Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds: Present Status

Werner further pro- posed a system of nomenclature peculiarly adapted to ... It is well to take stock of the present status of the nomen- clature of c...
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Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds: Present Status * By W. CONARD FERNELIUS Research D e p a r t m e n t , Koppers C o m p a n y , Inc., Monroeville, Pennsylvania Received J a n u a r y

20, 1964



When Alfred Werner proposed the concept of coordination, he pointed out how prevalent is this pattern of combination among chemical compounds. The years since Werner’s proposal have borne out the wisdom of his vision. Despite the vast increase in the number and variety of known compounds and the elaboration of a great amount of theory about chemical combination, the essentials of Werner’s theory remain unchanged. Werner further proposed a system of nomenclature peculiarly adapted to coordination compounds. This system also continues in use although it has been extensively modified. Today, there is an increasing tendency to name new compounds according to coordination nomenclature principles. Even for older compounds with well-established names, there is a shift toward names based on the coordination pattern. I t is well to take stock of the present status of the nomenclature of coordination compounds to see what has been accomplished and what remains to be done. Several publications have reviewed the historical development of the nomenclature of coordination compounds. These reviews have pointed out the need for greater systematization and have offered specific suggest i o n ~ . * ’ -A* ~convenient way t o assess the extent to which problems arising in the nomenclature of coordination compounds have been solved and to which agreement on solutions of these problems has been obtained is to examine critically the actions of official bodies in incorporating coordination principles into recommended nomenclature practices. The outstanding document in this connection is the 1957 Report of the Commission on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).’,*,4 Another document of great importance is the statement of policy on “The Naming and Indexing of Chemical Compounds” followed by Chemical Abstracts (CA).5 The first portion of this article is concerned with an analysis of the practices recommended by the IUPAC report and of those followed by CA insofar as they concern coordination compounds. The second portion consists of a discussion of problem areas not yet covered either by the IUPAC report or the CA statement of policy. For several of these problem areas there are as yet no suggested solutions.

A previous publication” set forth desirable practices in the nomenclature of coordination compounds as a series of rules. These rules will be repeated here (at times in altered form) with the same numbers as in the original publication. That section of the IUPAC report relating to each rule will be given in parentheses in each instance. Chemical Abstracts’ has accepted the IUPAC report for the naming of coordination compounds with certain exceptions. When it is necessary to refer to these exceptions, sections and pages of the CA statement of policy will be given in parentheses with the letters CA preceding the numbers of the section and page. Note: I t is always difficult to obtain agreement on matters of nomenclature. This is particularly true a t the international level and between workers in the different branches of chemistry. The committees on inorganic nomenclature in this country have not found it possible to accept the IUPAC report in all details. The items of difference are made clear in the United States version of the Rules.’ There are good working relations between the British and American workers in nomenclature matters, and the views of the latter are generally shared by the former. However, the British version of the Rules contains no comments. All versions of the Rules contain names for organic compounds and groups which are not wholly satisfactory to organic chemists. The IUPAC Commission on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry is working closely with its counterpart in Organic Chemistry t o bring about a greater degree of unity in matters of nomenclature. However, the existing situation makes any discussion such as the present one difficult. I n attempting t o adapt the published principles to the naming of individual compounds not specifically covered by the Rules, one is often forced to make some rather arbitrary decisions. In the present instance, all such decisions have been made within the spirit of the Rules unless specific reasons for such departure are stated. Examples have been chosen so as to cover a wide variety of compounds and thus demonstrate the versatility of the system of nomenclature. Before considering any set of rules, it is important to consider the definition of terms which must of necessity be used in those rules. Perhaps the most confusing item in discussions of coordination compounds is the use of the word “complex.” Historically, the theory of coordination was advanced to explain the nature of a group of sub-

’ Adapted from a paper presented before the Divisions of Inorganic Chemistrv and Chemical Literature. 136th h’ational Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Atlantic Cirv. K . J.. September 18. 1959.

NOMENCLATURE OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS stances which were known as “complex salts.” Many chemists still like t o speak of a “coordination complex” because this is a convenient way to designate a common characteristic among entities which may be either neutral or charged. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reserve a word with a general meaning for a specific use with a restricted meaning. Almost every chemist would be likely to refer to a complicated assemblage of atoms as a “complex.” If, subsequently, he or someone else goes further and by association relates this “complex” to a general class known as ‘‘complexes,’’ a t least no one should be surprised. I t is probably for this reason t h a t the expression “Werner complex” is frequently encountered. The author prefers to speak of a “coordination entity” rather than a “complex” even though “complex” appears both in the IUPAC rules and the CA statement of policy. The following terms (7.1) with the generally accepted meanings are considered suitable by the IUPAC Commission: central or nuclear atom; coordinating atom and group; ligand, chelate ligand; multidentate, unidentate, bidentate, etc.: bridging group; complex: ionic charge expressed as superior n- or n - (1.31); polynuclear complex, mononuclear, dinuclear. American committees prefer central atom or center of coordination to nuclear atom and polycentric or bridged complex to polynuclear complex. The common experience of both organic and inorganic nomenclature students is that Greek-Latin hybrid terms such as polydentate and monodentate are used more then all-Latin terms such as inultidentate and unidentate. Rule 1. Order of Listing Ions.-The cation is named first, followed by the anion (2.15). [Rh(NH,),]’-, 3NO;3K-, /Al(C?O,):]”[ Co (den).I.’ -, [ Cr (CN)61’

