Notes. 3-Deoxy Progestins - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (ACS

3-Deoxy Progestins. Arvin Shroff. J. Med. Chem. , 1969, 12 (3), pp 548–549. DOI: 10.1021/jm00303a627. Publication Date: May 1969. ACS Legacy Archive...
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acid'" ( 2 . 7 3 g ) was heated in vacuo at 130" (bath temperature) for 2..i hr. The product was dissolved in CKCl,, washed ( 1 O C ; KaIlC03), dried (JIgSOi), concentrated, and re (petrolerim ether, bp 4 0 - 6 0 O ) : yield 1.18 g ( 7 0 : ; ) . mp 68-69", ir ICCl..) 1750 cni-'. Anal. (CJ-1340,) C, €1. 5-Hydroxy-6-oxooctadecanoicAcid &Lactone (3).--A solution i ) f t-biityl alcohol (1186 mg) and Cr03 (493 m g ) in petroleum ether it)p 40-60') was dried (Ka?S04)and treated with :I solrition ( i f t lie h!-~li,oxylac~toiie(397 nig) in petroleiim ether (150 1111). The iiiirtrire \viis allowed t~ ,qtand in a btoppered f l a k for 70 hr. It was [hen kept at refliix for 4 hr, cooled, and t x a t e d with H20 (:3,> nil) and oxalic wid ( c n . O..? g), then with H~SO.,(1 inl) and Ac0l-I ( 2 nil). Thr mixtlire was shaken for 43 min, and the aqueoris 1:tyer was separated and extracted with petiulemi ether. The combined were washed (lO(;;, SaHCOI, J f i O j, di,ieti (Na,SO,), xnd conceiitrated t o give a slo~vlysolidifyiiig br[iwn oil(36~rn::j,\yhich~vanre llized (petroleum ether, bp 40-60"); yield 2 3 mg (4 '; ir ICCl,) 1760, l i 2 . i Dm-'. Alnal. (Cl8H,,OI) C, Dimethyl Myristoy1succinale.-A s o l u h i i of methyl .'j~ ~ s ~ ~ h e s n t l r c ~ a(2.13 n o a tge)~in ~ JteOH (13 nil) was added to a h(iliiiion of Xa ( I Z 3 rng) in h1eOI-l (13 d j , stirred at worn teniprratirre for .5 hi,, and then methyl hmnioacetate (1.13 g j 15-a.q :ititled. Stirring TV:W continiied for 30 hr. The mistrire w c~oirce~iti~ated, diluted with EhO, mid washed (HCl, JLO, 10 XaHCOa). The dried (Ka2SOr) ,solution was concenirated give a solid (1.S2 g ) which was treated with charcoal in CCL a1111 recrystallized (petroleum ether, bp 40-60"); yield 800 iiig ( 3 0 ' ; ): inp 40-47.5', ati,sorptioii peaks (ir, rinir) as expected. .Inn/. ICr,J1360jjC', II. 3-HydroxymethyI-3-methoxycarbon~~-4-oxoheptadecanoic Acid siispension of the InS'ricotoyljiicciiiate (1.07 g j -/-Lactone (4).--->% in JleOll (20 nil) was stirred at room eratiire foi, 1 h r with olution was adjusted I .V S a O f l (:;.O nil). The resulting cl to p l l 0 with FI,SO4, treated with l o r ; NaFICCh ( 3 nil) and :iqireoris 40('; HCI-IO (5.0 ml), antl stirred at, room temperature f o i , 4s hi.. The soliitioii was diluted with EhO, wnfihed (I-I,SOa, ]I&), dried (Ka?SO4), and concent,rated t,o give an oil (1.00 K). This was stirred with 2 5 5 , I1C1 (3.5 ml) at room temperature for 4.5 h r :ind extracted with I