not observed. The spectral and chromatographic data of isolated

"R 253" (A:? 253 (Et'T9, 15); Rr values of 0.69 on silica gel G in 1 % ether in chloroform, and 0.53 on silica gel G thin layer plates in 15% trichlor...
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not observed. The spectral and chromatographic data of isolated plastoquinone-3 do not agree in every detail with PQC or PQD. However, a compound called "R 253" (A:? 253 (Et'T9,15); Rr values of 0.69 on silica gel G in 1 % ether in chloroform, and 0.53 on silica gel G thin layer plates in 15% trichloroethyl acetate in benzene), also reported by Crane2 from spinach chloroplasts, does compare favorably with plastoquinone-3 in ultraviolet absorption data and chromatographic behavior. Also, a quinone isolated by Eck and Trebst3 from chestnut tree leaves and tentatively identified as plastoquinone-4 shows properties quite similar to those of plastoquinone-3; plastoquinone-4, kindly provided by Professor Trebst, and plastoquinone-3 are not identical. Plastoquinone-3 is surprisingly unstable. During isolation, the elution time from the decalso column was very critical. Plastoquinone-3 largely decomposed within 1 hr. upon exposure to sunlight to give a number of leucomethylene blue sensitive compounds and changes in room light; chromatography was performed under a red safety lamp. Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. Raffaele F. Muraca and Mrs. Julia S. Whittick for mass spectra. (6) Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy; holder of an Italian National Research Council fellowship during 1964.

Domenico Misiti,6Harold W. Moore, Karl Folkers StanJord Research Institute Menlo Park, California Received January 30, 1965

5.85; Si, 8.16; equiv. wt., 86.1; mol. wt., 344.39. Found: C, 48.52; H, 5.98; Si, 8.19; equiv. wt., 88.0; mol. wt., 346. The recrystallized material is stable for an indefinite period when stored in a sealed container, but turns yellow in color when exposed to the atmosphere for several hours. The nonionic nature of the chelate I was demonstrated by treatment of the material with ferric chloride i n chloroform under conditions similar to those employed by Dilthey' for the preparation of the salts mentioned above. No reaction was detected, either by a rise in temperature or by the precipitation of an iron salt. The infrared spectra of metal acetylacetonates have been studied extensively by many investigators. Nakamoto5 has compiled much of these data. The key assignments in Table I are made based on the infrared spectrum of I. Table I. Infrared Absorption Bands Frequency, cm.-l



Normal >C=O absorption in the CH,COOgroup C-C stretch C-0 stretch &j-O--Cn(C--H) Ring deformation (Si-0) (Si-0) C-CH3 bonding