hexaamminerhodium(II1) nitrate potassium trioxalatoaluminate bis(diethylenetriamine1cobalt (111) hexacyanochromate (II I )

Rule 2. Characteristic Endings of Coordinated Groups.These are negative, - 0 ; neutral, none; positive, none. ( I t should be noted that the name of a positively charged group often has the ending -ium.) negative, - 0 : CN , cyancineutral, none: N H ? ,ammine positive, none: H.NNH1 ., 4C1-. hydrazinium [ P t ( N H .)?(H?NNH;),]‘-,4 C l ~diamminedihydrazinium, platinum(I1) (tetra)chloride

I n general, if the anion name ends in -ide, -ite, or -ate, the final -e is replaced by - 0 , giving -ido, -ito, and -ato, respectively (7.311). Certain exceptions are permitted (7.312) such as fluoro and chloro. Ligands derived from organic compounds not; normally called acids b u t which function as such in complex formation by loss of a proton should be treated as anionic and given the ending -at0 (7.313). Anions derived from hydrocarbons are given radical names without - 0 but are counted as negative when computing the oxidation number (7.324). T h e name of the coordinated molecule or cation is to be used without change (7.231) except “aquo” and “ammine” (7.322). The groups “0, NS, CO, and CS, when linked directly to a metal atom, are to be treated as neutral in computing the oxidation number (7.323). Chemical Abstracts has introduced modifications and additions t o this rule. First, names for a few common


ligands (CA 57, p. 8N) are used which differ from those in the IUPAC report (see hydro, hydroxy, peroxy, mercapto, thioxo, dithio, and hydroperoxy in Table I). Table I. List of Coordinated Groups

Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to the section of the IUPAC report where the name is given; ions refers to the “List of Names for Ions and Radicals” in the IUPAC report; CA indicates that the name was used in “The Introduction to the Subject Index” of CA either in the text or the lists in appendixes.

A . Negatively charged (anionic) groups 1. Inorganic Singly charged groups amido, NH?. (7.311; CA) azido, N:- (7.311: CA) bromato, BrOl- (CA) bromo, Br- (7.312: CA) chlorato, Cl0:- (ions; CA) chlorito, C10,- (ions) chloro, C1- (5.24; 7.311; 7.312; CA) cyanato, 0-C = N (ions; CAI cyano, CN (5.24; 7.312: CAI dihydrogen phosphato, H?PO, (CA) fluoro, F (5.24; 7.312; CA) hydrazido, N?Ha- (ions) hydrido, H (7.311) (see hydro) hydro, H (CA) (see hydrido) hydrogen carbonato, HCO I - (ions) hydrogen peroxo, HOZ- (ions) (see hydroperoxy) hydrogen sulfato, HS0,- (CA) hydrogen sulfito, HS0,- (7.311) hydroperoxy, HO?- (CA) (see hydrogen peroxo) hydroxo, O H - (5.24; 7.312) (see hydroxy) hydroxy, OH (CA) (see hydroxo) hydroxylamido, NHOH (ions) hypochlorito, C10- (ions) hyponitrito, HN?O?-(ions) hypophosphito, H?POI- (ions) iodato, 10:- (CA) iodo, I (7.312; CAj isocyanato, N = C = 0 - (CA) isothiocyanato, N = C = S - (7.33; CA) mercapto, SH (CA) (see thiolo) metaperiodato, 10,- (CA) metaphosphato, PO:- (CAI metavanadato(V), VOl- (CA) nitrato, NO,- (CAI nitrito, 0x0- (7.33; CA) nitro, NO?- (7.33: CA) perchlorato, C10, (CAj periodato, IO, (CA) (error ?, see metaperiodato) selenocyanato, Se-C = N (ions; CA) sulfamato, H?NSO,- (CA) tellurocyanato, Te-C = N (ions; CA) thiocyanato, S-C=N (7.311; CA) thiolo, SH (7.312) (see mercapto) Doubly charged groups carbonato, C0,’- (ions; CA) dichromato(VI),Cr?0-2-(CA) dihydrogen pyrophosphato, H?P.O-’. (CA) disulfido, S?’-(7.312) (see dithio) dithio, S?’.(CA) (see disulfido) hydrogen phosphato, HPO,” (CA) hydrogen phosphito, HPO7’- (CA) (see phosphito) imido. NH’. (ions: CA) N-nitrohydroxylaminato, N ? 0 ? - (CA) oxo, 0’- (7.312; CA) ~












