Note on the Determination of Cineol - Industrial & Engineering

Publication Date: October 1914. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 1914, 6, 10, 863-864. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article'...
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Oct., 1914


which this heat has to reach the cooling water also increases; ( b ) that the weight per horse-power increases with the size of the cylinder; (c) that useless forces are called into play-useless in that they are either stationary and do no work or even produce negative work. These result from ( I ) the fluid pressure on the cylinder covers, which has to be transmitted through the framing of the engine; ( 2 ) the negative work of the compression stroke, which in single-acting engines produces a reversal of twist in the crankshaft; and (3) the inertia forces resulting from want of balance, and imperfect cushioning. The Fullagar internal combustion engine eliminates these factors, and has besides the advantages of mechanical simplicity and accessibility. The construction, which is shown diagrammatically in Figs. I and 2 , consists in using as a unit two open-ended cylinders side by side, each with two pistons, and rigidly connecting the

to the cylinders by low-pressure air-pumps, which can be driven from the engine by side levers in the ordinary way. I t will a t once be clear that with this construction useless forces are avoided or greatly reduced. There are no cylinder covers or, in fact, any high-pressure joints in the engine. There are no vertical stresses on the framing of the engine a t all. The pressure of the explosion is entirely taken between steel parts -namely, the cross-head, oblique rods, connecting-rods, and crankshaft; and only the secondary reactions of the slippers, from one-fifth to one-twentieth of the explosion forces, reach in a horizofital direction the framing of the engine. The fluid pressure in each cylinder acts a t every moment equally on the two cranks. The main bearings are thus relieved of practically all load, except for the weight of the parts which, acting vertically, is just sufficient to keep the hearings in constant thrust. The action of the explosion in driving apart the pistons -4 and B draws together, by means of the oblique rods, the pistons C and D, compressing the charge between them, so that the negative work of compression is performed, not through the crank and connecting-rods, but directly through the oblique rods, and only the net useful work is transmitted to the crankshaft. The reciprocating parts are cushioned a t each end of every stroke and the balance is perfect, practically all vibration being eliminated. In the course of a report upon tests of a demonstration engine, the results of a thirty hours trial are summarized as follows:

.4verage B . H . P. during thirty hours.. . . . . 510 Power used t o drive the f a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Power indicated in gas-pump, . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Friction of engine and gas-pump . . . . . . . 67 Total (indicated H. P . ) , .

FIG. 1


pistons A to D, and C to B, by means of pairs of oblique rods, external to the cylinders. The action of the engine is as follows: An explosion taking place between A and B drives B down and A up, drawing up D by the oblique rods, and giving, through the two connecting-rods, two equal and opposite impulses to the two cranks. The side thrust produced by the oblique pull is, of course, taken by the crossheads of A and D, which are provided with suitable guides for the purpose. The obliquity of the rods is small, less than the maximum obliquity of the connecting-rods, so that the friction is actually less than would be the case if each piston had its own crank and connecting-rod and the mechanical efficiency of the engine is high. At the ends of their strokes the pistons uncover inlet and exhaust ports in the cylinder walls, as in the Oechelhauser arrangement. The engine works on the two-stroke cycle, and each crank receives, therefore, two impulses per revolution. Air is supplied


NOTE ON T H E DETERMINATION O F CINEOL tion of cineol in the essential oils of eucalyptus and cajeput, based on the relative stability of the former to permanganate solution Since then some rather adverse criticisms of the method have appeared,* which, in the interest of those who may have in' T H I SJ O U R N A L , 4 , 592 ? Per? and E s s O il Record. 3, 295; 4, 348; Schimmel and Co.. Berichte, April, 19 13.