1575 1550 1050 830 693 665

+ +

All but the band at 1705 crn.-' are observed, in general, for the metal acetylacetonates. The assignments are made based on the conclusions of N a k a m ~ t o . ~ Bis( 2,4-pentanediono)diacetatosilicon(IV) The intensification and very large shift of the C-0 Sir: absorption band from 1625, observed in acetylacetone, We wish to report the preparation of bis(2,4-pentaneto 1550 cm.-l in compound I is typical of metal chelates diono)diacetatosilicon(IV) which is representative of a formed with acetylacetonate ligands. new class of hexacoordinate silicon chelate compounds Holm and Cotton6 have reported that the feature of having /3-diketone ligands. the ultraviolet spectra of metal acetylacetonate comSilicon acetylacetonates were first reported by pounds is the very strong absorption band occurring Dilthey,' who prepared a number of derivatives of usually from about 270 to 300 mp with emax generally the tris(2,4-pentanediono)siliconium ion, (CsH702)3Si+, greater than 20,000 1. mole-' cm.-'. The spectrum of I formed by treating silicon tetrachloride with acetylin chloroform solvent shows A,, 279 mp, e 20,041 1. acetone. Salts such as (C5H702)3Si+. HClz- and (C5mole-' cm.-'. This increase in the extinction coeffiHi02)&i+ F e C k were isolated and characterized. The cient over that of acetylacetone (emax 10,600 I. mole-' assigned octahedral structure for this class of chelates cm.- ') is typical of the chelates investigated previ-ously.6 was later confirmed by infrared analysis, partial resoluFurther evidence to support the chelate structure of I tion, and more recently by nuclear magnetic resonance was obtained by carrying out the above-described redata. action at a relatively low temperature. The reaction We have found that use of organocarboxysilanes in temperature was not allowed to exceed 5 " by addition of place of the previously employed tetrachlorosilane leads the acetylacetone in a dropwise manner. After the to the formation of a new class of hexacoordinate addition was complete, the reaction mixture was stirred acetylacetonate silicon derivatives. Tetraacetoxysilane for an additional 15 min. at 0-5". A white, chalky was treated with acetylacetone in a 1 : 2.1 mole ratio in precipitate was obtained. A portion of this material chloroform solvent under a nitrogen atmosphere. was isolated by filtration and dried under reduced A temperature rise of approximately 30-60" was noted pressure (10 mm.) at room temperature, m.p. 150" dec. on mixing the reagents. Subsequent heating of the The infrared spectrum showed no absorption in the reaction mixture at 70" for 2 hr. produced a light yellow 150&1600 or 650-700 cm.-' regions which are indicative solid. Collection of the solid by filtration under sucof bidentate chelation of the acetylacetone group to a tion followed by recrystallization from a chloroformmetal atom. This material (11) may be the diacetoxypetroleum ether mixture gave white, crystalline bis(2,4silyl ester of the normal enolate of acetylacetone. pentanediono)diacetatosilicon(IV) (I), m.p. 178- 180" Anal. Calcd. for ClrHzoO&i: Si, 8.16; equiv. wt., dec. Anal. Calcd. for C14H2008Si:C, 48.82; H, (5) See K . Nakamoto, "Infrared Spectra of Inorganic and Coordina(1) (2) (3) (4)

W. Dilthey, Ber., 36, 926 (1903). R.W e s t , J . A m . Chem. Soc., 80, 3246(1958). S. K . Dahr, V. Doron, and S . Kirschner, ibid., 80, 7 5 3 (1958). R. E. Herter, Chem. Ind. (London), 1397 (1963).

tion Compounds," John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N . Y., 1963, p. 216, and references therein. (6) R. N. Holm and F. A. Cotton, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 80, 5658 ( 19 58).

Communications to the Editor


86.1. Found: Si, 8.14; equiv. wt., 89.3. The remaining material formed at 0-5" was then heated, with stirring, to 70" for 2 hr. Isolation and recrystallization of the resulting product gave a material having an infrared absorption spectrum similar to that summarized for compound I in Table I. Based on the evidence reported in this communication we have assigned structure I to bis(2,4-pentanediono)diacetatosilicon(1V). We believe that this compound 0 II O-C-CH3