oxotrifluoroborato, BOF?- (CA) peroxo, 0:- (ions) (see peroxy) peroxy, O?'- (CA) (see peroxo) phosphito, HPO1'- (ions) (see hydrogen phosphito) selenato, Se0;- (ions; CA) selenito, SeO:- (ions; CA) seleno, Se'- (ions; CA) selenosulfato, SSe0?2- (CA) sulfato, SO?- (ions; CA) sulfito, (ions; CA) telluro, Te2- (ions) thio, S'~(7.312) (see thioxo) thiocarbonato, C O S - (CA) thioxo, S2-(CA) (see thio) thiosulfato, S?Oa2-(7.311; CA) trithiocarbonato, CS,'- (CA) c. Triply charged groups arsenato, As013- (ions) (see orthoarsenato) hydrogen pyrophosphato, HP,O-J- (CA) nitrido, S ' - (7.311: CA) orthoarsenato, As0;- (CAI (see arsenato). phosphato, PO?. (ions; CA) phosphido, P3- (ions) d. Quadruply charged groups hydrogen triphosphato, HPlOlr'- (CA) pyrophosphato, P,O-" (CA) (tetrametaphosphato), P,OI?'- (CA) e. Quintuply charged groups hydrogen orthotellurato(VI), HTeOd- (CA) orthoperiodato, 102- (CA) (triphosphato),PlO!,,- (CA) f. Sextuply charged groups orthotellurato(VI),TeO2- (CA) 2 . Organic a. Singly charged groups acetato, CH,CO?- (7.412) acetylacetonato. CH,COCHCOCH,- (7.313) (see 2,4pentanedionato) benzenethiolato, C6H;S (CA) benzyloxy, C6HiCH?0 (CA) 4'- bromo-N-hydroxythiocarbanilidato, p - B r C , H , N H C S - ~ ( O ) C , H ;(CA) ~ butoxy, CH,(CHZ)tO- (CA) see-butoxy, C2HiCH(CH l ) 0 - (CAI tert-butoxy, ( C H J 420- (CAI cinnamyloxy, C6HiCH=CHCH?O- (CA) cyclopentadienyl, CiHi- (7.324) decyloxy, CH ,(CH?)XH?O (CA) dimethylglyoximato, HON = C(CH,)C(CHtj= N O (7.313) dodecyloxy, CH-(CH ethanethiolato, C ? H S (7.412) ethoxo, C?HiO (ions) (see ethoxy) ethoxy, C,H;O- (CAI (see ethoxo) ethyl, C?Hj- (CA) ethynyl, HC = C (7.324; CA) formaldehyde oximato, CH?= KO (CA) furil dioximato, H O N = C(2-CIHtO)C(2-C,H,O)SO~ (CA) glycinato, H,NCH?COO- (CAI heptyloxy, CH I(CH?);CH?O- (CA) hexyloxy, CH>(CH?),CH,O-(CA) hydrogen oxalato, HC?O,- (CA) hydrogen succinato, HOOCCHzCH,COO (CA) hydrogen tartrato, HOOCCH(OH)CH(OH)COO ('2.4) isobutoxy, ( C H , ) X H C H D (CAI isohexyloxy, (CH,)?CH(CH?)?CH?O(CAI isopentyloxy, (CH I ) X H C H ? C H ? O (CA) ~






