Nonspectroscopic techniques - American Chemical Society

Ultrasonic agitation of the auto- sampler table is ... ics at low cost has stimulated further interest in the field. ... classes of samples, especiall...
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be analyzed, solid-sampling techniques have been used for flame AA, ICP, and the furnace. These opportunities deserve greater attention. Slurries are sometimes satisfactory samples for flame AA, ICP, or the furnace if they are not allowed to settle. Ultrasonic agitation of the autosampler table is useful for automated sampling. For the ICP the Babbington nebulizer is helpful for viscous samples or slurries. The graphite furnace is particularly useful for solid sampling in situations in which a few hundred micrograms provides a homogeneous representation of the sample. The modern furnace technology permits such samples to be calibrated by solution working curves. Hydride methods. Metals such as As, Se, Sb, Bi, and others can be readily converted to their metal hydrides, which are gaseous at room temperatures. This permits relatively large samples—10 to 50 mL—to be extracted with minimal sample handling and quantitated by thermal decomposition of the hydride in flame AA instruments. Designs are now available that extend the signals over sufficient time to permit ICP analysis in rapid sequential systems. Furnaces have also been used for the hydride technique. By now, hydride methods provide parts-per-billion sensitivity for As and Se in simple matrices such as environmental waters and plant and animal fluids and tissues. All chemical forms of the element of interest must be converted to a single valence state prior to hydride generation, and some interferences persist. The relative sensitivity (ppb) of hydride methods is similar to that of the furnace, and the hydride equipment is less expensive. Modern furnace methods have fewer interferences for As and Se. Nonspectroscopic techniques There are techniques other than spectroscopy that are used for the determination of metals both at major and at trace levels. Some of these techniques have advantages in certain situations. Others are quite general and are recommended by their supporters. Using my own judgment, I will try to put them into perspective compared with spectroscopic techniques. Electroanalytical techniques. Electrochemical methods are probably the most widely used competition for spectroscopy in trace metal determinations. Of these methods, anodic stripping voltammetry is the most widely used. The technique predates AA, and flame AA took over many analytical problems previously solved by electroanalytical means. However, electroanalytical techniques have been greatly improved in recent years. The

availability of sophisticated electronics at low cost has stimulated further interest in the field. For many metals, electroanalytical methods are about equally sensitive to flame AA or ICP. They are generally less sensitive than furnace AAS. It is usually necessary to pretreat a sample prior to electroanalytical measurement to put all of the analyte metal into the same chemical form. In other words, interferences occur as a result of differences in the chemical state of the analyte metals. This can sometimes be turned to advantage. For instance, in seawater analysis, the free ionic metal is sometimes preferred over total metal, which includes the metal adsorbed to particles. Electroanalytical techniques will distinguish between these two states of the metal, whereas the spectroscopic techniques measure total metal. X-ray fluorescence. X-ray fluorescence has been used for many years to measure major metal content of many classes of samples, especially alloys. X-ray fluorescence provides high precision, often 0.1% or 0.2% RSD. Standardization requires reasonably close matching of standard and sample. In recent years improvements have been made in the sensitivity of X-ray fluorescence so that the technique is now also applied to trace metals. However, it seems to me that modern flame AA and ICP are simpler to use (except for very routine analyses), somewhat less expensive, and can achieve equal precision and accuracy—and usually better sensitivity. Mass spectroscopy. Isotope dilution mass spectroscopy (IDMS) has been highly recommended by many workers who are trying to reach the very lowest detection levels in unknown and complex matrices. IDMS is the only technique permitted by the National Bureau of Standards for establishing reference values on standard reference materials. The technique requires considerable handling of the sample and a great deal of time for each sample. Also, the equipment is very expensive. Only those with specialized skills can obtain good results. The new technique of ICP-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) can be used effectively in some IDMS applications. The ICP is an ideal ion source for the mass spectrometer. It is still a little early to assess the eventual success of ICP-MS, although it is likely to become a highly useful technique. Neutron activation analysis. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) has been used for a long time for trace metal determinations. Neutron activation can be accomplished by a pile or by instrumental techniques, and the choice between these two options will determine the sensitivity and the cost. I ANALYTICAL

