Non-target time trend screening in human blood - Environmental

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Ecotoxicology and Human Environmental Health

Non-target time trend screening in human blood Merle M. Plassmann, Stellan Fischer, and Jonathan P. Benskin Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00196 • Publication Date (Web): 25 May 2018 Downloaded from on May 25, 2018

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Environmental Science & Technology Letters

Non-target Time Trend Screening in Human Blood Merle M. Plassmann,1* Stellan Fischer,2 Jonathan P. Benskin1 1. Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES), Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 2. Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI), SE-172 67 Stockholm, Sweden *Corresponding author: Merle Plassmann Contaminant Chemistry Unit Dept. of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES) Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 674 7159 Fax: +46 8 674 7636 [email protected]

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Human biomonitoring (HBM) programs monitor exposure to a limited number of prioritized


chemicals resulting in some important substances being overlooked. Non-target analysis shows


promise for capturing novel substances, yet the large quantity of data produced by these methods


remains challenging. Here we apply a prioritization strategy for temporal non-target HBM data, which


shortlists features with increasing time trends, possibly representing substances which are


bioaccumulating or to which humans are increasingly exposed. Human whole blood sampled in


Germany between 1983 and 2015 was extracted using a modified QuEChERS method, and analyzed


by UHPLC-Oribtrap-mass spectrometry. Following alignment, peak detection, grouping and gap


filling, up to 14460 features were obtained. This number was reduced to ≤716 using time trend ratios


and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients to identify features which increased over the 32-year


time series. Increasing features were investigated further using the KemI market list database (which


prioritizes based on human hazard and/or exposure potential) as well as data-dependent product ion


scans, followed by MetFrag and mzCloud database searches. Finally, 7 prioritized substances,


including 1 pharmaceutical, 2 pesticides and 4 performance chemicals, were confirmed using


standards, demonstrating the potential of time trend screening as a data reduction strategy for non-


target HBM data.


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Every year humans are exposed to an increasingly complex mixture of anthropogenic substances,1 via


direct contact with consumer products (e.g. personal care products), or through intake of contaminated


exposure media (e.g. dust, air, food and drinking water). Human Biomonitoring (HBM) programs


evaluate exposure within a population through analysis of biological matrices.2 These programs focus


on characterizing exposure to a limited number of priority substances. For example, since 1999, the


National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the United States has carried out


biomonitoring of up to 346 environmental chemicals (or their metabolites) in blood, serum, and urine


samples.3 Similar initiatives such as the Canadian Health Measures Survey4 and the HBM4EU


biomonitoring initiative5, include even fewer monitored substances.

29 30

Inclusion of a particular target within a biomonitoring program is usually based on existing exposure


or hazard data.6 For many emerging contaminants - and indeed transformation products - few hazard


or exposure data are available. Moreover, highly specific, targeted analytical approaches rarely exist


for emerging substances and their transformation products. As a result, numerous chemicals are


overlooked or not included in biomonitoring programs. Fortunately, over the last decade non-target


screening has emerged as a promising new technique for detecting many hundreds of chemicals


simultaneously in a sample.7-9 Most non-target studies to date have been conducted on water samples10


but more recently the approach has been applied to biological samples as well.11-13 Non-target


screening offers some clear advantages for HBM, yet the enormous quantity of data produced by such


approaches remains a challenge. Data reduction strategies which filter and isolate important features


for further identification are vital to the success of these methods. Case/control data designs are the


most common and have been used, for example, for identification of biomarkers of exposure and


effect in green sea turtles from the Great Barrier Reef,11 as well as novel fluorosurfactants in the blood


of firefighters from Australia.13 Recently, we proposed another data reduction strategy involving time-


trends, specifically for application in temporal trend biomonitoring studies.14 The approach involves


flagging features which show an increasing temporal trend, while removing those with a random,


decreasing, valley, or peaking trend. Features displaying an increasing time trend may represent


emerging bioaccumulative contaminants which should be prioritized for further investigation. Similar


conceptual approaches have been used for identifying transformation products7, 15 and for identifying


emerging contaminants in sediment cores,16 but to our knowledge time trend screening in human blood


has not yet been carried out.

51 52

The objective of the present study was to apply a non-target time trend data reduction strategy to


identify possible bioaccumulative contaminants in human blood. We performed non-target analysis on


human whole blood samples from Germany, collected between 1983 – 2015. Features displaying an


increasing time trend over the time series were subjected to further identification using a combination 3 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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of data-dependent MS2 (ddMS2) experiments and database mining. Confirmation of a limited number


of prioritized substances was achieved using authentic standards, thereby demonstrating the


effectiveness of the workflow.

