Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials - ACS

Mar 11, 1991 - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109. Materials for Nonlinear Optics. Chapter 4, pp 67–8...
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Chapter 4

Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials Joseph W. Perry

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Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109

This paper is a tutorial overview of the techniques used to characterize the nonlinear optical properties of bulk materials and molecules. Methods that are commonly used for characterization of second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties are covered. Several techniques are described briefly and then followed by a more detailed discussion of the determination of molecular hyperpolarizabilities using third harmonic generation.

One purpose of this tutorial paper on optical characterization is to provide a brief introduction for chemists to the concepts and methods involved in studies of the nonlinear optical properties of molecules and materials. The intent is to familiarize chemists with the range of commonly used techniques and their physical basis. An attempt is made to provide some background on macroscopic nonlinear optics, relating to what is actually measured, and the connection to molecular nonlinear optical properties. This paper is not intended to be a detailed or comprehensive review. The reader is referred to introductory (1, 2) and advanced (3-6) texts on nonlinear optics for more detailed or complete coverage of the subject. During the past fifteen years, there has been an increasing interest in the NLO properties of organic and polymeric materials (7, 8). This has led to an increased effort aimed at the synthesis of molecular based materials with improved properties for NLO applications^). An important feature of the development of organic NLO materials is the attempt to control the primary NLO properties (the NLO susceptibilities or coefficients) and the secondary properties (solubility, processability, optical clarity, absorption, thermal stability, etc.) through molecular

0097-6156/91/0455-0067$06.50A) © 1991 American Chemical Society In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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structure. T h i s approach requires a knowledge of the r e l a t i o n s h i p between molecular s t r u c t u r a l features a n d the resultant microscopic and macroscopic properties of the material. There has been a focus of attention on the electronic contribution to the N L O properties of conjugated rc-electron systems since the realization t h a t such systems c a n e x h i b i t large u l t r a f a s t non-resonant N L O responses. T h u s , a major effort has been u n d e r w a y to synthesize delocalized electronic structures of various geometries, both to act as the p r i m a r y source of nonlinearity and to serve as a n effective conduit or bridge between electronically active groups (donors and acceptors). Some recent research themes related to N L O properties of molecules a n d molecular materials are: 1) evaluation of the l i m i t s imposed by the trade­ off between nonlinearity and transparency, 2) identification of the effect of charge transfer states and electronic asymmetry on nonlinearities and 3) exploration of the possible role of metal complexes and organometallic molecules as N L O active groups. G e n e r a l l y speaking, there is great i n t e r e s t i n the i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of m e a n s for e n h a n c i n g o p t i c a l nonlinearities subject to certain constraints (that depend on the intended application). W h i l e our theoretical understanding of the N L O properties of molecules is continually expanding, the development of e m p i r i c a l data bases of molecular structure-NLO property relationships is a n important component of research i n the field. Such data bases are important to the validation of theoretical and computational approaches to the prediction of N L O properties a n d are c r u c i a l to the e v a l u a t i o n of m o l e c u l a r e n g i n e e r i n g strategies seeking to identify the i m p a c t of t a i l o r e d molecular structural variations on the N L O properties. These issues have l e d to a need for reliable and r a p i d determination of the N L O properties of b u l k materials and molecules.

Commonly Used NLO Techniques Out of the large range of possible nonlinear optical effects, chemists are l i k e l y to encounter only a l i m i t e d number of measurement techniques. These i n c l u d e both second- a n d third-order N L O c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n methods. A b r i e f l i s t i n g of the different types of measurements, the nonlinear susceptibility involved and the related molecular nonlinear polarizabilities is given here. Before proceeding, i t is necessary to introduce the n o n l i n e a r polarizabilities and susceptibilities that we w i l l be dealing w i t h . The p o l a r i z a t i o n of a molecule or a macroscopic m a t e r i a l subject to a n applied electric field is expanded as a power series i n the applied field. The molecular polarization is given by: p

= ^ + c t * E + £ * E * E + : y * E * E * E + ...


where \i is the permanent dipole moment of the molecule, & is the linear polarizability, £ and y are the first and second hyperpolarizabilities and E is the applied electric field, p, u. and E are vectors and & ,fi.and ^ a r e

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.


Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials


second, t h i r d a n d fourth r a n k tensors, respectively. T h e macroscopic polarization of a material is given by a n analogous expansion: P

= Po + Z

( 1 ) #

E + %

( 2 )



* E • E + %^ • E • E • E + ... ( 1 )

where P o i s the spontaneous polarization of the material, x is the linear susceptibility and x and x the second a n d t h i r d - o r d e r susceptibilities, respectively. ( 2 )

( 3 )




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Second-Order NLO Techniques. The two m a i n second-order N L O techniques i n use are l i n e a r electro-optic ( L E O ) m o d u l a t i o n ( i O ) a n d second h a r m o n i c g e n e r a t i o n ( S H G ) ( I i ) . I n the L E O m o d u l a t i o n measurement a light beam is passed through a material that is subjected to a n electric field v i a attached electrodes. The electric field causes a change i n the index of refraction, n , or birefringence (the difference between n i n two directions i n the material). T h i s change i n n leads to a change i n phase or polarization of the l i g h t beam that c a n be converted into a change i n intensity of the beam using interference (by interfering w i t h a reference beam) or a polarizer, respectively. T h i s measurement gives a value of the electro-optic coefficient, r, that i s related to the second-order s u s c e p t i b i l i t y , %( )(-co;0,co), where -co represents the 2

frequency of the output light, 0 represents the D . C . electric field a n d co represents the input light field. B e i n g a second-order nonlinearity a n d a t h i r d (odd) r a n k tensor property, r, l i k e x^ \ can be non-zero only i n materials that lack a center of symmetry. Such materials can be single crystals, poled polymers, or noncentrosymmetric L a n g m u i r - B l o d g e t t films, for example. The underlying molecular hyperpolarizability r e s p o n s i b l e for the L E O effect i s p. I n poled p o l y m e r s , the noncentrosymmetric alignment of N L O active chromophores is achieved by using a n electric field to align the dipoles while the polymer i s held above i t s glass-rubber transition temperature. T h e alignment i s then locked i n by cooling the polymer w i t h the field still applied. The L E O coefficient for a poled polymer is given by (12) 2


oc ( l j i . f i | E ) / 5 k T



where | i is the dipole moment , is the first hyperpolarizability, E is the electric field used for poling, k is Boltzmann's constant a n d T i s the temperature d u r i n g poling. \i • £ is the scalar product of the vector \i a n d the tensor ft. F r o m measurements of the L E O coefficient a n d \i the vector part of p can be determined for molecules i n a poled polymer sample. The other common technique used for determination of secondorder N L O properties i s second h a r m o n i c generation. In an S H G measurement a laser beam at frequency co i l l u m i n a t e s a sample a n d coherent l i g h t at twice the frequency (2co) is generated a n d detected. These measurements can be performed on a wide range of sample types i n c l u d i n g powders i n addition to those mentioned above for the L E O measurements. S H G i s therefore a v e r y u s e f u l m e t h o d for p


In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



characterizing second-order materials. A technique involving SHG measurements on powders provides a rapid semi-quantitative characterization of second-order NLO response and can be used effectively to screen large numbers of compounds to find potentially interesting candidate materials that may then be evaluated in more detail. The SHG intensity from a material can be expressed as

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I(2co) oc


where d ff is the effective harmonic generation coefficient (that is proportional to x (-2co;co,co)), l is the SHG coherence length (l = X / [4 (n(co) - n(2co)] ) with X the fundamental wavelength and n the refractive index at the indicated frequency), 1 is the interaction pathlength in the material, and I is the intensity at the appropriate frequency. If n(co) approaches n(2co) the coherence length tends towards infinity and the SHG would apparently increase dramatically. This situation is referred to as phasematching. In this case e





