NORTON REFRACTORIES - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - NORTON REFRACTORIES. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (4), pp 21A–21A. DOI: 10.1021/i650580a713. Publication Date: April 1958. Copyright ...
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LINED WITH ALUNDUM 33-1 CASTABLE, this furnace has been used for almost a year as a periodic furnace for hightemperature laboratory test work. During this time the door was opened and closed over a thousand times with the furnace at temperature. Even after this rugged service, the ALUNDUM Castable lining shows hardly any signs of wear.

LINED WITH A COMPETITIVE HIGH GRADE INSULATING BRICK, this similar furnace was used in the same service for an equal length of time. Under equally severe thermal shock conditions the lining cracked and spoiled and this furnace must be rebuilt.

You get higher temperature protection with ALUNDUM* castables Up to 3300° F! ALUNDUM 33-1 Insulating Castable is made up primarily of countless tiny, pure aluminum oxide bubbles. Forming a network of air spaces it provides excellent insulation, even at the highest commercial temperatures. ALUNDUM 33-HD Heavy Duty Casta b l e is chiefly composed of dense grains of pure aluminum oxide. It is recommended for forming dense monolithic surfaces in constructing many types of furnaces where high temperature conditions are more severe. Both



C a s t a b l e s p r o t e c t at


to 3300° F and are very easy to mix and use. You can cast simple or complex shapes with them quickly and inexpensively for many installations and replace more expensive pre-fired shapes. See your Norton Representative for more facts on how these new Castables can provide long, trouble-free service that saves you time and money. Ask him for the folder Two New Norton Castables, or write for your free copy to NORTON COMPANY, Refractories Division, 523 New Bond Street, Worcester 6, Mass.






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50, N O . 4


APRIL 1958

21 A