Notes and Correspondence: Deterioration of Mineral Oils—II

main poor and, while the author had no intention of making more than a general survey, the criticism may still be made that the choice of processes de...
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June. 1928


O h en est la Chimie Industrielle. BY A. CHAPLET. 288 pages. Gauthier-Villars et Cie., Paris, 1928. Price, 25 francs.

This is one of a series of French publications under the collective title of “Collection des Mises au Point,” intended to convey to the man of “cultivation and intelligence” a general idea of the common processes of industrial chemistry. The book is written in easy conversational style, with avoidance, as far as possible, of technical chemical terms, symbols, and equations. It is intended, one should surmise, to furnish in the French language, about the same class of information concerning chemical industry that some of the literature put out by our Chemical Foundation furnishes to the man who knows little about chemistry. The book is not without mistakes; the illustrations are in the main poor and, while the author had no intention of making more than a general survey, the criticism may still be made that the choice of processes described might to advantage have been wiser. On the whole this book will not interest either the American chemist or the American of “cultivation and intelligence,” unless it be to brush up on his technical French, as he will find much more accurate and readable descriptions of the same procCUNO esses in American literature.-CHAs.


Vom Laboratoriumspraktikum zur praktischen Wtirmetechnik. Eine Art Lehrbuch fur technische Experimentieren Beobachten und Denken in der Energienutzung. Monographien zur Feuerungs-technick, Band 10. BY C. BLACHER.328 pages. Otto Spamer, Leipzig, 1928. Price, paper, 17 marks; bound, 18.50 marks. The title completely describes the content of the monograph. Intended to present to students of technological schools the fundamentals of heat engineering, the monograph presents each phase of this field of engineering in a comprehensible, full, and clear manner. 1Vritten by a chemical engineer, the chemistry of each phase is emphasized. In general, each phase is completely discussed in the following manner: After a general discussion of the theories involved, a description is given of a simple laboratory desk experiment which emphasizes the fundamentals by the use of simple equipment but in which are used the most modern and accurate testing devices for obtaining data on operation. Then follows a discussion of plant practice and equipment. The book contains twenty-five select tables of data and eighty-nine schematic drawings of modern plant and laboratory equipment together with detailed descriptions. The book is divided into four parts-viz., the fundamentals of heat engineering, generator gases, energy transformations, and technical control organization. Topics such as heat values of fuels, utilization of heat, heat losses and heat balances, heat transfer, hydrodynamics, temperature measurement and control, boiler mater investigation, etc., constitute the first section;


this is well presented. The section on energy transformations is a treatise combining the practical with the theoretical.FRANK C. VILBRAXDT Das Kieselsiiuregel und die Bleicherden. BY OSCARKAIJSCH. 292 pages. Julius Springer, Berlin, 1927. Price, 29 marks. This book contains reference t o most of the literature of silica gels and earthy materials suitable for bleaching. Little attempt has been made to give critical treatment, and thus the work is of small value t o a reader who is unacquainted with the field. The experienced worker will find it convenient as a guide t o sources which may have escaped his notice. A large number of non-German names appear misspelled, and the reviewer finds several incorrect patent numbers.-JAMEs G. VAIL Fortschritte in der anorganisch-chemischen Industrie. Third Volume 192447,First Section. Published by ADOLF BRAUER AND J. D’ANs. Prepared with the assistance of JOSEF REITSTOTTER and others. 300 pages. Julius Springer, Berlin, 1928. Price, 36 marks. This review of the last few years’ progress in a section of the inorganic chemical industry is prepared on the basis of the German patents issued in 1924-27. The subjects covered are: hydrogen, halogens and their compounds, muriatic acid and salt cake, oxygen and ozone, per compounds, sulfur and selenium (the elements alone), and sulfurous acid, including sulfur dioxide and sulfur-burning. The compilation is made in the careful manner characteristic of this work, and the mechanical makeup is excellent. This is a valuable and time-saving reference work for those interested in keeping up with the latest advances in the technology of the subjects covered.-FRED C. ZEISBERG

New Books American Refractories Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. : Bulletin 18. Refractories in Power Plants. R . A. SHERMAN.5 pp. Bullelin 19. Heat Penetration in Refractories. M. C . BOOZE. 3 pp. Bulletin 20. Segregation in Srorage Bins. C. E. BALES. 3 pp, Civcular 1. Some Notes on the Fuel Ratios in the Firing of Refractories. G . A . BOLE. 4 pp. Bulletin 21. Future Progress in the Field of Refractories. STUART BI. PHELPS. 7 p p . Technologic Paper 5. Some Refractories Which Are in a Developmental Stage. G. A. BOLE. 13 pp. Price, 50 cents. Chemie der Bau- und Betriebsstoffe des Dampfkesselwesens. R . STUMPER. 309 pp. Julius Springer, Berlin. Price, 24 marks. Investigation of Web Stresses in Reinforced Concrete Beams. Part IIRestrained Beams. FRANKE.RICHART A N D LOUISJ. LARSON. Bullefin 175, Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 76 pp. Price, 45 cents.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE Deterioration of Mineral Oils-I1 Editor of Industrial a n d Engineering Chemistry: You recently published an article by Brian Mead and Collaborators entitled, “Deterioration of Mineral Oils. II-Mechanism of Oxidation and Action of Negative Catalysis as Determined by Static Methods” [IND.ENG.CHEM.,19,1240 (1927)l. That work is similar to that which I did in collaboration with Charles Dufraisse and Rene Chaux and which took the form of a communication to the Fifth Congress of Industrial Chemistry (Paris 1925), a note to Comptes refidus d e l’academie des sciences, 184, 413 (1927); two accounts in Chimie et industrie, 17, 531 (1927), 18, 3 (1927); and a note to Annales de l’ofice des combustibles lipuides, 2nd year, pt. 2, 233 (1927). In the first place, the results obtained by Mr. LMeadand by us are entirely comparable, and furthermore, the method which he has employed to follow the course of the oxidation is the one we used six years ago [Compt rend., 174, 258 (1922)l for our researches on antioxygens.

It is therefore with astonishment that we find that no mention of our work has been made in this article. On the contrary, on our part, we did not fail [ C h i m i e et industrie, 18, 3 (1927)l to cite the preliminary communication that he made on the subject a t CHEMICAL SOCIETY, the Philadelphia meeting of the AMERICAN CHARLES XOUREU September, 1926. LABORATOIRE DE CHIMIE ORGANIQUE DE FRANCE COLLBGE PARIS,FRANCE January 21, 1928 .....,.....,..

Editor of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Those who work in the field of antioxygens owe a great debt to Doctor Moureu and his associates for their fundamental work. I gladly acknowledge my debt to them and regret that in the final revision of the manuscript no mention was made of their work. HUMBLEOIL & REFININGCOMPANY BRIANMEAD BAYTOWN, TEXAS February 28. 1928
