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Note on the Determination of Strontium and Lithium in Water

OF INDUSTRIAL. AND ENGINEERING. CHEMISTRY. Vol. 9, No. 6 general conclusions as to the composition of menhaden oil would not have been changed...
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general conclusions as t o t h e composition of menhaden oil would not have been changed. As t o t h e usefulness of this method, I know of no other way of determining t h e composition of a mixt u r e of solid f a t t y acids of more t h a n two constituents, especially where only a small quantity is available. Even with large quantities, though it might be possible by means of numerous fractional precipitations or distillations t o separate some of each of t h e constituents in a pure s t a t e , a quantitative result can never be obtained in this way. WYOMING, OHIO


There are probably no determinations in water analysis which on t h e whole require more time and work t h a n those of strontium and lithium. Several years ago while cobperating with t h e Referee on Water -1nalysis for t h e Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. t h e methods which are now official for strontium and lithium were tested. The great amount of time a n d work required for these determinations led t h e writer somewhat later t o inrestigate t h e accuracy of indirect methods which were sound in theory a n d which, with careful work, must prove accurate provided there was a really determinable amount of strontium or lithium present; t h a t is, a n amount that would not be too seriously affected b y t h e experimental error unavoidable in t h e most careful work. This investigation led t o t h e conclusion t h a t t h e indirect methods employed were as accurate as t h e official methods a n d t h e time a n d labor saved was a matter of considerable importance. I t is self-evident t h a t pure preciptates a n d careful work are necessary for indirect methods, t h e lack of which has undoubtedly had much t o do with the unfavorable opinion many chemists entertain relative t o them. I t is believed t h a t a brief statement of the methods will b e of general interest t o water analysts a n d others who have occasion t o determine strontium and lithium, as they differ materially from other indirect methods t h a t have been proposed, a t least in their application t o t h e separation of calcium and strontium and t h e extent t o which they are carried in t h e separation of t h e alkalies. I n t h e brief statement which follows, no details of procedure will be given as they should be perfectly familiar t o any analyst of reasonable experience. The official method (Stromeyer-Rose) for t h e determination of strontium begins with t h e weighed oxides of calcium a n d strontium (CaO and SrO). These are dissolved in nitric acid and brought t o dryness, t h e separation of strontium depending upon t h e insolubility of strontium nitrate in alcohol-ether mixture. The writer’s method is as follows: Dissolve t h e weighed oxides in hydrochloric acid and precipitate again as oxalates as in t h e first case; filter, wash, dis-

Vol. 9, No. 6

solve in sulfuric acid and titrate with standard KMnOa, noting t h e exact volume of K h I n 0 4 required. If T i ’ = weight of CaO a n d SrO. 0 = total oxygen in CaO a n d SrO (found b y t h e titration with KAln04). X = 0 in CaO. Y = 0 in SrO. Then ,Y E’ = 0 (1) and 3.j044X 6.4769Y = T I 7 (2) Solving for Y ,determine SrO (6.4769Y) then W - SrO = CaO. When t h e value of E‘ is found, in order t o get 6.4 7 69SrO a constant factor occurs which is 6.4769 - 3.5044 or 2 . 1 j 9 . Consequently i t is not necessary t o solve these equations in order t o get t h e weight of SrO, which is obtained as follows: - CaO equivalent of K h f n 0 4 titration) 2 . 1 7 9 = SrO. (3) I n order t o test t h e accuracy of t h e above method, pure C a C 0 3 equivalent to 0.9954 g. CaO and S r C 0 3 equivalent t o 0.1000 SrO were dissolved i n hydrochloric acid a n d made up t o 500 cc.; 50 cc. aliquots equivalent t o 0.09954 g. CaO and 0.0100 g. SrO were used, giving t h e results shown in Table I.