isopropoxy, (CH?),CHO- (CA) methanethiolato, CH !S-(7.312; CA) methoxo, C H C (7.312) (see methoxy) methoxy, CH,O- (CAj (see methoxo) methyl, CHq- (CA) nonyloxy, CH I(CH?j-CH?O (CA) octyloxy, CHj(CH?)tjCH?O (CA) 2,4-pentanedionato,CHICOCHCOCH~C(CAj (see acetylacetonato) pentyloxy, CH,(CH?)tCH!O (CA) tert-pentyloxy, CHaCH?C(CHl)?O(CA) phenoxy, C G H ~ O(CA) phenyl, CfiHi- (5.24: 7.324; CA) phenylethynyl, CfiHiC= C - (7.324; CA) propoxy, CHICH?CH?O-(CA) propyl, CH?(CH,)?-(7.412) 8-quinolinolato, CqH6N0 (7.313) salicylaldehydato, o-OCHCGH,O- (7.313) salicylato, o-HOC,,H,COO- (CA) triiodoethyl, C?H?I:-(CA) undecyloxy, CH,(CH?)&H?O (CA) b. Doubly charged groups l$dithiooxalato, -SOCCOS (7.33; CA) N.N'-ethylenebis(salicy1ideneiminato) , (o--OCGH,CH=NCH?-)? (7.313) furil dioximato(2-), [-C(B-C,H!O)=NO-], (CA) 3-hydroxy-2-butanoneoximato(2-), CH ICH(O-)C(CH?)= N O - (CA) oxalato, -0OCCOO- (7.33; CA) phthalocyaninato, C,?HI6Nb-(CA) salicylato(2-),o--OC6H,COO- (CA) succinato, (-CH,COO-): (CA) tartrato, [ -CH(OH)COO (CA) c. Triply charged groups tartrato (3-1, ~ O O C C H ( O ~ ) C H ( O H ) C O (CA) O~~ [ (o-carboxyphenyl)imino]diacetato. o--OOCCFH,N(CH?COO- ) ? (CA) B. Neutral groups 1. Inorganic ammine, NH, (7.322; CA) aquo, H,O (7.322; CA) carbonyl, CO (7.323; CAI nitrosyl, NO (7.312: 7.323; CA) phosphorus trichloride, PC11 (7.7) thiocarbonyl, CS (7.323) thionitrosyl, KS (7.323) (see comment under rule 2 ) 2. Organic 2,2'-bipyridine, (C:H4K)?(CAj (see dipyridyl) dimethylamine, (CH,)?NH(7.322) (2-dimethylaminoethyl)(2-aminoethyl) sulfide, (CHJ,NCHICHaSCHyCH?NH? (7.33) dimethylglyoxime, [C (CH;)NOH]: (7.321) N,N'-dimethyl-2,2'-thiobis(ethylamine), (CH,NHCH?CH?)?S(CA) 1,4-diphenyl-1,3-butadiene, (-CH= CHCsH,)? (CA) dipyridyl, (C,H,S), (7.321) (see 2,2'-bipyridine) ethylene, H?C= C H ? (7.321; CA) ethylenediamine, (-CHJH?)? (7.321; CA) methylamine, C H N H ? (7.321; CA) methyl isocyanide, CH;NC (5.33) methyl sulfide, (CH )?S(CA) phenyl isocyanide. C G H ~ N (7.321) C 1.2,3-propanetriamine, H?NCH(CH?NH?), (ICPAC Organic Comm., CA) pyridine, C;H& (7.321; CA) 1,2,3-triaminopropane,H?KCH(CH,SH?),(7.321) (see 1,2,3-propanetriamine) triethylamine, (CIH;),N(7.7; CA) triethylarsine. (C?H;)iAs (7.412; CA) ~







NOMENCLATURE OF COORDINATION triethylphosphine, (C?H,),P (7.321) triethyl phosphite, (C?H,O)?P(7.412) triphenylphosphin,?,(CBH~) ,P (7.323) C. Positively charged (catic’nicgroups 1. Inorganic

hydrazinium, H&NH?- (3.17) hydrazonium, H,r\INH,- (CA 337, p. 51N) 2. Organic 2,3-diaminopropylammonium,H3 C H ?CH(NH,)CH?NH,-(7.321) Second, the use of the termination “ato” has been modified. T h e “ato” ending on names of ligands derived from organic acids (CA 57, p. 8N) implies that the hydrogen has been lost from all acid groups in the molecule even though some of these groups may not be included in the parent name but rather given as substituents; e . $ , the ligand [ (0-carboxyphenyl)imino]diacetato,o - O O C C G H ~ N (CH&OO ) ? , has a negative charge of three. For ligands derived from organic acids containing hydroxyl or other groups which have also lost hydrogen, CA designates the charge in parentheses after the name of the ligand; e g , O O C C H ( 0 )CH(OH)COO is tartrato(3-). Finally, CA (57, p. 8N) considers hydrocarbon and other organic radicals attached through carbon to be neutral organic ligands in determining the order of citation (see Rule 3 below) even though they are counted as negative when computing the oxidation number of the central atom (or atoms) of a coordination entity. T h e ligand names given in Table I are compiled from the report of the Commission and from the CA statement. A complete list of common ligands would be much larger than that of Table I. While for many of these, suitable names are obvious, for others, there is no accepted pattern for deriving a suitable name or else there is disagreement even among those actively engaged in research on the ligand in question. It would be rather pointless to compile an enlarged list of common ligands until agreement has been reached on many of the items discussed in the last section. Comment. The present situation concerning the characteristic endings of coordinated groups requires a good deal of comment. Although most positively charged coordinated groups are polyamines with an uncoordinated quaternary amine present, a few simple groups, notably NO, are known t o coordinate as a positively charged unit. Some chemists would like t o indicate this in the names when it is definitely established. T h e earlier suggestion of extending the termination -ium to such cases was not adopted by the Commission probably because NO- is neither a metal nor an ‘(onium” type of ion. Hydrazonium is preferred by CA (CA 337, p. 5 1 s ) . Hydrazinium is given in both the inorganic (3.153) and organic3 (921.5, p. 197) reports of the IUPAC commissions. Both IUPAC and CA use the term acid in a restricted sense. Since dissociation constants can be measured for practically all compounds which furnish negative ligands, there is no reason wh:y they should not be “normally called acids.” Similarby, OH is an “acid group” in the same sense that COOH is. The neutral group, thionitrosyl, XS, should be removed from the Rules (7.323) and Table I. T h e compound which