where the effective length l ff is generally smaller than the interaction length 1 due to "walk-off'(4). Phasematching can be achieved using the birefringence of uniaxial or biaxial crystals to compensate for the dispersion of the refractive index. Phasematched SHG in such crystals is of great technological significance and is widely used in laser systems to double the frequency of the laser output. As above for the LEO effect, the molecular hyperpolarizability responsible for SHG is p. Also as above, the nonlinear coefficient involved for a poled polymer sample, d ff, is proportional to the ^p product, thus SHG measurements from such samples can also be used in the determination of p. As mentioned above, the powder SHG method is a useful technique for the screening of second-order nonlinear materials. However, because of the sensitivity of the SHG coefficients of crystalline materials to the orientational aspects of the molecular packing and because the measurement is performed on an essentially random distribution of microcrystalline particles, the powder SHG method is not generally useful for obtaining information about molecular hyperpolarizabilities. The original powder SHG method is due to S. Kurtz and T. T. Perry (13). There have been variations and improvements reported since that work(14). In the basic method, a fine powder is loaded into a holder such as a cuvette. The pathlength of the cell should be much larger than the particle size to ensure sampling of many particles. The particles may be immersed in an index matching fluid. Without index matching fluid, e


In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials


the SHG intensity is mainly backscattered into a broad range of angles. With index matching fluid, the intensity is concentrated into a narrow cone in the forward direction. The scattered second harmonic is isolated from the fundamental using filters or a monochromator and then detected using a photomultiplier tube. A relative measurement of the SHG intensity is made using a reference sample containing a powdered material with known second-order nonlinearity. Commonly, urea or quartz powders are used as reference materials. There are several other considerations that are significant for powder SHG measurements. 1) Possible absorption of the second harmonic light or the fundamental light should be considered. Typically, a nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is used for excitation. Absorption of the fundamental light is essentially negligible for most materials but absorption of the second harmonic light at a wavelength of 532 nm can be significant for highly colored materials. For these colored materials, fundamental light at longer wavelengths is needed so that the second harmonic falls below the absorption edge of the material. Usually, the output of the Nd:YAG laser is shifted to 1907 nm by passing the intense 1064 nm beam through a long (~1 m) cellfilledwith H2 gas at moderately high pressures (-400 psi); this process involves stimulated Raman scattering from the H2 vibrational mode. The second harmonic is then at a wavelength of 953.5 nm and is typically below the absorption edge for most materials encountered. 2) Spurious signals can be generated in the SHG measurement due to fluorescence (for example,fluorescencefollowing two-photon absorption) or to broadband light generated on optical damage of the material. 3) Different SHG results can be obtained on the same compound recrystallized from different solvents. This results from crystallization of the material in various crystal structures. 4) Finally, and quite importantly, the SHG intensities are dependent on particle size. Different behavior of the SHG intensity with particle size is observed for phasematchable (PM) and non-phasematchable (NPM) materials. For NPM materials the SHG intensity grows linearly with particle size for small particles, goes through a maximum at some characteristic size (corresponding to an average coherence length), and then decreases as the inverse of the particle size for large particles. For PM materials the behavior is similar for small particles but as the particles become large the intensity flattens to a roughly constant value. The typical range of SHG coherence lengths is from a few to tens of \\m and the usual range of particles sizes used for measurements is 50 - 150 \xm. A study using graded particle sizes can be used to determine whether or not a material is PM. Third-Order NLO Techniques. There is a wider range of third-order techniques commonly used to characterize materials, including: electric field induced second harmonic generation (EFISH) (15, 16) third harmonic generation (THG) (27) and degenerate four wave mixing (DFWM) (18). EFISH and DFWM will be discussed briefly then y

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



measurements using THG will be discussed in more detail as an example. EFISH involves the generation of a second harmonic wave in a material that is subjected to an applied D.C. electric field. The process involves the third-order susceptibility x (-2co;0,co,co). EFISH can be performed on gaseous, liquid or solid samples and is currently used extensively to determine the hyperpolarizability, p. For solutions, the EFISH process can be visualized as follows. Consider a solution of dipolar molecules subject to an applied D.C. field. The dipoles will partially align with the field leading to a net dipole moment and asymmetry in the solution. Now, a fundamental wave proceeds through the resulting asymmetric medium and generates second harmonic light. Even though the process involves SHG, EFISH is a third-order process and the molecular nonlinearity involved is y E that is given by:

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f i s h

^fish e










where y and y are the electronic and vibronic second hyperpolarizabilities, the sum of which is related to y , and here p is the vector component of £ along the dipole moment. Thus, if the ys and [i are determined from THG, as described below, and dielectric measurements, respectively, p can be determined from the EFISH measurement. If the molecules in solution are centrosymmetric then only the y terms contribute and these are directly comparable to the y involved in THG. DFWM is a third-order process involving the nonlinear susceptibility x (-co;co,-co,co). In the DFWM measurement, three beams at frequency co intersect in the material. The nonlinear interaction produces a fourth beam at the same frequency and its intensity is proportional to the product of the input intensities and the absolute square of x - The molecular nonlinearity involved is the second hyperpolarizability, y, but it should be noted that it is a different frequency dependent y than those discussed above. The usual experimental configuration of the laser beams in DFWM measurements is the phase conjugation geometry. In the phase conjugate-geometry two of the beams are arranged to be counterpropagating and the third beam intersects the other two at some angle in the sample. The generated wave travels directly along the angled input beam but in the opposite direction as if the input beam were "reversed" in time. This apparent reversal also holds for the spatial shape of the beam which exactly retraces itself. Even if the beam were to pass through some distorting medium on the way to the sample, the generated beam would emerge undistorted after traveling a distance greater than that from the distortion to the sample. This behavior is a consequence of the fact that the generated wave is proportional to the complex conjugate of the third beam's electric field. One way to visualize four wave mixing is to realize T H G



In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.


Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials


that the input light beams modify the refractive index of the material in proportion to the intensity. Two beams intersecting at an angle in the medium interfere and form an intensity grating, therefore a grating of index modulation. This index modulation grating then diffracts the other beam in a direction that satisfies the Bragg condition for diffraction. Generally, in the phase conjugate geometry, two different gratings are formed (one due to beams one and three and the other due to beams two and three) that lead to diffraction (of beams one and two) in the direction opposite to beam three. The x ^ of a material can be determined from relative measurements of the intensity of the phase conjugate beam generated in a material compared to that generated in a material with a known x . Since many processes such as orientational motion, absorption of light followed by thermal index change, population gratings, and electrostriction can form an index grating in the material, in addition to the usual electronic nonlinearity, these measurements are usually performed with ultrashort (picosecond or subpicosecond) pulses. These pulses are short compared to the time scale of some of the complicating processes and measurements are performed as function of the time delay between the various input pulses to dynamically resolve the remaining contributions. (3

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Characterization of Molecular Hyperpolarizabilities Using Third Harmonic Generation. Third harmonic generation (THG) is the generation of light at frequency 3co by the nonlinear interaction of a material and a fundamental laser field at frequency co. The process involves the third-order susceptibility x H-3co;co,co,co) where -3co represents an output photon at 3co and the three co's stand for the three input photons at co. Since x is a fourth (even) rank tensor property it can be nonzero for all material symmetry classes including isotropic media. This is easy to see since the components of x transform like products of four spatial coordinates, e.g. x or x y . There are 2 1 components that are even under an inversion operation and thus can be nonzero in an isotropic medium. Since some of the terms are interrelated there are only four independent terms for the isotropic case. The third harmonic intensity from a transparent slab is (3

( 3 )

( 3 )




I(3co) -


where the coherence length l = XI (6 An) is the distance over which the bound third harmonic wave and free third harmonic wave accumulate a phase mismatch of n; An is the difference in index of refraction at 3co and co. The bound wave is a nonlinear electric field in the material oscillating at 3co that is being driven by the fundamental field. Even though its frequency is 3co it propagates with the same velocity as the fundamental c

