Norton Plastics and Synthetics Division - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Norton Plastics and Synthetics Division. Anal. Chem. , 1971, 43 (2), pp 147A–147A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60297a826. Publication Date: February 1971. ACS Le...
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M S Hollow Cathode Discharge De­ vices. A 28-page brochure provides specifications for over 250 single-ele­ ment and multielement hollow cathode discharge devices for use in atomic ab­ sorption spectroscopy. Also included is a list of accessories. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Electronic Tube Div., P. 0 . Box 284, Elmira, Ν. Υ. 14902 601 Transistor-Transistor Logic. A 112page color brochure contains specifica­ tions for more than 150 circuit func­ tions; the broadest TTL family in the industry. Design information about logic, memory, and interface circuits in standard, low power, and high speed ranges is included. Fairchild Semicon­ ductor, Box 880A, Mountain View, Calif. 94040 602 Baths and Circulators. Bulletin BR 215, 42 pages, gives details and photo­ graphs plus data on Lauda constant temperature baths and circulators. Prices are included. Brinkmann In­ struments, Inc., Cantiague Rd., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590 603 Automatic Cycle Gas Chromatographs. Eight pages describe and picture the 2420 Series of automatic cycle go's. Specifications and accessories are also included. Infotronics Instrument Corp., 7800 Westglen Dr., Houston, Tex. 77042 604 Spectrometers. A 6-page minicatalog covers the company's full line of spec­ trographs instruments for the vacuum uv, vis, and ir portions of the spectrum. Three new research tools are also de­ scribed: the ESCA 2.5 electron impact spectrometer, the ESCA 36 photoelectron spectrometer, and the RS-10 high resolution, double beam ratio recording spectrophotometer. McPherson Instru­ ment Corp., 530 Main St., Acton, Mass. 01720 605 Aa/Flame Emission Spectrometer. Bulletin 28D covers the Atomsorb ; fea­ tures include direct concentration read­ out, sample-saving time constant, built-in lamp warm-up, flame emission as well as a a capability, and built-in scale expansion (up to 20X). Fisher Scientific Co., .1308 Fisher Bldg., Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 15219 606

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