Notes and Correspondence: Platinum Wanted by the Government

Section VI—All licenses shall be issued in the name of the. Director of the Bureau of Mines and countersigned by the War. Industries Board, and shal...
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Oct., 1918



,+-Producing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, either as a primary product or as a by-product of smelting or refining. 5-Manufacturing electrical appliances and, or, parts thereof containing platinum, iridium, or palladium or compounds thereof. 6-Manufacturing surgical appliances and X-Ray apparatus containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof. 7-Manufacturing chemical apparatus and reagents of all kinds containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof. 8-Conducting or operating chemical laboratories in which platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof are used. 9-Manufacturing scientific instruments containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof. Io---Manufacturing and, or, distributing dental supplies containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof. I I-Manufacturing and, or, dealing in jewelry containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof. rz--Manufacturing or producing any article or product not mentioned above where such business requires more than one ounce Troy per month of platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof. SECTION IV-Applications for licenses shall be made under oath to any licensing agent duly authorized under the Act of October 6, 1917, as provided in the regulations issued under this Act. SECTION V-Every applicant for a license will be required t o submit with his application a sworn inventory of all plaiinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, in his possession or control; and every licensee will be required to submit at such times as may be designated by the War Industries Board a sworn inventory of his holdings of platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, in whatever form they may be. The Director of the Bureau of Mines a t the request of the War Industries Board may at any time require from any user or possessor a detailed sworn inventory of any and all materials held by him containing platinum, iridium, palladium, or compounds thereof, and such inventory must be furnished promptly upon receipt of such requirement. SECTION VI-All licenses shall be issued in the name of the Director of the Bureau of Mines and countersigned by the War Industries Board, and shall be, and remain, subject to the following conditions: (A) Each license shall contain such appropriate conditions as the Bureau of Mines through the War Industries Board may impose. (B) The Bureau of Mines through the War Industries Board may change the conditions of the license from time to time, as it may deem necessary. (C) Records shall be kept by each licensee of all his sales, purchases, and other transfers of platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, and of articles containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, with the names and addresses of the purchasers, sellers, and, or, transferees, and the quantities involved, which records shall be open a t all reasonable times to the duly authorized representatives of the Director of the Bureau of Mines. (D) Any and all platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, acquired under the authority of such license, shall be used strictly for the purposes and in the manner stated in such license. (E) Upon request of the War Industries Board, the licensee shall report the prices a t which sales of his products containing platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, are being made, and the right to prohibit further sale of such articles a t prices deemed exorbitant by it is reserved to the War Industries Board.

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SECTION VII-Any licenses issued hereunder may be revoked for violation of any of these regulations, or for violation of any of the conditions contained in such license, or if such revocation is deemed necessary or advisable for purposes of the National Security and Common Defense. SECTION VIII-The War Industries Board will, upon request, furnish a list of Government agents or licensees authorized to purchase platinum, iridium, or compounds thereof. Neither the United States nor its representatives will assume any responsibility, financial or otherwise, where sales are made to licensees. SECTION IX-The prices a t which platinum, iridium, or palladium will be purchased by a duly authorized agent of the United States or by such licensee as may be authorized to purchase or sell platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, will be such prices as may be determined by the proper Governmental agency authorized to determine such prices. SECTION X-Whenever such Government agents and such licensees as may be authorized to purchase platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, shall refuse to purchase the same from any person who is compelled by these regulations to sell the same, or is forbidden by these regulations to possess or use the same then such person shall promptly notify the Platinum Section, War Industries Board, Washington, D. C. SECTION XI-These regulations shall not operate to relieve’ any person upon whom an order requisitioning platinum, iridium, or palladium, or compounds thereof, may have been or may hereafter be served, from any obligation imposed upon him b y such order. SECTION XII-These regulations are supplemental and amendatory to the regulations heretofore issued under the Explosives Act of October 6, 1917. PLATINUM WANTED BY THE GOVERNMENT Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Replying to your letter of recent date I beg to advise you t h a t the Government is desirous of procuring platinum and will receive deposits of that metal in any form and in any amount. Payment will be made a t the rate of $105 per ounce after the value has been determined by melt and assay and nominal charges to cover the cost of determining the value of the deposits are deducted. I have designated the United ?tates Assay Office a t New York as the Government institution to receive deposits of platinum. Packages should be sent to the following address: THESUPERINTENDENT, UNITEDSTATES ASSAYOFFICI^, NEW YORK,N. Y. (Signed) R. T. BAKER Director of the M i n t


BEILSTEIN’S HANDBUCH DER ORGANISCHEN CHEMIE Editor of the Journal of Industrial alzd Engineering Chemistry: I will be one of 1000 to pay not to exceed $50 for a copy of Beilstein. I believe you could readily procure sufficient subscribers to such an undertaking. Why ask anyone to donate $30,000?


SOUTHBEND,INDIANA September 12, 1918


Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: I have noticed with much interest your editorial in the last number of the JOURNAL on the subject of reprinting Beilstein, and I might say that my patriotic sentiments are not entirely outraged by your suggestion, but I would go you one better and suggest the photographing and reprinting of Friedlander, or