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Either way, NAA is less sensitive for most metals than furnace AAS. Never­ theless, workers experienced with the technique generally believe that it is more accurate than the several spec­ troscopic techniques. Although the judgment is personal, I have not understood why IDMS or NAA should be considered superior to furnace AAS for reference methods. With any of these methods, the most frequent analytical problem results from contamination, which is equally difficult to control in any of the meth­ ods. Workers who must determine Pb, Cd, Zn, etc., at levels below 1 Mg/L must take considerable precautions to use reagents that have been specially purified and to keep dust from set­ tling on the samples. If care is taken in the control of contamination, graphite furnace AAS will provide results that are at least as accurate as NAA or IDMS. For most elements, furnace AAS is more sensitive, thus requiring less sample handling. Chromatography. Over the years, gas chromatography (GC) has been used by some workers to determine trace metals in complex organic mix­ tures. Because GC separates com­ pounds, the different metallic species are determined. For those compounds for which the technology is appropri­ ate, very sensitive measurements can be made. However, the technique re­ quires specialized skills. In the past several years ion chro­ matography has been developed as an offshoot from modern liquid chroma­ tography. When ion chromatography is used for metal determination, the metallic compounds are separated and an appropriate detector is used to quantitate the compounds. The tech­ nique is particularly convenient for anions that are not easily determined by spectroscopic methods (for exam­ ple, halides, sulfate, and phosphate). Groups of metals can be separated by ion chromatography and detected at levels that begin to be competitive with flame AA or ICP. However, sam­ ples must be treated so that appropri­ ate compounds are formed. Ion chro­ matography is unlikely to be as specif­ ic as spectroscopic methods, but the cost for equipment is likely to be simi­ lar to the simplest flame AA instru­ ments and, of course, the anions can be determined. Choosing a technique Flame AA. Given all of these con­ siderations, how do you choose an ap­ propriate technique? If your primary requirements relate to a limited num­ ber of metals at higher levels, you will almost always be best off with flame AA. If an analyst is new to metal anal­ ysis or if an experienced spectroscopist is not available to run the lab, I


think flame AA is the technique to choose. And don't let a plasma zealot con­ vince you that the ICP has no interfer­ ences and is, thus, easier to use than flame AA. It is free of some of the AA chemical interferences, but it has many more of its own. Certainly, I don't claim the platform Zeeman fur­ nace is free of interference; otherwise, why have we spent so much time find­ ing appropriate matrix modifiers? Flame AA is the easiest and most trouble-free metal determination technique. This probably will change gradually with respect to ICP, but it is certainly true today and will be for several years to come. Compared with ICP, flame AA is a much less expensive way to use spec­ troscopy for metal analysis. Flame AA costs from $10,000 to $40,000, depend­ ing on the level of automation. The ICP costs from $60,000 to $150,000, depending on speed and automation. A new laboratory not yet using spec­ troscopic methods for metal analysis can expect to be operational much more rapidly using flame AA. ICP. If you have a well-equipped AA lab, you may want to expand this capability to additional analytes: B, V, P, Zr, W, Nb, Ta, S, and some others. Sequential ICP is the way to do it. It is versatile and flexible. The routine wa­ ter test lab that determines a large number of elements on each sample and analyzes many samples will be better off with the ICP than with flame AA because the simple matrix of natural waters is easy to handle on the ICP. But the ICP requires more skill than does flame AA. Furnace AA. However, if the most important activity for which new in­ strumentation is being obtained is to determine metals at ultratrace levels, especially in inorganic or partly inor­ ganic materials, furnace AAS is called for. The Zeeman system provides ma­ jor advantages for furnace analysis in almost every case in which real sam­ ples are being analyzed. Note that the furnace should no longer be considered an accessory to a flame AA instrument. It is a complete­ ly independent analytical technique requiring optimized instrumentation. In practice, every well-equipped lab doing metal analysis is frequently re­ quired to reach the low levels in diffi­ cult matrices that demand the Zeeman platform furnace system. The Zeeman platform furnace A A, technique is ap­ propriate for every well-equipped metal analysis lab. It has properties that make it unique. The single overriding complaint about the furnace, which curtailed its growth for many years, was that it was greatly error prone because of inter­ ferences. There are many comments in