Northeastern Meeting - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Registration will be limited. Fee is. $12 (special fee of $5.00 for students and instructors) which covers luncheon, coffee breaks, and ...
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man is P. N. Burkard, Wyandotte Chemicals, Wyandotte, Mich. A feature of the program will be presentation of the Anachem Award for Outstanding Achievement in Analytical Chemistry to Dr. I. M. Kolthoff of University of Minnesota. An exhibit will be held of laboratory instruments, equipment, and chemicals.

Philadelphia Lectures A series of lectures will be given at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science (except those for Feb. 14 and 21, which will be at Franklin Institute) by the ACS Philadelphia Section on selected topics in synthetic organic chemistry. The schedule follows: Feb. 7: Peter Yates. Preparative Reactions of Free Radicals and Phototransformations. Feb. 14: D. W. Wiley. Cyanocarbon Chemistry. Feb. 2 1 : W. J. Bailey. Pyrolysis of Esters and Olefins. Feb. 28: W. A. Sheppard. Fluorina£ing Agents in Organic Synthesis. March 7: Murray Hauptschein. Reactions of Organo Fluoro Compounds. March 14: C. G. Overberger. Recent Developments in the Synthesis and Reactions of Polymers. March 2 1 : K. L. Rinehart, Jr. Chemistry of Ferrocene and Related Substances. April 11: L. H. Sommer. Recent Advances in Synthetic Organosilicon Chemistry. April 18: A. A. Hinckley. Recent Developments in Organic Synthesis Using Metal Hydrides. April 25: M. F. Hawthorne. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Organoboron Compounds.

SPE Conferences Society of Plastics Engineers has scheduled the following regional technical conferences for 1961: March 14: Plastics Finishing Seminar, Los Angeles. April 4 and 5: Plastics Injection Molding Workshop, Worcester, Mass. April 20: Plastics—A New Dimension in Buildings, Springfield, Mass. May 9: Plastics in the Automotive Industry, Detroit. June 14: Plastics in Packaging, Montreal, Que. Sept. 12: Plastics for Tooling, Indianapolis. Oct. 5: Plastics Foams. Niagara Falls, N.Y. Oct. 25: Plastics in Major Household Appliances, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 2 and 3: Plastics in Packaging and Engineering Exhibition, Dallas, Tex. Nov. 15: Vinyl Plastics in the Household, New York, N.Y. Dec. 1: Plastics Screw Injection Molding, Cleveland. On March 15 there will be a seminar on Plastics for Tooling at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Detroit.

Northeastern Meeting The ACS Northeastern Section will hold an all-day meeting March 1 in the 1200 Beacon St. Hotel, Brookline, Mass. Topic is Current Trends in Organic Chemistry. It will present new developments in the field of organic chemistry of primary interest to the industrial chemist. William D. Phillips will speak on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Michael Szwarc, on Polymers; Herbert C. Brown, on Hydroboration, A New

REGISTRATION FORM Current Trends in Organic Chemistry Sponsored by Northeastern Section, American Chemical Societv March 1, 1961 9 A.M. 1200 Beacon Street Hotel Brookline, Mass.

Luncheon Menu Preference (Lent)

Regular $12


Student or Instructor $5.00


Name Position Address Send remittance to Northeastern Section, ACS, Department of Chemistry, Tufts University, Medford 55, Mass., before Feb. 24.



J A N . 3 0, 196 1

Synthetic Tool; and Robert W. Taft, Jr., on Reaction Mechanisms. Registration will be limited. Fee is. $12 (special fee of $5.00 for students and instructors) which covers luncheon, coffee breaks, and admission. See registration form below.

Rubber Chemistry Spring Meeting The 1961 Spring Meeting of the ACS Division of Rubber Chemistry will be held at the Brown Hotel, Louisville, Ky., April 19 to 21. There will be three sessions of general or contributed papers. Dr. Henry Eyring of University of Utah graduate school will headline one of the technical sessions with a lecture on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Monomers and Polymers. Papers are solicited on chemistry and chemical engineering of rubber. Deadline for abstracts hi Feb. 20. They are to be submitted in seven copies to the division secretary, Louis H. Howland, c/o Naugatuck Chemical Division, U.S. Rubber Co., Naugatuck, Conn. A feature of the meeting will be the presentation of the 1961 Charles Goodyear Medal to Dr. Herbert A. Winkelmann of Shellar Mfg. Corp.

BRIEFS The Symposium on Analytical Methods in Air Pollution planned by the ACS Committee on Air Pollution (C&EN, Nov. 14, 1960, page 86) will be jointly sponsored by the ACS Divisions of Analytical Chemistry and Water and Waste Chemistry. Chemical Market Research Association will meet Feb. 15 to 17 at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The meeting will cover short range, medium range, and long range market research efforts. In addition, there will be a series of market shop seminars conducted for the membership of the association. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry has published a membership information booklet describing its activities, purposes, and other pertinent data. The booklet is available from TAPPI, 360 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y.