+ SrO-

CaO Equivalent


Found of KMnOd Present A-0. Present 0.1048 0.0100 1 . 0 1095 0.1095 0.1096 0.1052 0.0100 2 0.1095 3 0.1095 0.1096 0 1049 0.0100 4. 0.1095 0.1096 0 1051 0.0100 5(a) 0.1095 0.1097 0 1052 0.0100 ( a ) Precipitated in presence of magnesium chloride.

...... . .

........ .... ...

Found 0.0102 0,0096 0.0102 0.0098 0.0099

The oxalates were washed with a l/2 per cent solution of ammonium oxalate in all cases. Those which were t o be titrated were finally washed with 1 5 cc. of cold water in 5 - c ~ portions . dropped from a pipette around t h e t o p of t h e filter fast enough t o cover t h e precipitate. letting t h e filter run dry between each washing. This amount of washing with water is sufficient for aliquots containing approximately 0.0300 g. of oxides and it is not advisable t o have much larger aliquots for titration nor t o use more water in washing, otherwise strontium oxalate will be dissolved. If t h e double oxides weigh more t h a n 0.0500 g., aliquots should be taken for t h e K M n 0 4 titration. The KMnOl should not be stronger t h a n N/Io. The Official Method for t h e determination of lithium (Gooch) begins with t h e weighed chlorides (NaC1, KC1 and LiC1) a n d depends upon t h e insolubility of sodium and potassium chloride in absolute amyl alcohol. The writer’s method is t o make t h e solution in water of t h e weighed chlorides of sodium, potassium a n d lithium u p t o convenient volume. Take a n aliquot for t h e determination of K from which KC1 a n d t h e C1 in t h e same becomes known. Another aliquot is titrated with standard AgN03 from which t h e total C1 is obtained. If T.T’ = weight of S a C l KC1 LiC1. C = weight of total chlorine (as found b y titration with AgNO3). CZ in NaCl LiCl = C - CZ in KC1. X = Cl in XaC1 and Y = CZ in LiC1.




June, 1917

1 H E J O C R N A L 0F IiV D U S T RI A L A N D E nTGILVE E RI llr G C H E M I S T R Y

+ +

S Y = C - Cl in KC1 (I). Then, 1.6486X I . I g j 7 Y = W - KC1 ( 2 ) . and Solving for Y find weight of LiCl (1.1957Y) in getting t h e weight of LiCl from Y a constant factor occurs, v i e . , I .192-_ or 2.64, a n d as in t h e case of strontium 1.6486- 1.1957 it is not necessary t o solve t h e equations. T h e weight of LiCl is obtained as follows: The NaCl equivalent of C - CZ in KC1 - ( W KC1) multiplied b y 2 . 6 4 = LiCl (3). I n order t o test the accuracy of t h e method, 0.5000 g. NaC1, 0.1000 KC1 a n d 0.0100 LiCl were dissolved i n water a n d diluted t o I O O cc. Spectroscopic tests showed a small quantity of potassium in t h e sodium chloride and a trace of sodium in t h e potassium chloride. This was immaterial since no lithium was shown in either t h e sodium chloride or potassium chloride nor was there a n y lithium in t h e calcium and magnesium chlorides used, b u t a small quantity of sodium a n d a trace of potassium were indicated in both. The results appear in Table 11. TABLE11-DETERMINATION OF LITHILW(RESULTSIN GRAMS) Lrtxrm Expt. KCI h-aC1 LiCl LiCl NO. Present Found Present Found 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . 6 1 0 0 0.6098 0.0101) 0.0106 2 ( a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.1525 0.1569 0,0023 0,0025 ( a ) Determination in a solution containing calcium and magnesium chlorides



The determination of lithium by this method is based upon two other definite determinations, potassium a n d chlorine, t h a n which, in t h e hands of a skilful analyst a n d under t h e conditions of this method, no determinations are more accurate. T h e only other factor affecting t h e accuracy of t h e method is a n impurity in t h e weighed chlorides and under ordinary conditions this can result only from careless work or inexperience. KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY



Received February 2, 1917

T h e presence of chlorides in solutions on which nitrate determinations are t o be made by t h e colorimetric method has long been a source of trouble t o t h e analytical chemist. When nitrates are present in large amounts in solutions containing chlorides, determinations can very easily be made b y t h e use of some of t h e reduction methods. Since, however, determinations for nitrates are often called for in solutions i n which t h e amounts present are small, the quantity of ammonia produced by t h e reduction of t h e nitrates is of such magnitude as t o often introduce It is a considerable error due t o manipulation. under such conditions t h a t t h e phenoldisulfonic acid method for nitrate determination is often employed, a n d in t h e absence of chlorides has been found t o be sufficiently accurate a n d expeditious. T h e effect of chlorides on nitrate determinations has been t h e subject of some s t u d y a n d has been duly reported in chemical papers. It is not deemed necessary t o review here t h e literature on t h e subject. Suffice


i t t o mention some of t h e results of the more important investigations. ( I ) Chlorides cause losses of nitrates in determinations made b y t h e phenoldisulfonic acid method. ( 2 ) The loss of nitrates is not occasioned b y t h e evaporation of t h e aqueous solution t o dryness prior t o t h e addition of t h e phenoldisulfonic acid. (3) The loss of nitrates occurs when t h e phenoldisulfonic acid is added t o t h e residue from t h e evaporated solution. (4) T h e use of precipitants t o remove t h e chlorides prior t o t h e evaporation of t h e aqueous extract is recommended for accurate determinations. ( 5 ) T h e use of calcium oxide a n d also calcium carbonate for t h e clarification of aqueous extracts, especially from soils, is recommended as a precipitant t h a t is both efficient a n d non-interfering in t h e nitrate determinations. The result of investigations, t h e conclusions of which have been briefly stated above, indicates t h a t t h e presence of chlorides interferes with t h e reactions a t a certain point in t h e process of the determinationsnamely, when t h e acid a n d dry salt containing t h e nitrates a n d chlorides come into contact. This results in t h e production of heat with t h e liberation of both chlorine a n d nitric acid, a n d t h u s interferes with t h e proper reaction of t h e latter with t h e phenoldisulfonic acid. Working on the principles enunciated by the investigators studying t h e colorimetric method of nitrate determinations, i t occurred t o me t o t r y a method b y which total evaporation of t h e nitratebearing solution t o dryness could be obviated together with t h e necessity of adding t h e acid t o t h e dry residue. Since t h e phenoldisulfonic acid reagent is a mixture of sulfuric acid and phenoldisulfonic acid i t seems t h a t t h e proper condition for t h e reaction of t h e phenoldisulfonic acid a n d t h e nitrates is in a sulfuric acid solution. By t h e addition of sulfuric acid t o t h e nitratecontaining solution, a condition is brought about by which t h e complete evaporation t o dryness of t h e aqueous solution may be obviated. When t h e phenoldisulfonic acid is then added t o t h e acid-treated nitrate solutions some nitrophenoldisulfonic acid is formed. T h e complete reaction, however, will t a k e place when t h e proper concentration of t h e solution has been attained. T o attain this concentration a n d t o employ temperature t o accelerate t h e reaction of t h e nitrates a n d t h e phenoldisulfonic acid is t h e purpose of t h e partial evaporation t o which t h e samples are subjected. I n making nitrate determinations one must remember t h a t t h e theoretical reaction t h a t elucidates t h e principle of t h e method goes t o completion for quantitative determination only when a n excess of phenoldisulfonic acid is used. Therefore, proper care should be taken in t h e preparation of t h e sample t h a t t h e amount of nitrate present in t h e sample be neither too large nor too small t o introduce measurable error due t o t h e excessive or insufficient use of a given measure of t h e required acid reagents. Too much acid may seriously affect t h e accuracy of t h e determinations of samples in which t h e nitrate content is small.