was thought to be Pto(NS), has been shown to be Ptl’(S?N,H)?and a derivative of the ligand HNSNS-.3‘.44 The scheme which CA has introduced for designating the charge on a ligand will avoid a good deal of confusion. Further, it is in harmony with the scheme introduced by Ewens and Bassett” and used by IUPAC for naming N?Hj- and N,HfiZ- (3.17). However, the practice of citing organic radicals with neutral groups seems needlessly confusing. T h e matter of deriving suitable names for anionic ligands will be discussed further in section 111. Rule 3. Order of Classes of Ligands.-In names, the central atom(s) is placed after the ligands (7.21). The order of citation of ligands is anionic ligands first, followed by neutral and cationic ligands (7.25) without separation by hyphens. /Co(NOI) (SH,)iI2-

nitropentaamminecobaIt(II1I ion [ PtCl.(N,H,) (N?H;)I-, C1- dichloro(hydrazine)hydraziniumplatinum(I1) chloride K - , [Ni(CN)(CO)a]potassium cyanotricarbonylnickel. ate(0)

I n formulas the symbol for the central atom(s) is normally placed first (except in formulas which are primarily structural), followed by anionic ligands and then the neutral and cationic lignads, and the formula for the whole complex particle, ion, or molecule, is placed in square brackets (7.21). (The use of braces, 1 1, within brackets is recognized (7.321).) [PtCI?{H&CH?CH(NH,)CHrNHjI ] - , C1 dichloro(2,3-diaminopropylammonium)platinum(II)chloride

Comment: Good arguments have been presented for the order: positive, neutral, negative groups.2””’ These arguments are still valid. Rule 4. Order within Classes of Ligands.-Anionic ligands are cited in the following order: (1) H -; ( 2 ) 0 ? , OH ; (3) other simple anions (i.e.,one element only): (4) polyatomic inorganic anions; (5) organic anions in alphabetical order (7.251). Within group 3 the ions shall be cited in the order B, Si, C. Sb, As, P, N , H, Te, Se, S, At, I , Br, C1, oxygen anions apart from 0” ( i . e . , Oi?, etc.), F (2.16: 6.332). Within group 4, anions containing the smallest number of atoms shall be cited first ( e g . . CO? precedes CrOI-1, and in the case of two ions containing the same number of atoms, they are cited in the order of decreasing atomic number of the central atoms (e.g.. Cr0:- precedes SO:(6.332)). Neutral and cationic ligands shall be cited in the following order: (1) H?O, NH,; (2) other inorganic ligands in the sequence in which their coordinating elements appear in the list given for group 3 just above: (3) organic ligands in alphabetical order (7.252).

K-, [CrOIC1]

potassium trioxochlorochromate(V1)

2NH4-, [OsNCli]“

ammonium nitridopentachloro-

osmate(V1) Na-, [B(OCHI)iH]sodium trimethoxohydridoborate Na-, [ Co(NO2),(CiH:Od?] sodium dinitrobis(2,4-pentane~

dionato)cobaltate(III) 2K -, (CrO(O?)(CN)?(NH,)12-

potassium dioxoperoxodicyanoamminechromate (VI)



[PtClrNHq(C?Hd)] [ C O H ? O ( N H ~ ) +3Cl]~-,

dichloroammine(ethylene)platinum(I1) aquopentaamminecobalt(II1) chloride

Chemical Abstracts retains the classes of ligands given in the rule b u t uses an alphabetical order within groups 3-5 of anions and 2-3 of neutral or cationic groups (including organic radicals) (CA 57, p. 8N). Further, CA considers all ligands containing carbon (including CO, C N - , etc.) to be organic. Comment: N o part of the IUPAC report has received as much objection, both in the United Kingdom and in the United States, as the order within classes of ligands. Some would insist on a completely alphabetical order while others prefer an alphabetical order within the various groups. T h e symbol H should be omitted from the order of elements (group 3, anions) because it has already been listed previously. Most U. S. chemists prefer to list H last not first. Rule 5. Use of Numerical Prefixes.-The prefixes di-, tri-, tetra-, etc. are used before simple expressions and the prefixes bis-, tris-, tetrakis-, etc. before complex expressions. All complex expressions are enclosed in parentheses, if necessary (2.251, 6.34). [ F e I (H?NCH ?CH1) ?r”H \ .I2(Mn(C,H-0311


