Nordstrom offers - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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T o insure better control of your chemical lines

Nordstrom offers a distinguished variety of lubricated valves NORDCO BRONZE NORDSTROM VALVES Nordco bronze is an alloy of 88 per cent copper, 10 per cent tin and 2 per cent lead, possessing good strength and corrosion resistance. Chiefly used for d i l u t e s u l p h u r i c acid, e i t h e r hot or cold and numerous organic reagents. Mercoloy is also used which is highly resistant to strong, hot alkaline solutions and concentrations of hot sulphuric acid.

Y O U can now obtain Nordstrom lubricated valves in practically any desired

specification, thus p e r m i t t i n g standardization on these valves for chemical lines t h r o u g h out your plant. A careful check-up of all your valves will u n d o u b t e d l y reveal m a n y places where Nordstrom valves will improve control by giving quicker action and easier turning, preventing leaks, avoiding galling, reducing corrosion and abrasion. Without obligation, an experienced Nordstrom engineer will come to your plant, assist you in making a survey of your needs in valve replacements and determine the type of valves best suited for each specific need. You'll keep upkeep down by standardizing on Nordstroms.

NORDSTROM STAINLESS STEEL VALVES W h e n o r d e r e d in sufficient quantities, valves can be supplied in any of the standard stainless alloys. Valves 4-inch and smaller are regularly manufactured for stock, and are of Type 316 alloy suitable for many chemical services. Cocks for air, liquids and gas are produced, with stainless steel plug.

2-BOLT YOKE TYPE—Made of semi-steel f o r chemical services up to 175-lb w o r k i n g pressure. Sizes, 1 to 4-inch.

NORDSTROM SEMI-STEEL VALVES These are of the "all-iron" type and contain no non-ferrous metals. They are made in various pressure ratings and are suitable for a wide range of chemical services where the use of a high grade cast iron valve is indicated.

MERCHROME COATED VALVES For extreme resistance against corrosion, erosion and high temperatures, Nordstrom valves can be furnished with Merchrome coating—a hard facing welded to the surface of the plug and interior of body, then ground and lapped. The valve maintains its basic advantages of steel construction but provides extremely hard and e n d u r i n g i n t e r i o r surfaces. Several types of Merchrome coating can be furnished, to meet the specific requirements of the chemical carried in the line and suitable for the temperature. For certain chemical services, the body-seat may be coated with one of the soft, ductile alloys, to take advantage of particularly resistant properties, with the plug hard-faced to prevent galling and to resist chemical attack.

NORDSTROM NORDCO STEEL VALVES Made of carbon cast steel, ref i n e d by e l e c t r i c f u r n a c e methods, fully meeting specifications for carbon steel pressure castings. Fully annealed and pressure-tested after making the first rough machine cut. T h e finished valves are tested with air and hydrostatically tested to twice their rated working pressure. Suited for many chemical services requiring valves of high strength, toughness and resistance to vibration, abrasion, corrosion, subzero as well as high temperatures.

STANDARD BOLTED TYPE—Made of semis t e e l a n d N o r d c o s t e e l , in w o r k i n g pressure classes of 200-Jb and up.


NORDSTROM MULTIPORT VALVES Made in 3-way and 4-way arrangements. Two, three and four p o s i t i o n s . Sizes r a n g e from V2 to 16-inch. Permit saving in piping. One Multiport may be used in place of two, three or four straightway valves, and in most cases will also eliminate certain fittings such as tees and elbows.

As important as the valve is the lubricant used within. It is vitally essential that you use only genuine Nordcoseal lubricants for most successful valve performance. Every effort has been m a d e to c o m p o u n d the right type of lubricant for specific needs.

HYPRESEAL TYPE—For e x t r e m e l y high pressure service. Can b e repacked w h i l e under pressure. Available up to 1 5 , 0 0 0 - i b test. A complete range of sizes. Wrench or gear operated. Screwed or flanged ends.

See Nordstrom listings in Chemical Engineering Catalog

REQUEST FOR NORDSTROM BULLETINS N o r d s t r o m V a l v e Div., Rockwell M f g . Co. 4 0 0 N . Lexington A v e . , Pittsburgh 8 , Pa.



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Hypermatic Lubricant


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Rockwell Manufacturing Co., 7701 Empire State Bldg., N e w York 1 .



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Nordstrom Valves


Hordsfrom Valve DiV/sion-ROCKWELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY 400 N . Lexington Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.



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