59 60

Materials and Methods


Standards and Reagents


Standards of benzotriazole-d4, caffeine-d9, cotinine-d3, diglyme-d6, sucralose-d6, sulfamethoxazole-d4,


and triethyl-phosphate-d15 were obtained from Toronto Research Chemicals (Toronto, Canada). 13C8-


perfluorooctane sulfonate,


obtained from Wellington Labs (Guelph, ON, Canada) while tonalide-d3 was obtained from Dr.


Ehrenstorfer (Augsburg, Germany). An internal standard (IS) mixture was prepared using the


aforementioned standards at a concentration between 5 – 10 µg/mL.


C8-perfluorooctanoic acid and


C12-hexabromocyclododecane were

68 69

Sample Collection and Handling


Anonymized human whole blood samples from female students aged 21-29 years were acquired from


the German Environmental Specimen Bank (Münster, Germany), where they were stored at -150ºC. It


is assumed that most contaminants are stable under these conditions, but clearly long-term stability


studies are needed to confirm this assumption. A total of 6 samples were randomly selected every 4th


year from 1983 to 2015, resulting in 9 different years and 54 samples in total. To test whether pooling


affected the performance of our time-trend mining approach (as can occur in targeted time trend


studies17), we analyzed samples both individually and as yearly pools. The pooled samples were


prepared by combining 2 mL of blood from each of the individuals sampled on the same year.


Extractions were carried out using a previously developed method.18 Briefly, after thawing at room


temperature, blood samples (4 mL) were spiked with 20 µL IS-mixture and then vortexed. Four


stainless steel beads, 4 mL acetonitrile, 1.6 g MgSO4 and 0.4 g NaCl were added, followed by


thorough mixing using a bead blender for 2 min at 1500 rpm. After centrifugation (10 min at 3000


rpm), 2.5 mL of supernatant were removed and concentrated to 300 µL under a stream of N2.

83 84



Instrumental drift was monitored by analysing a 20-fold dilution of the IS-mixture and a quality


control (QC) sample (a pooled sample from 2015) repeatedly over the course of the sample sequence.


Method detection limits (MDLs) for the 11 ISs were derived from repeated analysis of the QC sample


(see SI for details). IS percent recoveries were determined by comparing their peak area in samples to


their peak area in a solution prepared in acetonitrile. Finally, each batch of 9 samples was extracted


together with a method blank consisting of 1 mL MilliQ water in order to monitor for background



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Instrumental Analysis


Sample extracts were analysed using a Dionex UltiMate 3000 ultra-high performance liquid


chromatograph (UHPLC) coupled to a Q Exactive HF hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer


(Thermo Scientific), equipped with a heated electrospray ionization source. A detailed description of


instrumental conditions can be found in the supporting information (SI). Two different MS


experiments were carried out using separate runs in positive and negative mode. First, all samples


were run in full scan mode (100 – 1000 Da), referred to herein as the “screening experiment”. After


data processing, an inclusion list was created based on features increasing over the time series (see


Data Handling section). A second experiment was then performed on selected samples (the


“identification experiment”) using full scan (100 – 1000 Da) with ddMS2 fragmentation on masses


present in the aforementioned inclusion list. In both experiments, a resolution of 120,000 Full Width at


Half Maximum (FWHM) at 200 m/z was used in full scan mode while the resolution of the ddMS2


scan was set to 15,000 FWHM at 200 m/z with a stepped normalized collision energy of 30, 70 and



107 108

Data Handling


Data from the screening experiment were processed using Compound Discoverer 2.0 (Thermo


Scientific) using a workflow involving alignment, unknown compound detection, grouping and gap


filling (exact parameters see Table S1, SI). All detected features were exported to Excel where they


were split into individual (6 from each year) and pooled samples. A blank subtraction was conducted


by deleting all features with peak areas 3 or ρ>0.5 for individual samples; TTR>5 or ρ>0.6 for pooled samples) were combined in an


inclusion list to record ddMS2 scans during the identification experiment.