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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wave (i.e., it experiences the index of refraction at co). The bound wave is the inhomogeneous part of the solution of the wave equation with a nonlinear source term. The free harmonic wave at 3co propagates as usual with a velocity dependent on the index at 3co. It corresponds to the homogeneous part of the solution to the wave equation. Its amplitude is determined by the boundary conditions at the interfaces of the material. It is proportional to the difference in bound wave amplitudes on the two sides of an interface. The expression above is appropriate to the usual case involved in THG studies of materials where An is nonzero, that is in the case of non-phasematched THG. In isotropic materials far from resonance the refractive index shows normal dispersion, i.e. n(co) increases with increasing frequency, leading to n(3co) > n(co). Phasematching (n(3co) = n(co)) in THG can be achieved in birefringent media or through anomalous dispersion associated with a resonance. Anomalous dispersion due to electronic resonances has been used to achieve phasematched THG in gases(4) and liquids(29). Phase-matched THG in gases is a useful technique for generating coherent vacuum-UV light. Measurements of the third harmonic intensity and l of a sample in comparison to that for a reference material with known x and l can be used for a relative determination of x for the sample. Methods for performing such a determination and some examples will be given below. Generally speaking, non-phasematched THG measurements require a means for continuously varying the phase mismatch Ay (i.e. the sample interaction length 1 since Ay = 6 n An 1 / X, where X is the fundamental wavelength) in order to extract the maximum third harmonic intensity and l from the observed fringes. This can be accomplished easily by rotating a slab sample or by translating a wedged sample as illustrated in Figure 1. For the case of rotating a slab sample the fringes (often referred to as Maker fringes) become more closely spaced as the angle is increased because the sample length increases nonlinearly with the angle 8i, i.e. Al = t / cos 9i, where t is the sample thickness and 6i is the internal angle from the beam to the normal direction, 8i = sin (no sine / ni) , no and ni are the indices of refraction outside and inside the slab, respectively, and 8 is the external angle of incidence. Also, the intensities of the fringes decrease with increasing 8 because of the increased reflection loss of the fundamental at larger angles of incidence. In contrast, for the wedge the sample interaction length increases linearly with the displacement, x, on translation, i.e. Al = 2 x tan(a / 2) where a is the wedge angle. The wedge fringes follow a simple periodic behavior as a function of x, allowing the amplitude and coherence length to be easily estimated. The wedge fringes will be described in more detail below. c






THG has become an important technique for characterization of the second- and third-order nonlinearities of materials and molecules. This is largely due to the interest in determining the purely electronic nonlinearity of molecules without major complications due to orientational or other motional contributions to the observed signals. The

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.


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Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials





0 e

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of sample geometries and THG interference fringing patterns, a). Wedge sample geometry, x is the cell displacement direction, b). Wedge THG interference fringes as a function of x. c). Slab sample geometry, e is the angle of incidence, d). THG interference fringes as a function of 9 (Maker Fringes).

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



simplification results from the fact that the driving fields and the polarization giving rise to the third harmonic light oscillate at optical frequencies and these are much higher than the frequencies of the whole-molecule motional degrees of freedom. The THG technique gives a measure of the contributions of the high frequency motions of the system to the nonlinearity. The measured susceptibility is proportional to the sum of the electronic and intramolecular vibrational contributions to the hyperpolarizability: Y


ye +




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At optical frequencies y is typically much larger than y . For conjugated molecules the total electronic hyperpolarizability is expressed as a sum of K and a electron contributions: ye





yo. n

For molecules containing several conjugated bonds y becomes much larger than 7 ° . Of course, y itself is a fourth rank tensor property (analogous to x ) and can be specified in the molecular or laboratory reference frames. For an isotropic medium one measures an orientational average of the hyperpolarizability (3)


