Nominations Sought for the 1988 Ronald Belcher Memorial Award

May 30, 2012 - Nominations Sought for the 1988 Ronald Belcher Memorial Award. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (21), pp 1241A–1241A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00148a720...
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Newly Elected Division Officers for 1988 Five newly elected officers of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society were named recently. T h e current chairman, Roland Hirsch, is presently on leave from Seton Hall University to serve as program manager for separations and analytical chemistry with the U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of Energy's Chemical Sciences Division. S a m P e r o n e of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is the %sÈÈ; ''"•*"'•'/'.'-'S^ftS! 1988 chairman-elect. Perone at" '" « ^ -....., '~:!§IP tended Rockford College (Illinois) / ^BaiilfeA~ $:% and pursued graduate work in anaIcilÉfli * of Wisconsin, Madison. H e received --—»· %f:.,.'. fellowships from the Woodrow Wil*-|^^/^^ son Foundation and the National lpS"Jj / Science F o u n d a t i o n before comWf > V , , pleting his P h . D . work in 1962. H e joined the faculty of P u r d u e University t h a t same year and became a professor in 1971. From 1975 to 1979, he was head of t h e analytical chemistry division at P u r d u e . In 1981 he joined the chemistry a n d materials science d e p a r t m e n t at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where he is currently manager of analytical sciences. He has published more t h a n H)0 research articles in the areas of electroanalytical chemistry, photoelectrochemistry, and computerized methods for chemical analysis. In 1973 he coauthored a book, Digital Computers in Scientific Instrumentation. He is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Chemometrics and a member of the advisory board for Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. He served as a councilor for the Division from 1977 to 1986. Other newly elected officers include K e n n e t h Busch of Indiana University, Bloomington, secretary; Jeanette Grasselli of S t a n d a r d Oil, councilor; and Robert Osteryoung (reelected) of the S t a t e University of New York, Buffalo, and Margaret Merritt of Wellesley College, alternate councilors. Officers who were previously elected and will continue their term into 1988 include Fred Hawkridge, treasurer; Henry Freiser, Richard Juvet, Jr., and Robert Libby, councilors; and Peter Keliher and L. J. Cline Love, alternate councilors. In addition, Royce M u r r a y will continue to serve as the program planning coordinator.

Nominations Sought for the 1988 Ronald Belcher Memorial Award Nominations are currently being solicited for the Ronald Belcher Memorial Award in commemoration of Belcher's outstanding contributions to analytical chemistry, his interest in s t u d e n t welfare, and his association with Talanta from his conception of the journal in 1957 until his death. T h e award, consisting of a travel grant of $1000, enables a young analytical scientist t o u n d e r t a k e travel abroad. T h e grant is awarded in alternate years and was initiated in 1986. Candidates may be of any nationality, must be under

30 years of age at the time of application, and must have not more t h a n one year of postdoctoral experience. Applications can be submitted by the candidates themselves or on their behalf by a sponsor (e.g., a d e p a r t m e n t head or research supervisor). Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a short s t a t e m e n t of the purpose of travel and the places to be visited, a testimonial of ability, and a recommendation from a senior researcher. Applications for the 1988 award should be sent either to R. A. Chalmers, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen, Scotland, or to J. D. Winefordner, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611. All applications must be received by Dec. 31, 1987.

For Your Information At the recent I U P A C m e e t i n g in Boston, a proposal t h a t outlines the proper use of the word "sample" was approved for publication. T h e proposal, "Nomenclature of Sampling in Analytical Chemistry," was prepared by William Horwitz of the Food and Drug Administration. It discusses the definition and usage of the term " s a m p l e " and the distinction between a sample and a specimen. According to Horwitz, " t h e t e r m 'sample' will no longer be appropriate to designate what is being analyzed after a test portion has been weighed." For additional information, contact Horwitz at 202-245-1057. B e c k m a n Instruments was awarded more t h a n $1 million in damages for p a t e n t infringement on their liquid scintillation technology by L K B and its subsidiaries. An injunction is expected to be issued by the court barring L K B from marketing products in the United States t h a t incorporate the patented Beckman technology. L a w r e n c e B e r k e l e y Laboratory (LBL) has been chosen by the U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of Energy as one of the locations for four proposed research centers to "assist and accelerat e " the commercialization of high-temperature superconductors. T h e L B L center's responsibility will be for work on thin-film applications of high-temperature superconductors. T h i n films are materials ranging in thickness from a few layers of molecules to hundreds of molecular layers. Thin-film superconductors are typically used in radiation detectors, magnetometers, computers, and sensors. Additional information may be obtained from the L B L public information d e p a r t m e n t (415-486-5771). T h e National B u r e a u of Standards ( N B S ) , Boulder, Colo., in collaboration with Westinghouse Electric Corp., has devised a method for making improved, lowerresistance electrical contact on high-critical-temperature ceramic superconductors. High contact resistance has always been a major obstacle to commercial applications of superconductors. T h e method reduces the contact resistivity several thousand times below t h a t previously achieved with conventional contacts. T h e contact method was developed by Jack Ekin of t h e N B S Center for Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Armand Panson of the Westinghouse Research and Development Center.

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 2 1 , NOVEMBER 1, 1987 · 1241 A