120 121

mzCloud and MetFrag search


Data from the identification experiment were processed in Compound Discoverer 2.0 using a


workflow which included additional mass list search of an internal suspect list (i.e. features with


increasing trends in the screening experiment), and an mzCloud search (parameters see Table S1). All


features in the resulting list with recorded MS2 spectra were selected for further processing using


MetFrag, which combines database searching and fragmentation prediction for small molecules.19

127 128

Prioritization using KEMI market list

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Features displaying an increasing trend in the screening experiment were also subjected to further


investigation using the KEMI market list (including ~30000 substances, available on the NORMAN


Suspect Exchange webpage20), which contains chemicals expected to be on the European market. This


database facilitates prioritization of suspects based on a human chronic hazard score (1-9; 9 represents


the greatest hazard) and a human exposure score (0-27; 27 represents the highest exposure) which are


calculated according to existing hazard data and confidential data about use pattern, tonnage, and


hazards in a similar manner as described previously.20 The monoisotopic mass derived from the m/z of


features with increasing time trends were matched with the database via an in-house script using a 5


ppm tolerance. Out of these matches all halogen containing compounds and those with human


exposure score ≥15 and/or a human chronic hazard score of ≥3 were selected for further investigation.


These thresholds were found to effectively reduce the number of potential matches while prioritizing


substances with higher potential of human hazard and/or exposure.


Confirmation using authentic standards


Standards were obtained for 11 substances tentatively identified by either the ddMS2 +


mzCloud/MetFrag workflow or KEMI market list search. These substances were subjected to


additional UHPLC-HRMS analyses, using exact mass, isotopic pattern, retention time and MS2


fragmentation for confirmation.

146 147

Results and Discussion




MDLs ranged from 0.01 – 1.6 ng/mL whole blood (Table S2) which are similar to traditional targeted


methods, demonstrating the suitability of the method for biomonitoring of environmental pollutants in


blood. IS recoveries ranged from 61.9 – 101.7% for most targets (Figure S1, total range 36.3 –


101.7%), demonstrating reasonable accuracy of the method. The exceptions were for sucralose-d6 and


cotinine-d3 which displayed lower (albeit reproducible) recoveries of 36.3 and 36.8%, respectively.


More importantly, IS recoveries in the sequence QCs (run every 10 samples) displayed an absence of


trends over the course of the run for most substances, with the exception of tonalide-d3, which


displayed a weak yet significant (p=0.0038, r=-0.79) declining trend, and cotinine-d3 which displayed


a positive trend (p=0.0012, r=0.84) (Figure S2). Considering that all samples were randomized


throughout the run, the slight instrumental drift observed here is unlikely to have a significant effect


on the observed time trends. Therefore, sequence correction, as described in some metabolomics


studies,21 was not performed.

161 162

Method precision was also acceptable, with IS RSDs in all samples ranging from 13.4 – 33.5 % in


positive mode and 13.1 – 26.1 % in negative mode, except for sucralose-d6 which displayed greater 6 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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variability (63.8 %) due to low peak intensities. The sequence QC sample displayed much lower


variability (6.5 – 28.2 % RSD in positive and 3.2 – 18.1 % in negative mode; 32.4 % for sucralose-d6),


indicating that random error from the instrument only accounts for a small part of the overall


variability. Overall, method performance was comparable to other non-target studies and suitable for


the non-target time trend screening performed here.

169 170

Time trend filtering


The screening experiment produced 14460 features in individual samples and 13525 features in pooled


samples (sum of features in positive and negative mode; Figure 1). These values reflect removal of


isotopes and adduct peaks, but may include substances which ionize by both positive and negative


mode. Time trend filtering reduced the number of features to 281 in individual samples (TTR>3 or


ρ>0.5) and to 716 in pooled samples (TTR>5 or ρ>0.6). The larger number of features in pooled


samples (despite using higher thresholds in pooled samples) might reflect both greater variability in


individual samples, resulting in lower TTRs or Spearman’s ρ-values, as well as a higher frequency of


low abundance features in pooled versus individual samples. The features with positive trends were


subjected to further investigation via a) the identification experiment + mzCloud and MetFrag search,


and b) searching the KEMI market list.

181 182

Identification experiment + mzCloud and MetFrag search


The identification experiment was carried out using an inclusion list based on features shortlisted from


the time trend filtering step (i.e. 281 in individual and 716 in pooled samples). Of these, the


identification experiment resulted in MS2 spectra for only 115 of these features in individuals and 134


in pooled samples. Other features in the inclusion list were below the set threshold for recording MS2


data. Targets for which MS2 spectra were obtained were subjected to database mining using mzCloud


and MetFrag.

