Nominations sought for two different awards in polymer chemistry

Nov 1, 1993 - Description of awards for excellence in polymer education by a junior high or high school teacher and the Unilever Award for Outstanding...
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Nominations Sought for Two Different Awards in Polumer Chemistry Awards for Excellence in Polymer Education by a Junior High or High School Teacher Each year the Polymer Education Committee of the Dtvisions of Polymer Chem~stry/polymmrMaterials of the Amcricnn Chcmirnl Society IPOLYED, sponsors the Awards in Polymer Teaching Excellence, which rffognirr the efforts ofhtgh srhuul andjunior highchemistry teachcn. I h c Awards are hnsed on thefollnwlng cnwna:Thr applicant's innovative use of classroom and laboratory activities to promote understanding of polymer chemistry and its role in the everyday lives of students, and the applicant's outreach activities to encourage other teachers to explore polymer chemistw with their students. Anational winner and honorable mention recipients each receive a cash award, a set of polymer chemistr) materials for clnssrnom use, and a certrfivate of wcu~milon.Applicatluns can be obtained from I'olymcr Edueatmn Coordmator, Miami University-Middletown. 4200 East Cnivcrsity Houlcvard, Middletown, OH 45042.Deadline for submission of t h c completed application is J a n a u r y 31,1994.

The Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry The Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry is sponsored by Unilever, a global manufacturer of consumer products, fwds, and specialty chemicals. The Award, which recognizes and encourages outstanding graduate research in the design, synthesis, and physical chemistry of polymers, is administered by POLYED. The Award, mnsisting of a $2000 prize, a plaque, and travel expenses to the Fall national ACS meeting, is open to graduate students or recent graduates who have completed an outstanding P M thesis in research accepted by a US. or Canadian university during a three-year periodprior to January 1,1994.Nominees will be judged on the basis of their contribution to the thesis research, the quality and level of innovation demonstrated, and the impact of the research on the science of synthetic or biopolymers. Nominations must be made by the thesis supervisor or others familair with the nominee's work. The nominating documents must include the nominee's biography, a synopsis of the work, and a letter of nomination by the thesis advisor. Relevant publications based on the thesis work may be submitted. Supporting documents and testimonials may also be included. Five copies of the nominating document postmarked n o l a t e r than J a n u a r y 15,1994, should be sent to: J. A. Mwre, Department of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tmy, NY 12180-3590.

Volume 70 Number 11 November 1993