[Mo(CO)?((C?H,)?S1 3 1 ,(HON=TCH, COCL



bis (diethylenetriamine)iron (II ) ion tris(2,4-pentanedionato)manganese(111) tricarbonyltris(diethy1 su1fide)molybdenum(0)


Whenever there is any possibility of confusion in names where the name fragments dichloro(ethy1ene), bis(thiocyanato), tris(thiourea), etc. are present, the use of multiplicative prefixes and parentheses will make the meaning clear. Chemical Abstracts approaches this problem in a very different manner (CA 57, p. 9N): “Whenever the name of a ligand is not simple like chloro, nitro, sulfato, etc., enclosing marks are used. Nonsimple ligands fall into the following classes: (1) all whole molecules except water, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide (NO) (the ligand names are aquo, ammine, carbonyl and nitrosyl, respectively) ; (2) anionic ligands derived from organic molecules (2,4-pentanedionato, glycinato, salicylato, phthalocyaninato, etc.) ; (3) substituted organic radicals (as phenylethynyl) ; (4) ligands whose namesconsist of more than one word (as methyl sulfide, formaldehyde oximato, hydrogen sulfato) ; ( 5 ) ligands whose names contain numerical prefixes (as triphosphato) ; (6) most thio (and seleno and telluro) analogs of oxo anions (as thiocarbonato, thiooxalato) . The parentheses around names of these non-simple ligands are required a t all times, even when only one of them occurs in a complex and there is no numerical prefix preceding it. For example: Cu (P30,0)~-,(triphosphato)cuprate(II). (Without the parentheses the name ‘triphosphatocuprate(I1)’would represent the ion Cu(P0J3‘-.) When more than one of these non-simple ligands occurs in a complex, the number occurring is designated by the numerical prefixes bis-, tris-,

tetrakis-, etc., rather than di-, tri-, tetra-, etc. Thio (and seleno and telluro) analogs of oxo anions are considered to be non-simple ligands unless the parent oxo anion contained only one oxygen atom and the thio analog could therefore only contain one sulfur atom. Thus, thiocyanato, isothiocyanato, selenocyanato, and tellurocyanato are considered simple. Thiosulfato is also considered simple because it is the only known thio derivative of SO,*-. Although carbonato, cyanato, cyano, isothiocyanato, oxalato, and thiocyanato (and Se and T e analogs) fall in class (2) of non-simple ligands, they are considered to be exceptions and treated as simple ligands. T h e contracted ligands methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, isopropoxy, butoxy, secbutoxy, tert-butoxy, isobutoxy, and phenoxy are considered t o be simple. Unsubstituted hydrocarbon and other organic radicals attached through carbon are considered simple and not enclosed in parentheses. For example: Na[AII1(C?Hj)],Sodium triiodoethylaluminate; Na[B(C6Hj)4], Sodium tetraphenylborate; hTa[AlH?i) 1, Sodium trihydro(triiodoethy1)aluminate.” (C?H21 Comment: T h e purpose of this rule is to obtain such clarity that each name signifies one, and only one, substance. I t was so written that whenever there was any possibility of ambiguity, one was free to use parentheses to avoid it. The important question is whether CA has simplified the rule or made it more complicated. Rule 6. Terminations for Anions.-The characteristic termination for an anionic coordination entity is -ate, or -ic if named as an acid. There are no characteristic terminations for cationic or neutral coordination entities (7.24). 3 K - , [Co(NOJ6I3H-/Fe(CN)6]

potassium hexanitrocobaltate(II1) hydrogen hexacyanoferrate(I1) or hexacyanoferric(I1) acid hexacyanomanganic(II1) acid or hydrogen hexacyanomanganate(111)


Rule 7. Designation of Oxidation Number.-The oxidation number of the central element is designated by a Roman numeral in parentheses: for a cationic or neutral coordination entity, after the name of the central element; for an anionic entity, after the termination -ate (7.22); for an acid, after the termination -ic. The oxidation numbers 0, -I, and -11 are recognized in addition to the more commonones (7.323,7.324). Note: The arabic 0 is used for zero; mention of the oxidation number is permissive but not necessary (1) when the number of ionized atoms or groups is given in the name or (2) when naming a neutral coordination entity. [Rh(C?HEN?)?I3-, 3NOior

K - ? [SbCliCGH;]


4 K - , [Mo(CN)s14or

4 K - , [Ni(C?CSHi);]‘-

tris(ethylenediamine)rhodium(III) nitrate tris(ethy1enediamine)rhodium trinitrate potassium pentachloro(pheny1)antimonate(V) potassium octacyanomolybdate( I V ) tetrapotassium octacyanomolybdate potassium tetrakisiphenylethynyl)nickelate(0)



trinitrotriamminecobalt(II1) (the indication of oxidation state may be omitted)


