Nominations Sought for ACS Awards Nominations are now being solicited for the 1984 American Chemical Society awards. Any individual (except a member of the nominating committee) may submit one nomination for each award in any given year. Three of these awards are of particular interest to the analytical community: the ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, the ACS Award in Chromatography, and the newly established ACS Award in Separations Science and Technology. The ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, established in 1947 by the Fisher Scientific Company, recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of analytical chemistry, pure or applied, carried out by a resident of the U.S. or Canada. Special consideration is given to "the independence of thought and the originality shown, or to the importance of the work when applied to public welfare, economics, or the needs and desires of humanity." The award consists of. $3000 and an etching. Sponsorship of the ACS Award in Chromatography was assumed by Supelco, Inc., in 1970. A nominee for this award must have made an outstanding contribution to chromatography, with particular consideration given to development of new methods. The award consists of $3000 and a certificate. The ACS Award in Separations Science and Technology will be presented for the first time in 1984. The award, sponsored by the Rohm and Haas Company, recognizes outstanding accomplishments in fundamental or applied research directed to separations science and technology. The scope of the award covers all fields, including (but not limited to) biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, and medicine. The award consists of $3000 and a plaque, and the recipient will deliver a lecture at the annual I&EC
Division Separation Science and Technology Symposium. Nominations must be accompanied by a biographical sketch of the nominee (including date of birth), a list of publications and patents, specific identification of the work on which the nomination is based, and an evaluation and appraisal of the nominee's work to be recognized by the proposed award. Seconding letters are not necessary. However, a maximum of two such letters containing factual information about the candidate not provided in the nominating document will be transmitted to the award committee. Six copies of the complete nominating document (including no more than five reprints and other supplementary materials), letter-sized and unbound, must be furnished. The nomination and its accompanying materials must be postmarked no later than midnight, March 1,1983. For further details about the nominating procedure, see the Oct. 11 issue of Chemical & Engineering News or "Awards Administered by the ACS" (Bulletin 7). Nominations should be sent to: Awards Program, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Copies of Bulletin 7 are available from the same office.
Powder Diffraction Award Established The J. Donald Hanawalt Powder Diffraction Award has been established by the JCPDS-International Centre for Diffraction Data. The award, consisting of $1000 and a certificate, will be presented every three years in recognition of an important, recent contribution to the field of powder diffraction. The first award will be presented in August 1983 at the joint meeting of the Denver Con-
ference on Applications of X-ray Analysis and the American Crystallographic Association. For the 1983 award, work must have been published between Aug. 1,1970, and Aug. 31, 1982 to be eligible. There are no restrictions as to age, experience, or nationality of the recipient. Nominations for the 1983 award must be received by Jan. 1,1983, and should be addressed to C M . Foris, E X du Pont de Nemours & Co., 356 Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898.
Applications Solicited for Pittsburgh Conference College Grants The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Inc., the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh will once again sponsor the Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grants Award Program. Six $2000 awards will be given to six colleges for the purchase of scientific equipment, audiovisual and other aids, and/or library materials for use in the teaching of science at the undergraduate level. To be eligible for an award, a school must have an enrollment of not more than 2500 students and receive less than 25% of its operating budget from national or state governments. Twoyear community colleges sponsored by political subdivisions of a state are riot bound by these requirements. No portion of the award may be used in any research-oriented program, and previous awardees are ineligible for a threeyear period following their award. Any interested faculty member may participate by requesting an application form from: John E. Graham, Koppers Co., Inc., 440 College Park Drive, Monroeville, Pa. 15146.