g-57%-"3 II






m.p. 132-133",HO;:?, (in mp) 229 ( E 21,500), 276 (E 11,400), and 339 (e 10,500). The n.m.r. spectrum of 2 in CDCl, showed complex absorption between 6.8 and 7.8 p.p.m.; (in cm.-') 3055 (m), 3005 (s), 1620 (s), 1600 (s), 1580 (s), 1490 (m), 1440 (m), 1360 (m), and 1270 (w). The infrared spectrum of 2 was identical with that of an authentic sample4 and the melting point of the mixture was not depressed. The mass spectrum of 4 showed peaks of nearly equal intensity at m / r 258, 257, 230, and 229. This is in agreement with the established fragmentation pattern for 2-phenyltropones in the high mass range5 due to loss of an ortho hydrogen atom of a phenyl substituent from the molecular ion and subsequent loss of carbon monoxide from both the molecular ion and the M - 1 fragment. Reaction of 1 with 3 under similar conditions (reflux period 10.5 hr.) produced 4,5-benzo-2,9-diphenyl-8(N-pyrrolidino)cyclonona-2,4,8-trienone ( 5 ) in 62 yield after similar work-up and isolation by chromatography on Florid, m.p. 136-137" (hexane), Az:x60H (in mp) 227 ( E 25,300), 275 ( E 14,200), and 315 (e 17,200); vZ::Ela 3060 (m), 2995 (s), 2885 (s), 2840 (m), 1620 (s), 1495 (s), 1430 (s), 1345 (m), 1205 (m); mol. wt. (mass spectrum) 405. Anal. Found: C, 85.89; H, 6.84; N, 3.46. The n.m.r. spectrum of 5 in CCl, showed absorption at 6 1.6-1.95 (4 H, multiplet), 2.0-3.0 (4 H, A2Bzpattern), 3.1-3.5 (4 H, multiplet), 6.46 (1 H, broad singlet), and 6.9-7.2 (10 H, multiplet). Structure 5 is the only structure consistent with these data. In view of the known 1,6cycloaddition reactions of 2 with electrophilic olefins,2 the 1,2-cycloaddition reactions of simple enamines with electrophilic olefins,G and the previously reported reactions of cyclopropenones which appear to proceed by cycloaddition to a cyclopropanone intermediate? it would appear that 4 and 5 are formed by initial cycloaddition to the cyclopropanones 6 and 7 followed by elimination of the


(A= C.&I&) CH,3

0 $~~,]--Si[O-C-CH~,It




is the first example of a neutral silicon chelate having P-diketo ligands prepared from a tetrafunctional silicon reagent.' Attempts to separate the possible cis and trans isomers and to resoive the former are underway. Extension of this synthetic route to the preparation of other silicon-0-keto type chelates and an investigation of the chemistry of this new class of hexacoordinate silicon complexes is in progress. (7) West2 has reported the synthesis of the neutral organosilicon chelates, C H ~ S ~ ( C ~ H ~ and O ) ZCsHsSi(CsH?O)zCI, C~ prepared by treatment of methyltrichloro- and phenyltrichlorosilane with acetylacetone.

Ronald M. Pike, Ronald R. Luongo Department of Chemistry, Lowell Technological lnstitute Lowell, Massachusetts Received January 20, 196.5

2 1

Cycloaddition Reaction of Enamines with Diphenylcyclopropenonel Sir: We wish to report a facile condensation of diphenylcyclopropenone (1) with l-diethylamino-1,3-butadiene ( 2 ) . and 2-(N-pyrrolidino)-3,4-dihydronaphthalene(3) +to yield products which appear to be derived from 1,4and l,'-cycloaddition of the enamine to the cyclopropenone, respectively. Addition of 0.447 mmole of freshly distilled 2 2 in 0.5 ml. of benzene to 0.427 mmole of l 3in 0.5 ml. of benzene under a nitrogen atmosphere followed by heating at 80" for 5 hr. produced a redbrown mixture. Dilution with 20 ml. of ethyl ether, extraction with 5 % hydrochloric acid and saturated sodium chloride solution, removal of the solvent, and recrystallization from absolute ethanol afforded 2,7diphenyltropone (4) in 6 8 x yield as yellow plates, (1) This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant N o . GP-1562. (2) S . Hunig and H. Kahanek, Chem. Ber., 90, 238 (1957). ( 3 ) R . Breslow, J . Posner, and A . Krebs, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 234 (1963).


Journal of the American Chemical S o c i e t y


1"': J

5 (4) T. Mukai, Bull. Chem. Sor. Japan, 31, 852 (1958). We wish to thank Professor Mukai for a generous sample of 2,7-diphenyltropone. ( 5 ) J. M. Wilson, et al., Tetrahedron, 19, 2247 (1963). ( 6 ) See, for example: K . C. Brannock, A. Bell, R. D. Burpitt, and C. A . Kelly, J . Org. Chern., 26, 625 (1961); I