The Parade of Disciplines in the Most Advanced Areas of the Physical Sciences

Today, exploring In all of the physical sciences, Melpar Is probing in many areas of fundamental research, such as: Physical C h e m i s t r y , encompassing the relation of physical properties of biological materials to biological functions. Physical Techniques and M e a s u r e ments in such fields as electron spin resonance, in conjunction with the studies of molecular structure to determine Zeeman effects on free radicals. Chemistry Studies in fluorescence, organic reactions, electrochemistry, polymer research, and gas chromatography and radiochemistry.

Why use gas chromatography? Why use electron spin resonance? These represent but a few of the areas Melpar is now exploring. This is Melpar: Project Probe. Scientists with advanced degrees in any of the Physical Sciences, who are interested in participating m Melpar: Project Probe, are invited to write to F. J. Drummond, Professional Placement Manager, Melpar, 3353 Arlington Boulevard, Falls Church, Virginia.

MELPAR A Subsidiary of Westinghouse Air Brake

INC Company

Statistical Quality Control and Instrumentation is the subject of a workshop for the food industries to be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Feb. 2 and 3. Sponsors are Cornell's department of dairy and food science, National Canners Association, and several other technical organizations. In addition to technical sessions there will be an instrument tour and a banquet; I. J. Hutchings, president of the Institute of Food Technologists, will be the speaker. For more details write to Lewis Beem, Department of Dairy and Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

The Chemists' Club, New York, will offer a seminar program on Statistical Methods for Management. It will consist of five lectures starting Wednesday, Feb. 15, and continuing on alternate Wednesdays except March 4. The lectures will be conducted by Dr. Sebastian B. Littauer of Columbia University school of engineering. Tuition for the series will be $60 including dinner before each session. Meetings will begin at 5:15 P . M . Applications (not limited to members) should be sent promptly with checks to the Secretary, Chemists' Club, 52 East 41st St., New York 17, N.Y.

American Society for Quality Control, chemical division, will present a short course in industrial experimental design called Fractional Factorial Experimentation in Chicago, Feb. 17 and 18. Instruction will be given in experimental design techniques. Sessions will be held at the Congress Hotel. Course fee is $110, which includes lectures, course material, and two luncheons. For further information write to John W. Gorman, American Oil Co., Whiting, Ind.

International Symposium on Microchemical Techniques will be held at Penn State University, University Park, Pa., Aug. 13 to 18. The symposium is organized by the Metropolitan Microchemical Society under the sponsorship of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Further details are available from the vice chairman of the symposium, Howard J. Francis, Jr., c/o Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., P.O. Box 4388, Philadelphia 18, Pa. 66


J A N . 3 0, 1961



North Alabama. Holiday Motel, Huntsville





H. J. Emeleus

Chemistry of Inorganic alkyls




W. H. Urry

Binghamton. N.Y. State Electric & Gas California (Fresno Subsection). State College Campus Connecticut Valley. Crossroads Restaurant, Springfield, Mass. ( Student Award Program ) Cornell. Baker Lab, Cornell Lmiversity, Ithaca Corning. Corning Glass Center


W. L. Roth

Detroit (Anachems). Ethyl Corp. Eastern North Carolina. Hotel Kinston, Kinston Hampton Roads. Science Hall, College of William & Mary, NorFolk, Va. Indiana. Miller's Restaurant, Indianapolis (Ladies Night) Joliet. Chemistry Bldg., College of St. Francis Louisiana. University Center, Tulane University, New Orleans Memphis.


Shreveport, La.

Mississippi. Mississippi College, Clinton New Haven. Sterling Chemistry Lab, Yale University New York. Hotel New Yorker, NYC (Analytical Group) ( Biochemical Group)


Donald R. Kalkwarf


H. G. Kuivila


W. D. McElroy


W. L. Roth


Armin H. Gropp


Jacob Bigeleisen

The Chemistry of Bioluminescent Reactions The Study of Magnetic Bonds by Neutron Diffraction Revising College Analytical Chemistry for Industrial Chemists The Chemistry of Isotopes


Jacob Bigeleisen

The Chemistry of Isotopes


Robert J. Kryter

African Adventure


Joseph House

Liquid Ionic Exchange


W. H. Urry


J. D. Perkinson, Jr.

New Chemistry of Free Radicals in Solution The Current Development of Science in Latin America New Chemistry of Free Radicals in Solution Organometallic Hydrides


W. H. Urry


H. G. Kuivila


D. D. DeFord Clark A. Porter

(Chemical Marketing and Economics Group—Joint with ATC) ( Organic Discussion Group )