189 190

A total of 17 features in individuals and 16 features in pooled samples produced matches in MetFrag


or mzCloud (mzCloud match score ≥80, Table S3). Of these, 8 substances were identified in both


individuals and pools and 1 substance (18-β-Glycyrrhetinic acid) was observed in both positive and


negative mode. Notably, 7 pharmaceutical substances were only present in a single sample between


2007 and 2015 (individual samples), resulting in a high TTR value, but very low or even negative


Spearman’s ρ values. Thus, caution is warranted when applying a TTR to individuals. This


phenomena may be controlled either by using pooled samples or by removing samples producing the


highest peak in the time series and recalculating TTR and ρ. However, to maximize the number of


features included in database mining, this was not carried out in the present work. Overall, a total of


17 unique substances were tentatively identified in >1 sample (individual or pooled samples).

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KEMI market list


A comparison of the monoisotopic mass of positive time trend features in the screening experiment to


the KEMI market list resulted in 287 matches for individuals (209 unmatched / 72 with an average of


4 matches/feature) and 833 matches for pools (544 unmatched / 172 with an average of 4.8


matches/feature). From this, we prioritized 19 halogen-containing compounds and 31 substances with


exposure scores ≥15 and/or hazard scores ≥3 (see Table S4). Overall, 50 unique substances were


tentatively identified (individual or pooled samples) of which 3 overlapped with the ddMS2 +


mzCloud/MetFrag workflow (desloratidine, oxazepam and diazepam).

209 210

Structural confirmation


Of the 11 substances for which standards were obtained, structures were confirmed for 4 per-


/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), 2 pesticides and 1 pharmaceutical. Time trends for these


substances are illustrated in Figure 2 and a comparison of MS2 spectra and chromatograms in samples


versus standards is provided in Figures S3-S11. Ibuprofen and dibenzepin (identified using MetFrag),


as well as quinmerac and 1-octanamine (identified using the KEMI market list) were all confirmed


negative (Tables S3+S4). Considering that the KEMI list relies on exact masses of the parent ion,


while MetFrag utilizes in silico MS2 data, a lack of experimentally-derived MS2 data probably


contributed to the misidentification. Such false positives could be reduced by extending


experimentally-derived MS2 databases like mzCloud and Massbank with data for environmental


pollutants. Increasing PFAS time trends in human serum in samples from the German specimen bank


have been previously reported22, 23 and their detection here serves as a positive control for the entire


workflow. The pharmaceutical metabolite triclosan-sulfate has been detected in human serum


previously,24 but to the best of our knowledge this is the first report of an increasing time trend for this


substance. Hydroxychlorothalonil, a transformation product of the EU-approved fungicide


chlorothalonil25 was also confirmed. Previously this substance was tentatively identified in human


breast milk samples, but time trends were not reported.26 Finally, haloxyfop is an approved pesticide in


several European Countries, including Germany.25 To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time


this compound has been detected in human blood.

229 230

Perspectives on the use of non-target time trend screening in HBM


The three databases employed here have clear advantages and disadvantages for non-target studies


focusing on identification of xenobiotics. While MetFrag searches are time consuming, they can lead


to identification of unique substances (e.g. transformation products) which are not present in the


KEMI market list or mzCloud (e.g. hydroxychlorothalonil and triclosan-sulfate). While the KEMI


market list is the only database in the present study to prioritize substances based on hazard and/or


likelihood of human exposure (similar approaches have been described using other databases27, 28), it


relies exclusively on exact mass searches based on the parent ion, which can result in false positives. 8 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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MzCloud was by far the most accessible database in the present work, but this is not surprising given


its development by Thermo Scientific, the manufacturer of the Compound Discoverer software used in


the present work. However, mzCloud currently contains very few environmental pollutants, thereby


severely limiting its utility in the present work. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each


of the databases used here, we recommend a combined approach for future non-target HBM studies.

243 244

Overall, this study demonstrated that a non-target approach, combined with time-trend data reduction


and database mining can lead to the detection of novel substances which display increasing


concentrations over decades in human blood. While we limited ourselves to confirming substances


with positive time trends where standards were readily available, there remain 38 of as-of-yet


unidentified features with very high TTR or Spearman’s ρ (TTR≥10 or ρ≥0.7, see Table S5). These


features may represent contaminants to which humans are increasingly exposed or which are


bioaccumulating in human blood over time, and should be prioritized for further identification.

251 252

Supporting Information


The supporting information contains figures and tables about method details, identified substances and


confirmed compounds and is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website.

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Figure 1: Schematic workflow including the number of peaks at each step and confirmed compounds. ‘+’: analysed in positive mode and ‘-‘: analysed in negative mode.



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Figure 2: Trends of confirmed substances detected in individual samples (coloured circles) and pooled samples (black circles except for 8:2 FTS with blue circles), including smoothed trend lines (loess regression) and 90% confidence intervals (coloured for individual and grey for pooled samples)


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