The average consumption of gas per brake horse-power hour was 18.1cubic feet, and the average lower calorific value of the gas was 470 B. T. U. per cubic foot, the volume, both for the engine and the calorimeter, being measured a t the temperature and pressure of the room. This corresponds to a thermal efficiency reckoned on the brake power of just under 30 per cent. This efficiency, he says, is quite satisfactory, being nearly, if not quite, equal to that obtainable under similar conditions from any four-cycle gas-engine now on the market, and probably better than that of any twecycle engine. On account of the rather large amount of power absorbed in the air-pump in these experiments, the ratio of brake horse-power to total indicated horse-power is rather low, being not more than 80 per cent, and the efficiency reckoned on the indicated power is correspondingly high (37.6 per cent). This is due to the high piston speed, and the cylindrical form of combustion chamber, which, together with the comparatively low mean pressure, led him to expect a higher indicated efficiency than has usually been obtained in gas engines hitherto. With the better pumping arrangements proposed in the new design, which would give higher mechanical efficiency, the engine when using coal gas, or any gas with a high calorific value as in the trials now reported on, will, he adds, be exceptionally economical in fuel.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE In a previous article' I described a method for the determina-


Corresponding mean pressure a t 249 R. P. M. Pounds per sq. in. 50.5 4.9 1.4 6.6


clination to try the process, perhaps call for some explanaTion. In the first place, I feel that I can'reasonably disclaim responsibility for the erraric results reported by these experimenters, because they appear to have adopted procedures of their own, using small quantities of oil and neglecting the precaution which I had recommended, namely, the checking of the purity of the cineol obtained in the assay process by the observation of its physical properties.



To take 5 cc. of oil in a “cassia” flask, oxidize with whatever permanganate the flask will hold, and report, without more ado, the volume of unoxidized oil as cineol, is not what I have advised, nor is i t sufficient to ensure useful or reliable results. The examination of the cineol isolated is indispensable, not only for the purpose of detecting any unoxidizable substances, as camphor or paraffins, but also as a check on the completeness of the oxidation; for it not infrequently happens that a n apparently satisfactory oxidation is yet incomplete, owing to some unnoticed irregularities in conditions or manipulation. But it is always possible t o ascertain this, in the manner suggested, and unless this is done the results are inevitably uncertain and devoid of meaning. Umney’ states: “We have shown quite recently that this process is of little value for eucalyptus oils.” This alleged demonstration has, however escaped me, unless he refers to Bennett’s experiments, in which case, I admit, the conclusion would appear t o be well’founded. But if, in a well conducted oxidation, 7 0 per cent of reasonably pure cineol has been isolated, I consider it safe t o assume that the oil in question contains really a t least that amount, for, in the present state of our knowledge, the formation of cineol by oxidation of any other constituent of the oil, must be regarded as improbable. Hence, I maintain t h a t the method, properly executed, cannot give results higher than the truth. It is possible, of course, in a hasty assay, t h a t a 7 0 per cent oil may yield 80 per cent or even 90 per cent of unoxidized product, but examination of the latter will immediately show its impurity, and incidentally the necessity of more careful repetition of the operation. But such results, due to faulty manipulation, should not be held up to the prejudice of the method, any more than in the case of a titration, where one has used an insufficient amount of the reagent. As regards a second criticism,Z that with oils low in cineol a loss occurs by oxidation of the cineol itself, especially in the presence of terpineol, I am quite ready to admit the possibility thereof, as the oxidation of cineol by excess of strong permanganate is a well known reaction. But what interests us here is the relative stability of cineol, and I have endeavored to show, and still hold, that it is possible so to conduct the reaction, that practically all of the oil except the cineol is oxidized with little, if any, loss of the latter. For oils containing less than 50 per cent cineol, however, the method is not to be recommended, as the large amount of reagent and time required make it tedious and impracticable. The increasing alkalinity of the solution also tends to cause a loss of cineol. But as such oils are in general inadmissible for pharmaceutical use, the difficulty is not serious. Modifications of the method have been tried, in the hope of simplifying the procedure, or shortening the time, but no decided improvement has resulted. An acid permanganate solution reacts very quickly, but the results are less uniform. The mixture of permanganate and magnesic sulfate (used to ensure neutrality) is so slow in its action as t o be impracticable. We have found, however, that it is not necessary t o keep the assay very cold, except in the first stages of the oxidation. As the reaction diminishes in vigor, the operation may be conducted at the ordinary temperature without apparent loss of accuracy. As regards the other methods suggested for the determination of cineol, the phosphoric acid and resorcinol processes are, in my experience, of little use in the presence of camphor or terpineol, and i t is exactly these compounds which it is most important to detect. FRANCIS D. DODGE





Schimmel and Co., LOC.cit.

Vol. 6 , No.


THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE GLASS BOTTLE INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES The glass bottle and hollowware industries of the United States have undergone important changes during the last bottle “ season,” and both the automatic and semi-automatic bottle machines have been improved and more widely adopted since the last report on these industries.’ When one considers that the manufacture of glass bottles by the use of machinery has been practiced only twenty years, the status, of the mechanical blower is indeed remarkable. It was in 1882 that Phillip Arbogast was granted a patent wherein the method of prepressing a blank in a mold and then transferring it to another mold to be blown into finished form was claimed. This basic patent was sold t o D. C. Ripley, a flint glass manufacturer of Pittsburgh, Pa., and the process was first put into operation in the early nineties in the manufacture of small wide-mouth ware. It was employed in the production of fruit jars in 1896 and about five years later was first used in the manufacture of narrow-mouth bottles. Automatic machines came into use in 1904. At the present time 172 machines of this type are installed, an increase over last year of 2 1 ; a list of these installations follows: LOCATION AND NUMBER O F AUTOMATIC MACHINES INSTALLED American Bottle Co., Newark, Ohio.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 This company manufactures beer, malt and water bottles. 210 gross of pint beer bottles and 165 gross of quart beer bottles are produced in 24 hours. American Bottle Co., Streator, I l l . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 17 six-arm machines are installed. Each machine produces 140 gross of quart beer bottles a n d 170 gross of pint beer bottles in 24 hours. 7 tena r m machines, each of which will make 150 gross of quarts or 230 gross of pints in 24 hours, make up the remainder of the equipment. 11 Ball Brothers, Muncie, I n d . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This firm manufactures fruit jars. 14 Charles Boldt Glass Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All kinds of liquor ware. 4 Dominion Glass Co., Montreal, C a n a d a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General line. 4 Dominion Glass Co., Hamilton, Ontario.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General line. 3 Dominion Glass Co., Wallaceburg, Ontario., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beer bottles and flasks. 1 Dominion Glass Co., Redcliffe, Alberta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beer bottles. 1I Hazel-Atlas Company, Washington, Pa.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General line. 3 Hazel-Atlas Company, Clarksburg, W. V a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General line. 3 Heinz Company, Sharpsburg. P a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Condiment wares. 22 Illinois Glass Co., Aiton, I l l . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liquor, prescription a n d packers’ wares. Total number of machines to be installed, 24. 5 Illinois Glass Co., Gas City, I n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General line of prescription and liquor ware. 2 Northwestern Company, Toledo, Ohio,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catsup a n d brandy bottles. 1 Owens Automatic Bottle Co., Toledo, Ohio.. ........................ Experimental plant. Owens Bottle Co. Fairmont W V a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Liquor, cats;p a n d grape-;uice bottles. T h e 12 machines installed are all of the ten-arm type. T h e o u t p u t is as follows: 4-ounce grape-juice bottles 360 gross in 24 hours; 9-ouncecatsup bottles, 220 gross in 24 hours; 16-oun;e grape-juice bottles, 195-200 gross in 24 hours. 5 Owens Eastern Bottle Co., Clarksville, W. V a . . ..................... Oval, round, square a n d flat prescription bottles, panels a n d other small ware. 4 Thatcher-Baldwin Company, Elmira, N. Y.. ....................... Milk jars. 4 Thatcher-Baldwin Company, Streator, Ill. ......................... Milk jars. E a c h of the machines installed turns out about 100 gross of quart or 130 gross of pint milk bottles in 24 hours. 4 Thatcher-Baldwin Company, Kane, P a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milk jars. Each machine produces 7 5 gross of quarts, 90 gross of pints, or 100 gross of 1/2 pints in 24 hours. 7 Whitney Glass Co., Glassboro, N. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medicine bottles.

The small ware output of the Owens machine is as follows: */2-ounce round prescriptions, 60 per minute; I -ounce round prescriptions, 5 2 per minute; 2-ounce round prescriptions, 48 per minute; 4-ounce round prescriptions, 40 per minute; 8-ounce round prescriptions, 36 per minute; I 6-ounce round prescriptions, 28 per minute; and gz-ounce round prescriptions, 1 8 per 1 See Hamor, THISJOURNAL, 6, 951. On the glasses from which bottles are made, see Hamor, A m . Druggist, 62, 29; THISJOURNAL,6 , 509.