Nominations for Officers - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Nominations for Officers. J. Chem. Educ. , 1980, 57 (5), p 359. DOI: 10.1021/ed057p359. Publication Date: May 1980. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 57, 5, XX...
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ah%?dc CIA% ! CHEMICAL EDUCATION Nominations for Officers Chairman-elect Glenn A. Croshy is Professor of Chemistry and Chairman of the Chemical Physics Program at Washington State University. He received his BS from Waynesburg College (Pennsylvania) in 1950 and his PhD from the University of Washington under Paul C. Cross in 1954. After two years as a postdoctoral fellow with Michael Kasha a t Florida State University, he joined the faculty of the University of New Mexico. In 1961 he was recipient of aResearch Corporation Venture Grant, in 1964 he was aFulbright Lecturer a t the University of Tubingen (West Germany), and in 1966 he was selected Professor of the Year a t UNM. Since 1967 when he moved to Washingan State University he has taught regularly in the freshman, upper division, and graduate programs, has instituted a computerbased advisory system that provides individual testing and advising for all students entering freshmen chemistry sequences, and has courses. His research guided the development of autotutorial interest is in the field of molecular electronic spectroscopy with an emphasis on inorganic materials. In 1974 he was avisitingprofessor of physies a t the University of Canterbury, New Zealand,and in 1978 he was a u.S. Senior Scientist HumboldtAwprdee in West Germany. H~ received the Chemical Manufacturers3Association Catalyst Award for excellence in teaching in 1979. He is a member (1978-80) of the ACS Education Commission and chairman of its subcommittee on precollege education. During his current term (1978-80) as DIVCHED Program Chairman he has formulated a set of long-range programming plans, initiated new series of presentations, and pushed for publication of these lectures and symposia.

Stanley Kirschner is professor of chemistry at Wayne State University. He received his BS from Brooklyn College in 1950,his AM from Harvard University in 1952, and his PhD from the University of Illinois in 1954. He joined the Wayne State faculty in 1954 ri and was a Fullbright Fellow and NSF Senior Postdoctoral Fellow a t University College (London) 1963-64 and has also served as a visiting professor a t the University of Sao Paulo (1969), The Polyteehnieal University of Timisoara, Romania (19731,and the University of Florence (1976). He has served in many capacities in the ACS and the Division of Chemical Education. Among his ACS Activities, he has been secretary-treasurer of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry and has chaired the ACS Task Force to Develop Guidelines for the Preparation and Continuing Education of Secondary School Teachers of Chemistry, the Committee on Chemical Education, and the Chemical Education Planning and C ~ r d i n a t i n gCommittee. He is currently a member of the ACS Council Policy Committee. He was chairman of the organizing committee for the 1972 Conference on Chemical Education held by the Division of Chemical Education a t the University of Pennsylvania. In 1978 he received the Visiting Professor Award from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Heyrausky Medal from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He received the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching from Wayne State University in 1979, and this year was given the Distinguished Service Award by the Detroit Section of the American Chemical Society.

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Member-at-Large Edward K. Mellon is Professor of Chemistry and coordinator of general chemistry a t the Florida State University. After enlisted service in the US. Marine Corps (1954-56), he attended the University of Texasst Austin: B.S., 1959; Ph.D., 1963. He taught a t St. Edward's University (1962-63), was a postdoctoral fellow and taught in the general chemistry program a t the University of Michigan a t Ann Arbor (1963-66), and has been a t Florida State since. In 1970 hereeeived a Standard Oil Foundation award for excellence in undergraduate teaching. Mellon has served the Divisionas amember of the Program Committee (197&78), Chairman of the Program Committee (1977), as a Participant in the Long Range Planning Conference (1978), and as a member of the Personnel and Nominations Committee (1978-80). He has authored a number of papers in chemical education and in synthetic inorganic chemistry.

Ethel L. Sehultz is currently teaching chemistry a t Marblehead High School, Marblehead, Massachusetts. She received her B.S. degree in chemistry a t Simmons College, Boston and her master's degree a t Northeastern University, Boston. She is presently Central Division Chairperson of the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers, has been a member of various national committees of the NSTA, the education committee of the Northeastern Section of the ACS as well as a current member of the High School Chemistry Committee of the Division of ChemEd. She has been a long-time proponent of the CBA curriculum for teaching high school chemistry and co-authored the revision of its laboratary manual, "Investigating Chemical Systems 11." Her interest and efficacy in improving chemical education from the standpoint of content and methodology was recognized as she was the recipient of the ACS Northeast Regional Award for Excellence in Hieh School Teaehine in 1979. She was invited and attended as a

Other Officers Jerry A. Bell, Simmons College, is running unopposed for the position of Secretary. The following four candidates have been nominated for the offices of Councillor and Alternate Councillor: Jeff C. Davis, University of South Florida; Mnriorie Gardner. National Science Foundation: Martha Gilleland. California State Colleee. Bakersfield: and Ethelreda

Volume 57, Number 5, May 1980 1 359