+ Ifyyyy + 1 ^

+ 2^

+ 2 * ^ + 2

l y y



where the lower case subscripts refer to the molecular frame components and the upper case to the lab frame. The XXXX indices represent the polarizations of the incident and output photons (in an ordering like the frequencies of x above) and this term is appropriate to THG with a linearly polarized laser beam. In the remainder of this paper we will simply use y to represent the average quantity defined above. Having introduced the basic phenomena of THG and its relevance to molecular electronic hyperpolarizability, we turn to a discussion of reliable, rapid methods for determination of yfor molecules in liquids and solutions using THG. THG was first observed by Terhune, Maker and Savage in a pioneering study of third-order optical effects (20). The theory of THG in dielectric media was established by Bloembergen (3) and he showed how to derive an expression for the third harmonic field using the continuity of the electric and magnetic fields at the boundaries imposed by the interfaces. His group also extended THG studies to absorbing (and even opaque) media and they demonstrated nonlinear susceptibility determination using reflected third harmonic fields (21). THG came into wider use in the mid- to late 1970s. In fact, THG was used to observe the large non-resonant x of polydiacetylenes first reported in 1976 (22). However, in some of the early studies using THG the significance of environmental factors in the experiments were not fully appreciated. Meredith (23) and Kajzar and Messier (24) have discussed this problem in detail. Under the high field of a focussed laser (3)


In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials


beam the third harmonic amplitude generated in air before and after a sample cannot generally be ignored. While the nonlinearity of the air is smaller than that of condensed phase media, the coherence length for THG in air is substantially longer so the resulting third harmonic amplitude generated in the air can be comparable to that generated in a sample. As mentioned above, the free third harmonic field generated by propagation of the fundamental across a dielectric interface is in fact related to the difference in the bound wave amplitudes in the two media on either side of the interface. As an example of the significance of this effect, the observed third harmonic intensity from a thin (~1 mm) fused silica plate increases by a factor of four as the air around the sample is evacuated. The factor depends on the wavelength and the focal length. This complication can be circumvented by performing measurements with samples in an evacuated chamber. Alternatively, for studies of liquids and solutions, thick window cells can be designed such that the laser beam is tightly focussed in the cell but not on the external faces of the cell. Thus, the third harmonic signals generated in the air before and after the cell are rendered negligible. Such considerations have led to a variety of cell designs with an emphasis on simplification and reliability of the measurement. Kajzar has recently reviewed a variety of cell designs (25). Meredith and coworkers have described several wedge cell designs (26, 27). These include a triple wedge (two wedged windows and a wedged liquid compartment) and a long liquid chamber cell with a wedged front window. While accurate results can be obtained with a variety of cell designs the pattern of the fringing resulting from the various interferences can be quite complicated and difficult to analyze. For example, the fringe pattern of the triple wedge cell involves a sum of four cosine terms. The long path length cells were a clever step towards reducing the complexity of the measurement. By using a relatively long path medium with a focussed laser, only the interfaces close to the beam waist (focus) make significant contributions to the third harmonic fields. The cell with the wedged front window and long liquid path length then has only two important interfaces, both involving the front window and one the window-liquid interface, thus the fringing was simplified. The coherence length of the liquid was determined in a separate cell with a smaller liquid path and two thick flat windows. Kajzar and Messier have combined the notion of using long paths to reduce the effective number of interfaces with use of a thin wedged liquid path (28). They have used a cell design with thick front and back wedged windows. The wedge of the windows defines a wedged compartment for the liquid that is thin relative to the depth of focus of the laser beam. A simple symmetric interference results from the two interfaces that bound the liquid. The cell is thick enough to allow accurate measurements in air. This is the cell design that we have employed and that will be described in more detail below. More recently, Meredith and coworkers have completely separated the measurement of the third harmonic amplitude and interferences using a cell with a single important interface (29). This was accomplished using a thick front window and a thick liquid

