Nomograph for the Solubility of Chlorine Monoxide in Water

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Vol. 34, No. 5

Literature Cited Therefore, if uo is assumed constant for all tires, a lowering of the car potential a t any given speed could be accomplished by reducing the rim-to-tread resistance of the tires.

Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to J. K. Street and J. H. Dillon for their constant interest and many helpful discussions, and to Frank 8. Grover who constructed the static machine shown in Figure 1. Thanks are also due the Compounding and Development Departments for their cooperation in certain phases of this work and t o The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company for permitting this work to be published.

(1) Beach, R., Elec. Eng., 60, 202 (1941). (2) Coehn, A., W i e d . Ann.,64, 217 (1898). (3) Zbid., 66, 1191 (1598). (4)Jones, J. H., Phil. M u g . . 50, 1160 (1926). ( 5 ) Macky, W . P . ,Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), 119, 107 (1925). (6) Owens, H. E., Phil. Mag., 17,457 (1909). (7) Richards, H. F., Phys. REV.,16, 290 (1920). (8) I b i d . , 22, 122 (1923). (9) Shaw, P. E., Phil. Mug., 59, 557 (1930). (10) Sham, P. E., Proc. R o y . SOC.(London), A94, 16 (1918). (11) Shaw, P. E., and Jex, C. S., I b i d . , A118,97 (1928). (12) Vieweg, H. P., J . Phys. Chem., 30,866 (1926). (13) Wiens-Harms, Handbuch der Experimentalphysik, Vol. 10, p. 321 (1930). before t h e Division of Rubber Chemistry a t the 102nd Meeting of the AMERICAN CAEMICAL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N. J. PRBmNTED

Nomograph for the Solubility of Chlorine D. Monoxide in Water


Wayne University, Detroit, Mich.


ECOY and Cadyl studied the equilibrium, 2HOC1 (aqueous)

C120 (gas)

+ HzO (liquid)

which bears directly upon a commercial process for the manufacture of hypochlorous acid, and presented pressureconcentration isotherms for 3.46", 9.92", and 19.98" C., from

which they prepared tabular data for 0", lo", and 20" C. Though the data are not regarded as final, their industrial application warrants further correlation and presentation of an alignment chart for convenient interpolation of the solubility, S, in grams of chlorine monoxide per 100 grams of water a t partial pressures, p , of solute between 1 and 70 mm. mercury, and a t temperatures, t , between 0" and 20" C. The chart is based on the relation, p = aSb

where a and b depend upon temperature as follows: t,

c. 0 2 4 6 8

10 12


16 18 20

p = 1 t o 20 bfm, a b 0.01787 2.003 0.02280 1.958 0.02675 1.958 0.02958 1.968 0.03200 1,982 0.03472 1.995 0.03830 2.007 2.020 0.04309 0,04970 2.034 0.05921 2.046 0.07163 2.060

p = 20 t o 70 LMm. n b

0.01231 0.01220 0 01210 0.01225 0.01280 0.01396 0.01745 0,02323 0.03150 0.04373 0.05953

2.104 2.146 2.188 2.226 2.259 2.281 2.264 2.228 2.195 2.162 2.127

The use of the chart is illustrated in this manner: What is the solubility of chlorine monoxide in water a t 10" C. when the partial pressure of the solute is 35 mm. mercury? Following the upper index line, connect 35 on the p scale with 10 on the upper t scale, which is for pressures of 20 mm. or more, and produce the line to the S scale where the solubility is read as 31 grams of chlorine monoxide per 100 grams of water. What is the partial pressure of chlorine monoxide over an aqueous solution containing 8.2 grams of solute per 100 grams of water a t 18" C.? Following the lower dashed line, connect 8.2 on the S scale with 18 on the lower t scale, limited to pressures of 20 mm. or less, and read the partial pressure on the p scale as 4.4 mm. mercury. I t is evident in this case that the upper t scale is not to be employed since its use would result in an off-scale value for the pressure. The ,average deviation of solubilities as read by means of the chart from the original data is 0.7 per cent. 1

Secoy, C. H., and Cady, G . H

, J A m Chena. S o d , 63, 2504 (1941).