NORTON - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

NORTON. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (12), pp 98A–98A. DOI: 10.1021/i650564a778. Publication Date: December 1956. Copyright © 1956 American Chemical ...
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ALUNDUM" High-Purity Fused Alumina How can you use it to advantage ? Among the many electrochemically refined materials white grain is shown by typical chemical analysis to be produced by Norton Company, ALUNDUM fused alpha 99.49% pure AI2O3. It is insoluble in common solvents alumina is one of the most widely useful to industry. and extremely resistant to reduction. It is an amphoteric Thanks to its inherent properties of hardness, chemical refractory and has high dielectric strength. Other characstability and high density, engineers in various fields are teristics include: Melting point about 3600T. finding many new applications for it. Norton fused alumina is produced in a number of Speciiic gravity 3.94 forms. Of these, 38 ALUNDUM* grain has proved particuCrystal structure hexagonal system , , P I · i· 1 1· u· u ·. (rhombohedral division) larly successful in applications demanding high purity. Hardness 9.0 Mohs' scale Electrically fused from Bayer-processed alumina, this Index of refraction 1.76 mean Typical Product Applications in which Norton high-purity fused alumina is now working out to advantage a r e : For Catalytic Reactions. Norton fused alpha alumina carriers are outstanding for chemical stability and resistance to abrasion and erosion. Available in the form of spheres, rings and pellets they are used both in fixed bed oxidation reactions and as inert, lowdensity carriers for space filler applications where a low surface area (less than l m 2 / g m ) is required. Other types of ALUNDUM catalyst carriers having surface areas in the range 5-60 m 2 /gm are also available.

In Pebble Heaters, ALUNDUM heat exchange pebbles are giving excellent results in pebble heaters for heating gases above operating temperatures permissible in conventional tube furnaces. Their great resistance to abrasion, impact and repeated heating and cooling make them the ideal heat transfer medium in these devices. Also, their high refractoriness prevents them from the softening and "bridging" together that causes stoppages in the heater's moving bed.

Very many other uses for Norton high-purity fused alumina materials include: pure oxides and sintered refractories, refractory cements, wear-resistant parts, laboratory ware, coatings for rocket and jet plane parts and atomic energy equipment. Other

Norton Electrochemically Refined Materials include CRYSTOLON* silicon carbide, MAGNORITE* magnesium oxide, NORBIDE*

boron carbide, FUSED ZIRCONIA and many others, including a number still under development. These high-melting materials, which have varied applications in

In Thermal Cracking Reactors. Particularly in WulfT Process Generators for cracking light hydrocarbons to produce acetylene gas and Koppers-Hasche Generators for cracking light hydrocarbons to produce a variety of gases and petrochemicals — checkers made of Norton ALUNDUM high-purity fused alumina provide definite advantages. Their excellent heat transfer properties, high refractoriness and resistance to erosion caused by hot gases are important Their ability to withstand the thermal stresses of intermittent operation assures long life. And their purity prevents side reactions with the reacting gases, thus safeguarding product quality.

In Gas Synthesis Generators, ALUNDUM fired shapes are ideal for lining generators of this type. Among the inherent characteristics of Norton high-purity fused alumina that work out very well are: high refractoriness, chemical stability, and inertness that prevents reacting with the contacting atmospheres.

many fields, are also the basic ingredients of the famous Norton Refractory I^'s —• refractories engineered and prescribed for the widest range of uses. For Your Own Applications Or Developments Norton Company not only supplies these materials in crude form, but has extensive facilities for processing and fabricating — and is ready to work with you in engineering materials to your particular requirements. A new booklet "Norton Refractory Grain — Electrochemically Refined" contains detailed, information. For your copy, write to

NORTON COMPANY, Refractories Division,

531 New Bond Street, Worcester 6, Massachusetts.

NORTON REFRACTORIES Engineered... r\...

fljafo'no better products... to make your products better "Trade-Marks Reg. U. S. Pot. Off. and Foreign Countrtel.

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