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



compartment. Again, the coherence length is determined in a separate cell. Kajzar and Messier have analyzed the THG from their cell described above. A brief overview of their analysis is given here. The cell is comprised of two thick wedge windows and a thin liquid wedge compartment. Since the windows are thick, they are considered to be infinite nonlinear media. Since the liquid chamber is thin, the laser field is treated as a plane wave in that region. The third harmonicfieldat the output of the cell is the resultant of the fields generated in the three media E (3co) = E (3co)toi + E (3co)t + E (3co)tG2 (11) where G l and G2 refer to the front and back windows and L the liquid compartment. The t's are the overall transmission factors described below. The harmonicfielddue to propagation of a focussed laser beam in an infinite medium has been discussed in the literature. The details will not be repeated here. However, it is important to note that the harmonic field generated before and after the focus differ in sign. Thus, in the absence of the liquid the fields destructively interfere leading to no observable third harmonic intensity. The presence of the liquid and its dispersion leads to a phase mismatch between the bound third harmonic waves and thus the harmonic fields generated in the windows interfere with the field generated in the liquid. The generated third harmonic field is proportional to the third order nonlinear polarization P( ) that is given by

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I (3)(. %


) 3 E

( o ) )



The bound electric field amplitudes are given as 4K

E(3co) oc

(13) Ae

Where Ae = e(co) - e(3co) is the dispersion of the dielectric constant, 1 / Ae = 6 l / (X [n(3co) + n(co)]). Kajzar and Messier give for the fields from the windows c


E (3co) = 4TC x ' tGie PE (co) Ae G i(




(3)' E (3co) = -4TI G2


t 2e G



Si transition and thus a complex contribution to 7. We have examined the concentration dependence of the THG intensity for DPA and DPB over a wide range. The experimental results are shown in Figure 4 along with the best fit theoretical curves calculated using eq. 22 along with eq. 25 for x - The best fit is obtained using positive, real 7 for DPA and DPB. These results indicate that the enhanced y™G at 1064 nm is due mainly to the real part of 7. To illustrate the sensitivity of the measurement to the imaginary part of 7, several calculated concentration dependences are shown in Figure 5 with varying imaginary parts. The range of parameters used would correspond approximately to that for DPB in toluene. Under these conditions, the experiments would be sensitive to 72772* of greater than about 0.3.

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In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



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Table 1. Hyperpolarizabilities of some small conjugated molecules. Xf is the fundamental wavelength. Uncertainties in y values are ±15% 36

7(THG) 10" esu Xf = 1064 nm

Af = 1907 nm

Me Si—C=C—H



Me SI—C=C—SiMe 3

Et SI—C=C—C=C—SIMe 3

Et SI—(C=C) -SiEt 3










27 r


_ = .




In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

Downloaded by UNIV ILLINOIS URBANA on May 1, 2013 | Publication Date: March 11, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0455.ch004


Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Concentration (moles/I)


Figure 4. THG intensity as a function of concentration for DPB (squares) and DPA (circles) in toluene. Solid lines are the calculated dependences.

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

In Materials for Nonlinear Optics; Marder, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.











Figure 5. Effect of complex solute hyperpolarizability on the concentration dependence of the THG intensity. For all curves 72/71 = 16. Solid line: 7 2 = °» dashed line: 72772' = 0.25; dotted line: 72772' = 0.5; dot-dashed line: 72772' = 1.0. THG intensity is in arbitrary units.


Downloaded by UNIV ILLINOIS URBANA on May 1, 2013 | Publication Date: March 11, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0455.ch004



Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials


Conduding Remarks

Downloaded by UNIV ILLINOIS URBANA on May 1, 2013 | Publication Date: March 11, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0455.ch004

In this paper it has been attempted to provide an introductory overview of some of the various nonlinear optical characterization techniques that chemists are likely to encounter in studies of bulk materials and molecular structure-property relationships. It has also been attempted to provide a relatively more detailed coverage on one topic to provide some insight into the connection between the macroscopic quantities measured and the nonlinear polarizatioji of molecules. It is hoped that chemists will find this tutorial useful in their efforts to conduct fruitful research on nonlinear optical materials.

Acknowledgments The author thanks Dr. L. Khundkar, Dr. A. Stiegman and Mr. K. Perry for their contribution to the experimental work and Dr. F. Kajzar, Dr. S. Marder and Dr. D. Beratan for helpful discussions. This work was performed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology as part of its Center for Space Microelectronics Technology which is supported by the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, Innovative Science and Technology Office through an agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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