Rule 8. Bridging Groups.-A bridging group is indicated by adding the Greek letter p immediately before its name and separating this from the rest of the name by a hyphen. Two or more bridging groups of the same kind are indicated by di-p-, etc. (7.411). If the number of central atoms bound by one bridging group exceeds two, the number is indicated by adding a subscript numeral to the p (7.412) (see “basic beryllium acetate” in list of examples). Note: The order of listing bridging groups cannot always follow t h a t given in Rule 3. [ ( N H , ) Cr-OH-Cr(NH!),]”-,5C1p-hydroxo-bis{pentaamminechromium(II1) } chloride AuBrPr -H3NCH?CHJVH[,-AuBrPr? p-ethylenediamine-bis( bromodi-npropylgold(II1) 1 [ ( C N ) Co-CN-Fe(NH,),] pentacyanocobalt (111)-@-cyanopent aammineiron (II I ) di-p-ethanethiolato-bis( tricarbonyl[(CO)IFe(SEt)F e ( C 0 )I ] iron(1) \

,2s042p-amido-p-peroxo-tetrakis (ethylenediamine)dicobalt(III,IV)sulfate 1 s+

bis{tri-p-hydroxo-triamminecobalt (111)Icobalt(I1I)ion



[ C u I ( E t!As)]a

[Be40(CHC O O ) , ]

cyclo-tetra-p-cyano-tetrakis(diis0propyl gold) (the structure is a square with an Au a t each corner and a C N group along each side). tetra-p 3-iodo-tetrakisi triethylarsinecopper(1) } (the structure is a tetrahedron with a Cu a t each apex and an I above the center of each triangular face) pr-oxo-hexa-u-acetato-tetraberyllium (the structure of “basic beryllium acetate” is a tetrahedron with a Be a t each apex and an 0 in the center with O = C ( C H , ) - Oalong each side)

Comment: The IUPAC Commission did not consider the case where more than one kind of bridging group is present in the coordination entrty. The previous suggestionz3was that the letter p be repeated before the name of each bridging group. There are many other facets to the matter of bridging groups. Some of these are discussed in section 111. Rule 9. Designation of the Point of Attachment.-For ligands which are capable of attachment by different atoms, the point of attachment may be denoted by adding a t the end of the name of the ligand the symbol for the atom by which attachment occurs (7.33).


dichloro(N,N-dimethyl-2,2’-thiobis(ethylamine)-N’,S }platinum(II)

Note: T h e name for the thio-diamine is taken from CA and not the IUPAC report. CA (CA 57, p. 9 N ) has not extended its adoption of the IUPAC report to the designation of the points of attachment to central atoms. Comment: Although it is recognized that some groups, like the ions of cysteine and dithizone, have alternate modes of attachment t o a center of coordination, there has been no extensive study of the conditions determining which of two or more sets of sites are involved in coordination. As such studies are conducted there will be great need for this rule. In some cases, it will even be desirable t o designate which of several of the same kind of atoms are active in Coordination. One way of handling this situation is to use Greek letters to designate the position on the carbon chain of the elements through which coordination occurs.

p 6 ~ aI t 1 - *- ~ ~ = ~ - ~ ~ ~



0 ’

‘0 L,H,C--CH=d--CoO_J /I

potassium bis(benzoy1pyruvatoO“,O’) beryllate

(The Greek letters are used here just as they are used to designate a-amino acids and 0-keto esters.) The sense of this rule will also be useful in designating which of alternate sites are involved in bridging (see section 111). Rule 10. Designation of Structural Isomerism in the Ligand.-Structural isomerism in the ligand is designated by the use of different terms for the stoichiometrically equivalent groups. Recognized terms are: thiocyanato (-SCN) and isothiocyanato (-NCS); nitro (-NO,) and nitrito (-ONO) (7.33). Alternatively, the atom or atoms through which the ligand is attached to the center of coordination may be designated by adding the symbol for that atom as in Rule 9 above. Rule 11. Designation of Geometrical Isomerism in the Coordination Sphere.-Geometrical isomerism is designated alternatively by the prefixes cis-, trans-, asym-, or sym- (2.19, 7.23, 7.412) or by numbers.



l-nitro-2-hydroxylamine-3-pyridine4-ammineplatinum (I I ) chloride

Planar configuration







l-nitro-2-hydroxylamine-3-ammine4-pyridineplatinum(II) chloride 1-nitro-2-ammine-3-hydroxylamine-




/oC=o Hz


Et , S-CHz







cis-diglycinatoplatinum(I1) or cisbis(aminoacetato)platinum(11)






trans-bis{(ethy1thio)acetato 1platinum(11)

I 0-c=o /


sym-truns-di-~-chloro-bislchloro(triethylarsine) diplatinum(1I) }




Note: The other two isomers of the last example are asym- and sym-cis-. Octahedral configuration


(f& \ I

cis-difluorobis(ethy1enediaminejcobalt(II1) ion

en C1

HJV~;;: H3N

trans-dichlorotetraamminechromium(111) ion



Similarly, one might use cis- (or facial) and trans(meridial or peripheral) t o distinguish between

