association interested in the promotion of chemistry may by vote of the Council be and shall after election elected to membership in the SOCIETY be known as a corporation member. A corporation member shall have all the privileges of membership except that of holding office shall be sent the titles of all papers to be presented before may on appliany General Section or Division of the SOCIETY; cation, made in advance of publication to the Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, be furnished with not more than five reprints of any paper announced for publication, and shall have the privilege of being represented by a delegate appointed by the in any meeting of the SOCIETY firm, corporation or association. Such firm, corporation or association shall pay annual membership dues of twenty-five dollars.

If you fail on t h e first attempt, go a t it again. See t o it t h a t when t h e supplemental lists are published t h e name of your firm or corporation is included. Secretary Parsons will furnish t h e application blank, or write him t h a t t h e preliminary work has received a favorable response and t h a t it is up t o him t o finish t h e job. He’ll do it. Here is another phase of t h e question. Without solicitation t h e Arthur H. Thomas Company has become a corporation member, and Mr. Thomas and six members of his firm are individual members of t h e SOCIETY. Can you beat i t ? If so, send us t h e facts, we will gladly publish them. NO TIME FOR DULLNESS

From time t o time we have heard i t complained t h a t members are not interested in the local sections, t h a t times are dull, and programs for meetings difficult t o arrange. I n view of t h e tremendous amount of work waiting t o be done, of t h e many possibilities for useful service, such lamentations raise t h e question, “Is t h e real function of t h e local section understood?” Frankly, we think t h a t if such dull times prevail the fundamental atmosphere must be one of desire t o get soniething out of t h e local section rather t h a n t o put something into it. If once t h e spirit of service prevailed, innumerable activities would suggest themselves whereby good might be done in our neighborhoods, and interest in local section activities be keenly aroused. When a man gives t o something, he begins t o take interest in t h a t something. A fine illustration of t h e point we are trying t o bring out is afforded by t h e Milwaukee Section. They have not been content t o meet at regular intervals and listen t o distinguished lecturers either from within or without their membership, but their progressive

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officers have looked about for a way t o serve t h e City of Milwaukee. One of t h e first fruits was a request from t h e Mayor of Milwaukee t h a t t h e Local Section appoint a committee t o study critically reports on Milwaukee’s water supply, and t o make any other suggestions which would overcome present difficulties. with t h e water supply. Chairman John Arthur Wilson appointed a live committee, and t h e Mayor is so pleased with t h e spirit in’ which t h e Section responded t o his request t h a t he has “expressed t h e wish t h a t t h e Section will take an interest in all municipal affairs where its opinion may help t h e city officials t o do t h e right thing.” . The public library in Milwaukee was found t o be inadequately equipped with chemical journals. It was felt t h a t this was a much broader question t h a n t h e selfish interest of t h e chemists themselves, and t h a t by improving this situation t h e City of hililwaukee would be benefited. I n this connection, Chairman Wilson writes: An investigation of Milwaukee’s industries revealed a need for a very complete file of the world‘s chemical publications. ‘It seemed meet and right that any expense incurred in gathering together such a file should be borne by the industries that would profit by it. The Committee therefore started a drive for a fund of ten thousand dollars, the interest on which is to be spent perpetually for the purchase of chemical journals t o “ be placed a t the disposal of the public a t the Milwaukee Library. Each firm is asked to contribute no more than it feels it will profit by the undertaking, so there is no begging or asking for charity involved. For the best results, it was deemed advisable that the fund and all journals purchased from it should remain the property of the Milwaukee Section, which has pledged itself to place the journals a t the Public Library or any other place it may choose such that access to them shall be had by the public. The Milwaukee Public Library in turn has agreed to take care of the journals and place them a t the disposal of the public so long as is desired and has further agreed to be guided in the matter of purchasing chemical books and in other matters pertaining to the chemist by the advice of the local section. r * r * *

The response of all firms thus far approached has been so hearty and sympathetic that there seems to be no doubt about the ultimate raising of the full ten thousand dollars, which should give the Committee a steady income in excess of five hundred dollars a year to be spent only for chemical and closely allied journals. Any portion of the income not needed for current numbers will be spent in getting all back numbers of the more important journals and in binding.

A fine illustration of how t h e chemist can serve his neighbors! I t is a safe prediction t h a t t h e lines of public work thus opened are only forerunners of many others which will prove beneficial t o t h e City of Milwaukee, and t h a t dullness will never enter t h a t public-spirited and enterprising local section. The problems in each locality doubtless differ, b u t t h e principle of service is t h e same in all, and its reward will be equally stimulative. EXPANSION OF THE NEWS SERVICE

The sympathetic interest of t h e Directors in t h e work of t h e A. C. S. News Service makes possible its expansion during t h e coming year. The line of expansion is definitely marked out and is a logical outcome of developments during t h e past year. The weekly bulletins and monthly clip sheet, “The Chemical Round Table,” have been sent t o about nine