Nominations Sought for Benedetti-Pichler Award - Analytical

May 30, 2012 - Nominations Sought for Benedetti-Pichler Award. Anal. Chem. , 1988, 60 (22), pp 1269A–1269A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00173a716. Publication ...
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Ames Laboratory Director Appointed Thomas Barton has been named director of the U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of Energy's Ames Laboratory, which is located on the campus of Iowa State University (ISU). T h e a p p o i n t m e n t was effective on November 1. A Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at ISU, Barton is widely recognized for his research in organosilicon chemistry and for his dedication to teaching; he is credited with developing a method to make silicon nitrogen polymers—precursors to silicon nitride high-temperature ceramics. These materials show great promise for use in turbo jets, helicopter engines, and automobiles, where lightness and strength are essential for improved fuel efficiency. In addition to his teaching duties a t ISU, Barton has conducted short courses in organosilicon chemistry for the employees of Dow Corning Corp., the world's largest producer of organosilicon compounds. Barton received a B.S. degree from Lamar State College of Technology (Texas) and a P h . D . in organic chemistry from the University of Florida. H e joined the faculty at ISU as an instructor in 1967 and became a full professor in 1978; he was appointed Distinguished Professor in 1984. Barton has authored 120 publications and has served as the program director of materials chemistry at the Ames Laboratory. He has received several awards, including the ACS Kipping Award in Organosilicon Chemistry (1982) and several ISU teaching awards. Barton is the laboratory's third director. He was preceded by F r a n k Spedding, the laboratory's founder and director from 1947 to 1968, and Robert Hansen (1968-1988).

National Research Council Associateship Programs The National Research Council is seeking applicants for the 1989 Resident, Cooperative, and Postdoctoral Research Associateship Programs. These programs provide opportunities for Ph.D. scientists and engineers to perform research on problems of their own choosing t h a t are compatible with the research interests of supporting laboratories. Approximately 450 new full-time associateships will be awarded for research in chemistry; earth and atmospheric science; engineering and applied science; biological, health, and behavioral science and biotechnology; mathematics; space and planetary science; and physics. Most of the programs are open to U.S. citizens and nationals and to both recent Ph.D. recipients and senior investigators. T h e associateships are awarded for one or two years and are renewable for a maximum of three years; senior investigators may request shorter tenures. Annual stipends for new Ph.D. recipients will vary from $27,150 to $35,000, depending on the sponsoring laboratory; stipends for senior associates will be higher. Information on specific research opportunities and appli-

cation materials can be obtained from: Associateship Programs (GR430A-D3), Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20418 (202-334-2760). Completed applications must be postmarked by J a n u a r y 15 (December 15 for NASA), April 15, and August 15. Initial awards will be announced in March and April. Additional awards will be announced in July and November for the two later competitions.

Nominations Sought for Benedetti-Pichler Award T h e American Microchemical Society is seeking nominations for the A. A. Benedetti-Pichler Award in Microchemistry. T h e award, presented annually at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, recognizes an individual who has promoted the advancement of microchemistry through research, administration, or teaching. Previous award winners include Richard Browner (1988), David Hercules (1987), Wilhelm Simon (1986), and L. B. Rogers (1985). A nomination letter, information about the nominee's work and academic background, and letters of recommendation should be submitted by December 1 to Leonard Klein, F M C Corporation, P.O. Box 8, Princeton, N J 08543.

For Your Information Tracor Instruments Austin, Inc., a subsidiary of Tracor, Inc., has signed an original equipment manufacturing agreement with Waters Chromatography Division of Millipore Corp. According to the agreement, Tracor will manufacture gas chromatographs t h a t will meet Waters's specifications and incorporate the Waters Dynamic Solution software. T h e N a t i o n a l Committee for Clinical Laboratory S t a n dards (NCCLS) recently published a proposed guideline describing procedures for preparing four h u m a n immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reference materials from h u m a n serum. T h e guideline, H u m a n Immunodeficiency V i r u s R e f e r e n c e Material Specifications: P r o p o s e d Guideline (NCCLS document I/LA 13-P, Vol. 8, No. 2) describes the source of the materials, their collection and storage, procedures for their preparation, a n d t h e antibody reactivity of each material. F u r t h e r information can be obtained from N C C L S , 771 E. Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085 (215-525-2435). T h e computerized version of t h e N B S T a b l e s of Chemical Thermodynamic P r o p e r t i e s , published by the N a tional Institute of Standards and T e c h n o l o g y (NIST), is now available to subscribers of t h e Scientific and Technical Network, an on-line, private-sector information retrieval service. T h e on-line file provides access to evaluated d a t a on more t h a n 15,000 inorganic substances. For further information, contact the Office of S t a n d a r d Reference Data, A323 Physics Bldg., N I S T , Gaithersburg, M D 20899 (301975-2208).