Although this latter kind of isomerism was recognized by Werner, there was no authentic example of it until very recently, i.e., [Rh(py),Cls], yellow and orange brown forms.'' Comment: Although the IUPAC Commission made no recommendation on the use of numbers to designate coordination positions, such systems are often used. They are usually based on the following patterns. Planar configuration

Octahedral configuration

Hence the names for the first two examples under planar configurations are: 1,2-diiodo-3,4-bis(triethylstibine)platinum(II) 1,3-dinitro-2,4-bis(di-n-propyl sulfide)platinum(II)

The third and fourth examples are more easily named by the use of cis- and trans-. However, a numbering system readily distinguishes the three isomers of [ P t ( N O ? ) ( N H , ) (H?NOH)(CiHiK)]-,C1-:


No numbering system has yet been proposed for bridged structures such as the fifth example (bridged platinum compound) above. For octahedral configurations, the cis isomer of Mazb4 becomes 1,2- and the trans isomer 1,6-. T h e isomers of Malbi become 1,2,3- or cis- and 1,2,6- or trans. Once again structures with more than two different ligands require a numbering system. Note: Chernyaev's method for describing coordination formulas by designating the constituents which are a t opposite ends of the coordination axesz7has been little used outside of the Russian literature. While the system has considerable versatility, it cannot compare in general usefulness with a numbering system. The question of numbering systems is discussed more fully in section 111. Note: The IUPAC Commission made no comment t o cover the practice in the area of the following rule. Rule 12. Designation of Optical Isomerism.-Where optical isomerism can occur the optically active compound is designated by (+) or (-1 depending upon the sign of rotation; alternatively, d- or 1- may be used. The racemic mixture is designated by (i) or dl- and the inactive form by meso-. I t is evident that the situation is more complex than is indicated by such a simple rule. Actually, there are three distinct kinds of asymmetry that may contribute to the rotatory power of a coordination entity: (1)that due to the arrangement of ligands around a center of coordination; ( 2 ) that present in the ligands themselves; and (3) that arising through the coordination of a ligand. I t is often desirable t o distinguish among these. Often times D and L have been used to designate the first type of asymmetry, and d and 1, the second. However, D and L have already been pre-empted for another use in naming strictly organic optically active compounds. Further, the property of rotatory dispersion among coordination compounds is normally more complicated than among strictly organic compounds. I t is not uncommon to find that the sign of rotation actually reverses within the visible spectrum so that not only the magnitude of the rotation, but the designation (+) or (-) often requires that the wave length of the light used in the measurement be specified. The entire question of nomenclature related to optical isomerism needs thorough study. Rule 13. Coordination of Groups in Lower Functionality than Usual.-The nomenclature of compounds involving monocoordination of bifunctional groups and the dicoordination of polyfunctional groups, etc., usually can be handled according to the rules previously given (7.33) if the usual coordination number of the central atom is kept in mind. [ C O ( X H ~ ) ~ S O Br,]-, [Co(SHjj;C>O,],SO,

sulfatopentaamminecobalt(II1) bromide oxalatopentaamminecobalt(II1) sulfate


dichloro(2,3-diaminopropylammonium)platinum(II) chloride r-


tetrachloro(2,2'-thiobis(ethylamine)N,S Jplatinum(1V)

dichlorobis(2-aminoethylammonium)platinum (II) chloride

Note: T h e names for the thiodiamine in the next t o last example above is taken from CA and not the IUPAC report. Rule 14, Direct Linkage of Coordination Centers.-The direct linking of two centers of coordination is designated by the prefix bi- befoire the name of the coordination centers.


Comment: There are many other aspects of the use of abbreviations which deserve attention. These are discussed in section 111. The following rule was initiated by the IUPAC Commission. Rule 17. Extended Structures.-Where bridging causes an indefinite extension of the structure, it is best t o name compounds primarily on the basis of their over-all composition (7.42). Examples: (Cs-),[(CuClJ,]"-, cesium catena-p-chloro-dichlorocuprate(I1);(2K-)n[(HgC14)n]2"-, potassium catena-di-p-chlorodichloromercurate(I1); (Mg'-),[Si01),]2"-, magnesium catena-p-oxo-dioxosilicate (a pyroxene). Comment: This rule does not include all types of extended structures for which good nomenclature practices are desired. In addition to the simple chains, there are ladders as represented by Sb>O? and the amphiboles, complex bands such as NH,CdCl,, layers such as the micas, and three-dimensional networks such as the feldspars. Presumably it should be possible to develop a momenclature system which would indicate the structural features of each of these classes. T h e current activity in this field of coordination polymers highlights the importance of a suitable means for designating various types of extended structures. The matter is discussed in section 111.

C,H (CO)