North Carolina. Venable Hall, Universitv of North Carolina, Chapel Hill North Jersey (Passaic Valley Subsection ). Passaic City Club North Jersey (Raritan Valley Subsection). Rutgers University, Institute of Microbiology, New Brunswick, N.J. Northeastern. Room 10-250, Huntington Hall, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Northern New York. Clarkson College, Potsdam Pensaeola. Town House Motor Hotel Puget Sound. Bagley Hall, University of Washington, Seattle Red River Valley. Chemistry Bldg., North Dakota State University, Fargo Rhode Island. Metcalf Auditorium, Brown University, Providence San Diego. San Gorgonio. Continental Inn, Riverside, Calif. Santa Clara Valley. Chemistry Lecture Hall, Stanford Unim versity, Palo Alto, Calif. Sioux Valley. Jordan Hall, Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, S.D. South Arkansas. Rose Haven Restaurant, El Dorado Southern Arizona. Room 100, Physical Science Center, Arizona State University, Tempe Southern California. Rodger Young Auditorium, Los Angeles St. Joseph Valley. Nieuwland Science Hall, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind. (High School Teachers Night) Syracuse. Room 312, Bowne Hall, Syracuse University Toledo. Engineering-Science Bldg., University of Toledo Virginia. Cobb Chemical Lab, Charlottesville Virginia Blue Ridge. Rocky Mount Hotel, Rocky Mount, Va. (Tour of ThompsonRamo-Wooldridge Co.-3:30 P.M. ) Wabash Valley. Science Bldg., Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute Washington. National Museum Lecture Hall

New Chemistry of Free Radicals in Solution The Study of Magnetic Bonds by Neutron Diffraction Chemical Protection from Radiation Effects Organometallic Hydrides

Milton Harris Kurt Mislow Donald B. Denney

High-Speed Gas Chromatography Biochemical and Physiological Aspect of Plant Viral Infections Is the Chemist Ready for the Technological Age? Optically Active 2-Propanol-l-d:: Reaction of tert-Alkyl Hypochlorites with Phosphines and Phosphites


Jacob Bigeleisen


E. R. Malinowski

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


John J. Burns

Biochemical Drug Studies


William N. Lipscomb

Recent Studies of Boron Compounds


W. L. Roth


W. H. Urry


Donald R. Kalkwarf

The Study of Magnetic Bonds by Neutron Diffraction New Chemistry of Free Radicals in Solution Chemical Protection from Radiation Effects Polymers with Mercaptan Side Chains Radiation Prophylactics



C. G. Overberger


H. G. Kuivila

9 10

Donald R. Kalkwarf Estella Mysels


Donald R. Kalkwarf

Chemical Protection from Radiation Effects


C. G. Overberger

Some Aspects of Ionic Polymerization

6 10

W. H. Urry Donald R. Kalkwarf

New Chemistry of Free Radicals in Solution Radiation Sensitivity to Chemical Structure


Organometallic Hydrides


Arthur C. Cope

Unusual Transannular Reactions


John H. L. Watson

Adventures in Electron copy


W. L. Roth


John H. L. Watson



Jacob Bigeleisen


Jacob Bigeleisen

The Study of Magnetic Bonds by Neutron Diffraction Adventures in Electron Microscopy The Application of Isotopes to Problems in Reaction Rate Theory The Chemistry of Isotopes


Harry M. Schwalb


John Turkevich

Catalysis, A Lecture Demonstration


Electron Microscope Society of America will hold its 19th annual meeting Aug. 23 to 26 at the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh. Program chairman is Dr. A. R. Taylor, Virus Division, Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit 32, Mich. May 1 is deadline for abstracts of papers. The 20th annual meeting of the society will coincide with the Fifth International Congress on Electron Microscopy at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Aug. 29 to Sept. 5, 1962.

Chloroacetone (90%) Our TECHNICAL DATA FILE is available upon request.

ACS Southeast and Southwest Regional Meetings will combine next Dec. 7 to 9 in New Orleans. The Louisiana Section will be host for the meeting, which will have sessions on spectroscopy and gas chromatography, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, chemical education, industrial and engineering chemistry, analytical, physical, and organic chemistry. There will also be a ladies' program, exhibits, field trips, and an Employment Clearing House. General chairman of the meeting is C. L. Hoffpauir, Southern Regional Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans 19, La.



Benzol PRODUCTS COMPANY Manufacturers of Fine Chemicals


See page 130 — 1961 Materials Catalog See page 73 — 1961 Buyers Issue


CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 139th National Meeting, St. Louis, Mo. March 21-30, 1961. 140th National Meeting, Chicago, 111. Sept. 3-8, 1961. Division of Rubber Chemistry. Louisville, Ky. April 18 to 21. 35th National Colloid Symposium. ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry. Rochester, N.Y. June 15 to 16. Division of Analytical Chemistry. Summer Symposium on Solution Chromatography. Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland. June 22 to 24. 17th National Organic Symposium. ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. June 25 to 29. ] 1th National Chemical Exposition. ACS Chicago Section. International Amphitheater, Chicago. Sept. 5-8. Other Organizations Chemical Market Research Association. Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Feb. 15-17. 12th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh. Feb. 27-March 3. XVIIIth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Aug. 6-12) and XXIst IUPAC Conference (Aug. 2-5). Montreal, Que.

RESEARCH ' SCIENTIS T S in 9 8 . 2 % off all process industry lobs read ...

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY the workbook for research techniques, the marketplace for research products.


3 0, 1961 C & E N